Thread: ToH players come and gone | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted April 19, 2004 08:04 AM |
Why is Hapkane not looking at the camera like everyone else? haha.

Famous Hero
posted April 20, 2004 12:23 AM |
Jog Down Memory Lane
After reading this thread, I have to admit I have somewhat mixed emotions. Part of me wants to smile as I remember all the fun times and late hours spent playing Heroes 2 and Heroes 3 with some very cool people...while another part of me actually becomes a bit sad knowing that things may never be that way again, mostly as a result of 3DO running the franchise into the ground. Yes, I am aware that there are other turn-based strategy games out there; however, there was always such a sense of camaraderie and friendliness in the Heroes Tournaments and Heroes community in general. I believe this is partially due to the fact that Heroes is not a huge platform and that online play requires a lot of strategy and foresight, but most of all, it requires an ample supply of patience and understanding. This attracts a certain type of gamer, which I would have to say is of the more mature and intelligent nature. Usually, those characteristics are commonly attached to a wonderful personality and great sense of humor, something that I think we can all admit runs deep in our gaming community.
I have played with hundreds of different people in my six-plus years of Heroes addiction, and I have even made a few real-life friends (for lack of a better desciption) along the way, with whom I try to keep in touch with as best I can (which is sometimes difficult with our busy lives). I have even had a few personal visits with some very cool tournament players, such as my good friend Mocara, the always suave Vesuvius, the hulking master Blaster, and the forest keeper Quinn the Ancient Mariner. I alway shad the wonderful opportunity to link up with Raider while he was visiting the United States for a few weeks. But here was the best part of the majority of these visits...we spent most of the time hanging out or going places instead of playing Heroes! How awesome is that? Mocara, Blaster, and I did the uncensored tour of Indianapolis ...Vesuvius and I went swimming and worked on our tans at the pool...and Quinn the Ancient Mariner and I had an awesome brunch at IHOP (International House of Pancakes). Of course, Raider and I did play one obligatory game of Hotseat when he visited, just to prove the inferiority of American players such as myself...I tried to get him drunk so he would start playing poorly, but dude, let me tell ya, that guy can drink! 
I was a member of several tournaments over the years, most notably the Tournament of Honor and the Astral Wizard's League. Some of the other wonderful players whom I have had the opportunity to learn from and play with are the following:
Leddux (a.k.a. Hans C) - Without-a-doubt the nicest and most patient player I have ever played with. He got me started online, so I am not sure whether to thank him or kill him. He never was in a league or tournament, but he just loved to play the game and learn more every time. He made some great single player maps and campaigns as well (you should check them out). Tried to track him down, but I could not not locate him again. 
Mocara - You either loved this guy or you hated him. Regardless, I truly believe that he is the best improvisational Heroes player I have ever played. You could execute your strategy perfectly on your favorite map, and this guy would still find some unorthodox way of defeating you. The first time I beat Mocara was on a Heroes 2 map where I was losing but I took a risk and located the Ultimate Artifact. He congratulated me afterwards, but I could not help bu t think that the only reason I won the game was because from losing to him so many time, I had finally learned how to improvise and think outside the box. I love this guy, plain-and-simple, and I hope to keep in touch for a very long time.
J'Esradi - Intelligent, mature, patient, and just a wonderful partner or opponent. It was a pleasure getting whooped by J. Solid and reliable teammate.
Shura - Young Russian player who was ultra-nice and very friendly. We learned several new maps together, and wins and losses were never an issue, as learning was the objective.
Vex - I only played Vex a few times, but I remember our games well. Lenghty, drawn-out battles on a map that usually got done quickly (i.e. Crimson & Clover). Always a gracious winner the few times we played.
Treebeard - Rafael was such a smart, well-versed, and enjoyable opponent. He was the class of the Astral Wizard League in its day.
Marcus the Red - Founder of the Warlocks Local 13 Clan in the AW League. Also a member of an outstanding literary fiction site (The Lazy Dragon Inn) that is chock full of wonderful medieval and fantasy literature, along with some unparalleled humor and wit. Hope to meet him in person some day and drink lots of beer. 
Some other individuals who were always wonderful to play or just chat with in the zone were (in no specific order) Phoenix Nemesis, 2Pacalypse, Frank (the guy is a legend, scared to play him), Salamandre, JB239, Lich King, Kitten Angel, Black Dragon, Arutha, Pandora & Yawacko, Lews Therin, Zud (Rare Sir Loin), Tamanrasset, Jarcik, Lone Chinchilla, Last Erathian Virgin, Lord of Chaos, Shane, Upton O'Good, The Vulture, Jinxer, Deth8, Shamon, ROUS, Lord Bobby Ohms, White Wiz, Great PK, BPanik, Rash Jones, Deathkill, Redstorment, Greystole, Attila, Marshmellow Golem, and Hapkane.
I am sure that there are many many others that I should have added here, so please forgive my poor memory. I actually have a journal somewhere around here of all my Heroes opponents, which I intend to dig up and post on a Heroes tribute website someday. Also, I defintely would like to play a friendly Heroes game with Hamsi in the future.
Thanks for the great memories and for giving me this most excellent trip down memory lane. I hope all are well and wish you all the best wherever you all are & whatever you are doing in life. Please stay cool and most of all, stay safe!
"You must gather your party before venturing forth."

