Thread: [Mod TotE] Conflux town | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 · NEXT» |


Hired Hero
posted March 10, 2011 02:48 AM |
bonus applied by VokialBG on 12 Mar 2011. |
Edited by Consus at 22:51, 28 Mar 2011.
[Mod TotE] Conflux town
I'd like to present you my mod. It changes Academy into Contflux.
The mod contains upgraded elementals made by DarkCrystal and wisps made by TSoD.
It doesn't require NCF.
1. Wisp -> Luminous Wisp <-> Dark Wisp
2. Air Elemental -> Strom Elemental <-> Gas Elemental
3. Water Elemental -> Ice Elemental <-> Mist Elemental
4. Fire Elemental -> Energy Elemental <-> Plasma Elemental
5. Earth Elemental -> Magma Elemental <-> Onyx Elemental
6. Psychic Elemental -> Magic Elemental <-> Light Elemental
7. Firebird -> Phoenix <-> Thunderbird

With the balancing patch:

Psychic Elemental:

Magic Elemental:

Light Elemental


The town screen is modified. All buildings are recolored, dwellings have additional effects.
Conflux's magic schools are summonig and destructive.
A fully built town:


Conflux hero is Elementalist - magic hero with a soft spot for attack.
Primary skills:
Attack 20%
Defense 10%
Spellpower 35%
Knowledge 35%
Secondary skills:
Sorcery 15%
Summoning Magic 15%
Destructive Magic 10%
Enlightenment 10%
Attack 8%
Logistics 8%
War Machines 8%
Dark Magic 4%
Light Magic 4%
Leadership 4%
Luck 2%
Defense 2%
The racial skill is Artificer (works exactly like in Academy).
Arcane Omniscience requirements:
Sorcery -> Mana Regeneration + Arcane Brillance -> Erratic Mana
Enlightenment -> Scholar -> Arcane Exaltation -> Mentoring
Attack -> Archery -> Flaming Arrows -> Power of Speed
Generic heroes:
Aenain - Disrupter; skills: basic Dark Magic; Master of Pain, spell: vulnerability
Brissa - Windspeaker; skills: advanced Sorcery; spell: haste
Fiur - Fire Commander; skills: basic Attack, Archery; spell: Eldritch arrow
Ignissa - Flame Wielder; skills: basic Destructive Magic, Master of Fire; spell: fireball
Kalt - Chill Lord; skills: basic Logistics, Pathfinding; spell: ice bolt
Luna - Wisp Friend; skills: basic Summoning Magic, Master of Earthblood; spell: fire trap
Monere - Mystic; skills: basic Sorcery, Mana Regeneration; spell: arcane crystal
Pasis - Time Shifter; skills: basic Enlightenment, Mark of the Elementalis; spell: slow

Download (34.75 MB):
[url=http://www.mediafire.com/?tp5dsd9sig65hri]English version[/url]
[url=http://www.mediafire.com/?1zc0cjx60dnzt57]Polish version[/url]
[url=http://www.mediafire.com/?nwffr0317x84wbs]The balancing patch[/url]
[url=http://www.mediafire.com/?bolb315gyr3icun]The patch for the AI mod[/url]
Unpack the archive into your game folder.

Tavern Dweller
posted March 10, 2011 07:16 PM |
Might I say, a really neat-looking mod you got there. The heroes and their effects and the tier 6 units especially are done wonderfully. The Lich skin fits them really well, and the facial effects are superb 
Just played a few quick games with the faction, so can't really comment on the balance against other factions. Well, the units are almost identical to the heroes 3 town, ofcourse, and many people think Conflux was overpowered in H3...not sure about that. The ice elementals aren't shooters anymore, so its just one shooter in this faction. The spells make for it, naturally.
Can't think of much to complain about, this is very awesome indeed.

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted March 10, 2011 07:24 PM |
Conflux mod finally released, this time y someone I don't even know 
In general it's a lot of good work, but I was really suprised by nice ffect you used to simulate Aurora Borealis
The future of Heroes 3 is here!

Supreme Hero
Pro Bacon Vodka Brewer
posted March 10, 2011 09:45 PM |
This is a masterpiece Best city replacer so far (if you look at the visuals btw)
the best tactic/funplay town is fauch's..
but still, a masterpiece  


Hired Hero
posted March 10, 2011 10:31 PM |
Thanks for the positive feedback 
Btw does anyone know if it's possible to change the native terrain? Because the Elementalists still have no movement penalty and +1 to attack and defense on the sand...

