Thread: Arena -THE MAP - updates and future changes | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 · «PREV |

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted April 29, 2010 07:21 PM |
Don't know if there is still interest about arena, hope there still is some, cause I made some small adjustments and I hope somebody benefits from them 
So , checkout Arena new version : 1.21
---- bugged, download the newer version !

Famous Hero
Zen Mind
posted April 29, 2010 08:30 PM |

Supreme Hero
posted April 29, 2010 11:15 PM |
I just can`t stand your connection more than 10 mins it is like playing heroes in a slide show....no no even worse sometimes the slides just stop.
@Towerlord : what are the changes in this version?

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted April 30, 2010 10:06 AM |
I've been adjusting little pieces in the past time, and I don't remember exactly, but main would be:
- more stat boosters in middle 2 Arenas + one Library of Enlightment
- some modifications to spell stones destructive magic I think, but not sure

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted May 09, 2010 08:45 AM |

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted May 18, 2010 04:21 PM |
New version 1.22 with some balance fixes ... throwing in so many new things , screwed balance a little:
+ 1000 gold for Haven
+ 2 Hunter for Sylvan
+ possibility to buy destructive spells for gold for Necro
ToH Arena 1.22
And a version without Sorrow spell...
ToH Arena 1.22a
Not sure which I keep.
And now version 1.23 is up, with many troop changes reductions, especially on lvl 1 and 2 troops and necromancy bonuses a little... hope this brings more balance to the game(Elvin's been pointing them out for quite a while). No Sorrow became permanent in this version also.
ToH Arena 1.23 Download
More on the changes in a new post ... which I can make only if someone decides to answer to this topic (4 posts in a row restriction lol)
Oh yeah, and another important thing .. now lvl 16 is standard instead of 15 ... plus 5 extra levels for money

Supreme Hero
posted June 03, 2010 11:31 PM |
also no library in middle

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted June 04, 2010 09:04 AM |
So 1.23 Changelog :
Lvl 16 hero standard + 5 levels
Library of Enlightment out
Necromancy bonuses decreased to: 120, 60, 38, 16, 10, 5, 3
And finally, new armies for each town decreased at lvl1, lvl2 (lvl 3 for dungeon also) like this:
-96 paesants
-16 crossbowmen
-46 Dryads
-32 Dancers
-19 Grunts
-20 skells
-10 zombies
-60 Gremlins
-32 Gargoyles
-21 Assasins
-20 Furys
-10 Minotaurs
-12 Skirmishers
-50 Goblins
-2 Centaurs
Also money have been decreased accordingly, to the decreases in troops. I've noticed some of the polish fellows have been playing 1.22 Arena (Mohicanin, Bania - when I was in the lobby saw your games), perhaps you can share some impressions too.

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted April 06, 2011 05:56 PM |
The russian site, heroesleague has created a really great version of Arena, unfortunatelly it is not translated to english, but still very playable, as long as you are familiar with the original Arena Map.
The great aditions to the map are:
1. In game options for some sort strikeout, depending on the difficulty chosen for the game. For red, the possible races are near the red crystals side, and for blue, near the blue crystals side.
Easy - choose any race for yourself
Normal - choose one out of two races for yourself Normal - choose one out of two races for yourself
Hard - choose one out of two races for your opponent Hard - choose one out of two races for your opponent
Heroic - step-by-step strike-out from 4 races for you and 4 races for your opponent (you can ban your own races as well as races of the opponent). Heroic - step-by-step strike-out from 4 races for you and four races for your opponent (you can ban your own races as well as races of the opponent).
The most used options, is the Hard option, selecting opponent's race out of two options. 2nd most used option is Normal, but Hard seems to be the best.
2. Nice scrips for buying 2 aditional stat points(attack, defense, spell power, knowlegde) for 2500 gold each, after you descend to the
3. Extra money for weaker side in hard matchups, like Haven - Inferno,
Haven gets 15000 extra gold if I remember correctly ... Don't actually know all matchups that are affected, but Academy - Orcs, Haven - Necro, and many others are affected.
4. Script that reminds you to set favoured enemies before going to arena
5. Script that automatically teleports you to arena, and other automation scripts for the game flow.
Basically the game does like this :
Turn 1 - Can't do nothing, save game
Turn 2 - Choose opponents town (@hard)
Turn 3 - You automatically get teleported to the town chosen for you, and you build your hero, buy troops and all
Turn 4 - You are teleported to the middle of the map, blue picks a neutral location for the battle , and saves
Turn 5 - Battle
Old scrips remain the same, from what I've noticed, so logistic money bonus still stands as it was, so does Necro's troop bonus.
If anyone could help translate it to english, I would really appreciate it! Also if anyone wants to test it, send HC message or contact me on MSN

Supreme Hero
posted April 08, 2011 08:49 PM |
I tested it but had only 10 K gold ...what to buy with so little money

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted April 09, 2011 08:18 PM |
Money appear only after you and opponent select the town and end turn... until then you get the normal amount for difficulty (10k probably for very hard)

Supreme Hero
posted April 09, 2011 11:28 PM |
Edited by Natalka at 00:53, 10 Apr 2011.
I could level up and buy troops. But it was in hotseat. Maybe it doesn't work in hotseat.

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted April 10, 2011 09:52 AM |
Try testing on hard or normal ... it can be tested in those difficulties.
The idea is that this map is highly customed for multiplayer/simultan turns and if you go past turn 2 to your town resources won't come.