
Legendary Hero
posted May 30, 2017 08:53 AM |
Maybe? But similiarities are very far:
HV academy
Marketplace is HIII castle. Its town on the hills rather than on the sky.

Famous Hero
posted May 30, 2017 10:48 AM |
maybe this

Supreme Hero
posted May 30, 2017 12:28 PM |
zeryss said: maybe this

This ts is currently beeing made for HMM7 by modders. I suppose we wait until its release and then covert it to vcmi

Legendary Hero
posted May 30, 2017 01:09 PM |
Its good but not lost and for HVII. First I think all which is for HIII.
I found Heroes inspired:

Supreme Hero
posted May 31, 2017 06:27 PM |
Macron1 said: http://heroes3towns.com/?town=bastion&ver=&page=arts
There is update, first version of Bastion Townscreen.
Background is simple, I think, it can be cleaned up and make another Egyptian TS.
About first townscreen of Bastion.
Efrit on wforum.heroes35.net still has TS materials.
But he will not share them with anyone, until someone gets permission to use them from author.
Author seems to be Mantiss from forum.df2.ru
So anyone with account on df.ru, please, feel free to ask Mantiss about permission. This TS must not go to oblivion and must not be wasted.

Supreme Hero
posted May 31, 2017 07:04 PM |
To be precisely - polish modders are not allowed to work wit it.

Legendary Hero
posted May 31, 2017 07:41 PM |
Edited by Baronus at 19:45, 31 May 2017.
:-) Egiptian pyramides authors died 3000 years ago :-):-):-) Cant give permission:-) I think is no sense build this city like first conception because it was built as city. So better is little another. So Tomb of VARN will be the best project. We have some robo defs.
And the best. First dungeon concept! Original NWC! I think I want to made from this... Plane of Earth faction!

Supreme Hero
posted May 31, 2017 07:51 PM |
Baronus said: :-) Egiptian pyramides authors died 3000 years ago :-):-):-) Cant give permission:-) I think is no sense build this city like first conception because it was built as city. So better is little another. So Tomb of VARN will be the best project. We have some robo defs.
And the best. First dungeon concept! Original NWC! I think I want to made from this... Plane of Earth faction!

It will need lot of pixelwork removing dwellings from almost 90% of screen.

Legendary Hero
posted May 31, 2017 09:18 PM |
Why removing? Whats the problem?

Adventuring Hero
posted June 01, 2017 06:40 AM |
Is it in the same caverns as the HOMM3 dungeons.....I can't tell on small picture

Supreme Hero
posted June 01, 2017 07:47 AM |
It's screen feom beta version of Dungeon townscreen.

Legendary Hero
posted June 01, 2017 07:59 AM |
Yes but completly another than final version. Who dont know dont recognize.

Known Hero
posted June 01, 2017 08:18 AM |

here is one idea for this type of situation. We could darken out the areas with the buildings and then when built they'll light up and have an outline and area like a normal building. Also for the upgrades it's a matter of adding effects and pieces to the existing buildings. I did this in like 2 seconds but if i really did do it I'd darken it better and blend it all nicely

Legendary Hero
posted June 01, 2017 09:06 AM |
Edited by Baronus at 09:12, 01 Jun 2017.
Great idea! Darking its it! Must be done! But cleannig is not so hard and long work. Worst is building making. I thought too that 1 lvl only picture 2 lvl animation.

Adventuring Hero
posted June 01, 2017 09:14 AM |
I was going to suggest using the background for the current dungeon and the buildings from here, but you guys know better than me most likely!
I do like the idea of renaming it as Tomb

Legendary Hero
posted June 01, 2017 10:14 AM |
We want new faction not new dungeon :-) We want use all cities ever made and add to game. Better is new city than only new look old city... We can use bacground plane of earth too:

Known Hero
posted June 01, 2017 10:52 AM |

cleaning and darkening =)

Legendary Hero
posted June 01, 2017 06:22 PM |
Edited by Baronus at 18:24, 01 Jun 2017.
This "man" is to remove because its completly the same like final dungeon. Must be something another.
Maybe use bronze not black because major color is brown. Shuold be better. In this method major color should be used.

Known Hero
posted June 01, 2017 06:50 PM |
For now i'm just going to make everything dark and put out the defs and area / outlines. A lot of this is in the newer dungeon already so if i started to remove things that look the same it'd be a lot of work and cleaning. I like the man in this one he's holding some sort of gem which could be animated hehe. But for now i'm just going to darken it all because i'm working like 20 different towns at the same time haha.

Legendary Hero
posted June 01, 2017 07:10 PM |
You made it as a town seriously? If yes we should open new thread...