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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Arkham Horror - Out of Game
Thread: Arkham Horror - Out of Game This thread is 14 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 · NEXT»

Hero of Order
Fox or Chicken?
posted June 17, 2012 07:03 PM
Edited by OmegaDestroyer at 00:02, 20 Jun 2012.

Arkham Horror - Out of Game

Has anyone heard of Arkham Horror?  It's a board game based off the Cthulhu mythos created by H.P. Lovecraft.  Basically, it's up to a team of investigators to prevent an ancient evil from destroying the city of Arkham before dying or losing their sanity.  During the course of the game, you fight monsters, earn clues, gain abilities, gather allies, travel to other worlds/dimensions, collect weapons and magic, in the hope of preventing the acient evil from waking up.  In the event it does, you have to work together to take it down.

I ask because I'm contemplating setting up a forum game based off of the actual game.  I have the board game version and a good amount of its expansions.  What I was thinking is similar to a chess game played by corresponding letters.  I would control the pieces and you would make the decisions.  

This would involve you picking a character (or being assigned one if you do not have a preference) and being assigned cards that I would draw at random.  Players would then indicate the actions they would want to take and I would make them on my end.  

As to why I decided to post it in the Glade, in a sense, we would be roleplaying and being a mod, I could edit if needed.  

Anyone interested?


Since we have an interest and players, this thread will server as the master post for the game.  I will create a new thread with who's who and what's what when we have 6 players.

As of right now, the players are:

Alkar:                                                               Dagoth:

Gnomes:                                                           Minion:

Geny:                                                                Azagal:
The giant has awakened
You drink my blood and drown
Wrath and raving I will not stop
You'll never take me down

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted June 17, 2012 08:06 PM

I don't know the game, but the concept sounds interesting. I'd like to hear more.

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Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted June 17, 2012 10:33 PM

As do I.
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted June 17, 2012 10:40 PM

I need to get lost in another RP. Tell me more...
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted June 17, 2012 11:12 PM

Sounds intriguing.
Vote El Presidente! Or Else!

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Hero of Order
Fox or Chicken?
posted June 18, 2012 12:06 AM
Edited by OmegaDestroyer at 19:25, 18 Jun 2012.

Remember, it's not an RPG but an actual board game.

The map and wiki link are very useful for getting an idea of the game, but I will try and clear some things up for you.

Gameplay -  The goal of the game is to defeat the Ancient One.  Every turn starts out with a player drawing a Mythos Card.  A Mythos Card does several things.  It states if and where a portal opens, in what directions monsters move, if a certain environment (such as a heat wave), rumor (people found eaten alive), or headline (FBI raids Arkham) that occur that turn, and where clues appear.  Additionally, the Ancient One's doom track (see Ancient One section) goes up 1 point if a portal is opened.  

Once the Mythos Card is drawn, players are then free to act.  Based on his or her speed, a player can move X amount of spaces to a location.  If you do not encounter a monster or portal, you then draw a card to have an encounter at that spot.  Encounters can be beneficial or detrimental depending on what you draw and usually require a skill check of some kind.  

While you still have movement points, you can fight monsters, go to shops, go through portals, and get clues.  Clues are important for sealing portals and for buffing skills.  Fighting and killing monsters gets you trophies which can be used to purchase special abilities or items.

The game is played with dice.  Success is on a 5 or 6 and everything else fails.  Skills modify how many dice rolls you get.  For example, your character has 5 luck.  That's 5 dice rolls.  You pull a card that let's you steal a treasure if you pass a luck(-2) check.  What that means is that you would effectively have 3 dice to roll a 5 or a 6.  Monsters and Ancient Ones often require multiple successful roles to defeat them.

An example of a Mythos Card:

The location in the lower left corner is where a portal opens up with a monster.  The symbols on the lower right corner are tied to monsters.  Monsters with the crescent symbol move in the white direction and plus monsters move in the black direction.

Mythos come in three types:  Headlines, Rumors, and Environments.  Environments are persistent until replaced by a new environment.  Most headlines and rumors only last a turn, but there are some conditions that can allow them to stay.  As we pull them up in the game, I will clarify.

