
Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted January 23, 2002 11:49 PM |
Edited by pandora at 16:42, 08 Jan 2008.
here we go...
close your eyes kids...

more pics:
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

Supreme Hero
Ultimate N00bidity
posted January 23, 2002 11:59 PM |
hey lith..you have that look in your eyes..like your girlfriend just slammed the door at your face!

Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted January 24, 2002 12:01 AM |
heh.. close...
I just lost a legion of Sharpshooters...
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

Legendary Hero
posted January 28, 2002 11:35 AM |
Edited By: Hexa on 10 Aug 2002
ok ok MORE photo's please!@

Edit: just found this funny photo .... no comment !@
If you want to realize your dreams >>> you have to wake up!@

Supreme Hero
Ultimate N00bidity
posted February 07, 2002 08:20 PM |
Judging from Hexa's excausted eyes...looks like some 'fun-fun-fun' has occured b4 that evening cake

Supreme Hero
Thx :D
posted February 08, 2002 01:35 AM |
You bet-ya

The darkest skies show the brightest stars

Adventuring Hero
off with the faeries
posted February 08, 2002 03:52 AM |
Gets to have his cake and eat it too

Tavern Dweller
posted February 08, 2002 04:01 AM |
Edited By: Mz on 7 Feb 2002
Here is an old one. Do I look tired, bored? Such is the life of a comsci major.


Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted February 09, 2002 08:32 AM |
ok & another nice picture.
Makes me want a tatoo.
Ok & I will send more pics because sharing is fun.
Plus I am taking more pics right now too.
Dreaming of a Better World

Legendary Hero
posted February 10, 2002 07:35 PM |
Edited By: Hexa on 10 Aug 2002
Here they are now....!@

& Lord_Echo
If you want to realize your dreams >>> you have to wake up!@

Legendary Hero
posted February 26, 2002 01:40 PM |
Edited By: Hexa on 10 Aug 2002
Another brave soul that posts her picture here...
(the blond on the right)

Cat's comment: Yep!! My RL face has been revealed! Arrrggghhh! That was taken in Greece BTW Lith!! 
My cousin Carys is on the left and my cousin Gwyndaf is in the middle (looking embarassed!!). He's the one who first introduced me to Heros..
If you want to realize your dreams >>> you have to wake up!@

Legendary Hero
posted February 26, 2002 01:42 PM |
Edited By: Hexa on 10 Aug 2002
If you want to realize your dreams >>> you have to wake up!@

Famous Hero
of Dope
posted February 26, 2002 10:19 PM |
Oh well...
Mi Retrato (Estar Alerta)!
I warned you!
OK That's me... Taken in Alberta, 5 months ago, I have a bad scanner though! :/ I have a spiked hair now! I think it's cool.
In front of Banff Hotel, Alberta!

In front of Lake Louis, Alberta!

Now, you guys can start picking on me specially you cat! 
Do I need DRUGS when I have HEROES?
Heroes == Good

Legendary Hero
posted March 04, 2002 02:24 PM |
Edited By: Hexa on 10 Aug 2002
Cat in Bikini!@
If you want to realize your dreams >>> you have to wake up!@

Famous Hero
from Poland.
posted March 04, 2002 02:41 PM |
I vote on... (my heart stoped working) CAT IN BIKINI
I would like to be there .
I got my pics.
Here is class.

Try to guess which Scorpio/Assassin is.
And here is me.

I`m very ugly, especially on classpic.

Supreme Hero
Thx :D
posted March 04, 2002 10:20 PM |
Edited By: Hexa on 10 Aug 2002

The darkest skies show the brightest stars

Famous Hero
posted March 10, 2002 01:09 PM |
Me - a teacher? Not yet, I think. I still know too little. But here is a lesson, anyway.
If there are two men who are suspects for a crime, but the first is good-looking and seems to be very honest, while the second looks exactly like a criminal, who is guilty? First, let's assume that it's one of the two (but don't forget that it could always be someone else!). Here some people will immediately say: "The one that looks like a criminal is really a criminal!". Others, who think they are very smart, might think: "It would be too obvious if it's the one that looks like a criminal. So it's the other one because he looks too honest!". But the answer is that it could be either. You should never decide that it's one of them without any facts. Really, don't rely only on impressions! Of course, if you think that you have intuition, you may use it. BUT don't blame anyone only led by your intuition. Solve the crime with evidence and then you'll see if you were right... If you were wrong, that doesn't mean anything. It's not important to guess who is the criminal but to discover the truth...


Hired Hero
Patiently waiting
posted March 10, 2002 09:45 PM |
Edited By: Zephyr on 1 Oct 2002
Ok, you asked for it!
This is a pic of my husband and me at the Knoxville Zoo acting like idiots. I am afraid I can't quite compare to Cat. I wouldn't dare venture out in any type of bathing suit for fear someone would try to roll me back into the water! (I hope I can do this picture thing right)

Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted March 10, 2002 10:02 PM |
Nice Pic Zephyr come on everyone else send some more
Dreaming of a Better World

Tavern Dweller
posted March 11, 2002 10:51 PM |
Edited By: Hexa on 15 Mar 2002
me and my friend
