Thread: Another idea for factions | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
Servant of Asha
posted November 24, 2010 08:17 PM |
Edited by evinin at 20:18, 24 Nov 2010.
Another idea for factions
I know that there are many topics about factions and so but I had some good ideas. Nothing really new, mostly the good old classical creatures. Three classical factions, one that is a mix and a new one. From creature 1 to 3 - core units, from 4 to 6 - elite units, 7 is champion unit.
1 Faerie Dragon/Magic Dragon - shooter/shooter and caster, design more like the one in the III
2 Basilisk/Great Basilisk - walker, design like in Heroes III
3 Hydra/Discord Hydra - walker, design like in Heroes IV with the difference that the normal creature has two heads and the upgrade three
4 Wyvern/Poisonous Wyvern flyer, Heroes III design
5 Stone Dragon/Crystal Dragon walker, looks like in Heroes III
6 Pastel Dragon/Black Dragon flyer, Heroes IV design
7 Gold Dragon Rider/Azure Dragon Rider flyer, for the dragons bodies Heroes V, otherwise they are like the ones in Heroes III, rider is a knight, not so important
1 Spirit/Sun Spirit flyer, has only a small sparkling form
2 Defender/Crusader walker, knight like the ones in Heroes IV
3 Priestess/Saint caster, female, design Heroes VI
4 Monk/Abbot shooter, caster, male, design Heroes III and IV
5 Impure/Nefilim walker, male knight, design a knight with broken wings
6 Seraph/Blazing Seraph flyer, Heroes V and VI design for angels, female
7 Angel/Archangel flyer, Heroes III design, male
1 Spawn/Demon walker, Heroes V imp-like
2 Fire Demon/Burning Demon walker/shooter, design like the Gogs in Heroes III, both burn
3 Hell Hound/Cerberus walker, Heroes V design
4 Temptress/Succubus shooter, Heroes VI design
5 Efreet/Efreet Sultan flyer, caster, Heroes III design
6 Hell Mare/Nightmare walker, Heroes IV design
7 Devil/Archdevil teleports, Heroes III design
Double Portal
1 Pixie/Sprite flyer, Heroes III design
2 Cursed Wolf/Werewolf walker, Heroes III design of the gnoll
3 Enchanter/Druid caster, shooter, elf, Heroes V design
4 Dark Rider/Darkness Rider walker, female, dark elf design like the ones in Heroes V
5 Treant/Ancient Treant walker, Heroes III design
6 Sorceress/Magician caster, female, dark elf, design Heroes V
7 Manticore/Fearsome Manticore flyer, Heroes III design
1 Bone Warrior/Skeleton walker, Heroes III design
2 Stone Beast/Gargoyle flyer, Heroes III and IV design
3 Mummy/Pharaoh Mummy - walker, Heroes V design
4 Blood Prince/Vampire flyer, Heroes III design
5 Lich/Archlich shooter, caster, Heroes V design
6 Black Cavalier/Cavalier of Evil walker, Heroes III and IV design
7 Reaper/Death walker, Heroes V design of the Wight
So that's the general idea. I would love a comment or two.

Famous Hero
posted November 27, 2010 01:17 PM |
I like your ideas, especially the Inferno, and also it's a good idea to put Gargoyle into Necropolis (like in H4) 
The only problem I see is the Dragon town, which although interesting, would be hard to balance because about any dragon is too powerful to be Core. (e.g. the Faerie dragon, you made it a Level.1 but in other installments it was Level.4 in H4, equivalent to level7 in other HOMMs, and Level 8 in H3)

Supreme Hero
Servant of Asha
posted November 27, 2010 01:46 PM |
Well, yes, the dragons can't be that strong, there wont be any balance. My idea is to have lower stats.

