Thread: NCF Creatures - gallery and poll | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
posted February 05, 2008 01:03 AM |

Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted February 05, 2008 01:20 AM |

Supreme Hero
posted February 05, 2008 01:46 AM |
Yay! Thanks magno!

Famous Hero
posted February 05, 2008 03:05 AM |
Hehehe...the pie chart reminds me of a nuclear warning symbol. Nice job, but at times it annoying to have to use the arrow keys and you end up skipping a picture. I thing a plain old slideshow might have been better.
If you maybe make there be a next picture icon, it would be like a slideshow anyway...
Oh well. Great job though.

Famous Hero
creature maker.
posted February 05, 2008 05:05 AM |
wow realy good work 
my favorites are:
1. enchanter!
2. planeswalker!
3. arcane blades!
i realy like the basilisk to.

Famous Hero
The efreet
posted February 05, 2008 08:16 AM |
1. Firebird/Thunderbird
2. Black/Apocalypse knight
3. Plague Treant

Supreme Hero
posted February 05, 2008 09:14 AM |
Thanks all!
Quote: Hehehe...the pie chart reminds me of a nuclear warning symbol. Nice job, but at times it annoying to have to use the arrow keys and you end up skipping a picture. I thing a plain old slideshow might have been better.
If you maybe make there be a next picture icon, it would be like a slideshow anyway...
Oh well. Great job though.
When more NCF creatures come out and I need to update this to display all of them (e.g. ToK), I'll have to use 2 slideshows, one under the other, so hopefully I should be able to space them all out a bit so that it's easier to view one single creature.

Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted February 05, 2008 09:17 AM |
Can't seem to find the daughters of shadow/chaos/night. Can somebody point me too them. If they are finished probably going to download them
Message received.

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted February 05, 2008 09:19 AM |
Thanks GM! But what in the name of Krohn is going on with my Basilisk in that screenshot?

Famous Hero
NCF Blacksmith
posted February 05, 2008 09:23 AM |
Edited by TSoD at 09:26, 05 Feb 2008.
Wonderful ! Well done guys !
My choice :
1) Stone Keepers - Dark Guards - Guadians of Shadows
2) Fallen Angels - Angels of Chaos - Angels of Apocalypse
3) Lost Souls - Raging Souls - Damned Souls
All this creature are avaible here :
Go on this page every week ! They are more and more creatures every week !
the complete and homogen NCF

Supreme Hero
posted February 05, 2008 09:44 AM |
Quote: Thanks GM! But what in the name of Krohn is going on with my Basilisk in that screenshot?
Oh that's right, I meant to say, something about them doesn't work for me (and the shadows are wrong for the armoured upgrade)...??? Possibly a result of LOD geometry / skeleton being combined with non-LOD animation...? (I had a similar problem and I think this was what was causing it!)

Famous Hero
posted February 05, 2008 10:41 AM |
I like all creatures who are not just a recoloring of other creatures.
I mean, there are recolored Angels, Thanes, Wolves, Rune Priests.
I'm sorry but these are not that great.
The rest like the Blades, Thunderbird, Planeswalker, Basilisk are really cool.

Adventuring Hero
and happy about it
posted February 05, 2008 10:58 AM |
My favourite is Worg, simply because I havent found any other of those new neutrals from maps (No wait, I did see Ballista once, but only in adventure map)

Famous Hero
servant of urgash
posted February 05, 2008 12:10 PM |
hey i got one problem with NCF i had that mod pack but these new creatures doenst show at all and i use that special bin to play? btw where i can download those angels
A Nightmare from below.A hero from Within


