Thread: Teleport Mod and Other Stuffs | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 · NEXT» |


Hired Hero
posted April 07, 2008 03:41 PM |
bonus applied by VokialBG on 29 Oct 2008. |
Edited by Kilrein at 10:27, 03 Jan 2009.
To any moderator, could you please change the title of this thread to this -
[MOD] Teleport and other MODS by Kilrein
Hello everyone. I'm new here but I used to frequent Elrath.com (which is no longer up these days) community creating mods. To install any of the mods below, simply place the file inside 'UserMODs' folder.
Teleport Mod v3 (New Spectral Dragon Visual)
I decided to create a mod that alters some of the flying units in Heroes 5 : Tribes of the East. I noticed some of the units that do fly tend to have an awkward and slow animation. So, I figured, maybe it'll help to give them teleporting animation + effects instead to help speed things up a bit (on the battlefield, teleporting in this game is the same as flying). Obviously, this does not have any impact on balance and gameplay whatsoever. This mod is just animation changes. For the sake of uniqueness, I decided to not change the animation of the un-upgraded versions of the units that I modified. I'm not sure if anyone will like the modifications that I made but I personally feel the animation + effect changes did liven up the battlefield a bit. Well, anyways, if you hate it or like it, feel free to comment. I'll appreciate the response.
I'll list down than and describe the units that have been changed.
Sprites and Dryads (Pixies are unchanged):
Sprites have a fiery looking effect while the Dryads will have an arcane energy looking one. The animation when they teleport is fast and fierce.
Obsidian and Elemental Gargoyles (Stone Gargoyles are unchanged):
I figured since these units were animated by mages and are so unrealistic looking when they fly, I considered that I can easily grasp the idea of them having teleport. Obsidian gargoyles will have an earthy, dirt type of effect while the Elemental gargoyles have a matrix, time shift looking effect. The animation is the same for both using their attack and and stir animations.
Specters and Poltergeist (Ghosts are unchanged) :
Well, I find the original flying animation to be dragging and not so threatening. So, I figured they'd be more exciting to witness if they teleport around the field. I suggest you download a mod that changes Specters' texture from white to pure green. It'll go well with the effects. Specters have a green gas type of effects while the Poltergeist use a white smoke deterioration. Both will have different animations.
Djinn Sultans and Djinn Viziers (un-upgraded unit is unchanged) :
Both units have magical looking effects but I made the animation and graphic effects unique for each one.
Spectral and Ghost Dragons (Bone Dragons are unchanged) :
Both units are phantom units so it's easy to grasp the idea of them phasing from one place to another. Spectral dragons will have a surprising effect (trust me). Ghost dragons will have a foggy/arcane looking effect. Both have different animations as they move.
Arch-angels and Seraphs (un-upgraded unit is unchaged) :
Both units will have unique animations. The Arch-angels use the teleport spell effect, while the Seraphs have a more fiery looking effect.
Phoenix (Firebirds were unchanged) :
I personally hate the original Phoenix's awkward and slow flying animation. I decided to give it a more dashing/sudden burst looking one. This doesn't look like a teleport move which is so wonderful for the unit. You have got to see this for yourself. It's so much more exciting. I, myself love the changes I made on this one. This is my favorite, by far.
Air Elemental :
This unit DESERVES a teleport animation. IT IS MADE OF AIR, afterall. Everytime it reappears, it has a wind-on-your-camera kind of effect. Try to not to let that bother you. Realize that a teleport animation is so much more convenient considering how slow the air elemental moves with its normal flying animation.
I didn't give Wyverns, Griffins, Manticores and the other living, flying dragons teleport animations because I do not feel they should be teleporting.
Remember, this mod is for Tribes of the East and that the changes are merely graphic effect changes and have no effect on balancing and gameplay.
Download Link...
[url=http://heroescommunity.com/filespace/file/Teleport_Mod_v3.h5u]Teleport Mod v3[/url]
There's another version of this mod that has a different effects and animation for the Phoenix. I would still suggest trying out the original version Mod first and compare between the two and see which one you prefer. Please remove the original Teleport mod first if you plan on using the altered version.
Teleport Mod v3 (Altered Phoenix)
Download Link...
[url=http://heroescommunity.com/filespace/file/Teleport_Mod_v3__Altered_Phoenix_.h5u]Teleport Mod v3 (Altered Phoenix)[/url] (The only difference between the original and altered is the Phoenix visual effect.)
Witches Teleport MOD
This next mod is an optional-additional mod that replaces the Shadow Witch, Mistress and Matriachs' slow walking animations into teleport animations. They are still non flying units therefore they are unable to pass through obstacles. This is just a visual change and no gameplay changes were made whatsoever.
This mod is compatible with any of the other mods I posted here.
Download Link...
[url=http://www.mediafire.com/?bt3gjfbohyn]Matron Teleport Mod[/url]
Spells & Ability Visuals Mod v10 (Warding Arrow - Oh well, I couldn't get contented. Re-textured the visuals to all-golden to be in contrast with Force Arrow's visual theme which was all blue. Added some more residual golden rays.)