Legendary Hero
posted November 27, 2010 02:47 PM |
Edited by Zenofex at 21:15, 27 Nov 2010.
I really, REALLY don't understand what's the point in these 5763467 topics about new factions/creatures, which have absolutely no chance to be implemented in the game simply because it is already decided how many which will be the factions in MMH:VI and what will be their line-up. Here's one potential Haven line-up which has exactly the same chance to be accepted as the rest of the proposals made in this/other topics.
Oppressed Serf - Oppressed Free Peasant: A man who exists to be oppressed and die at the age of 25-30 at most from some disease, band of robbers, war or whatever. Special ability: Pitchfork Phalanx - has a 20% chance to increase the Defense of the stack by +1 and to decrease its speed by -2.
Tax-Collector - Daylight Robber: A man who exists to take from the poor and give to the rich. Special ability: Taxation - reduces the growth of Oppressed Serfs/Oppressed Free Peasants in the town by 50% when garrisoned and increases the daily gold income by +500; Financial Revision - checks the financial records of the enemy army, lowering its Morale by -5 and dismissing random stack for unpaid taxes. When in this mode, the Tax-Collector/Daylight Robber takes tripple damage from enemy attacks.
Bard - Grand Drunkard: A man who exists for reasons unknown to him, expressed in rhymes. Special abilities: Ballad - a song which may increase or decrease the morale of the Bard's army by +/-3. A random enemy creature loses one turn to apploud or hiss; Brothel Champion - the creature has a reputation among the ladies and receives double damage from all female humanoids in the game; Tough Drinker - the creature don't get drunk easily. This doesn't affect its battle performance at all.
Landlord - Rich Landlord: a man who exists to oppress other people. Special abilities: Mobilize - summons a stack or Oppressed Serfs on the battlefield and imprisons it for debts after the battle ends; Land Enclosure - places wooden fences randomly around the battlefield. Every enemy who enters the area beyond these walls gets charged one half of its cost.
Griffin - Fat Griffin: a standard Griffin, which could get adopted by some lord and grow fat. Special abilities: Battle Dive (Griffin) - a standard Battle Dive. Bombardment (Fat Griffin) - the creature attempts to perform Battle Dive but falls from exhaustion 2 squares in front of its initial position. If the square is occupied by some creature, it takes 50 damage per falling Fat Griffin.
Heavy Cavalry - Super Heavy Cavalry: a man, who exists to wear steel clothes and charge heavily on a horseback. Special abilities: Armored beyond reason - the creature takes only 1 damage from physical attacks, but moves once per 10 turns. Charge - the creature charges at a target 2 squares away from it at most. The horse has 50% chance to stumble and fall at any square before reaching the target due to the rider's weight and its own 50 kg armor. If successful, the attack deals 50% increased damage.
Angel - Angel Dandy: a creature which exists to be superior. Special abilities: Superiority - the creature frowns upon the enemy army, enraging it and increasing the damage against itself with 100%. Resurrection of the worthy - the creature can resurrect other Angels, Angel Dandies and Elves. There is 25% chance to lose 1 turn after each successful resurrection to chat with the resurrected troops about the inferiority of the others. Fashion Fascist - the creature deals double damage against everything which doesn't have fancy clothes, shiny armor or is not an elf.

Famous Hero
posted November 27, 2010 05:01 PM |
@Zenofex I understand what you mean, but people post factions that they WISH were in the game, while many of them are inbalanced and weird, some are really good. Like the Inferno posted in this thread - it's just the standard Inferno we all know but it brings the classic creatures like Efreet and Nightmare BACK to the faction where they really fit in well.
I have also made a thread about factions and you might want to have a look, at LEAST one might appear reasonable to you, and I assure none of them are as closely stupid to the caricature you posted lol (btw my factions aren't based on any present in H5, just ones that I'd like to appear in expansions for H6 that mainly consist of creatures from H3 that were later left out of consecutive games, e.g. Gorgon and Medusa )

Supreme Hero
Servant of Asha
posted November 27, 2010 05:19 PM |
I posted this topic to share ideas (isn't this the meaning of the forum?). The first thing that is written in it is that I know that there are many topics like this. Still, I had fun with your comment, Zenofex.

Adventuring Hero
Heroic Adventurer
posted November 27, 2010 08:13 PM |
@Zenofex I congratulate you.
To fail to plan is to plan to

Legendary Hero
posted November 27, 2010 11:24 PM |
Edited by MattII at 23:24, 27 Nov 2010.
I'm with Zenofex on this one. The day was when a faction wouldn't even be stuck up without more than a few hints of a well-worked (if not totally agreeable) whole-game proposal.

