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Adventuring Hero
Town Creator
posted June 26, 2013 07:44 PM |
Edited by Silaneo at 18:30, 31 May 2014.
New Town - Abode...and more
Hi guys! Recently i have decided to try something new and came with an idea to learn some VCMI modding.Im happy to give you the actual result of my work.This is the town i have been working on - my favourite town from Heroes2 - The Sorceress Town 

All buildings are already made,I will make later some minor changes to the graphics like the sign at the bottom of the screen and etc..

As you can see I adjusted the lineup to original H2 City so there are 6 dwellings to be built - not 7.My intension in doing this was also to create a town with a unique building strategy,good for both S and XL maps.At the moment there is one upgrade for each dwelling and two additional upgrades for Phoenix and Elfes.Of course everything will be ballanced by building and creature prices.Im aiming for features of both Stronghold and Tower 
Here's the army

Here are the stats of the Elfs and Phoenixes for now...It may change later based on ballancing issues

As for heroes classes - there are two : Sorceress and their Guardians.The first specialise in magic and second in Might.
Ok so thats that Here's the download link.You need to extract everything to Mods folder.VCMI 0.94 is needed.
Since Christmas,here's another new town...
This time its Necropolis 

As in the last town there are 6 level creatures but this time I decided to change the linup a bit and its all thanks to the great work you did with creating new creatures.I removed the zombies and added skeleton hounds.Banshees have been put instead of Vampires.The Skeletons have been nerfed down.You can see some of the changes here :

Here is the Town Hall interior :

Everything was tested on vcmi 0.93
Here's the download link :
Necropolis temporarly unavailable ^^
Abode - Alpha Version 1.26 (zippyshare hosting)

Supreme Hero
posted June 26, 2013 07:53 PM |
Edited by Macron1 at 19:58, 26 Jun 2013.
Quote: Hi guys! Recently i have decided to try something new and came with an idea to learn some VCMI modding.Im happy to give you the actual result of my work.This is the town i have been working on - my favourite town from Heroes2 - The Sorceress Town 
Concurent of Succession Wars finally arrived!
Do you plan to convert other towns from H2?
It will be a good addition to this town.
PS There are some Forge files in town part. I think they can be deleted.

Supreme Hero
posted June 26, 2013 07:59 PM |
Nice job, but if you use already used units, why sharpshooters instead of elves?
Quote: Concurent of Succession Wars finally arrived!
How does that compete with Succession Wars?
Horn of the
Abyss on AcidCave

Supreme Hero
posted June 26, 2013 07:59 PM |
Quote: but i plan to put 2nd level upgrades for two dwellings (If I figure out how )
Ask me for this.

Adventuring Hero
Town Creator
posted June 26, 2013 08:20 PM |
Edited by Silaneo at 20:38, 26 Jun 2013.
PS There are some Forge files in town part. I think they can be deleted.
Its safer not to delete these.Some heroe skill icons are still in forge folders.Was too lazy to reposition all of them also the map dwellings and mage guild background is still not made and use forge images.I plan to make it later.I guess i deleted almost as many forge images as i could 
Thx for help Macron Well for now the biggest problem is with Sharpshooters and druids jsons.Setting sound well is the most important thing now,if you could see whats wrong it would be great I'll write to you if I wont be able to see how to make 2nd level upgrade
Well i dont plan on making another H2 Town for now.Its a hell of a job to make just one Fortunately/unfortunately i got sick recently so got a lot of free time 
Quote: Nice job, but if you use already used units, why sharpshooters instead of elves?
The "Elfs" already had their town and i wanted to give sharpshooters their home Well maybe i should call them Elfen Sharpshooters or something like that to show these are elfs But this comes later 

Supreme Hero
posted June 26, 2013 08:43 PM |
By the way, you made this town for VCMI 0.92,
but for VCMI 0.93 format is changed.
So there will be a lot of corrections to run this town on it.
I also see you experienced with town hall background, this is cool.
PS It's sad you don't want to convert other towns.

Supreme Hero
posted June 26, 2013 08:59 PM |
How does that compete with Succession Wars? 
It's closer to original town screen.
And there is not yet a port of SW towns to VCMI.
I wanted to start converting, but laziness defeated me. So now I don't yet converted something from it.

Adventuring Hero
Town Creator
posted June 26, 2013 10:48 PM |
I updated the download link.I deleted the unnecesary files from the mod folders,it looks like there were more than i thought There are still some like old heroes json's that i wont risk deleting now.I'll do it later.I also fixed the druids stats,they were too weak

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted June 26, 2013 10:57 PM |
Edited by Galaad at 23:01, 26 Jun 2013.
How does that compete with Succession Wars? 
It's closer to original town screen.
And there is not yet a port of SW towns to VCMI.
Not even close to SW. SW is H2 atmosphere (all towns all maps etc) with H3 mechanics + gipsy town which is exclusive. This is only one town (a very nice one though,great work there!) with H2 townscreen and H3 creatures. Plus VCMI, well, most of us have to wait for v1.0 I guess.

Supreme Hero
posted June 27, 2013 10:20 AM |
Could anyone reupload the file to different file hosting?
Looks wonderful.

Adventuring Hero
Town Creator
posted June 27, 2013 10:44 AM |
I updated the mod version.I deleted some more of the unnecessary/doubled files.The mod size went down to 10mb lol but i believe everything is still working  I still need to organise the folders but this needs a lot of rewriting in json files,i'll leave it for now.Also the mage guild background is now made 
Quote: Could anyone reupload the file to different file hosting?
I uploaded the mod also to sendspace file hosting

Supreme Hero
posted June 27, 2013 11:09 AM |
Edited by Macron1 at 11:10, 27 Jun 2013.
Quote: I updated the mod version.I deleted some more of the unnecessary/doubled files.The mod size went down to 10mb lol but i believe everything is still working  I still need to organise the folders but this needs a lot of rewriting in json files,i'll leave it for now.Also the mage guild background is now made 
I didn't yet run this town, because I have VCMI 0.93 so want to modify mod before it to fit new format.
But I looked into files of 1.0 - areas and borders are not yet drawn for these dwellings?