The modifications listed are just graphic/visual effects changes. This mod does not alter the gameplay balance whatsoever.
Changes to the visuals of Hero Abilities:
Consume Artifact (Wizard) - the original had such unnoticable effect.
Mark of the Wizard (Wizard) - the original didn't have any visual or sound effect at all.
Retaliation Strike (Knight) - the original didn't have any visual or sound effect at all.
Benediction (Knight) - the original had the same visual as Divine Guidance which was lame.
Mark of the Damned (Demon Lord) - the original didn't have any visual or sound effect at all.
Banshee Howl (Necromancer) - the original looks like "Fear" which is totally different from what this skill does. I decided to alter it and give it a more unique visual.
Ignite - the original didn't have any visual or sound effect at all.
Mana Burst - the original didn't have any visual or sound effect at all.
Corrupted Soil - the original didn't have any visual or sound effect at all.
Divine Guidance - the original had the same visual as Benediction which was lame.
Powerful Blow - the original didn't have any visual or sound effect at all.
Hellfire, Fiery Wrath - the original were barely noticable. Made the fire visual effect bigger.
Cold Steel, Chilling Bones - the orginal were barely noticable. Made the frost visual effect bigger.
Changes to the visuals of Creature/Unit Abilities:
Plague Tent (First Aid Tent) - the original had the same visual as the Decay spell which makes it confusing on the field. Decided to give it a unique visual.
Life Drain (Vampire, Vampire Lord, Vampire Prince) - has the same visuals as a normal heal effect. I decided to give it a more unique, bloody looking visual.
Weakening Strike (Plague Zombie) - has the same visual as the spell Suffering. Note that Weakening Strike is totally different from Suffering. Weakening Strike reduces the enemy's attack and defense by 2 per hit (it stacks) and it's permanent meaning it can't be dispelled.
Mark of Fire (Rune Patriarch, Rune Keeper) - the original didn't have any visual or sound effects at all. The visual I gave it is kind of extravagant because I consider this a strong skill. (Try a fireball on a creature affected by this skill and you'd see what I'm talking about).
Crippling Wound (Skirmisher, Spearwielder) - the original didn't have any visual or sound effect at all.
Incinerate (Red Dragon) - the original didn't have any visual or sound effect at all.
Poison, Venom (Assassin, Stalker, Foul Wyvern, Manticore) - the orginal were barely noticable. Made the poison visual effect bigger.
Rage of the Forest (Savage Treant) - the original is similar to Power Feed and Mark of the Necromancer. Modified the visual and sound effects.
Call Lightning (Titan) - the original has weak visual and sound effects. Added more sparks on the target and a new lighting visual on the Titan itself as it is using the ability. I also changed the sound effect.
Torpor (Vampire Prince) - the original has the same visual as the spell Blind. Gave it a fog of sleep kind of effect since the ability is supposed to put the enemy to sleep.
Force Arrow (Arcane Archer) - the unit is suppose to enchant the arrow it's firing. At least that's what I think if the unit is truly based off the Prestige class Arcane Archer of Dungeons and Dragons. Anyways, changed the projectile visual, hit impact visual, sounds and firing animation visual.
Warding Arrow (Master Hunter) - again, it's suppose to release enchanted arrows. Changed the projectile visual, hit impact visual, sounds and firing animation visual. (Modified on v10).
Changes to the visuals of Spells:
Wasp Swarm - the original visual is difficult to see.
Wasp Hive - the original takes too long to attack. Made it faster.
Regeneration - the original had the same visual as the Dryad's Symbiosis. Gave it a more unique visual.
Word of Light - I didn't find the original impressive enough. Made it flashier.
Divine Vengeance - I gave it a total rehaul.
Meteor Shower - I felt like adding more glow and particles.
Fireball - I felt like making it more like an explosive big ball as the spell name indicates.
Deep Freeze - added more ice fragments and mist particles
Circle of Winter - added more particles.
Curse of the Netherworld - gave it a bigger explosion.
Confusion - I'm sorry but I just had to remove the face. I despise it.
Vampirism - the creature affected by this will have the same draining visual effects as the new Life Drain of Vampires, Vampire Lords and Princes instead of the original heal visual.
Eldritch Arrow - the visual effect was too weak. Added fire effect to make it clear that the spell is actually fire element.
Lightning Bolt - added more sparks and electrical surges.
Chain Lightning - added some lingering static.
Stone Spikes - the original did not have any sound effect at all. Added sound.
Summary of changes from v4 to v9:
(Rage of the Forest, Divine Vengeance, Deep Freeze, Eldritch Arrow, Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Call Lighting, Crippling Wound, Torpor, Force Arrow, Warding Arrow, Stone Spikes).
Please remove the older versions of Spells & Ability Visuals Mod first before placing this one.
Again, these are just graphic/visual effects changes. This mod does not alter the gameplay balance whatsoever.
Download Link...
[url=http://heroescommunity.com/filespace/file/Spells_Ability_Visuals_v10.h5u]Spells & Ability Visuals Mod v10[/url]
Feel free to post your thoughts and suggestions.

