Thread: Winning is Everything | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Legendary Hero
posted December 05, 2001 11:29 PM |
Wiggy -- There is a player around zone known as JinxII alot of people confuse him with me maybe it was him you were thinking of.
Jinxer <---------with and ER hehe

Famous Hero
local pirate
posted December 05, 2001 11:57 PM |
ah, ok ... at least I'm not THAT dumb for mixing up names
- wiggy ... who has a crush on Rob's models. Well ... the ones his age (18-26)

Famous Hero
posted December 06, 2001 07:59 AM |
REALLY ?? LOL , j/k.

Famous Hero
posted December 07, 2001 01:34 PM |
Edited By: Ichon on 7 Dec 2001
Pure Chaos
Your friends and your style of playing sounds pretty good. One thing you have to remember about this community is that many of the people who post on here and are members of ToH play more for fun then anything else, and I mean fun in a really laid back and relaxed way, not the all out competitive way I think is more fun personally, but anyway...
If you talk to many of the people who've had a consistently high win ratio in the competitive ToH sub tournaments, not just the general ToH tournaments though sometimes it's indicative there also, but even if they don't all always play so cut neck, they all know how, and most of them enjoy that style of play.

Famous Hero
posted December 07, 2001 09:46 PM |
Another thing: We actually almost never fight with armies. All of them are hit and run to death, its just a showdown of elementalists heroes: who is more powerfull and so far its very fun 
And may I ask u where is the fun in that - I SEE ABSOLUTELY NO FUN IN THAT.


Hired Hero
butt-loving salad tosser
posted December 08, 2001 12:16 PM |
I usually forfeit my win for one reason or another. ... Because I want the honor points. 
Because with honor points, more people will want to play me, and that means more fun 
winning is for losers. I mean, we're all losers right? or else we wouldn't play this Heroes game.
It's like: you have no life, so you play heroes and you try to win. If you DO have a life, then you play for fun, because winning is not important ... and winning is not important because you DO have a life (where you win in life). 
so for all you winners out there (like Flamingo, highest rank), you're just losers who want to find something to win at becasue you just need that feeling of winning at something. Kinda like joetheloser ... he wins many games. (no offence)
- bo the blub (who is really a loser, who enjoys losing because he simply doesn't care enough)
I blub, u blub, we all
blub ... for our mascot

Known Hero
Wind of Change
posted December 08, 2001 01:19 PM |
to Blub_lover!
I dont know who you are... and after that statement... i really dont care. But who the f... you think you are!! sayin things like that! See now you pissed me off and maybe that was your intention but what you say is the lamest i heard for years. I think you should shut your mouth and remove that kind of talk about that we "dunnot have a life in which we win". Well im ready to loose my honormedal just to say this... "YOU SUCK".

Known Hero
posted December 08, 2001 01:41 PM |
Battle of the Honor Medals!
I dont believe you dont know who blub lover..
It's good ole wiggy wam, an honor medal dude too 
Personally I just ignore his posts, because half of them deserve responses like yours 

Known Hero
Wind of Change
posted December 08, 2001 01:49 PM |
argh i cant beleive him sayin that... well now i do know him!

Known Hero
posted December 08, 2001 03:14 PM |
adding to titan's comment
first off
Quote: winning is for losers. I mean, we're all losers right? or else we wouldn't play this Heroes game
Quote: . If you DO have a life, then you play for fun, because winning is not important ... and winning is not important because you DO have a life (where you win in life).
You imply that if you play to win then you have no life. Yet in other threads you tell us all you play to win. And now you say you play to lose. You a little insane in the membrain? Blub Lover=Wiggy's Second Personality.
Quote: so for all you winners out there (like Flamingo, highest rank), you're just losers who want to find something to win at becasue you just need that feeling of winning at something.
And here you assume you know what each of does with our lives. Wiggy now = GOD??
I would bet Flammi is very sucessful in life. Afterall he has shown us all that he is a very determined individual.
I find it funny that you have to make fun of the top ranked players in toh. What kind of loser does that make you? You haveta make fun of someone to feel better about your own life??
Thats very sad 
I could say more....but there's no point.
Btw You might as well change your name again so people will read your posts again.

