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Thread: World of Darkness (OOC) This thread is 10 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 · NEXT»

Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted February 21, 2009 02:01 PM
Edited by baklava at 01:13, 22 Feb 2009.

World of Darkness (OOC)

You may remember the Masquerade RP I made some time ago. Unfortunately, it died out, and some of the members (like Wog_Edn) don't seem to be active anymore.
So, I decided to create a sort of remake - but instead of only with vampires, I wanted to include the entire "White Wolf"'s World of Darkness setting.
Yes, that includes vampires, werewolves, mages, witch hunters, Fae, and everything that can be found there.

Bear with me here, it's quite complex.

The game takes place in the Dark Ages, or the Medieval period. Somewhere around the 14th century, to be more precise. The Inquisition rages over Europe, exterminating both mortals and the undead alike. Vampires have just divided themselves into the sects of Camarilla and Sabbat, and are fighting a brutal war. Some of the Mages create their conclaves around the world and bring order to it, while some, driven by greed, hate or insanity, terrorize entire villages. Belief in mythical creatures still hasn't died out completely, and hence some of them - like manticores or even dragons - can still be found hiding and lurking in the shadows of the Earth. The world is grim, and hopes are few - except for the most powerful of individuals.

Due to the Inquisition killing off larger and larger vampiric populations, the Kindred (as vampires call themselves) have divided in two sects - the Camarilla, which seeks to preserve vampiric society while operating under the Masquerade (a set of laws meant to hide themselves from human eyes); and the Sabbat, which are a death cult wishing to rule supreme over both humanity and all undead alike, through ruthlessness, fear and terror.

Camarilla towns are governed by Princes (leading vampires), but councils of even more powerful Kindred exist. The Prince is their just as a figure, to impose laws and ensure that the Masquerade isn't broken - Masquerade, in its essence, dictates that no vampire can, under any circumstances, reveal themselves and their power, butcher innocents on mass scales, draw attention to his/her powers, and "embrace" (create) a new vampire without the Prince's approval.
Princes also have Justicars (something like vampiric champions) in order to ensure that these rules are abided.

Here are the vampiric clans, if you're a vampire you should belong to one of them (links lead to the pages describing those clans):


Ventrue (Blue-Bloods)
Disciplines: Fortitude (augmentation of toughness and damage resistance), Presence (a set of abilities which inspire fear and awe towards the caster), Dominate (a Jedi-like sort of ability meant to make others do what you want; has lower effect on those of strong will, or supernatural creatures)

Brujah (Rebels)
Disciplines: Celerity (augmentation of speed), Potence (augmentation of strength), Presence (a set of abilities which inspire fear and awe towards the caster)

Malkavian (Lunatics)
Disciplines: Auspex (recognizing auras, seeing emotions, detecting lies etcetera), Dementation (the art of transferring their lunacy onto others for various effects, from control to suicide to permanent madness), Obfuscate (vampiric stealth and, on more powerful levels, invisibility)

Nosferatu (Rogues)
Disciplines: Animalism (communication and control over animals), Obfuscate (vampiric stealth and, on more powerful levels, invisibility), Potence (augmentation of strength)

Gangrel (Outlanders)
Disciplines: Animalism (communication and control over animals), Fortitude (augmentation of toughness and damage resistance), Protean (gaining and using animalistic features - for example, the ability to gain gleaming eyes, grow claws, even shapeshift into a wolf)

Toreador (Lovers)
Disciplines: Auspex (recognizing auras, seeing emotions, detecting lies etcetera), Celerity (augmentation of speed), Presence (a set of abilities which inspire fear and awe towards the caster)

Tremere (Warlocks)
Disciplines: Auspex (recognizing auras, seeing emotions, detecting lies etcetera), Dominate (a Jedi-like sort of ability meant to make others do what you want; has lower effect on those of strong will, or supernatural creatures), Thaumaturgy (Blood Magic - from blood missiles, to blood armor, to making someone's blood literally boil... Use your imagination; and a bit of common sense)


Lasombra (Shadow-Masters)
Disciplines: Dominate (a Jedi-like sort of ability meant to make others do what you want; has lower effect on those of strong will, or supernatural creatures), Potence (augmentation of strength), Obtenebration (not to mix up with Obfuscate. Obtenebration concerns the manipulation of shadows.)

Tzimisce (Tormentors)
Disciplines: Auspex (recognizing auras, seeing emotions, detecting lies etcetera), Animalism (communication and control over animals), Vicissitude (the "art" of withering, shaping and deforming flesh and bone of both enemies and self - used to torture, experiment, change appearance, even turn your own limb into a weapon).

There are also unaligned, independent clans and vampires which mostly serve neither the Camarila nor the Sabbat. They can of course join one of these organizations, or remain neutral.