Supreme Hero
Lee's wifey
posted April 20, 2004 08:20 AM |
awwwwwwwwwww Kayh I feel special you remembered me
Never wear anything that panics
the cat.

Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted April 20, 2004 05:50 PM |
nice post khayman :)
You're the only HoMM player i knew who shared my love of Anne Rice, did you read the book she wrote 'bout me ? hehe
You mention some great old friends.. it'd be so cool if they'd pop in for a hello I emailed Taman yesterday, dunno if he still uses that e-mail tho.. I also just saw Bobbyohms in zone yesterday and added him to my msn, i'll tell him to come say hi too
As for the Vulture... that reminds me, i still have a save with him and Loraxian.. it's only about 3 years old, wonder if he still has it That was the most fun game I never finished
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Famous Hero
posted April 21, 2004 06:10 PM |
Pandora, Bobby Ohms, Quebec Dragon, Age Of Wonders
Quote: You're the only HoMM player i knew who shared my love of Anne Rice, did you read the book she wrote 'bout me ? hehe
I have almost made it to Pandora. I started on The Vampire Armand a while back after fininshing Memnoch The Devil; however, I got caught up in The Dragonlance Chronicles and some other Weis & Hickman books. Now this gives me the motivation to go back to The Vampire Chronicles and eventually your book. 
Bobby Ohms was such a nice player. I remember he was like 1-36 (wins/losses) in the beginning of his first season, but even with this, he never gave up. I think he ended up above .500 in his last season, but don't quote me on that. He was one of those guys that you wanted to see become a successful player because of his endurance. Always a pleasure in the zone.
By the way, does anyone remember The Quebec Dragon(Sebastian Patenaude)? I don't think he was ever in TOH, but I remember reading a lot of his map reviews and strategy tips on some HOMM websites. Just curious, because he was heavily involved in Heroes but I have not seen nor heard from him in ages. I hope he is doing well, wherever he is.
I am so hoping H5 brings back that H2 & H3 multiplayer 'feel'. If not, then I think I may be making the transition to Age of Wonders, which I plan on getting into here in the near future. Peace!
"You must gather your party before venturing forth."

Tavern Dweller
posted May 13, 2004 03:46 AM |
Gone and almost forgotten
Greetings everyone.
It has been a long while since I have played a game in ToH. I always enjoyed it immensely and thought Ves did an awesome job both running it and creating some unique tournaments.
Hey Promo! I am still happy as can be with that case of beer I will always remember those days we would play when I was at work, sneaking in a full day of heroes while trying to pretend I was doing something work related.
And there is also Mocara, one of the first people I ever met from ToH. I think he taught me how to use IRC.
I am currently living in Kelowna, BC, Canada. Heart of the Okanogan Valley... wine country.. yehaaa!
Take care.

Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted May 13, 2004 07:44 AM |
Wow, well hey you Sisyphus! One of the ancient greats in the early seasons. Most homm4 players would never have heard his name... exception Zud. How the generations pass...

Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted May 14, 2004 11:35 PM |
Consis: Gabrielle is Lestat's mother. Pandora was Marius' love. /offtopic
I had posted before that Tamanrasset is doing great and getting married : and also that Endor is also doing well, and a proud papa with 2 kids (and no valk, Tam is not engaged to Endor's kids! )
thought I'd repost that since it vanished with the database glitch.
I also remember 2v2 games with ka100000, queen of blades, masta genie... so long ago! seems most of my favorite heroes memories are 2v2 games, why did i quit playing em? *goes off to the zone*
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."


Hired Hero
posted May 22, 2004 07:44 PM |
Ahhhh such fond memories of heroes...i can remember when i was playing heroes at like 13 or 14, and now im almost 20 (so old...where does the time go?) All i know is that all you guys are great peeps, some are gone and some are still around. and i wouldnt have spent a fourth of my friggin life here if it were any different *sniff,sniff*


Hired Hero
Returned to the north
posted May 29, 2004 07:23 AM |
Hi Pandora
I was on neo and ran into jb290 we talked a little of heroes past

Famous Hero
posted June 03, 2004 11:51 PM |
Well I havent been active in TOH since season IV, but I sometimes take a peep just to remember.
I saw Lews_Therin still writing on this forum.
That was a great player. Still remember my first game against him. My girlfriend at the time had just broken up with me, and we played with no time-limit. So he had to hear my lamentation while he beat me thouroughly.
Ahh the memories.

