
Famous Hero
I am 16 now....
posted March 18, 2002 11:36 AM |
Edited by pandora at 16:44, 08 Jan 2008.
A bigger pic of me
I'm always happy to help.. unless I'm helping myself.

Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted March 18, 2002 11:51 AM |
Nice pic Slava I hope those butt huggers iis not too uncomfortable loool DDDD:
Dreaming of a Better World

Famous Hero
I am 16 now....
posted March 18, 2002 12:05 PM |
Quote: Nice pic Slava I hope those butt huggers iis not too uncomfortable loool DDDD:
Don't worry, if they were I would take 'em off
I'm always happy to help.. unless I'm helping myself.

Famous Hero
posted March 24, 2002 04:58 PM |
Edited by pandora at 16:46, 08 Jan 2008.
The trolls like promised
Okay here are some photo's like promised......
Please! Most of this photos contain ugly people, Turn back now you still can!
I warned you!

They said I was born smart... I wonder why?
Anyway my dream is to make a photo with me+ an tiger on it.. This is the only shot I have with me and a tiger on it However.. it isn't real... (I was around 0-1 here)

Okay.. On this shot you can see me *wesley* From 2 years ago... Like you can see. I wasn't always that internet freak(I am now) This was my almost 24 hour a day hobby J/K
Ow.. I'm the one in black standing up side down. Those other 2 geeks are.
My brother roy(Green With helmet) And aerial(with jeans and white shirt)
*I hope aerial won't kill me for this *
Last but not least *worst* My photo from 3 months ago.
(no Comment)

A month ago:
This one I made while being just from hospital and having 2 weeks free sparetime ;p
Sweet Dreams! 
Ow who's next? Aculias? Common! Atleast now you don't have to fear being the most ugly guy around. 
PS:Thanks hexa. For uploading those trolls for me

Legendary Hero
posted March 24, 2002 05:21 PM |
Edited By: Hexa on 26 Mar 2002
Ok .. agreed with Wesley here....all post from people that haven't posted their picture here yet will be deleted straight away...other no picture post will also be deleted but on a much later point in time!@

Famous Hero
Ranger of the good
posted March 27, 2002 11:57 PM |
Yeah! u go hexa show those bastards

Don`t be simple, be complx-

Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted March 28, 2002 08:04 PM |
Edited By: Hexa on 10 Aug 2002
Right, I'm off out tonight for 'Jailbait' nite down the Crypt (you get in free in school uniform)
I'm taking my camera so I should have some piccys of me and some of my friends doing the Britney thang!! lmao!
EDIT: Rest of pictures are over the page...
Me and Stacey (She has the longest hair ever, I think..)

Me and Rae (dirty) dancing..

Diwethaf Gloau Sylw y Gymreag

Known Hero
Look ma!..a glowing ball...
posted March 30, 2002 05:55 AM |
u know who i wanna see??
there's only one person i really really really wanna c in this thread....(well probably beside a photo of Cat half naked....but...)is a Rl pic of the great turban
that's right...i wanna c the RL of Val...i mean his our boss here and we don't even know what he looks like...i mean what the hell...it's just not done...and probably none of the mods haven't seen him either...what will happen if u tell your friends that u work for someone that u don't even know...that's crazy if u ask me....so come on Val...and i urge u Hexa, whateva u do just get a pic of him...somehow...
Where do u go when you have gone too far?

Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted March 30, 2002 06:06 AM |
That would be cool but cooler is if the horn dawg himself Would Zud MY Bud
Dreaming of a Better World

Famous Hero
Ranger of the good
posted March 30, 2002 06:39 PM |
yeah cool thing... but what i REALLY want to see is a pic of Lord_Woock thats right the 170 cm tall undead midget

Don`t be simple, be complx-

Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted April 08, 2002 02:30 PM |
Edited By: Hexa on 10 Aug 2002
(Other pics of this night out are on page three.. I have others, but they were all taken by drunkards and therefore have heads missing and stuff)
Me and Rae in the Toilets in the Crypt (well, this is why girls go in pairs. Rae is the one with her leg over)

Me and Rae queing.. we stood there for 45mins! I'm on a bench, she's on my lap.. Wild nite!!

*waits for Zud/OT to say something SICK!!*

Famous Hero
Ranger of the good
posted April 08, 2002 03:57 PM |
hey slava ur not quite like as ur avatar lol

Don`t be simple, be complx-

Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted April 12, 2002 10:01 PM |
Edited By: Hexa on 31 Jul 2002
Let me try...
Okay, Conn's pic (after weeks of constant nagging, he gave in)

And his doggy, Knopy (just so Beau isn't lonely in this thread.... )
Diwethaf Gloau Sylw y Gymreag

Legendary Hero
posted April 12, 2002 10:17 PM |
kewl, now this must make our board even more special, we are prolly the only board with both funny looking dogs&cat
"Youre zeroes and ones, youre wrong where im right"

Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted April 12, 2002 10:18 PM |

Famous Hero
posted April 12, 2002 10:27 PM |
We have
Already seen many people from now...
I'm still waiting to see Lord woock!
We saw
Hexa/Romana/Milena/Cat/Wesley/Lith Meathor/Razor_X/Aculias/OzzyOsbourne/Lord Echo/Shadow Lord/Conn/Nickman77/and more I can't think of right now... Lord Paul has a photo somewhere on the board aswel... I can remember him looking somehow like me.. Different but it's been a long time i saw that photo.
I saw Shae aswel.. but I won't spoil it for her.. I guess she want's to post him herself when she HOPEFULLY arives soon

Famous Hero
Ranger of the good
posted April 12, 2002 10:32 PM |
yeah woock we r looking forword to see the "Huge undead Midget"
and hey tiff what about a pic of u.... LOL!

Don`t be simple, be complx-

Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted April 12, 2002 10:54 PM |

Famous Hero
posted April 12, 2002 10:57 PM |
I wanna see
All those tossers,
Lord Woock
Djive and the HYDRA
Just curious

Famous Hero
Ranger of the good
posted April 12, 2002 11:07 PM |
the only ones i want to see is
Val and and the cute RainBow

Don`t be simple, be complx-