Adventuring Hero
posted November 28, 2010 07:48 AM |
Loved your post, Zenofex. Reminds me of that Boutique town that was posted at the astral wizard site (RIP). :-)
And I know how you feel. I usually ignore all such threads. Rare exceptions include attached artwork that might make me want to have something like that in the game. Other than that, I wait for the game makers to reveal the creatures and then complain about them. :-D

Supreme Hero
Lord of the Swamp
posted November 28, 2010 07:51 AM |
There's a lot of these threads, but it's good that the forum's starting to perk up a bit with the imminent arrival of HoMM VI; there's been a bit of a slump since it has been so long between games. So, I'm not complaining; new threads, even if they are the same thing, are better than no threads at all.
They can take my swamp, they can take my town, but they will never take my FREEDOM!

Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted November 28, 2010 03:04 PM |
I really have to agree to swamplord and disagree to the many counter-voices I read here. For me, the altar has allways also, no, mainly, been a place to share your ideas, and, therefore, a reason to let your creativity flow! This was, btw, what brought me to and kept me in HC mostly!!! So "the point" about this is very simple: a person shares their ideas, because they like to do so. Here is a platform for such ideas and it's great there is one. You can dislike a certain proposal, of course, and you can even dislike most of them, but I cannot understand why you seemingly don't want to people share and show their ideas and vision! This IS the Altar of WISHES, after all!!!

Undefeatable Hero
Stand and fight!
posted November 28, 2010 03:10 PM |
Edited by Adrius at 15:15, 28 Nov 2010.
Yeah, stop hatin' on people with imagination 
EDIT: However, I would suggest expanding your ideas a bit instead of just posting lines of names. They tell us nothing.
Post a description, some abilities, the theme of the faction, possible artwork etc...
Your faction might be clear as crystal in your head, but without anything other than names I can't see ****

Supreme Hero
Servant of Asha
posted November 28, 2010 03:27 PM |
Well I firstly had some plans to expand my ideas but after the followed comments, I though that it will be better if I don't. Still I explained the artwork from the past games that I'll like to see again in the proposed creatures. And also the creatures are pretty classical, I said a couple of words about some new ones, like the Nefilim but still only about the artwork.

Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted November 28, 2010 04:21 PM |
Quote: Well I firstly had some plans to expand my ideas but after the followed comments, I though that it will be better if I don't. Still I explained the artwork from the past games that I'll like to see again in the proposed creatures. And also the creatures are pretty classical, I said a couple of words about some new ones, like the Nefilim but still only about the artwork.
Don't let a couple of fantasy-hating creatures spoil your fun babe!
Just continue with your proposal, its not only fun to make up that stuff but also very creative to do so, you can better do this stuff than playing with your mobile phone or anything that useless and non-creative.
Yeah, that's completely right!!! Don't let you be driven out of doing this!!!
And to the others: Such things happening is why I cannot get help, but am really getting angry when I see such posts in such a thread, and that in such a ganged-up way. Because 'though you want to criticize the overall situation, mainly, you are merely bringing down the suggestion of a single person. I hope and think that was not your intention at all, but it definitely has the effect when posted with a certain proposal!

Famous Hero
posted November 28, 2010 04:21 PM |
Quote: Well I firstly had some plans to expand my ideas but after the followed comments, I though that it will be better if I don't. Still I explained the artwork from the past games that I'll like to see again in the proposed creatures. And also the creatures are pretty classical, I said a couple of words about some new ones, like the Nefilim but still only about the artwork.
Don't let a couple of fantasy-hating creatures spoil your fun babe!
Just continue with your proposal, its not only fun to make up that stuff but also very creative to do so, you can better do this stuff than playing with your mobile phone or anything that useless and non-creative.
I agree. I (and Nightterror, as I am aware) have also created a thread about our ideas, and if someone posts a negative comment, it should be taken into consideration, but not influence your views

Adventuring Hero
posted November 28, 2010 07:41 PM |
EDIT: However, I would suggest expanding your ideas a bit instead of just posting lines of names. They tell us nothing.
Post a description, some abilities, the theme of the faction, possible artwork etc...
Your faction might be clear as crystal in your head, but without anything other than names I can't see **** 
What he said.
Most of the creature lineup threads have just names of creatures and nothing else. And with the way lore is juggling between mythology, D&D and Heroes series, a name like hydra or gorgon can mean several things.
I definitely do not intend to discourage anyone from sharing their ideas, quite the contrary. I'm just stating that I don't find such threads all that interesting without some visual feedback.