By the way, the Mythos card "The Stars Are Right" SUCKS.


Portals - Portals (aka Gates) are a major focus of the game.  Every time a portal opens, the doom track rises by 1, and a monster appears.  Portals can open on top of players and rip that player into the other world (such as The Abyss or Dream World).  You then explore those worlds, have encounters, and eventually travel back to Arkham.  Once explored, portals can be sealed with clues and items (based off of skill checks), or they can just be closed.  The difference being sealed portals can never be reopened (unless specified otherwise).  Every time you seal a portal, the doom track goes down by one.  Seal enough and the Ancient One is trapped and you win the game.  If too many portals are open, then the Ancient One wakes up and you get down to business.  In the event a portal is supposed to open where there is already an existing portal, a monster surge occurs and monsters appear out of every portal.  

If you manage to close or seal a portal, any monsters aligned with the portal (generally with a symbol such as a moon, /, +, etc.) are ripped off the map with it.



The Ancient One -  The Ancient One is the big bad of the game.  The goal is to defeat it by either sealing portals or defeating it in combat.  Ancient Ones possess crazy attacks and if they are not taken down quickly, can easily overwhelm players.  Each Ancient One has a doom track associated with it.  A doom track is numerical value (We'll say 10) of how close the Ancient One is to awakening.  The doom track starts at one.  It goes up every time a portal opens or a card states that it goes up.  If the track fills up (again, to 10 in this case), the Ancient One wakes up and you have to fight it.  

When you fight a monster, you have to meet as many success (a 5 or 6 on a dice roll) equal to the number of the doom track (the numbers at the bottom of the card).  Making it even more difficult, for each player, that doom token requires 1 success.  So if five people are playing, five successes are needed to remove one doom token.  Get it down to zero and the players win.  

Example of Ancient Ones:

They are bad news.  Look at Shub-Niggurath for example.  She has physical immunity, so magical weapons are needed to fight her.  Her combat rating is -5, so every investigator's combat check (fight + items, skills, spells, etc.) loses 5 dice.  Since Dark Young are her spawn, if they are on the board, they can never truly die (they don't get discarded, can't be claimed as trophies, and go back in the monster cup).  While Shub-Niggurath is out, ALL monsters have their toughness increased by 1.  That means the cultist (mentioned below) is a 2 instead of a 1.  When the battle starts, if you do not have any monster trophies, you are devoured and out of the game.  Sub attacks by forcing players to make a Sneak(+1) check or lose 1 monster trophy.  Every turn, the Sneak modifier decreases.  Essentially, you either need a monster trophy or a really high sneak if you do not want to get eaten.

Investigators - There are numerous investigators in the game with varying abilities.  There are psychologists, photographers, gangsters, special agents, doctors, nuns, etc.  Every investigator has a numerical sanity and stamina value.  If either is depleted, you either go to the hospital, go to the asylum, or in very rare cases, are devoured.  

Investigators also have various skills represented by values.   The skills are speed (how many board points you move), sneaking (your ability to avoid a monster), fight (combat abilities), will (mental fortitude to resist insanity), lore (knowledge of the supernatural used to cast spells), and luck (can be used for any number of things).  The skills are on a sliding scale and are paired up with Speed/Sneak, Fight/Will, and Lore/Luck.  Every turn, you have the ability (what is known as focus)to assign new ratios.  So let's say you have a Speed 5/Sneak 3 one turn.  The next turn you could turn it into Speed 3/Sneak 5.  

Investigators start with various starting items, including cash, random or fixed possessions, random magic spells, skills, or allies.  You can earn more throughout the game by drawing various cards or entering shops.  

Each investigator has an unique power.  One has an ability to reduce sanity damage by 1 point, another can restore stamina to any player in Arkham by 1 point, allow others to spend your clue tokens and the like.  



Monsters - Monsters appear through portals and various card events.  If too many monsters are on the board at any point, the terror track goes up.  As the terror track rises, various shops begin to close.  Once full, the Ancient One awakens.  

