Thread: Heroes 5 on TOH rip ? | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
posted December 19, 2010 02:09 PM |
Heroes 5 on TOH rip ?
How match players on TOH are still active ? I wonder why activity is so low on TOH. Heroes 5 is not dead in general. I just visited UBI server and it's alive - 40 games in progress right now, and 8 games waiting to start ... Maybe some changes to bring live in TOH again ? Any ideas ? or all lost and dead ?

Adventuring Hero
posted December 24, 2010 12:38 PM |
Since none of the active players give a snow about posting here anymore, i'll do it.
I play a lot, fire and Vex too. Jinxer, Buxyrs and Kis (he doesnt report anymore when we face off though) play quite frequently. Natalka tries to get somebody to play her but thats difficult for apparent reasons. These are the players i know of but there seem to be some other players active as i saw in the unreported games list.
Cant someone arrange a merging with those russian sites (heroesleague for example) ? Even if activity has lessened there too, there seem to be some active players left too.
It would generate some interest in toh if this season will be concluded finally, with all of the action and drama involved. Just one of the many highlights would be getting infinitus something else to play than his beloved RMG. If Ves doesnt close this season because he doesnt want to pay any money as price, i find that perfectly okay. He has donated time for this site, so i didnt understand why he paid the price of last season out of his own pocket. I doubt he gets any money out of the toh site.
And Infinitus: sometimes your posts hurt to read, plz use much or many and not match .

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 24, 2010 01:33 PM |
Don't worry, I bought a subscription to FTV last month so I suppose I payed at least one month of TOH running (besides personal satisfaction)
Era II mods and utilities

Supreme Hero
posted December 24, 2010 06:22 PM |
Quote: Just one of the many highlights would be getting infinitus something else to play than his beloved RMG.
RMG is the only thing keeping me in Heroes 5 world. Unfortunately i don't have now opponents on TOH to play RMG, so i play RMG on UBI server from time to time. Still i consider myself part of TOH, every my game on UBI server is named "Toheroes.com" - maybe this will help recruit someone for TOH...
Quote: And Infinitus: sometimes your posts hurt to read, plz use much or many and not match
Quote: If Ves doesnt close this season because he doesnt want to pay any money as price, i find that perfectly okay. He has donated time for this site, so i didnt understand why he paid the price of last season out of his own pocket. I doubt he gets any money out of the toh site.
Money are game activity catalysis, i heard Starcraft 2 spent 80.000$ for tournament prizes every month !

Supreme Hero
power of Zamolxis
posted December 25, 2010 07:10 AM |
Edited by DIEGIS at 07:17, 25 Dec 2010.
I played alot (over 50 games within last 2 month) with Lord Nerevar, even if didnt report all, but few of games.
If u check in hammi, u'd see. even if my new graphic board 480 gtx is flying for the homm5 game ... 
Besides all this, the majority are waiting for the upcomming homm6 (mm6 )
dacian falx behind you
-knowledge itself is power-

Famous Hero
posted December 25, 2010 11:37 PM |
I'm busy with heroes kingdom and for this cant play 
Infi try IRMG its more interest from your RMG. H5 have 2 big problems. Here not good RMG and all combat formulas are complete wrong. In H2-H3-H4 when you fight 2 big stacks here need few rounds for one to kill other. In h5 units die so easy in final battle. Its not fun to play 5-8h and get killed all your lvl 7 on first round from one hit. Hope h6 will be better...

Supreme Hero
posted December 26, 2010 08:41 AM |
Quote: I'm busy with heroes kingdom and for this cant play
Nice argument . Well, i'm not busy anymore with heroes kingdoms 
Quote: Infi try IRMG its more interest from your RMG.
Mater of taste, if you like classic custom map play stile, then IRMG is for you. I like 2m as it is - scout war, close contact between players, many towns and strategies ... For not off top here i will create soon another tread with little example from 2m game

Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted December 29, 2010 05:30 PM |
Homm5 TOH season ends a few weeks before Homm6 is released; then we will have a fresh start with a new game that I'm excited about (and will participate competitively on TOH).
And of course, the look of TOH will change with the new season, like it did for homm5, homm4, homm3 etc...

Supreme Hero
posted December 29, 2010 06:41 PM |
Quote: Homm5 TOH season ends a few weeks before Homm6 is released; then we will have a fresh start with a new game that I'm excited about (and will participate competitively on TOH).
And of course, the look of TOH will change with the new season, like it did for homm5, homm4, homm3 etc...
Can't wait to live and play in this bright future

Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted January 01, 2011 03:09 AM |
I'm really really excited about homm6, more than I was for homm4 and 5


Hired Hero
posted January 14, 2011 09:56 AM |
i like hOMM3 and homm5 .but those need lots of time.and some of toh players don't like play with me .so i just play 10W dule game just need 60mins--- the game is over.so long no play on toh.maybe one day i will back.

Supreme Hero
posted January 14, 2011 10:54 AM |
Quote: one day i will back
Sure, come back, no reason to stay away

Adventuring Hero
posted January 14, 2011 01:51 PM |
I like to play you and you always were honest. Its a shame that you wont participate in finals, if they ever will be held, because you are better than most of the emperors, me included.

Supreme Hero
posted January 18, 2011 12:08 AM |
ToH will still keep ticking til Ves pulls the pin or the stop making heroes games i reckon.

Adventuring Hero
just want to play Heroes
posted February 13, 2011 05:54 PM |
its really hard to find ppl who wnt to play TOH.
i am looking for some1 who wants to play with me regular matches - the classic way of turns and no simultanously.
why ppl dont play just for the fun and without rankings and all that stuff ?
i wonder if someone will answer my prays and play with me just for the fun. 

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted February 13, 2011 06:33 PM |
Why would you not want to play with sim turns? Decreases the game's time by half.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Adventuring Hero
just want to play Heroes
posted February 14, 2011 05:32 PM |
well ... if its not disturbing doing fights and etc i think its fine.
the truth is that i dont know how is it really because im experienced on Heroes 3 games and not 5 .... but now as u can see i'm learning more about those multplayer features ... 

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted February 14, 2011 05:57 PM |
Sim turns just allows you to play at the same time, when a player ends he waits for the other to end turn however. The sim turns remain until the two enemy heroes come close where the game reverts to turn based for the remainder of the match.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Supreme Hero
power of Zamolxis
posted February 14, 2011 07:54 PM |
Edited by diegis at 19:56, 14 Feb 2011.
Quote: Sim turns just allows you to play at the same time, when a player ends he waits for the other to end turn however. The sim turns remain until the two enemy heroes come close where the game reverts to turn based for the remainder of the match.
Im hoping to be no more turn based at all as a matter of fact, but at least I want no dead times after ill finish my turn - need to be able to check my castle, my heroes' skills, arts etc... so stupid when I cant do that!
dacian falx behind you
-knowledge itself is power-

Supreme Hero
posted February 14, 2011 09:13 PM |
I relly think homm5 is a good game but come on, how many years can you play same game over and over? I expect a lot of people to come back when homm6 comes out. I know im back for some time.