Thread: [project] Doomsday: giant protectors | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 · NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted October 08, 2009 06:49 PM |
[project] Doomsday: giant protectors
The legend says, that there is one powerful sword, called Doomcaller, which gives a power to rule all the evil or even make the end of world. After many centuries sword was found by one of Inferno commanders. However his mind, soul and heart was too weak to control such power, so he died and the evil from the sword was released. That evil had a name - Apocalypto (i know, nothing impressive) and he had special powerfull guards to protect him and Doomcaller.
Apocalypto's wish is to make doomsday to all the universe and be the king of newly risen hell.
To prevent this, gods sent to earth giant protectors ,for each faction, to protect them from evil and gave special racial abilities for all factions, so that they could defeat Apocalypto, send him and all evil back to sword and destroy it.
The battle has begun, Apocalypto started destroying world, all monsters, human beings were affected, living started to become dead, dead started to become live, demons became stronger. Who will stop this madness?!
Let the story and battle begin ingame...
(sorry for bad English again)
So let's start the project. Later I will include more info, for nows it's just a start, for your imagination.
Now what I need for a team(1 of each):
1.Good ERM scripter (Siegfried)
2.Map maker (Paulemile)
3.Graphic artist
4.File packer (T2_2112)
5.Publisher (Dmad)
6.VERY creative man for some ideas (Dj)
7.Web page/forum creator (Dmad)
8.Testers (later, about 10 or less)
Also when I give more info some ideas will be cool too, but for now I really like the way it is.
That's all for now.
Features of the project:
1. About 15-20% of the creatures will be changed. Some will be remade.
2. New spell "Anger", it will make the upgraded creature to upgrade one more time to it's "angry" form. (this spell will replace one other) (won't be done because of complexity)
3. New magic system (H5-like)
4. Each town will have a Giant Prtector (only 1 per town, even from the begining of the game. Different for each faction). It will be very strong, but you won't be able to take them from the town. For Inferno it will be Apocalypto itself. (Disabled some features, because of too much scripting and death stare ability,which would be too strong if only having 1 of the creature)
5. Each faction will have racial automatic specialisations.
6. Interface of the game will be changed.
7. I'll may try to change the look of some spells.
8. New looks for commanders.
9. New backgrounds for towns.
10. Blank artifacts used and well scripted. (One of them will be that epic sword-Doomcaller)
11. Emissaries will be usable in battle almost as normal creatures with new look NEW
12. Some Ideas may come later 
Apocalypto is done

Famous Hero
kłoribaz to kutaspociąg
posted October 08, 2009 07:22 PM |
Return Of BigJocker, I hope that this time you'll complete whole project, good luck (you are one of not so many WoG modders that really can do something ).
I'm surgeon,not doctor - LizardWarrior

Supreme Hero
posted October 08, 2009 07:49 PM |
Please, let me be one of your testers. I have much time to spend.
I'm not so good map maker or ERM scripter, but I would
really like to help you and be one of the testers..
Btw, the story is great .

Known Hero
posted October 08, 2009 08:58 PM |
Maybe I could be a mapmaker if you let me know everything you want in the maps. Just post the conditions and I will tell you.

Famous Hero
posted October 08, 2009 09:16 PM |
maybe i could add some erm scripting. Problem is limited time. But at least some scripting...

Famous Hero
from Kesnaria
posted October 08, 2009 09:52 PM |
I wish you luck BJ... ...Nice idea, if I understand what it is...hope we will see it complete some day...
(P.S.:What do you mean by publisher?!?)

Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted October 09, 2009 12:32 AM |
I will post here when I will be choosing tester, you may be the one.
The question is, are you good enough? I must first choose mapmaker and only then I will tell what I need. And still, there's nothing done yet so map will be one of the last things to do.
THere will be A LOT of scripting, would you be able to handle this? And are you good at it? (as it there will be needed some professional scripting )
Well I don't always have internet connection and time, so I will need a man who will be updating this forum about the new things done and just inform people in other forums, places.

Supreme Hero
posted October 09, 2009 02:46 AM |
BJ can i have a job from that fields:
3.Graphic artist
4.File packer
6.Testers (later, about 10 or less)
I like to help you

Known Hero
posted October 09, 2009 08:51 AM |
BJ : depends on the work you want me to do. If by mapmaking you also mean internal scripting, sure I won't be able to help you 
If you mean creating beautiful and balanced areas, I may be helpful.
Feel free to test me

Famous Hero
posted October 09, 2009 08:59 AM |
THere will be A LOT of scripting, would you be able to handle this? And are you good at it? (as it there will be needed some professional scripting )
Well, how to say...
As already mentioned, time is limited. So it won't be that fast. But it's possible.
And about professional scripting: I'm a professional software developer, but not erm scripter. You might read my latest posts here in the erm help thread. Scripting erm is not that new to me, but i do not do it very often. My profession is software development for machines, mostly embedded control. So i have a good common understanding of software development. But the specific erm knowledge is not that good. There will be questions.
If that is enough for you...

Supreme Hero
posted October 09, 2009 02:35 PM |
Quote: @Gnollking
I will post here when I will be choosing tester, you may be the one.
Yay! Now I just have to wait.. 

Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted October 09, 2009 03:15 PM |
What are you best at of these categories?
There won't be any scripting in maps. So we may try.
Okey, we will try to work together.

Supreme Hero
posted October 09, 2009 07:56 PM |
Quote: @T2
What are you best at of these categories?
There won't be any scripting in maps. So we may try.
Okey, we will try to work together.
Of course,4.File packer.
3.Graphic artist: I only can use another game texture for H3, but can't use 3dmax or something like that.
SO can i have File packer job

Supreme Hero
posted October 09, 2009 07:58 PM |
Quote: @T2
What are you best at of these categories?
There won't be any scripting in maps. So we may try.
Okey, we will try to work together.
Of course,4.File packer.
3.Graphic artist: I only can use another game texture for H3, but can't use 3dmax or something like that.
SO can i have File packer job, both to make DEF or WOG

Adventuring Hero
posted October 09, 2009 11:20 PM |
I could test the map. I could also be the mapmaker. We could alternate with Paulemile if you both agree.

Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted October 09, 2009 11:42 PM |
Quote: I could test the map. I could also be the mapmaker. We could alternate with Paulemile if you both agree.
I'll have you in mind if it won't work with Paulemile.
Okey, File Packer job yours. 
By the way, i'm always updating first post, so everyone should check it out time to time. THere will me more and more info + new free places in team.

Supreme Hero
Always loyal to HC
posted October 09, 2009 11:52 PM |
1st of all...nice to see you back BJ!
6.VERY creative man for some ideas NEW
6.Testers (later, about 10 or less)
i can help here...if u need me let me know

Adventuring Hero
posted October 10, 2009 03:45 AM |
I can be one of the VERY creative people with ideas whether I'm the mapmaker (or one of them) or not. Just look at these roleplay posts!
I'm the person named " Mallorix Volinkov" Look for the longer posts.

Known Hero
posted October 10, 2009 12:04 PM |
That's all for now.

Supreme Hero
Always loyal to HC
posted October 10, 2009 12:09 PM |
Quote: Well I don't always have internet connection and time, so I will need a man who will be updating this forum about the new things done and just inform people in other forums, places.