Setite (Followers of Set)
Disciplines: Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis (a sort of magic)

Ravnos (Gypsies)
Animalism, Fortitude, Chimerstry (supernatural abilities concerning illusions)

Cappadocian (Necromancers)
Disciplines: Dominate, Potence, Necromancy (raising the dead and communication - and manipulation - of spirits)

Salubri (the Enlightened)


-Garlics and similar are completely harmless for a vampire. Crosses and other holy objects only if they are used by a powerful holy person. A stake in the heart only paralyzes the vampire, without killing it.
-However, sunrise is what kills a vampire instantly. Fire and shotgun bullets in the head are also quite unpleasant.
-A Camarila vampire will always try to maintain his humanity, lest the beast inside takes over. A vampire loses a part of his or her humanity whenever he or she butchers an innocent or dries an innocent dry of blood.
-Vampires are dead, first and foremost. They have no pulse and they don't have to feed, except on blood.
-Vampires can survive on blood of animals. Though it tastes like ****.
-If a vampire feeds his blood to a human, that human becomes a ghoul - a more powerful mortal which then serves the vampire. However a vampire needs to be quite powerful in order to have more ghouls.
-Violating the Masquerade will draw unwanted attention of vampire hunters.
-Violating laws will draw unwanted attention of the police
-Vampires and werewolves hate each other. However they don't meet that often, since vampires prefer cities, and werewolves rural areas to dwell in.

More information can be found here.

Vampires are my basic concern with the World of Darkness, and whenever I roleplayed I was one. I do not know much about other creatures, but I will post links where one can find everything out.

Werewolves are tribal creatures, usually keeping themselves in the wild. They also can't stand vampires. It's interesting that they are not the only shapeshifters around. Detailed info.

Mortals whom the higher powers have granted visions in order to fight the creatures of the night. Detailed info.

Mages are mortals who can understand and control magic, which is ever present throughout the universe. They're not typical fantasy mages, as a lot of them are also concerned with science or religion. They have their societies and, similar to vampires, do not like to expose themselves in public. Detailed info.

The Changelings are, basically, souls of ancient magical spirits, also called Fae, reborn into human bodies. Detailed info.

Other creatures such as mummies, wraiths etcetera exist, but you will most probably not want to play them If you do, you can always look them up on Wikipedia, under the "World of Darkness" section.

So... Is anyone interested?
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

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Supreme Hero
Staright out of line
posted February 21, 2009 02:15 PM

Sounds interesting. I think I'll join.
Sometimes I'm about to yell: "It is flat you idiots!" But I don't wanna die in fire.

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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted February 21, 2009 05:33 PM

*rubs chin*

a DA oWoD play-by-post chronicle in HC? call me skeptic

*goes back to fleshcrafting some poor sap*
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Hero of Order
Fox or Chicken?
posted February 21, 2009 05:46 PM
Edited by OmegaDestroyer at 17:46, 21 Feb 2009.

I'd join but I'm ultra-slacking on rpgs right now.  If that weren't the case, I'd be a Judge.
The giant has awakened
You drink my blood and drown
Wrath and raving I will not stop
You'll never take me down

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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted February 21, 2009 11:23 PM
Edited by baklava at 23:32, 21 Feb 2009.

Cool, see you in the game.


Well it's probably not going to be the most canonical thing in the WoD universe but hey, it's not like we can't have fun this way too.

Besides, playing by posts has its advantages. You can lead a detailed diary of undertaken vicissitude/fleshcrafting experiments, for example. ^^

You can also help people out about characters and lore if you find time. Would be great to have a veteran around.

Take your time. I think you're gonna love the setting. I'd recommend you the Toreador clan.

Judge as in, the sort of Hunter?
Great. Try to find that time, we might need someone to whip the undead players into shape.


I forgot to mention, every vampiric clan uses three Disciplines (a Discipline is a sort of set of supernatural abilities). I'll write them down with short descriptions as soon as I can - there's quite a few of them.

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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted February 21, 2009 11:51 PM

*rubs chin*

well, i suppose i can be considered a WoD veteran, since i have been playing for about 10 years now...

but i definitely prefer the DA setting of oWoD (instead of simply oWoD in the DA) ...and i sure as hell prefer nWoD to oWoD, as should be obvious by my sig
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted February 22, 2009 12:21 AM
Edited by baklava at 00:31, 22 Feb 2009.

*wonders what's with all the chin-rubbing*

Well, I'm more of an oWoD fan, the new one just lacks most of the stuff that drew me to the setting in the first place... But never mind, it's just a matter of preference. Can I count on you or not?

OWoD means "old World of Darkness", which is what we're playing here, and which has been deemed unprofitable by the "White Wolf" company and disclosed. It was then replaced by the "new World of Darkness", which seems like a more simplified and user-friendly version of the old one - without most of the vampire clans etcetera.
And DA means "Dark Ages". "White Wolf" published the entire "Vampire: the Dark Ages" set of books and rules for the old World of Darkness setting, describing the medieval universe.
That should help out.
And, of course, pick whatever you want. I reckoned you're gonna be a vamp cause of your avatar... And some Malkavian inner voice tells me Toreadors suit you best. But there's a bunch of those test thingies on the internet to determine your clan...