Monsters have various abilities, including fast (can move two times in a turn), flight (can swoop down on investigators), ambush (can't flee), physical/magical resistance/immunity, and more.  Monsters have stats just like investigators.  They have an evasion level (how much you need to sneak past them or evade their attacks), sanity cost (you roll dice before fighting.  If you fail, your sanity takes a hit), attack (same with sanity.  If you fail, you take X amount of stamina damage), and a toughness cost.

To fight monsters, you first see if you take sanity damage (a horror check) and then physically fight them.  Items, spells, and magical weapons can all be used to aid you in a battle.  That means you have 2 dice rolls to get 2 5s or 6s.  You also have a tommy gun, which gives you +6 to combat rolls.  So instead of rolling 2 dice, you now have 8 dice to get 2 5s or 6s.  Monsters either are fled, defeated, or kill you.  If you cannot flee, you have to fight until one of you drops.  Horror checks are similar to combat checks but they are performed first.  

Dead monsters are useful to trade in for money, skills, allies, items, and the like.  


On the front:  The upper right hand number indicates the sneak modifier to get around the monster or flee from it.  In this case, to evade the cultist you would subtract 3 dice rolls from your total sneak value.  The lower right hand number indicates the monsters alignment to a particular portal and how it moves.  

On the back:  The lower left-hand number is the Will modifier needed to avoid sanity damage from the monster.  The blue dots represent how much sanity damage one would take.  The middle blood drops represent a monsters toughness and how many successful roles you need to defeat it.  The lower right hand numbers indicate the Fight modifier you need to defeat the monster.  The hearts underneath represent how much stamina damage you take from the monster should you fail.

The cultist is not that dangerous.  It's hard to sneak around him, but you take no sanity damage, he only needs one success to beat, and you only take one stamina damage if you fail to beat him.  

The hound on the other hand, is very dangerous.  If you fail the sanity check, you lose 4 sanity, you need two successes to kill it and if you fail to do so, you take 3 stamina damage.  

Common Items, Unique Items, Spells, Skills, and Allies - Throughout the game, investigators will come across many items, spells, allies, and abilities to help save the world.  They can be found, earned, traded, or purchased.  Similarly, they can be lost or sacrificed.  I have provided examples of each after a short description.

Common items generally offer physical bonuses to combat checks or random gear to aid an investigator, such guns, tomes, or booze.  Some require 1 or 2 hands to use.  

Unique items are often magical and give you a great edge against evil.  They are quite powerful and very useful.

Spells are very powerful and may or may not require hands to use.  Most require a Lore check to use and have a sanity cost.  Some characters, particularly those with high sanity or the ability to restore or negate sanity loss, can benefit greatly from them.

Skills enhance your stats or other factors.  They are very useful and really turn the tide of a game.

Allies are amazing.  They usually buff your stats and offer special other bonuses.  If you can get a couple to join up with you, you can quickly become a force to be reckoned with.


Encounters - When you go to a location that does not allow you to deviate from having an encounter, you pull an encounter card.  You do this for locations located in Arkham and in the Other World.  Depending on your location.

Hmmm.. I can't seem to find any cards to post too.  I will post the contents of each card as they are applicable to the characters who draw them.


Other Worlds - The Other Worlds are where you end up after going through a portal.  When you get to an Other World, you have to explore the area twice.  The first time, you draw an encounter card and do what it says.  The next turn, you move to the second turn and have an encounter.  The third turn, you leave via the portal you entered.  At that point, the portal is considered explored and it may be closed.  Be forewarned, if it is not closed at that time, you have to reexplore later.  Additionally, if a portal is closed while someone is still in its Other World location, that person may end up lost in Space and Time and lose two turns.  


The expansions add a LOT of other factors (madness, personal goals, back stories, alliances, corruption, blights, etc.) to the game but for now, I want to stick with the vanilla game.  

Given the nature of the game, I'd probably need to take 6 players from the start.
The giant has awakened
You drink my blood and drown
Wrath and raving I will not stop
You'll never take me down

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted June 18, 2012 01:41 AM

I KNOW THIS GAME! I haven't played it yet, but I know what it is about~! This could (will) be fun. I'm completely in.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Legendary Hero
Divine Arcanist
posted June 18, 2012 05:58 AM

I'll probably join this one.