Adventuring Hero
Town Creator
posted June 27, 2013 11:22 AM |
Quote: areas and borders are not yet drawn for these dwellings?
Everything for town screen is done,the areas and borders are there

Famous Hero
posted June 27, 2013 12:27 PM |
I like it! Looks very close to the actual Sorceress town - in TSW we didn't enlarge the town buildings so the pixels wouldn't be too big and look out of scale, but the problem is that there is too much space. I didn't even know that its possible to have 6 dwellings instead of 7 which would mean another creature wouldn't have to be made from scratch!

Supreme Hero
posted June 27, 2013 12:48 PM |
Quote: I like it! Looks very close to the actual Sorceress town - in TSW we didn't enlarge the town buildings so the pixels wouldn't be too big and look out of scale, but the problem is that there is too much space. I didn't even know that its possible to have 6 dwellings instead of 7 which would mean another creature wouldn't have to be made from scratch!
There can be the town without dwellings as well
I made some towns with only castle present, so all creatures just hired in it without drawing of dwellings.
One town don't have fort/citadel/castle at all, all creatures are bought in there own dwellings
VCMI is cool.

Adventuring Hero
Town Creator
posted June 27, 2013 04:36 PM |
New update of the links.I added map dwellings and also made the mod a little lighter (8,8mb now, yay ) Im ready to make a 2nd level upgrade now.Macron,you got a message

Supreme Hero
posted June 27, 2013 05:12 PM |
Edited by Macron1 at 17:19, 27 Jun 2013.
Let's think about your case.
You put phoenixes to level 6.
Dwellings for creatures have id numbers like 30....
For example, 6th level degrade has building id=35,
6th level upgrade has building id=42 (32+7).
If you want to make dwelling for alternative unit of 6th level or for 2nd upgrade,
you must:
1) add dwelling 49 (42+7) to buildings.json after block id=44.
In your case it's for example
"cost" : {
"ore" : 5,
"gold" : 20000,
"wood" : 5,
"mercury" : 20
"id" : 49,
"requires" : [ 2 ],
"upgrades" : 42
I wrote "requires":[2] to make this building be built only after mage guild 3th level built. Just for example.
2) add corresponding block of text in texts.json
You now have building id=44, so you must replace
"description" : "Upg. Additional allows to recruit Additional Units.",
"name" : "NOT AVAILABLE"
with new block for sacred phoenixes
"description" : "Adv. Red Tower allows to recruit Sacred Phoenixes.",
"name" : "Adv. Red Tower"
"description" : "Text for id=44.",
"name" : "Water"
"description" : "Adv. Red Tower allows to recruit Sacred Phoenixes.",
"name" : "Adv. Red Tower"
There are 3 copies because you
1) have id=44 for animation (you better use other id for it then id of dwellings - for example, you id=27
2) first copy will be shown at 7th level of Castle,
3) third copy belongs to id=49 and will be shown in hall
Then you add block of id=49 at the end of structures.json.
You don't have graphics for new level of dwelling, just copy block of id=42:
{ "id" : 49, "animation" : "forge/town-screen/buildings/TBELup_5.def", "x" : 205, "y" : 0, "z" : 2, "border" : "forge/town-screen/buildings-border/TOELup_5.bmp", "area" : "forge/town-screen/buildings-area/TZELup_5.bmp" }
4) in faction.json
- in "hallSlots" change [ 35, 42 ] to [ 35, 42,49 ]
- in creatures change
[ "Tank", "HeavyTank" ],
[ "Tank", "HeavyTank","Juggernaut" ],
So this should work (I only guessing by your files, haven't tried it yet).
And don't forget to add
to Phoenix.json
And you must rename creature identificators and faction identificator "forge" to yours. Because otherwise mod will not work with Forge town.
PS When you are finished with heroes configuration, names etc, I can help you to convert this town to VCMI 0.93. Or you will do this yourself with my help.

Supreme Hero
posted June 27, 2013 05:14 PM |
Quote: I uploaded the mod also to sendspace file hosting

Adventuring Hero
Town Creator
posted June 27, 2013 07:43 PM |
Edited by Silaneo at 19:47, 27 Jun 2013.
Works like a charm It took me some time but i finally set up everything I wanted 

Now to just set up the unit abilities,names etc I just uploaded new version.Good to know how dwelling id's are divided.Btw are id's 1-29 divided in a specific way also ? Thx for help Macron

Supreme Hero
posted June 27, 2013 08:05 PM |
Edited by Macron1 at 21:08, 27 Jun 2013.
Now to just set up the unit abilities,names etc I just uploaded new version.Good to know how dwelling id's are divided.Btw are id's 1-29 divided in a specific way also ? Thx for help Macron 
0-4 - mage guild
5 - tavern
6 - dock
7-9 - fort/citadel/castle
10-13 - village/town/city hall/capitol
14 - market
15 - silo
16 - blacksmith
18-19 used for horde
20 - boat
24-25 used for second horde
26 - grail
Special buildings now are not implemented, so they just drawn on screen without any effect. First special building usually is 17,
second is 21.
In some standard towns 27-29 are used for additional domes drawing after hall upgrade.
Don't know, can they be used as some special building later.
So 17,21,22,23,27-29 can be used to special buildings now.
PS In FAQ for creating 2rd upgrade I forgot to mention, that icons also must be added to town-hall.def: at 49 cadre there must be icon of 7th level building.