Thread: Miley Cyrus Talk | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 · NEXT» |

Adventuring Hero
2nd Level, Expert Blind
posted May 07, 2010 05:56 PM |
Poll Question: Miley Cyrus Talk
Okay, before everyone starts ganging up on me and saying how much you guys hate her, I just want to understand the deal behind her current "phase-change". Her new video "Can't Be Tamed", wherein she dances a little bit provocatively and suggestively, dressed in a black leotard, has just aired on Miley's official Youtube Vevo. She "explains" that this is part of growing up and that the video serves as a crucial gap between her innocent Disney image and the image she wants to project as an adult singer, but do you think that she's going way too far? Can an eighteen-year-old handle the pressure to put on this kind of daring image? Do you think she's biting off more than she could chew? Do you think she's on her way to smoking crack and pot?
Anyways, you can view the video here.

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted May 07, 2010 05:59 PM |
Edited by Azagal at 18:00, 07 May 2010.
So dancing suggestively in a black leotard is part of groving up. Damn I'll never grow up Oo.
Oh and I voted she's just doing it for the money .
Oh I can't wait till Dagoth finds this xD.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Undefeatable Hero
posted May 07, 2010 06:01 PM |
I think she is odl enough to decide for herself.
Over himself, over his own
body and
mind, the individual is
- John Stuart Mill

Adventuring Hero
2nd Level, Expert Blind
posted May 07, 2010 06:04 PM |
Quote: So dancing suggestively in a black leotard is part of groving up. Damn I'll never grow up Oo.
Oh and I voted she's just doing it for the money .
Oh I can't wait till Dagoth finds this xD.
Hey Azagal. Thanks for the reply. But I think, it should be more than the money. I mean, so many young American girls look up to her back then when she was the cute, Nashville, Hannah Montana girl with the cute Texas accent to boot, I bet half of them's confused to whatever possessed Miley to do such a video.
Personally for me, she has the right to liberate herself and do what she likes, much like what Lindsay and Britney did to theirs, I just hope she doesn't influence her fans (which comprise mostly of children) into doing the same acts as she did. She's a role model, for Pete's sake and heck, who'd wanna grow up fast at eighteen anyway?

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted May 07, 2010 06:15 PM |
Edited by Azagal at 18:17, 07 May 2010.
I don't mean to offend you Lilith ("15 year old Male"... so you're a dude?) but if you look at the video you'll see that she copies what's popular. The video has Rihanna, Christina and Britney all over it. Why? Because sex sells. Do you really think she said "I want to make a video about me being all womenly now (eventhough there is very little in the way of being a woman in that video except for cleavage lol). Her producers/managers/whatever made her do it.
I know next to nothing about this Cyrus girl (except that she's obviously to blame for a lot of things... Dagoths thread has been very informative!) but I do strongly doubt that she's "expressing herself as an artist/maturing young woman". Sure she might have liked the idea of doing something provocative and being all adult but I doubt that she'll really be able to handle it. Sure girls mature faster than boys but she's 17(!!) she's to young to process all that. Apparently she's been in business for a while but I doubt she's mature enough (and you can't blame her. Who would be at that age?!). I feel a bit sad for her being utilized like that. Hope she makes it.
Quote: and do what she likes, much like what Lindsay and Britney did to theirs
Yeah we all know that that ended well.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Tavern Dweller
Elite Casters
posted May 07, 2010 06:22 PM |
Fact is, she's keeping up. With all the new artists coming out here and there, she's moments away from being yesterday's news. Everybody's talking about Lady Gaga now.

"What makes a hero?"

Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted May 07, 2010 06:30 PM |
Looks like Sesame Street to me...

Adventuring Hero
2nd Level, Expert Blind
posted May 07, 2010 06:33 PM |
Quote: I don't mean to offend you Lilith ("15 year old Male"... so you're a dude?) but if you look at the video you'll see that she copies what's popular. The video has Rihanna, Christina and Britney all over it. Why? Because sex sells. Do you really think she said "I want to make a video about me being all womenly now (eventhough there is very little in the way of being a woman in that video except for cleavage lol). Her producers/managers/whatever made her do it.
I know next to nothing about this Cyrus girl (except that she's obviously to blame for a lot of things... Dagoths thread has been very informative!) but I do strongly doubt that she's "expressing herself as an artist/maturing young woman". Sure she might have liked the idea of doing something provocative and being all adult but I doubt that she'll really be able to handle it. Sure girls mature faster than boys but she's 17(!!) she's to young to process all that. Apparently she's been in business for a while but I doubt she's mature enough (and you can't blame her. Who would be at that age?!). I feel a bit sad for her being utilized like that. Hope she makes it.
Quote: and do what she likes, much like what Lindsay and Britney did to theirs
Yeah we all know that that ended well.
Yeah, I'm a dude. But I'm 17 now, I created this account 2 years ago. Anyway, yeah, it is kinda sad seeing people like her doing it all for fame. I guess everyone's trying to be some Bieber or Gaga person now. Another concrete example of how media ruins our sense of individuality.

