Thread: ToH players come and gone | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted April 07, 2004 06:34 AM |
I remember you Platon
'I never forget a face'
-Khan Noonian Singh, From Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan

Known Hero
posted April 07, 2004 07:09 AM |
Been a long time since I last saw Kreszantas.

Supreme Hero
Lee's wifey
posted April 07, 2004 07:40 AM |
St Anfi/Forcefulpusspuss
Never wear anything that panics
the cat.

Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted April 07, 2004 09:27 AM |
Actually speaking of Kres, I spoke to him on the phone a few months ago. He is running a successful programming/consulting service I believe.

Supreme Hero
u can type so much text in her
posted April 07, 2004 09:24 PM |
I miss Joe the Looser the most; great games I had wif him, mostly unfinished cause we both just built and built.
Any1 ever saw him attack, or even come out of his startarea? LOL
People used to call me crazy, but now that I'm rich I am excentric.

Famous Hero
Just another willigar
posted April 09, 2004 05:05 AM |
joe popped in a few weeks ago for a bit,suprised msn still had a homm room lol.
dunno if he plans to play or was just curious

Known Hero
posted April 10, 2004 05:06 AM |
Ves, I'm glad to hear that Kres is doing well. He can be a grumpy old bastage, but I was always rather fond of him and he plays a mean-assed necro
Kuma, I also miss Joe alot. I played many a random (or attempted to play--restarts and such being what they were in the pre-rmg days) with him and always found the experience to be fun and rewarding. He taught me TONS about randoms and is truly one of the game's Random Masters. He's an all-around great person who has a very sharp wit and it was always a blast spending time with him, either in a game or just simply in the chat lobby at the Zone. The Zone sure is lessened by his absence.
Tew, grrrrrrrrr I'm jealous. You got to see him and I missed out:/.
Anyone remember LoE? He's another cool guy whom I haven't seen in a long time now and I wonder what he's up to these days.
EDIT: To Kuma--Joe never seemed to have any difficulty at all in getting out of his starting area and promptly ripping me a new arse somewhere in mine. I was always amazed at how fast he could shred a map. Quite some time ago, a thread named "Limericks - Heroes Style...." was created by Avallach. I had just gotten my nightly beating from Joe and was skimming through the message board to see what was new before I hit the sack when I saw it. The game we had just finished was a RXL n/U and joe started with Inferno. I started with Necro and Aislinn, got Isra and Vido before the end of week 1, and by the end of the 4th week I had taken several other towns, of which 2 were also necropolises, and amassed roughly 4000 skellies. I had pretty decent might stats on Isra and his Ice bolt was doing just over 1000 points thanks to the water orb. Joe shows up at the castle I was in and sieges it. Thinking I would be smart I blasted his catapult. I didn't know he had the recanter's until I tried animating the ghost drags he had demolished by the end of the 2nd round. He had a HUGE stack of wyverns that he had gotten from hives and parked them right in front of my drawbridge and then used his archdevils and sultans to systematically rip my army to shreds. It was easily one of th emost brutal beatings I had ever taken in a game and all I could do was sit there and laugh my ass off at the idea of him turning the destruction of his catapult against me by blocking me inside my own walls and picking me apart piece by piece.
Well, as soon as I saw that thread the words for my contribution to it literally just popped into my head. My post is at the bottom of this page

Famous Hero
posted April 10, 2004 11:08 AM |
Just like to throw in that Im the greatest
Actually was interesting seeing some of the names here...some I remember and some I forgot about until now.
Here a few other names.. Queenofblades, Masta_Genie (shoot i cant even remember his original name), Anti_Matter, and its 2 am and im a lil tipsy, and I cant remember much more haha
Havent been around in a few weeks, so figured id drop by. Whole lot has changed since I was an H3 addict. I remember workin deliverin newspapers from 4 am to 6 am everyday and havin the whole day free for heroes..now its a 10:30 am to 7 pm job and well i suppose everyone goes through changes. but it was fun playin heroes way back when and makin maps and such.

