Thread: Arena -THE MAP - updates and future changes | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Legendary Hero
posted April 23, 2009 02:29 PM |
ahh... thanks Tower... Well since I have never even tried 1 arena game.. I have no opinions yet ....hehe....

Famous Hero
Zen Mind
posted April 23, 2009 06:10 PM |
About the extramagic functions:
Quote: if spellhat2 == 1 then magicspell2 = SPELL_DISPEL; magicv2 = "Cleansing"; end;
if spellhat2 == 2 then magicspell2 = SPELL_HASTE; magicv2 = "Haste"; end;
if spellhat2 == 3 then magicspell2 = SPELL_BLOODLUST; magicv2 = "Righteous Might"; end;
if spellhat2 == 4 then magicspell2 = SPELL_STONESKIN; magicv2 = "Endurance"; end;
if spellhat2 == 5 then magicspell2 = SPELL_DEFLECT_ARROWS;magicv2 = "Deflect Missile"; end;
...ALL spells are Light magic. I think that's unbalanced...
I suggest to remove this objects+script or change the spell list (1 spell of each magic school for exemple).
About the gold:
Quote: 182520, 172452, 168706, 174280, 171480, 175940, 150150, 153650
Why this huge difference? Do you really think Haven (first in the list) needs 182520gold to be as good as the other factions? IMO no, and I suggest to decrease this value (182520-10000=172520
A question about this function:
Quote: function cyclopFF12 (hero)
if skeletons1 == 3 and vykorystanisproby1 <= 2 then
QuestionBoxForPlayers ( GetPlayerFilter(num1), {GetMapDataPath().."NQYES1.txt"; eq = 320*mnozhnyk1}, 'skeletonyes1', 'skeletonno1');
else sleep (1);
What does this function? It's an other way to gain squeletons? Or it was for a previous version (not used anymore)?
TWITCH|YouTube | NewArenas2023 MOD

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted April 23, 2009 06:35 PM |
8. Tweaking cost/spells for Spell Stones, and changing towns that get them 
Zen, as you can see this was one of the main changes I had in mind for the map... I actually already operated that change for the Spell Stones, and added spells from all four schools.
About Haven money , it's just that they need it for their training specialty.
If you are curious about the other changes you can check them out in the attached .doc file, also from no on the beta version of the map is released and you can test it and tell me the goods and the bads .

Famous Hero
Zen Mind
posted April 23, 2009 07:16 PM |
Quote: About Haven money , it's just that they need it for their training specialty.
They always be able to train troops instead of buy artifact(s) or got level(s). IMO they don't need extra gold to be balanced.
Quote: tell me the goods and the bads .
I already said my point of view about the too high levels, the too strong influence of Enlightment and the Knowledge artifacts/skills issue (market place and Mentor).
I think that with your changes (as +20 Imps, +20 Mana (with Mana Regeneration), +big stack with Diplomacy, +low level troops with Recruitment etc) the game will became more a "fight of Mentors".
About warmachine it's easy to improve them in an other way: increase the power and the shots of the First aid tent, increase Attack bonus with the Ammo cart...
Edit: What is this strange idea to add Divine Vengeance for all? To decrease Destructive magic?
TWITCH|YouTube | NewArenas2023 MOD

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted April 23, 2009 08:26 PM |
But they should be able to use training...like every other town can use their special ability. Anyway things are now, haven is good, but can be easily defeated by towns like Fortress, Sylvan, Necro, Inferno or even Dungeon or Orc.
The other things are marked as todos, as you can see in doc, but to clarify...
Of course those abilities(like diplomacy) will give a one time only bonus, so no big benefit in erasing them at mentor , unless you're really lucky.
Divine Vengeance will become lvl 5 spell instead of lvl 4 for Light school, which lacks a 2nd light spell of level 5 ever since the removal of Word of Light. So all towns can get it in guild(if they have Light Magic as main spell) instead of Ressurection.

Famous Hero
Zen Mind
posted April 23, 2009 08:43 PM |
Quote: Of course those abilities(like diplomacy) will give a one time only bonus, so no big benefit in erasing them at mentor , unless you're really lucky.
I don't understand. Gain a 1/2 stack (~10000 gold) then use mentor (2000-2500gold) is not big benefit?
Quote: instead of Ressurection.
Instead or in more?
I agree to see the return of Word of Light, Armageddon etc. But maybe just change the damages of all this spell will sufice. And that's easy to do it, without script.
TWITCH|YouTube | NewArenas2023 MOD

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted April 24, 2009 08:20 AM |
I don't understand. Gain a 1/2 stack (~10000 gold) then use mentor (2000-2500gold) is not big benefit?
It's usually not going to be from your alignement, so what are you going to do with it? Plus it is killing your morale...
Ex: Are you gonna use 100 zombies in a dwarf build ? Of course there are times when it might be nice having those extra troops.
Anyway it's not implemented and it's going to stay that way probably because of lack of scripting 
Instead or in more?
I agree to see the return of Word of Light, Armageddon etc. But maybe just change the damages of all this spell will sufice. And that's easy to do it, without script.
It's instead if you're lucky/unlucky to get it in guild... so in more,if you want to call it that 
I am against modding in maps, because it annoys me removing them and putting them back again in folder, and also I don't like changing the game mechanics.