Known Hero
Wind of Change
posted December 08, 2001 03:26 PM |
Thx Jex for detailing it. Personally i was to mad at the time to go in details with the post that blub_lover/wiggy_wam wrote. But you expressed it very well.

Famous Hero
posted December 09, 2001 01:37 AM |
I agree to titan and Jex .
What a dumb post wiggy_blub.

Famous Hero
local pirate
posted December 09, 2001 02:27 AM |
if you study my use of blub_lovers other posts / ideas / remarks, you'll notice that it's all sarcastic.
well, I was trying to be funny, but I guess many people took it the wrong way. : DOH! sorry.
Anyway, if you wish to take away my honor thingy for this sarcastic post, I understand. I didn't mean to offend anyone, but it seems some were offended, and I'm sorry.

Famous Hero
local pirate
posted December 09, 2001 02:55 AM |
the confession :|
Personally I just ignore his posts, because half of them deserve responses like yours 
hehe, ALL of blub_lover's posts deserve either a "you're stupid" or "you suck" ...
which is partially why I chose a different identity ... because I wanted (or tried) to be funny without being labelled as stupid.
as for other reasons why, mad-unicorn knows. hehe
It looks like I went too far with my sarcasm. Well, I apologize and I hope you realize that I did not mean to offend. I hope you will forgive me.
Looks like I'm a much more honorable player than an honorable person :|
- wiggy ... who has a crush on Rob's models. Well ... the ones his age (18-26)

Known Hero
Hero of Chaos
posted December 09, 2001 03:01 AM |
to Titan_888
posted August 30, 2001 06:15 AM
Ironmlh i agree with you. You see, TOH has become Madman Universe, everyone wants a icon, everyone wants to win a title and yes i guess its nice. I have battled for 2 years and tryin win something, but hey you know what. I used 2 years to become a looser. A looser that sits infront of a unreal world where you actually dont have much influence on how things work. you see, last night i had a tournament game, and me and my opponent (wont say names) started to talk about the situation in our lifes.
Heroes have taken 3-4 years of my life, i thought everything was ok, but what i didnt see was girlfriend leaving, friends leaving, lack of interest in family. Actually all i had was a isolated life infront of computer and hoping that i could win a artifact or a badge.
Now, when i look back in the mirror, i see how blinded i have been. I see how many times people cheated, people got upset about just small simple things in a game.
My advice to all and myself most important..... bye bye computer games, welcome real world.
Truely i need a cure, and to get cured I need to understand.
Now i understand, that time has come...
Real World.
Titan_888 who think its nice to be important, but more important to be nice".
no comments 

Famous Hero
local pirate
posted December 09, 2001 03:42 AM |
to my virtual friends
damn ... you know ... I think you're right ... I mean ... I've noticed myself becoming more and more like a loser as I've played HoMM3.
Instead of hanging out with my friends, I hang out with my computer, with my virtual friends (you guys).
I don't have a girlfriend, I hang out with family less often, sometimes ... I don't even leave my apartment (if I don't have to go to work).
But hey, I LOVE this game. I enjoy playing it even if I were to lose all the time and not get any awards. 
- wiggytheloser (who does NOT think all others who play HoMM3 are losers ..... that was a sarcastic fallacy that was misunderstood)

Famous Hero
local pirate
posted December 09, 2001 03:57 AM |
wel ... uh ... titan888, it looks like we share something in common ... except you're nicer, and IMO, more honorable.
- wiggy (who still asks for forgiveness from his joke gone bad)

Known Hero
illegally insane
posted December 09, 2001 05:56 AM |
I got it by the third or fourth post that Blub_lover was a sarcastic poster. I mean, NOBODY could be that stupid! (Not even me) I almost posted something to that effect last night, but for some reason decided not to. Now that I know it was meant that way for sure, I wish I had. Anyhow, I have thought most of B_L's post were crazy funny. Thanks for the humour.

Famous Hero
local pirate
posted December 09, 2001 10:07 AM |
LOL ... which ones? the ones about favorite heroes are Halon and Gem?

Known Hero
Wind of Change
posted December 09, 2001 02:21 PM |
well it seems i didnt move any further ehh undead_knight? bye