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 10, 2011 11:24 PM |
Your Thunderbird is seriously the most beautiful modded creature I have seen! Love it!

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 11, 2011 02:11 AM |
I couldn't figure how to create the random light spell ability. never thought of changing the target of the spell...
you did a lot of changes to the town screen, interesting.
tiers 2 seem very strong, actually like in H3 conflux, not sure it is a good idea


Hired Hero
posted March 11, 2011 10:00 PM |
Quote: tiers 2 seem very strong, actually like in H3 conflux, not sure it is a good idea
But they also have a weak point - a hero attack is very effective against them

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 12, 2011 01:06 AM |
I've just spotted gold golems. I don't remember anyone ever created them?

Known Hero
posted March 12, 2011 01:31 AM |
I certainly applaud your work. This is definitely one of the most complete town mods in terms of presentation, not that I don't Love all the other town mods, but its very nice to see a convincing and beautiful background to fit the towns new line up.


Hired Hero
posted March 12, 2011 03:22 PM |
Quote: I've just spotted gold golems. I don't remember anyone ever created them?
They are my NCF. Nothing special, just tier 4 golems, magic-proof 75% with magnetism.

Adventuring Hero
Ragin' Tard
posted March 13, 2011 10:13 AM |
This is great, though I have a few suggestions;
1, Plasma Elemental sounds too scifi for my tastes, what about Sun Elemental? The color would make sense then, too.
2, NCF versions of the psychic elemental and upgrade?
Overall, I am absolutely stunned by the look of this town despite being a reskin (and minor remodel to some part). It has a completely different atmosphere which is amazing!
Keep up the good work, maybe this could eventually turn into a standalone faction instead of a replacement?

Famous Hero
DoR Dev Team
posted March 13, 2011 02:01 PM |
If you will ever make an update of this mod,here are some councils of mine:
Put wisps to Sylvan and Pixies to Conflux.Give them some clothes to make them more similiar to H3.Rename Dark Wisp to Will-O-Wisp.
Remake of Elementals and their upgrades:
Air/Storm/Gas Elementals:Zealots with runemasters beard and genie effects.Respective Effects.
Water Elemental:Blood Maidens with F.Elementals tail.
Ice Elemental:Shadow Witches with F.Elementals tail and trident instead of whip.
Coral Elemental(Better than mist):Blood Sisters with coral blades and clothing,blue skin and F.Elemental Tail.
Fire Elemental:Vampires without sword and cape.Hair retextured to fire and added fire effects.Body has body texture.
Energy Elemental:Vampire with blue bodies,powerful energy effects and removed sword and cape.
Searing Elemental(Better than plasma):Fire elementals with Wisp(non upgraded) effect.
Earth/Lava/Onyx Elementals:Same,I suggest however to make Onyx Mineral and put as texture different types of crystals.
Psychic Elemental:Archmage Turban added.
Runic Elemental(new type of magic):Rune Keeper head.

Famous Hero
posted March 13, 2011 02:26 PM |
Quote: If you will ever make an update of this mod,here are some councils of mine:
Put wisps to Sylvan and Pixies to Conflux.Give them some clothes to make them more similiar to H3.Rename Dark Wisp to Will-O-Wisp.
Remake of Elementals and their upgrades:
Air/Storm/Gas Elementals:Zealots with runemasters beard and genie effects.Respective Effects.
Water Elemental:Blood Maidens with F.Elementals tail.
Ice Elemental:Shadow Witches with F.Elementals tail and trident instead of whip.
Coral Elemental(Better than mist):Blood Sisters with coral blades and clothing,blue skin and F.Elemental Tail.
Fire Elemental:Vampires without sword and cape.Hair retextured to fire and added fire effects.Body has body texture.
Energy Elemental:Vampire with blue bodies,powerful energy effects and removed sword and cape.
Searing Elemental(Better than plasma):Fire elementals with Wisp(non upgraded) effect.
Earth/Lava/Onyx Elementals:Same,I suggest however to make Onyx Mineral and put as texture different types of crystals.
Psychic Elemental:Archmage Turban added.
Runic Elemental(new type of magic):Rune Keeper head.
Lol dude ur suggestions would make appearance of Conflux units just hilarious, they wouldnt look good anymore, moreover they wouldn't even fit the game. Rotfl, retextured vampires as fire elementals and witches as ice elementals About pixies, i prefer wisps cause i dont want to play recolored SYLVAN creatures in CONFLUX. These suggestions of yours would make this great town silly hybrid of recolored necro/dungeon/sylvan creatures... anyway thats just my 2 cents.
In my opinion the mod is great, by far the best that came out for H5. I really like the new town and I think it fits game perfectly. The appearance of units and buildings is also just amazing! I hope that u will make some updates in future to make it even better.
Trzymaj tak dalej, brawo!