Adventuring Hero
posted April 07, 2008 03:59 PM |
Edited by ulfara at 16:01, 07 Apr 2008.
You should also post this
Quote: Spells and Ability Visual Change Mod v1
Another mod I made speeds up the animation of the uber slow Wasp Hive. I think someone requested for this. Included is a visual change for the Red Dragon's Incinirate ability. The original looked bland so I decided to add an explosion effect which I personally find good. This also changes the visual of the Knights' Divine Guidance ability. It looks different from Benediction now to make it more distinct. Visual of Divine Vengeance was also changed.
Summary of visual effect changes with this mod: Wasp Hive spell, Incinerate, Divine Guidance, Divine Vengeance.
Again, this mod does not change gameplay, just the animation and graphic effects. Here's the download link...
Feel free to post your thoughts and suggestions.
here (it's a thread about making the game more friendly)
Academy to Covenant
mod under

Adventuring Hero
posted April 08, 2008 01:55 PM |
Quote: Another mod I made speeds up the animation of the uber slow Wasp Hive. I think someone requested for this.
good job my man!
is it possible for you to release only the mod that speed up thet Wasp Hive?


Hired Hero
posted April 08, 2008 05:57 PM |
Edited by Kilrein at 17:57, 08 Apr 2008.
Sure. Here's a download link...
This one will only have the Wasp Hive animation speed up.
[url]http://rapidshare.com/files/105880162/Wasp_Hive_Speed_Up.h5u.html [/url]


Hired Hero
posted May 19, 2008 11:13 PM |
I just tested your MOD and so far it looks very nice. Thumbs up