Tavern Dweller
Elite Casters
posted May 07, 2010 06:39 PM |
Quote: Yeah, I'm a dude. But I'm 17 now, I created this account 2 years ago. Anyway, yeah, it is kinda sad seeing people like her doing it all for fame. I guess everyone's trying to be some Bieber or Gaga person now. Another concrete example of how media ruins our sense of individuality.
That's media, you're either with them or against them. It's called brainwashing. Funny for you to bring up Bieber into this. Did you know he doesn't know what Germans are? And to think homeschooled kids had it rough. 
View [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75nDvFSHCBc]Justin Bieber[/url]'s hilarious video.

"What makes a hero?"

Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted May 07, 2010 06:41 PM |
What is this tingling sensation gently crawling down my spine?
Oh, right another Hannah Montana thread. Listen... I'll call you Lure if that's all right with you. I don't see any reason for you to express concern for this girl, because she clearly has sold her soul to Hollywood a long time ago, a purchase which hollywood eagerly accepted in order to brainwash our children anyway (and I know for a fact that she bathed that night in six points of virgin blood and killed all innocent bystanders).
By the way, need I remind you that Hannah Montana poses a genuine threat to the world?
A few years ago, Hannah Montana’s movie, "Hannah Montana Hates Freedom", was number one in the box office taking in over thirty million dollars in just three days and also set the then-record for having the highest per-screen average ever (which, by the way is crushed by the output of new moon, but those are worries for another time). So impressive was this opening weekend, in fact, that Hannah Montana actually stole headlines away from one of the most memorable upsets in the history of the National Football League. Got that? We’re basically saying to the rest of the world that Hannah Montana is more important to America than the Super Bowl and Rambo. Is that the kind of image that we want to present?
I think not...
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.

Undefeatable Hero
Nerf Herder
posted May 07, 2010 06:44 PM |
It's a cycle. She can only be young for so long and eventually she has to make changes to keep her career going. There will be another cultural icon to young girls that will take her place.
"Folks, I don't trust children. They're here to replace us."

Adventuring Hero
2nd Level, Expert Blind
posted May 07, 2010 06:49 PM |
Quote: A few years ago, Hannah Montana’s movie, "Hannah Montana Hates Freedom", was number one in the box office taking in over thirty million dollars in just three days and also set the then-record for having the highest per-screen average ever (which, by the way is crushed by the output of new moon, but those are worries for another time). So impressive was this opening weekend, in fact, that Hannah Montana actually stole headlines away from one of the most memorable upsets in the history of the National Football League. Got that? We’re basically saying to the rest of the world that Hannah Montana is more important to America than the Super Bowl and Rambo. Is that the kind of image that we want to present?
I think not...
Nice try, I've already read this on Cracked, LOL. Chill people, I don't even like her.

Legendary Hero
posted May 07, 2010 07:16 PM |
I know nothing about the girl. What I believe though is that age does not determine maturity. Sure in a society where most people are exposed for more or less the same through different ages, people generally are somewhat equal mature at different ages. That's not something that means age determines maturity though, that's more due to an unflexible education system in regards for people getting challenged equivalent to their level and interest.
Also, if Britney Spears is the only other measure point in regards to the likelyness of 'going down' when changing into that specific style, I'd say it's too little information to really put any kind of likelyness on it.
So all in all, my answer is neither no or yes, rather, I don't know. I need more information before I'd claim a given guess as justified to be regarded as knowledge.
Edit: Just a FYI, Dagoth is Belgiumic, which should explain a lot.
Living time backwards

Legendary Hero
posted May 07, 2010 07:28 PM |
Blah, horrible song.
And for the rest? Why should I care?

Undefeatable Hero
posted May 07, 2010 07:42 PM |
Quote: Looks like Sesame Street to me...

Tavern Dweller
Might and Magic!
posted May 07, 2010 07:45 PM |
Quote: Blah, horrible song.
And for the rest? Why should I care?
My sentiments exactly.

posted May 07, 2010 07:47 PM |
I think she is going too fast simply because of the immage she had (both of them) for so long. She had her own nitch and now she is copying other peoples? I don't think that is a wise idea, but good old Az is right....sex sells. Will it sell for her? Probably from some twisted weird angle (yacks a little). But what the hay! To each their own. Hopefully she will stay away from crack and just keep it real. Like 420 Forever. We all know she will have lots of money for a long time, and that is the substance that corrupts more than anything else.
Once Bitten,
Twice shy,
Be careful,
This one has sharp teeth.

Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted May 07, 2010 08:08 PM |
Nice try, I've already read this on Cracked, LOL. Chill people, I don't even like her.
But have you read this?

courtesy of Eugen!
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.

Legendary Hero
posted May 07, 2010 08:41 PM |
Imagine if Hannah Montana and The Joker DNA digivolved! 
Who would save us then?
Living time backwards

Undefeatable Hero
posted May 07, 2010 08:41 PM |
well, she still has the right to do what she wants no?
Quote: That's media, you're either with them or against them. It's called brainwashing.
it's not medias, they are neutrals, the problem is the people controlling them. I will not say that everything is bad or good about TV for exemple.