Famous Hero
DoR Dev Team
posted March 13, 2011 03:39 PM |
Quote: If you will ever make an update of this mod,here are some councils of mine:
Put wisps to Sylvan and Pixies to Conflux.Give them some clothes to make them more similiar to H3.Rename Dark Wisp to Will-O-Wisp.
Remake of Elementals and their upgrades:
Air/Storm/Gas Elementals:Zealots with runemasters beard and genie effects.Respective Effects.
Water Elemental:Blood Maidens with F.Elementals tail.
Ice Elemental:Shadow Witches with F.Elementals tail and trident instead of whip.
Coral Elemental(Better than mist):Blood Sisters with coral blades and clothing,blue skin and F.Elemental Tail.
Fire Elemental:Vampires without sword and cape.Hair retextured to fire and added fire effects.Body has body texture.
Energy Elemental:Vampire with blue bodies,powerful energy effects and removed sword and cape.
Searing Elemental(Better than plasma):Fire elementals with Wisp(non upgraded) effect.
Earth/Lava/Onyx Elementals:Same,I suggest however to make Onyx Mineral and put as texture different types of crystals.
Psychic Elemental:Archmage Turban added.
Runic Elemental(new type of magic):Rune Keeper head.
Lol dude ur suggestions would make appearance of Conflux units just hilarious, they wouldnt look good anymore, moreover they wouldn't even fit the game. Rotfl, retextured vampires as fire elementals and witches as ice elementals About pixies, i prefer wisps cause i dont want to play recolored SYLVAN creatures in CONFLUX. These suggestions of yours would make this great town silly hybrid of recolored necro/dungeon/sylvan creatures... anyway thats just my 2 cents.
In my opinion the mod is great, by far the best that came out for H5. I really like the new town and I think it fits game perfectly. The appearance of units and buildings is also just amazing! I hope that u will make some updates in future to make it even better.
Trzymaj tak dalej, brawo!
That would be H3 Conflux lol and its the H5 Elementals that are hilarious.Just look at both original elementals and Upgraded NCFs:Fire Effects are WONDERFUL(Especially NCFs) but its their 3d that is Hilarious,so,I believe we must do something more similiar to Heroes 3.

Adventuring Hero
Ragin' Tard
posted March 13, 2011 03:53 PM |
Actually, "Wisp" doesn't mean anything without the "Will o'" suffix, unless it's in the Warcraft universe, which this isn't. I would do it like this:
Base (orange): Jack o' Lantern
Upgrade1 (blue): Will o' the Wisp
Upgrade2 (green): Will o' the Wykes
Atleast, that would make sense in terms of folklore and make it less of a Warcraft ripoff.

Famous Hero
DoR Dev Team
posted March 13, 2011 04:46 PM |
Quote: Actually, "Wisp" doesn't mean anything without the "Will o'" suffix, unless it's in the Warcraft universe, which this isn't. I would do it like this:
Base (orange): Jack o' Lantern
Upgrade1 (blue): Will o' the Wisp
Upgrade2 (green): Will o' the Wykes
Atleast, that would make sense in terms of folklore and make it less of a Warcraft ripoff.
Quite good TroggyMan...I never thought of this possibility.

Famous Hero
posted March 13, 2011 07:37 PM |
Hmm, I play this in Polish so no problem for me


Hired Hero
posted March 13, 2011 08:29 PM |
The creature names won't change. I think they're OK now.
I generally agree with revolut1oN. If you want to play the exact Heroes 3 Conflux, just play Heroes 3.

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 13, 2011 08:40 PM |
but in that case, why make it as imbalanced?