Adventuring Hero
Heroic Adventurer
posted November 28, 2010 07:57 PM |
Quote: Elves suck
Quote: golems suck even more!
Quote: Don't let a couple of fantasy-hating creatures spoil your fun babe!
To fail to plan is to plan to

Known Hero
Hail Hydra!
posted November 28, 2010 09:07 PM |
Maybe the dragon faction can be called Dragon Utopia.
I like their core units and champion most. But why the champion don't just throw the rider off? (and you said its not that important) I mean, its dragon town and its the champion, I guess it should pose as the supremacy of the dragons, that they alone can do a lot in the battlefield. 
And something that made me lol was pastel dragon. I get that pastel means color tones, but in my language it also means some kind of food.
A (food) pastel dragon would go well with the vegetable faction  
Another thing that occurred to me was that it could be a faction that don't follow the 3 3 1 new tier system. It could have more elites and champions than average towns, having less cores. Or even no core at all. But that's just something that occurred to me now. Maybe I try to make some faction out of the 3-3-1 template sometime (as I'd like to see 'neutral factions', but I'm starting to digress here).

Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted November 28, 2010 09:12 PM |
Quote: I really, REALLY don't understand what's the point in these 5763467 topics about new factions/creatures, which have absolutely no chance to be implemented in the game simply because it is already decided how many which will be the factions in MMH:VI and what will be their line-up. Here's one potential Haven line-up which has exactly the same chance to be accepted as the rest of the proposals made in this/other topics.
Oppressed Serf - Oppressed Free Peasant: A man who exists to be oppressed and die at the age of 25-30 at most from some disease, band of robbers, war or whatever. Special ability: Pitchfork Phalanx - has a 20% chance to increase the Defense of the stack by +1 and to decrease its speed by -2.
Tax-Collector - Daylight Robber: A man who exists to take from the poor and give to the rich. Special ability: Taxation - reduces the growth of Oppressed Serfs/Oppressed Free Peasants in the town by 50% when garrisoned and increases the daily gold income by +500; Financial Revision - checks the financial records of the enemy army, lowering its Morale by -5 and dismissing random stack for unpaid taxes. When in this mode, the Tax-Collector/Daylight Robber takes tripple damage from enemy attacks.
Bard - Grand Drunkard: A man who exists for reasons unknown to him, expressed in rhymes. Special abilities: Ballad - a song which may increase or decrease the morale of the Bard's army by +/-3. A random enemy creature loses one turn to apploud or hiss; Brothel Champion - the creature has a reputation among the ladies and receives double damage from all female humanoids in the game; Tough Drinker - the creature don't get drunk easily. This doesn't affect its battle performance at all.
Landlord - Rich Landlord: a man who exists to oppress other people. Special abilities: Mobilize - summons a stack or Oppressed Serfs on the battlefield and imprisons it for debts after the battle ends; Land Enclosure - places wooden fences randomly around the battlefield. Every enemy who enters the area beyond these walls gets charged one half of its cost.
Griffin - Fat Griffin: a standard Griffin, which could get adopted by some lord and grow fat. Special abilities: Battle Dive (Griffin) - a standard Battle Dive. Bombardment (Fat Griffin) - the creature attempts to perform Battle Dive but falls from exhaustion 2 squares in front of its initial position. If the square is occupied by some creature, it takes 50 damage per falling Fat Griffin.
Heavy Cavalry - Super Heavy Cavalry: a man, who exists to wear steel clothes and charge heavily on a horseback. Special abilities: Armored beyond reason - the creature takes only 1 damage from physical attacks, but moves once per 10 turns. Charge - the creature charges at a target 2 squares away from it at most. The horse has 50% chance to stumble and fall at any square before reaching the target due to the rider's weight and its own 50 kg armor. If successful, the attack deals 50% increased damage.
Angel - Angel Dandy: a creature which exists to be superior. Special abilities: Superiority - the creature frowns upon the enemy army, enraging it and increasing the damage against itself with 100%. Resurrection of the worthy - the creature can resurrect other Angels, Angel Dandies and Elves. There is 25% chance to lose 1 turn after each successful resurrection to chat with the resurrected troops about the inferiority of the others. Fashion Fascist - the creature deals double damage against everything which doesn't have fancy clothes, shiny armor or is not an elf.
While the first part of the post was perhaps a bit harsh, I must admit your line-up completely cracked me up! 
What will happen now?

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted November 28, 2010 09:25 PM |
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb