Thread: Do you think Wikipedia is reliable? | |
Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted July 22, 2013 04:16 PM |
Undefeatable Hero
posted July 22, 2013 04:27 PM |
In my experience, Wikipedia is usually reliable. Aside from obvious vandalism (the History of China article once started with "YO MOMMA"), I can only think of one case of incorrect information on there, but it was from a cited work that was itself incorrect.
Eccentric Opinion
Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted July 22, 2013 04:52 PM |
Edited by Corribus at 00:51, 23 Jul 2013.
There are numerous inaccuracies and poor explanations in many of the science articles. But not so many as there are at Conservapedia.
I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're goin', and hook up with them later. -Mitch Hedberg
Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted July 22, 2013 05:03 PM |
Edited by artu at 17:04, 22 Jul 2013.
WTF! I didn't even know this existed. So much fun awaits me! Here's a line from their article on evolution:
In January of 2012, the Journal of Research in Science Teaching published a study indicating that evolutionary belief is significantly based on gut feelings.
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted July 22, 2013 05:12 PM |
Edited by Ghost at 16:03, 01 Aug 2013.
Link is harmful page Ok wikipedia? Yes, it works fine for me I'm taking a break, later on I will continue to collect and lead the free encyclopedia. OpenOffice!
EDIT: Now you can use a link. Clean link
Undefeatable Hero
posted July 22, 2013 05:31 PM |
Gut feeling, don't vote for Romney... vote for Obama!...that's the way. Evolution says so!
wikipedia is reliable for some basic facts, but don't take it as a Bible.
Horses don't die on a dog's wish.
Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted July 22, 2013 05:49 PM |
Depends what kind of information you need. For some general overview of subject and related topics / solutions, it's great point to start. But eventually I end up reading some professional articles or dedicated internet pages, at least.
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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 22, 2013 08:35 PM |
It is reliable when it fits your views.
Supreme Hero
channeling capybara energy
posted July 22, 2013 09:34 PM |
It's easy and sometimes handy to start your research there, but unless other sources agree with it, I don't treat anything written there as facts.
Supreme Hero
Kneel Before Me Sons of HC!!
posted July 22, 2013 11:08 PM |
Wikipedia blows. It has too many facts and at the least, citations, when the reader's unsure.
I now <3 Conservapedia for its unabashed truthiness.
Legendary Hero
From earth
posted July 25, 2013 01:25 AM |
Edited by Celfious at 01:26, 25 Jul 2013.
I can wiki about anything and feel comfortable if I am looking for facts.
Maybe I am wrong for feeling confident enough to not double check (lacking extraordinary circumstances).
From time to time I have to seek the information elsewhere because wiki is not usually all inclusive, and not always efficient of conveying information in a comprehensive flow.
But ultimately yes - I trust the accuracy of wiki 97 times out of 100
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Supreme Hero
Knowledge Reaper
posted July 25, 2013 01:42 AM |
Edited by Seraphim at 02:59, 25 Jul 2013.
Wikipedia is alright, I trust it at about 70%. The 30% is when I being to doubt something about an article and then check its sources. Science related articles are usually A-OK, but stuff about politicians, countries, weapons and so on is very untrustworthy.
You cant believe what snow I have read about HAARP and the unholy Illuminati when I caught some vandalism.
Legendary Hero
posted July 25, 2013 09:39 AM |
I tend to believe it for information which does not go too much in-depth about certain subjects and which can otherwise be verified easily. There's no reason not to believe it when the topic is about something which can not be twisted (or is very hard to twist) by bias. If the problem at hand is however complex, involves information which may not be well-known and could potentially include heavy bias, I also check other sources. Ultimately, I tend to rely more on books than on wikipedia when they talk about the same thing (not unconditionally of course).
Legendary Hero
posted July 25, 2013 10:13 AM |
Wikipedia is quite a remarkable accomplishment. It is the best source for simple questions like "what family of plants is aspargus" or "history of chocolate". I do trust Wikipedia quite a lot on that kind of issues. No need to use it for more indepth issues anyways, it is an encyclopedia after all.
"These friends probably started using condoms after having produced the most optimum amount of offsprings. Kudos to them for showing at least some restraint" - Tsar-ivor
Legendary Hero
Free Thinker
posted August 01, 2013 04:32 PM |
You always have to be careful when using Wikipedia. You could wind up with something written by intolerant idiots, such as http://liberapedia.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Liberapedia/wiki/Main_Page
On the other hand if you love liberal propaganda machines such as MSNBC and CNN you'll probably love the site.
Undefeatable Hero
posted August 01, 2013 05:57 PM |
What? American liberals support social democracy and wellfare states? In Europe, liberals have gotten rid of social democratic dominance and are trying to shrink the wellfare state. It seems like american liberals have little to do with liberalism.
Over himself, over his own
body and
mind, the individual is
- John Stuart Mill
Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted August 01, 2013 06:42 PM |
American "liberals" are social democtrats and the real liberals are called libertanians. Anyway, turns out this whole liberapedia thing started out as a parody of conservapedia. You cant have a conservative version of encyclopedic material or evolution or anthropology. A very simple notion that again seems not computed by the Bible Belt.
Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted August 02, 2013 01:00 AM |
Unfortunately, Conservapedia is no parody.
I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're goin', and hook up with them later. -Mitch Hedberg
Legendary Hero
posted September 21, 2013 05:54 PM |
My stance is the same as with scientific results. I'd like to go to the source and test it out myself. If that's not possible, it depends on how I rank the information.
Since you - Corribus - are in science as well, I'd like to know your opinion about the use of wikipedia as well.