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted September 27, 2008 07:48 PM |
Edited by Nebdar at 23:22, 28 Sep 2008.
It looks like a very good forgotten mod.
I was thinking about give teleport ability for Spectral Dragon or even Ghost Dragon. In the film Eragon the evil Sorccerer ride on something that looked like Spectral thats why so i think the in game should have Teleport or move with Dark Cloud or as Dark Cloud.
I have downloaded and give some time for testing.
Thanks to the maker
Ok i tested and I am shocked that this mod was forgotten or do not have so much replys.
The new or it is better to say changed animations very good choosen and suited to creatures.
Love Specters and Poltergeist and Spectral and Ghost Dragons effects and now i understand that flying for some creatures was a bad idea. Teleportation with right aniamtion that is an great solution.
I don't like Phoenix animation and i think it should have Fireball animation.
About Benediction animation i see no diffrence (for now)
I hope that the maker will return to HC


Hired Hero
posted September 29, 2008 07:46 PM |
I'm truly grateful for your honest feedback. With regards to the Phoenix animation, I did not fully intend to give it a teleport animation... I sort of gave it a dash-sprint type of movement instead of flying or teleport.
In order to see the new Benediction animation, you will need to download the...
Spells and Ability Visual Change Mod v1
The download link is just below the Teleport Mod link.

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted September 29, 2008 07:49 PM |
Edited by Nebdar at 15:49, 01 Oct 2008.
I downloaded it used/tested Benediction once maybe that's why i didn't seen it
Look inside your mod is just DivineGuidance, Incinirate, Divine Vegence and Summon Hive. The Benediticion is missing
Could you do for Phoenix a Flying fireball effect Please

Famous Hero
posted October 01, 2008 05:03 PM |
The first MOD is great! Haven't tried the second one yet.
wtf this still exists

Supreme Hero
Pro Bacon Vodka Brewer
posted October 01, 2008 06:45 PM |
This is awesome! The teleport visuals looks fantastic!
I just don't like the idea of the Djin's usig teleport. All other looks very good.
It's too bad that the phoenix's visual teleport looks wierd at the end.. It looks like the attacked creature has fire shield, and the phoenix is hit by it..


Hired Hero
posted October 01, 2008 09:04 PM |
Edited by Kilrein at 03:23, 05 Oct 2008.
Quote: Hi
I downloaded it used/tested Benediction once maybe that's why i didn't seen it
Look inside your mod is just DivineGuidance, Incinirate, Divine Vegence and Summon Hive. The Benediticion is missing
Could you do for Phoenix a Flying fireball effect Please
(Links to downloads are at the top of the page).

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted October 01, 2008 09:52 PM |
thank you very much


Hired Hero
posted October 02, 2008 01:44 AM |
Edited by Kilrein at 02:59, 02 Oct 2008.
There is now a Spells & Ability Visuals Mod version 3. Version 2 is flawed because I forgot to add the faster Wasp Hive attack animation so please discard that and use version 3 instead.
Added effects for Ignite, Soil Burn, Mana Burst and a new Wasp Swarm effect.

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted October 02, 2008 10:38 AM |
Edited by Nebdar at 18:17, 03 Oct 2008.
Quote: There is now a Spells & Ability Visuals Mod version 3. Version 2 is flawed because I forgot to add the faster Wasp Hive attack animation so please discard that and use version 3 instead.
Added effects for Ignite, Soil Burn, Mana Burst and a new Wasp Swarm effect.
ok when i have time i will check them and post my opinions
Ok i tested them and they look great
Really love the idea of an Effect of Benediction, Ignite(is awsome), MotW and Consume Art.(nice that you dig up unused but nice effects)
Mana Burst effect, hmm mana is blue so the wizard bluff effect is fine but somewhat i feel that frenzy animation would prove better.
As for Divine Vengence i still like the orignial with cross effect.
I most say that you really have a talent to put a right effect to right skill.
Thanx for Phoenix it's much better now.
By the way you reminded my that there are some abilities/skill/spell that don't have their own animation effect and it's anoying to open combat log and look what happend. I am talking about:
-Crippling Wound
-Mark of Fire
-Battle Frenzy
-Battle Rage
Have thought about giving them an animation effect


Hired Hero
posted October 05, 2008 03:25 AM |
Teleport Mod v3 now released.
- Improved Spectral Dragon teleport visual effects.