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Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted June 18, 2012 12:51 PM
Edited by War-overlord at 14:39, 18 Jun 2012.

I'm out. I was hoping this was an RPG, not a correspondence boardgame.
I'm sure it's fun on the table, but I don't feel like playing something like this over the mail, electronic or otherwise.
Vote El Presidente! Or Else!

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Hero of Order
Fox or Chicken?
posted June 18, 2012 02:40 PM

That's two.  Need four more.
The giant has awakened
You drink my blood and drown
Wrath and raving I will not stop
You'll never take me down

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Legendary Hero
Divine Arcanist
posted June 18, 2012 04:32 PM

Should this get going, I'm thinking of having Kate Winthrop as my character.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted June 18, 2012 05:01 PM

Looks prettydarn good but I have to admit I don't have the time or stamina to learn the rules and quirks. Too bad really.

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Hero of Order
Fox or Chicken?
posted June 18, 2012 05:42 PM
Edited by OmegaDestroyer at 17:44, 18 Jun 2012.

It's not that hard to learn.  As a player, you are in charge of determining where you want to go and what cards you want to use.  On my end, I roll the results.  


Smart thinking.  If I get in (for a lack of participants), I'll probably sang Harvey Walters.  The reduction in sanity loss is huge.  


Start thinking about an investigator you want.  Right now, we are just sticking with the vanilla characters.  Even though I have all the expansion characters, it's just easier for right now.
The giant has awakened
You drink my blood and drown
Wrath and raving I will not stop
You'll never take me down

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted June 18, 2012 05:44 PM

But there's that difference between knowing the rules and actually knowing how to play.

I wish your game best of luck though. If I didn't have courses through summer I'd join you guys.

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Hero of Order
Fox or Chicken?
posted June 18, 2012 05:45 PM
Edited by OmegaDestroyer at 17:46, 18 Jun 2012.

No problem, Joonas.  Perhaps another time.
The giant has awakened
You drink my blood and drown
Wrath and raving I will not stop
You'll never take me down

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted June 18, 2012 06:32 PM

I'm in if you're ok with the game not moving too fast. I'm in a busy couple of weeks and might not be able to check in every day.

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Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted June 18, 2012 06:39 PM

I'll join!! Love boardgames. Not let me take a look at the rules and see if I can do this.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

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Hero of Order
Fox or Chicken?
posted June 18, 2012 06:55 PM
Edited by OmegaDestroyer at 18:57, 18 Jun 2012.

That's 4.

Since this game is based on turns, expect about 1 to 2 updates a week given how most of us have lives.  Be forewarned, it won't be updated around July 7 to July 17 due to my wedding and honeymoon.  

For players who can't post in a week, I can assume control of your character if you are OK with that.  

I will be the one rolling the dice, drawing treasure, monsters, cards, and what have you.  Due to the online resource we have, I will be linking (and hopefully showing) cards that are drawn so everyone can act according.

Think about which character you want.  Again, I do not want to use any expansion characters right now.  Alkar currently has dibs on Kate Winthrop.

Oh, nearly forgot.  As to what Focus is.  Remember how I mentioned you could move your ratios?  Focus is how many of each set you can move in a turn.  If a character has two focus, he can move each ratio up to two directions in a turn.  
The giant has awakened
You drink my blood and drown
Wrath and raving I will not stop
You'll never take me down

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Legendary Hero
posted June 18, 2012 07:07 PM

I could play too!

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Hero of Order
Fox or Chicken?
posted June 18, 2012 07:18 PM
Edited by OmegaDestroyer at 19:30, 18 Jun 2012.

That' 5.

I also updated the information post with information about Encounters and the Other World.  I also updated the master post with Alkar's character sheet.  When everyone else picks a character, I will post theirs.  Remember, do not pick an expansion character (they will be listed as such and have an icon near their name).  That is for a different time.
The giant has awakened
You drink my blood and drown
Wrath and raving I will not stop
You'll never take me down

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