Supreme Hero
Ultimate N00bidity
posted April 10, 2004 12:09 PM |
who knows..
maybe you catch it up on the next stop

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 11, 2004 02:03 AM |
Nice to see heroes still keep good people online. I miss this a lot, but life had a lot of other priorities. Keep it going Vesuvius
Era II mods and utilities

Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted April 11, 2004 04:56 PM |
Platon in Australia! Nice to see you're doing well 
And Salamandre too! *waves*
It's so nice that you can come to this board and be surprised by old friends 
I saw Kinson in the zone about a month or so ago - and Lichy - LoE emailed me just the other day! I was so stunned LOL He is doing well and was asking me about Heroes4 and how the community was doing and such He is using the same email as he always was, drop him a line!
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Supreme Hero
u can type so much text in her
posted April 13, 2004 01:05 AM |
@LichKing: Funny how 2 people can have complete different memories about a player.
I remember playing marathon-games wif Joe, b4 the real templates were made for that (BB, Extreme etc) and I remember clearly a game in which he had a marketplace close home and traded all his crap for crystals, took the clops-dwel and waited for me to come.
But anyway, he is missed.
People used to call me crazy, but now that I'm rich I am excentric.

Known Hero
Blood Captain of the Vampires
posted April 13, 2004 11:57 AM |
I see doomnezeu every day on HC, and also in the pub where we are meeting , of course for a beer

Known Hero
posted April 13, 2004 12:08 PM |
I remember him well
We had an argument, turned out he was right all along.. ( me n00bie back then )
So after a few days we continued our save and what happend?
He is a very nice guy!!
We had loads of fun..
But didnt see him after that anymore..
Is he still in?
BOOT: what U give yur computer to start


Hired Hero
posted April 14, 2004 05:09 AM |
Did I hear my name? 
A shout out to Kinson, AmazonKing, Ka1000, Titan_888 and everyone involved in Ves' first big "lands" tourney.
- Salpinx

Supreme Hero
unlucky? i want to pump you up
posted April 14, 2004 05:43 AM |
chong has comp troubles for the past 5 months or so
i hope he can come back
whos your daddy and what does he do?

Known Hero
posted April 16, 2004 09:21 PM |
Edited By: deth8 on 16 Apr 2004
This is the classic remembrance thread. Has to be stickied and unstickied from time to time I think 
Slugtard... if not mentioned in the thread I don't think... Everquest ate him when he left over life circumstances. We talked once about a year and half ago it seems like maybe?? and he let me know at that time where he had disappeared to.

Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted April 16, 2004 10:48 PM |
Hapkane, once a temporary volunteer too. Wonder what he's up to, its been almost 2 years.

Known Hero
posted April 16, 2004 10:57 PM |
Hapster's doing quite well. Just caught the tail end of his conversation as he was leaving when I entered the Zone recently, but it looks as if he's finally opening a resteraunt of his own (unless I've taken the context of that conversation and perverted it, lol).
I've seen him in the Zone off-and-on several times in the last year or so and he always seems to be a Happy Hapster, tho
Now that I think about it, there's another sizable slice on the "Heroes of Heroes" pie chart that is already spoken for, yet still waits to be painted by that person's color of choice.
JB239--------From just a generally all-around coolass player and great HoMM info source on the Zone--to THE maker of maps that just had to be played........again and again and again--to Honor Council associate-----to overseeing all Bastards as the Big Bastardo------you did it all.
And you left the Hommunity with the same general thought: JB is one cool guy....wonder when he'll be back....
You are missed. But we know you have a life. Just make a little room for the rest of the Bastages somewhere in it if it isn't tooooooooo much to ask, ok?
I.E.: When ya comin back home, ya Bastard?

Adventuring Hero
Gaea Mother Earth
posted April 17, 2004 12:00 PM |
Hap is doing very well, we just got back from a visit to Chicago and had the most scrumptious Thai dinner of our lives. He is indeed running his own restuarant, the "Bangkok Inn". Here's a picture taken of the guys (Knight Jr., Knight_Xavier, Hapkane, DocFritch and Strawdozz) while we were there.