Here, for example.

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Hero of Order
Fox or Chicken?
posted February 22, 2009 12:39 AM

Sorry Bak, I can't commit right now.
The giant has awakened
You drink my blood and drown
Wrath and raving I will not stop
You'll never take me down

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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted February 22, 2009 12:44 AM
Edited by baklava at 00:53, 22 Feb 2009.

Yeah, commitment is the thing that kept me out of RPGs here for a long time...
We've got to work on that.
Oh well. You've got a spot waiting for you.

I can't detect whether that was sarcasm or not...
Oh but be careful with that test, it doesn't appear to be too accurate. It scored me as Tremere while I'm Malkavian to the bone.
If you're not satisfied with the results, just google "vampire the masquerade clan test". A shyteload of them will show up.

This test worked, by the way.

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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted February 22, 2009 02:07 AM


i don't have the time for this... i don't have time for this... i REALLY don't have time for this...

i'm in, Tzimisce for me
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Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted February 22, 2009 06:47 AM

This looks awesome. I think I'll join to. Just need the time to read all that
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"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted February 22, 2009 11:11 AM
Edited by Geny at 12:00, 22 Feb 2009.


I'm really afraid to commit for a second RP. I don't know how much time I'll have when the next semester starts...

On the other hand, it looks like it has a lot of potential... I'm not promising anything yet, I have a shyteload of links to read first.

The second test gave me this:
You aren't sure where you came from. Perhaps your sire did an embrace and run. Or maybe your sire was an outcast himself. Either way, your powers are unique and really don't belong to any clan...or maybe a little from each. Because you of these circumstances, you aren't really sure where you belong. You tend to wander and do a bit of soul searching in your eternal life. Maybe some day...you have a while after all

So what does that make me?

The first test (the one you said sucked) put me as Tremere.

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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted February 22, 2009 12:06 PM

*scratches rust off memory cells*

clanless vamps are... Caitiff i think... not sure how many of those were in the Dark Ages though
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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted February 22, 2009 12:11 PM

I got the same as geny in the second test.

The other gave me Gangrel, Ventrue and Malkavian as three strongest fitting clans.

That makes me a honourable one traveling around the world and woods in search of wisdom from the world. Because of the time I've spent gathering that wisdom I might appear a little crazy for a regular bystander.

Too bad I don't have time for this.

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Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted February 22, 2009 12:30 PM
Edited by Mytical at 12:32, 22 Feb 2009.

Hmm just for kicks I took the quiz.  What the heck is a Lasombra.

Other then that it was Tremere.  Followed by three that were tied.

Thinking about joining in..Probably as Ventrue or Mage though.  Why no mummies? (just kidding)  
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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted February 22, 2009 12:42 PM

Lasombra's are the ruling clan of the Sabbat sect... Masters of shadows, otherwise quite similar to the Ventrue in their elegance, manners and lust for control and power.

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Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted February 22, 2009 12:50 PM

Yes the links are blocked (sadly) so I may bug you for info and such.  However as it looks I will be going with Lasombra.  Male of course (usually I play female, but not this time ).  Hmm any certain names or can I go with Sabastian Larue?
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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted February 22, 2009 01:26 PM
Edited by baklava at 13:27, 22 Feb 2009.

Sure, Sebastian Larue fits the Lasombra perfectly.

Links are blocked? Strange... They work for me. Oh well. Feel free to ask me (and Lith ) anything.


Oh, I forgot to mention a few lore thingies. The founders of each clan are called "Antediluvians", but they're either dead, missing or slumbering in deep Torpor (Torpor is a sort of vampiric state of unconscious sleep). The legends of Gehenna (vampiric Apocalypse) tell of the time when Antediluvians will reawaken and consume their progeny. But that is usually meant to happen in the modern days, and not the Dark Ages.

Leaders of the Sabbat in a town are called Bishops and Archbishops. In order for a vampire to join the Sabbat, it has to be buried in the ground and then dig its way out. After that, each member of the community pours some of its blood into a chalice, which the new member then drinks from. That ensures loyalty and a blood bond with other members.
A lot of Sabbat customs are such grotesque parodies of the Christian faith.

I'll keep you informed if I remember some other useful lore stuff.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted February 22, 2009 06:27 PM

So if I play a Caitiff (I really like the idea of a clanless vamp) do I get to choose/create my own disciplines?

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Supreme Hero
Staright out of line
posted February 22, 2009 06:33 PM

I think I'll be Gangrel. I have some questions:

1)Damage resistance means that they don't recieve any damage or it means that they only don't feel pain?

2)Can I tansform into any other animals except bats and wolves? (Actually I don't think I would do it, just curios).
Sometimes I'm about to yell: "It is flat you idiots!" But I don't wanna die in fire.

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