Known Hero
Mercenary on Azure's Kingdom
posted June 04, 2004 06:14 AM |
hi defreni,
nice to see you back at least on the forum probably you do not know me,I saw you here on my very 1st season on the zone,heard from others that you were playing good, so heh I guess the name sticked on my mind,nice to see you again maybe.. if you'll comeback willing to play once, we will regards
veni vidi vici

Famous Hero
posted June 04, 2004 11:04 AM |
Well I was a decent player, but nowhere near the top of the pops.
To name some of the few who whopped my sorry behind, which deserves to be mentioned in this thread. Eliogabalus, who beat me 4 times in a row in Nation tournament, actually those where some of my best games ever. So later we joined in a clan together with Titan_888, who was my all-time favourite ally, for some awesome 2vs2 games. Basically he was playing great and I was the picking ressources as I usually killed my main sometime late week 1 or early week 2 
Uncoated_Titan was the last in that nordic clan. Was a really fun time, where we had an awesome clan war against the later german winners lead by AndiAngelslayer and Motormouth, oops motorschaaf.
Actually I wanna mention Maxym aswell, played him when we were both newbies in season 2. Later he had an epic battle with Frank on SevenLakes, a game he wrote about on this forum. Talk about inspiration. At that point Frank was the best player I have had the pleasure of being beaten by. A few weeks later Antal beat me, and I have trouble ranking those giants. Eventhough Antal was regularely accused of cheating, I had a very enjoyable game with him, eventhough I lost our clan 0.5 points 
Well couldnt help myself. Just had to remember some of my best times playing heroes against some very kewl players.
And I will probably not play in TOH anymore, unless HoMM5 is very good. Am playing Medieval Total War, these days, great for history buffs such as myself.
PS: Ves, thank you for a great tournie, I rememberu recommended Wheel of Time in abook thread a few years back. If you find the time to read fantasy again, you might wanna tjeck out George R.R. Martins "A song offire and ice" And Steven Eriksons "Malazan: Book of the fallen"

Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted June 05, 2004 02:08 AM |
Hey Defreni, interesting you should mention George Martin, I've been reading his 'A Crown of Swords' series which has totally captivated me

Legendary Hero
posted June 05, 2004 02:27 AM |
ya pan...
2v2 games sure are the best. The best memories i have from this game are allied ones aswell.. the most interesting start of a game ive played so far was a 3v3 game hehe. Had archie and andi as allies.. dun remember who we played but it was a fun start of a game, just the first game week took a loong time but it was fun.
The one and problably only thing that could make me install heroes3 again would be if there was some interesting 2v2 action coming up. Well that and getting the oppurtunity to finally kick archies ass

Famous Hero
Weak ranger - lost viking
posted June 05, 2004 09:18 AM |
Well worth the read
PS: Ves, thank you for a great tournie, I rememberu recommended Wheel of Time in abook thread a few years back. If you find the time to read fantasy again, you might wanna tjeck out George R.R. Martins "A song offire and ice" And Steven Eriksons "Malazan: Book of the fallen"
Indeed, George R. R. Martin's and Steven Erikson's series -> the best fantasy books I've ever read. Now I can't read anything else, it all seems dull compared to those two 
Norwegian viking
ranger of the north

Known Hero
Mercenary on Azure's Kingdom
posted June 05, 2004 11:13 AM |
yeah medieval total war looks nice,I've seen it, tryed it a bit,it's really kewl for the ones who like history and such
veni vidi vici

Adventuring Hero
posted June 10, 2004 05:49 PM |
See you guys when and if an H5 ever comes out.
SWG has consumed me.
Wez - WoW Darkspear 60 UD Priest - Herb/Alch
Timezone = PST ( EST -3, GMT -8 )
Wez - WoW Archimonde 60 Human Priest
Wez - SWG Bria TKM/Doc/Fencer
Mike11 - HOMMIV TOH Legionaire

Famous Hero
posted June 11, 2004 07:22 PM |
i agree arangar, ves, etc. i'm waiting eagerly for 'feast for crows'.. supposed to come out end of this month i think

Famous Hero
posted July 01, 2004 07:23 PM |
Well as long as we are off-topics. Might aswell mention Robin Hobb. Just convinced my fiancee to start reading her first trilogy, assasins quest. I havent been able to communicate with her since she started. A great read. Which leads you directly into her Liveship trader trilogy and then back to Fitz in The tawny man trilogy. Hmmm, guess I like to share books 