
Adventuring Hero
posted December 25, 2014 01:37 PM |
Concerning the latest Bugfix, how about someone collects all those (un)official Fixes and puts tem into a fix-megapack or something?
i think there are a lot of fixes somewhere posted in the forums, wpould be nice to have them all together

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 26, 2014 09:51 PM |
Gameplay advanced infos (200 ko)
Author: Valery
The mod works as sorcery II script from wog, + much more infos, while mod can be used as stand alone or in combinations with scenarios not using Wog mod. Right-click on map adventure will provide complete informations about that object, will show resources and artifacts guards, creature banks guards and rewards, etc.
If sorcery script from Wog is enabled, the mod will auto-disable.
Objects processed:
Treasure Chest
Warrior Tomb
Tree of Knowledge
Camp Fire
Lean to
Water Wheel
Mystical garden
Witch hut
Magic Shrine x 3
Resource piles
All Creature Banks


Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 27, 2014 03:10 AM |
And a little preview of the next mod manager version. Of course, repacking the 100+ mods for compatibility is my task. 
Era II mods and utilities

Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted December 27, 2014 07:49 AM |
Edited by artu at 07:51, 27 Dec 2014.
Will the screenshots replace text info in new mod manager, that wouldnt be preferable in many cases.
Quote: If sorcery script from Wog is enabled, the mod will auto-disable
I wouldnt normally use this mod since it completely takes away the surprise element which is part of the experience but it would be nice to make a version that adds these foresight abilities to the Sorcery Skill, that way it would be an advantage to look for in the game, the skill would be a good one.. (maybe, modifiying the expert level of the mysticism improvement that lets you see mage guilds before building is a better pick).
In short, this would be better if it was a perk to achive rather than a default setting.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 27, 2014 08:27 AM |
Mod manager: no, you have mod info, description info and screens.
Map infos mod: as always, I start a mod when something is not right in my game. Was playing Empire I (sod) few days ago and the map is long, no logistic, no town portal early so it takes a while to travel through; I lost 2 days to find a crypt which gave nothing, then 3 days for utopia which gave crap then one skeleton had boots of haste but didn't visit it until month 2, then the guy has the tedious habit to trap resource piles with monsters so kept losing scouts, overusing autosave so I said wtf, I am too old for this crap, hidden things, randomness etc. So I sat down, wrote the mod then I use it.
I will not add it to the sorcery skill because then I would need to delete half of it, as it gives same infos (piles, camp fires and some others) therefore you will receive double message. Not easy to combine mods touching same mechanics.

Adventuring Hero
posted December 27, 2014 11:53 AM |
artu said:
I wouldnt normally use this mod since it completely takes away the surprise element which is part of the experience ...
In short, this would be better if it was a perk to achive rather than a default setting.
^This, else its way too much cheating. Why not just implement the I.W.I.N-Button Script that completes the game 
Its niceley done, but it kills the homm3 spirit totally. Id rather make a complete conversion, that totally removes any randomness so a player has full control of what hell get at any point of the game.
and ofc, anyone is free to use it or not. (before someone else brings this killerargument) This is just an if-case mentioning.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 27, 2014 12:30 PM |
Did you see the screen-shot from? What it says at bottom?
"Stop complaining!"
lol people, I couldn't care less about Heroes spirit. This is modding, we explore new things, prepare bases for others, investigate the game mechanics. When you will make a map or a mod, you will be happy to have trainer mod and not waste time to editor edit/restart game at each move.
When era came out, everyone complained (including me, bummer), yada yada why era, why not wog 3.58, but then I finished test for tew4 in 2 weeks, using "refresh scripts on the fly" feature. Before, Atlantis took me 6 months of test on wog 3.58, having to restart the game at each bug. Each of those mods can be used constructively, in order to go further and better. But if you have no serious plans, then probably they will not interests you.
Imagine one day you have the genius idea to create special abilities for let's say wizards with sorcery expert. They are now able to create spells which change the content of the utopias, crypts or treasure chests. So, how you test your super idea? Pick every chest on the map or fight 25 utopias? No, you take this mod, right click on them and you are done.
Motto of the day: you want something 100% your taste, do it yourself 
Era II mods and utilities