Famous Hero
Zen Mind
posted April 24, 2009 03:29 PM |
Quote: It's usually not going to be from your alignement
This way is ok for me.
Quote: It's instead if you're lucky/unlucky to get it in guild...
Lucky? If there is always Divine Vengeance +2 other spells, will you not always got Resurrection anymore (in Light magic guild) but maybe Divine Vengeance two times? I don't understand.
Quote: I am against modding in maps, because it annoys me removing them and putting them back again in folder, and also I don't like changing the game mechanics.
I understand your point of view and, yes, it's annoying to change often of maps/MODs. But I thought that we discuss more of the balance that practical matters. Btw it's already the case: we can't play on other maps (ubi.com, maybe Hamachi too) with this one in the Maps folder...
TWITCH|YouTube | NewArenas2023 MOD

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted April 24, 2009 04:03 PM |
This english creates us problems ... It's instead...
And to be more clear, Necro , Inferno will never get it in mage guild cause they don't have Light as main magic, they can get only from tome of Light ... and Dungeon can only get it from spell shop and Tome...
But this one is unimplemented also , so I don't know why we're bothering with it , unless some magic scripter comes around 
I always keep arena map in folder and never have problems on hamachi...

Adventuring Hero
poisonous eye
posted April 29, 2009 11:57 AM |
The most annoying about putting DV again is that the Sylvan will be able to abuse this spell with enchanted arrow + multiple shoot. With the high druids increasing hero's spellpower, that will get something mad. DV is really the silliest thing in the game with Arcane Archers and Stormwind.
About Stormwind, imo that would be good also to decrease its effect and set it as it was in the previous H5 games (-10% ; -1) ; it is too disadvantaging for the Necropolis atm. Most of time, they stand no chance against Sylvan and Academy which are light oriented, and that also makes Haven a tough opponent to them.

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted April 30, 2009 10:45 PM |
With all those familiars inferno can buy maybe you should put a knowledge booster in? Maybe a library of enlightenment or a free necromancer's helm?
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted October 20, 2009 09:55 AM |
I got into a little upgrading mood last night, and this is the result : a new version of Arena. Most of the changes and updates are inspired from the previous tournament experience, and some online balance chats.
Download ToH Arena Map version 1.2
1.2 Add-ons
1 Library of Enlightment in middle for improved hero building -> replaced with 2 Towers +1 spell power or +1 knowledge for the moment, as it isn't what i wanted initially
1 Arena in middle for improved hero building
1 Trading Post and 1 War Machines Factory before the garrison, for each side
1.2 ChangeLog
+5 resources of each kind
-4000 gold
-10 golems
-5 mages
+10 mercury
+10 crystals
-2000 gold
-5 blood maidens
+5000 gold
-23 Horned Demons
-20 Skeletons
-10 hunters
-1 unicorn
-1000 gold
* The Arena/Library of Enlightment in middle, are Elit's idea(he was actually asking for a couple of those around), and even though (especially in the case of the Arena) things even out when each player is visiting them, they bring more options to the table so they are welcome.
** Any testing, commentaries and suggestions will be appreciated
*** Some of the ideas are still unimplemented, as well as some new ones rest unimplemented, so scripting help is really welcome !

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 20, 2009 09:59 AM |
So.. what's new? Last I recall there were a few unmasked areas, might as well block them next time.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted October 20, 2009 10:29 AM |
Quote: So.. what's new? Last I recall there were a few unmasked areas, might as well block them next time.
Impatient, huh ?! 
Unmasked area?

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 20, 2009 10:55 AM |
You know, area that is not supposed to be accessible. Those are blocked by masking, that yellow thing?
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted October 20, 2009 02:28 PM |
You probably mean the secret paths towards naval battle and siege, which will probably remain, for fun and experiments

Adventuring Hero
posted October 24, 2009 11:56 PM |
Had a few good games in russian arena tourney which is currently running. So for replay-lovers:
Especially last one was something extraordinary (wizard hero had exp sorcery+empathy+2 wizard combo arties and 2 morale arties )
Btw, me is always the losing side

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 28, 2009 11:53 PM |
Nice but do I spot the imbalanced spells back?
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Supreme Hero
posted November 07, 2009 04:15 PM |
Maybe give sylvan - 5000 gold. They are unbeatable

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted November 07, 2009 09:52 PM |
Quote: Maybe give sylvan - 5000 gold. They are unbeatable 
Still unbeatable after I reduced arcanes numbers, which are one of their most important stacks?