Hired Hero
posted February 05, 2008 01:16 PM |
Ok here is my review, sorry if I might sound harsh sometimes, I know that the modders put a lot of work into it:
I like them, new model(unused one) for the suzaku, qnd the lightning effects on the thuderbird are ok.
Stat wise they are fine.
Plague Treant:
Model reimported from the beta, well themed creature, I like them
Black Knight/Apocalypse knight:
The model for the black knight is slightly different if I am not mistaken, the abilities are ok.
Undead cyclop:
Ok with it, it is an "official" creature anyway.
I like having them as creatures, they are fine statwise
Usually I don t like new creatures that are just recoloration, but in their case I am ok with them. Sadly, I ended removing them because they are completely overpowered for their level.
Arcanes blades/upg1/upg2
Nice idea, using only weapons and effects is a bit like having a new model. Unfortunately I can t say much about them, I put the mod in my mod folder, but they never showed up as neutrals. (actually, only the creatures from the initial nelgrith pack seems to work in my game)
I don t really like creatures that only looks like recoloring, so I didn t downloaded them.
Tide elemental/Ice:
Looks like a lot to the water counterpart, I don't use them.
Storm elem/wind:
must have missed them
Fallen Angel/upg1/upg2:
I don't like the colors and it doesn t look like fallen angels for me, I don't use them.
Daughter of shadows/upg1/upg2:
Don't like the color theme, but I like the fact that the modder tweked the texture so that they looks like they are wearing snake skin. Don't use them though.
Stone keeper/ipg1/upg2
Still don't like these colors, so I don't use them.
Very good work with the texture tweaking; intelligent recoloring, effect added in the hood. But the random monster generator doesn't put them in my games 
Sun warrior:
I don't like the big big sword with the small guy, I don't use them. But congratulation to the guy that found how to attach the sword to the footman model, it started the generation of "custom assembly models".
It is cool to bring them into the battlefield. I don't use them though, because in their thread it seemed that they were lacking some sounds, I will wait for a finished version.
Very good.
Kinda overpowered, I don't use them.
Good model, but I read that they were missing animations, and it doesn't seem it can be fixed, so I don't use it.
Don't know this one.
Animated protector:
Don't know either.
For my favorites I would put
3.plague treant
Ironically I didn't get to see the first 2 in an actual game

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted February 05, 2008 01:44 PM |
Just to let you know: the Basilisk mod is finished. All the sounds are there, it's just with the death animation you can hear the Dark Rider's voice. I'm not going to bother updating that, it's too complicated to mod

Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted February 05, 2008 05:57 PM |
Cool ... many good ones, but my favorites:
1. Thunderbird - simply stunning.
2. Undead Cyclops
3. Templar
What will happen now?

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted February 05, 2008 06:28 PM |
Edited by radar at 18:29, 05 Feb 2008.
First, thank you G_M for coming up with such interesting idea.
As a modder, I can judge the creatures from a little different point of view.
But I must admit that personally I use very few creatures because of their imba capabilities. Or I'm just nerfing their stats if I like their look.
Though Morrock's creatures are real masterpiece of recolouring and effect switching, they are out of my judgement, simple because I'm tired of 'hey,-look-how-entirely-blackkkkkkkkkk-and-evil-we-are' projects.
My favourites:
1. Heretic
2. Basilisk
3. Sun Warrior.
And thank you for all votes for my creatures, glad you like'em. 
edit: if you can't find new NCF creatures on your map, be sure you updated it to 1.1 version.

Supreme Hero
posted February 05, 2008 07:04 PM |
Arcanes blades/upg1/upg2
Nice idea, using only weapons and effects is a bit like having a new model. Unfortunately I can t say much about them, I put the mod in my mod folder, but they never showed up as neutrals. (actually, only the creatures from the initial nelgrith pack seems to work in my game)
Radar is right of course (no problem, btw ), this sounds exactly like what would happen if you hadn't downloaded the new NCF (version 1.1).
Sun warrior:
I don't like the big big sword with the small guy, I don't use them. But congratulation to the guy that found how to attach the sword to the footman model, it started the generation of "custom assembly models".
Hehe thanks that was me - proper scaling wasn't possible for me at the time, I could have made it smaller with alpha editing but couldn't be bothered! 
Good model, but I read that they were missing animations, and it doesn't seem it can be fixed, so I don't use it.
This is my other creature, and I've not come across missing animations, could you source that statement for me please, in case it needs fixing?

Undefeatable Hero
posted February 05, 2008 09:03 PM |
I haven't had the chance to play them yet, so visually only, I would say :
templar, daughter of shadows / night / chaos and maybe arcane blades, or stone keepers.