Adventuring Hero
posted December 27, 2014 01:12 PM |
Edited by hcl at 13:19, 27 Dec 2014.
Salamandre said: Did you see the screen-shot from? What it says at bottom?
"Stop complaining!"
Motto of the day: you want something 100% your taste, do it yourself 
blablabla rharbarber bla
This is a forum in case you didnt got it yet
And we talk here about the mods, sharing opinions, thats all.
Opposite or different opinion isnt a complaint by default.
Do you really expect someone releasing a mod and no one talks about it?
So, c'mon be cool and not childish, and enjoy the Weekend and popularity of your work!
BTw. Mind putting some (more) comments into the source? Maybe helpful to understand and learn. Esp if its form ppl who have the erm skills.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 02, 2015 06:44 PM |
Various pandora boxes (480 ko)
Author: Feanor/OxFea (df2/HC)
English translation: Valery
Pandora boxes will have different graphics, according to what they offer (spells, experience, creatures or gold).
Note: Sometimes (rare) a Pandora will be empty, this is game bug.

Era II mods and utilities

Legendary Hero
posted January 03, 2015 12:00 PM |
@Salamandre: Shouldn't you be updating the first page with the new mods?
From my understanding this was the main reason to fight for "project".
This mods look great, thx.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 03, 2015 12:13 PM |
I am preparing it, but will take a while. A new mod manager is out*, it allows screens advertising, homepage and advanced infos. Hence, I have to repack and modify 120 mods, it takes some time. There is no point for me uploading old mods format if anyway they will change name/tags.
Need ~2 more weeks, I think.
* see previous posts picture
Era II mods and utilities

Tavern Dweller
posted January 05, 2015 08:58 AM |
ref pandora
Salamandre said: [url=https://app.box.com/s/op1e8wlpc2v1pksz490d]Various pandora boxes (480 ko)[/url]
Author: Feanor/OxFea (df2/HC)
English translation: Valery
Pandora boxes will have different graphics, according to what they offer (spells, experience, creatures or gold).
Happy new years to all Heroes here!
Do you happen to know why when I download your latest mods I receive an alert from my installed antivirus program ?
Check this out (this message is also given to Dayly quick saves and Advanced Infos mods):
trojan alert img link:

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 05, 2015 10:54 AM |
I am packing the mods personally and my computer is clean, defended by Kaspersky (or at least I have no problems until now).
Some cheap antivirus, as Avast or Norton give false positive all the time when you download an exe, so the user feels protected. The best way for you to find out, is to analyze it with multiple antiviruses at once then see the percentage of infected/clean.
Mcafee always says my files are virus but the other 50 say they are not, for example.
Era II mods and utilities

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted January 05, 2015 11:00 AM |
@xevolution : Never have more than one antivirus running though. 
I personally recommend AVG, is free and works very nice.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 05, 2015 01:29 PM |
Salamandre said: I am packing the mods personally and my computer is clean, defended by Kaspersky (or at least I have no problems until now).
I have installed and activated pandora's mod...
Yet, the program won't start and is giving me an error:
link to error screen:
It seems to be related to a software path on your computer ?!...
Note: The other 2 mods that I've installed from you, are working without errors (advanced infos and daily quick save...)

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 05, 2015 08:10 PM |
Don't know, it works here. Make sure you have era 2.46.

Adventuring Hero
posted January 06, 2015 05:57 AM |
Edited by hcl at 06:11, 06 Jan 2015.
xevolution said:
Do you happen to know why when I download your latest mods I receive an alert from my installed antivirus program ?
Check this out (this message is also given to Dayly quick saves and Advanced Infos mods):
trojan alert img link:
those mods are only exed, to avoid dau requests i guess and provide easy installation for anyone.(Normally a zip would be just fine). So you have several ways to solve that:
a) just unpack the exe (if you know how to unpack installer exes , the mod itself is just a subfolder in the mod directory
b) and my recommendation: start a virtual machine, start exe inside virtual machine, grab the extracted mod folder xfer it outside virtual machine and put it into the homm3/era mod folder. Close Vm. No virus danger anymore. (provided that you know the structure of era mod folder)
the mods themselves are virusfree per nature, unless they contain binary patch packets, like pandora does. Still, they're no executables per se and i got no warning.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 06, 2015 04:40 PM |

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted January 06, 2015 04:55 PM |

Legendary Hero
posted January 06, 2015 07:40 PM |
And what about the precedence problems? Is there a root where you can see if they are all in the right order?