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted October 05, 2008 08:55 AM |
Yeah it's animation/effect is even more scary then the previous one
Thanks for keeping this mod a live and kicking.
Have thought about giving those abilities mentioned above an animation or effect


Hired Hero
posted October 06, 2008 03:15 AM |
Edited by Kilrein at 03:34, 06 Oct 2008.
Version 4 of Spells & Ability Visuals Mod has been released.
Quote: Yeah it's animation/effect is even more scary then the previous one
Thanks for keeping this mod a live and kicking.
Have thought about giving those abilities mentioned above an animation or effect
Thanks. Well, with regards to the abilities you mentioned... I currently could not alter the visuals of Purge, Battle Frenzy, Battle Rage and Goblin Snares but I was able to release a new version (Spells & Ability Visuals Mod v4) with more visual changes. I would appreciate if you'd care to test them out and offer some feedback.
Summary of changes between v3 and v4:
Changes to Retaliation Strike, Banshee Howl, Mana Burst, Divine Guidance, Powerful Blow, Fiery Wrath, Hellfire, Cold Steel, Chilling Bones, Plague Tent, Life Drain, Weakening Strike, Mark of Fire, Crippling Wound, Incinerate, Poison, Venom, Regeneration, Word of Light, Divine Vengeance, Meteor Shower, Fireball, Deep Freeze, Circle of Winter, Curse of the Netherworld, Confusion, Vampirism.
The download link and more details are -of course- at the top of the page.

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted October 06, 2008 09:41 AM |
Edited by Nebdar at 18:45, 16 Oct 2008.
Wooho more better and more prettyer effects in the game.
you are making your mods better and better with each day.
I will download it and post my opnions as usuall
But it will take some time lots to test and see...
Edit: Before i test all i must say this WOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW           (excuse me for smiles abusing but it really help me to express what i feel) the new spellabilities are just wonderful awsome....(i'am speechless)
First of all when i watched the new Spell animations it was like Christmas Day when i get the gift i dream about Better, Unique Spell Animations i even wanted to add this proposoal to Altar of Wishes The Spells with animations especially the Destructive ones that will shake the ground, make you fell smoke, fire chilly ice, or electricall shock so you fear to touch the keyboard.
And your Spell visual proposal is making my dreams come true.
Word of Light and Curse of the Netherwold finnaly you see that is 5 lvl spell big animations
Confusion yes no more ugly face and it is absolutly faboulus
Fireball and MeteorShower that ones made my face look like this for 10 sec end after that time with tears in my eyes
Palgue Tent now i would take this skill/perk just to see the awsome effect.
Banshee Howl yes yes yes yes thats it what it should like(not to mention that Howl of terror should make screen go black for 2 sec)
Life Drain yes bloody bloody effect finnally(does Crippling Wound has the same effect)
Posion and Weakening Strike much better same as the Cold & Fire enchantments
Thats all for now i go eagerlly testing other
Edit: Tested all and...
Incinirate i liked more the fireball effect and if in descriptions say that it flys by why not give him the same moving effect like Spectral Dragon now has
Benediction Yes Yes thats the thing it should be
Reatliation Strike Nice
Mark of Fire it is long but superb
Powerfull Blow yeah now i see it is an orcish not some wizardish skill
And Mana Burst now it is a Burst just like it should be in the first place
All in All you are begining to become an formidable effect modder with time and proper animations you will change the HOMM V effects in a way that no one will ever want to go back to the old ones
You are just amaizing
And keep up the good work
Edit: Are going to continue your awsome work

Known Hero
... the Vampire Doc
posted October 16, 2008 08:51 PM |
Hey Kilrein! So far so good! Didnt test all of the modifications yet, but I surely liked the ones I saw.
First of all, thanks for remaking confusion, looks much better without the stupid fading fat-face. And Banshees howl was very convincing as well, really gives the impression of fear.
I'll be reporting shortly, as soon as I get to see the others too =)

Supreme Hero
Pro Bacon Vodka Brewer
posted October 16, 2008 09:24 PM |
This is awesome! Especially your Spells and ability visuals! Theire just fantastic, and mostly good looking!
I must say that i find this mod/improvement one of the best ever made.