Thread: Magical activities at HC (for newcomers) | |

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted December 08, 2014 03:09 PM |
bonus applied by angelito on 19 Dec 2014. |
Edited by Galaad at 10:21, 29 Feb 2016.
Magical activities at HC (for newcomers)
Welcome !
Modding never stops within this community and as such I've decided to share and present as highlights some of the material discovered at HC that have spellbounded me the most as a player.
Note that all these are playable and supposedly easy of installation.
If you however encounter any difficulties during installation process, feel free to comment detailing your issue.
Note to modders : if I fail in my descriptions, I apologize in advance and will correct as soon as you react.
Regarding HOMM-III
- Horn of the Abyss

Commonly referred as HotA, more than a mod is a global add-on for HMMIII that extends (and fixes if needed) classical gameplay elements and adds some of its own. On a more conceptual level – HotA is an attempt to continue legendary series RoE-AB-SoD as close to the original as it could have been done by NWC team, if only they had more desire, resources or even understanding of their own game. HotA tries to keep classical h3 spirit in every tiny detail from code nuances to overall gameplay. It introduces a 10th town of outstanding quality, the Cove, fully playable and balanced, new creature dwellings, artifacts etc.
Gorgeous screenshots to look out on main thread.
- The Succession Wars (ERA II)

The Succession Wars Mod for HMMIII is a total conversion which transfers HMMII graphics, units and concepts to HMMIII, also adding new various content, such as a new gorgeous faction, Gipsy, or the Swamp Fortress complete redraw.
- Phoenix Mod (ERA II)

Free skills pick, tons of new features for a renewed experience.
- Hero of Light Mods (ERA II)

- V3.0 to 3.2
- The Glory of War
Hero of Light shares his visions of the game, with mods of top quality.
- Graphical-only mods
- New Interface Mod, Autumnal Rampart, Morn Battlefield etc (ERA II)

Complete reskins, brings a great breath of fresh air to the game.
- They are over a hundred of mods for HMMIII which are compatible with ERA II, be sure to check 100+ Mods for ERA thread to browse an amazing gallery, as well as the ERA II main thread for installation link and further infos.
Basically, ERA II is not only an extremely powerful modding tool which allows you to create to the most crazy extents, but also a great platform for players, to manage mods and having everything reunited into one instead of countless game folders.
- Feel free to ask any specific question in the WoG and Beyond forum, tons of infos and experienced modders hanging around there. 
Time to play these mods with better resolution !
Installation notice regarding Era mods
Apart from HoTA, all other mods I mentioned requires ERA II.
Even though there is already instructions on linked pages, here is a small résumé on how to make this work.
1. Install HMMIII SoD or Complete.
2. Install ERA II.
3. Install mods by following instructions (usually no more than couple of clics).
4. ERA II comes with a mod manager, which allows you to enable or disable mods at your convenience. Beware that two era mods affecting gameplay shouldn't be enabled at the same time.

Still in development and is something much bigger than a simple mod, but it was too hard not to mention the monster that is VCMI, along the possibilities it offers towards HOMMIII's future.
Regarding HOMM-IV
- Equilibris Mod

Coming from Celestial Heavens forum, this mod is made by and for all the Heroes IV lovers out there.
Regarding HOMM-V
- Might and Magic: Heroes 5.5
Look no further, the future of Heroes V is here!

MMH5.5 is an unofficial expansion pack for HOMM5 Tribes of the East or HOMM5 Complete and a spiritual successor to the popular WOG modification for HOMM3. The pack will include many new adventure objects, new larger battlefields, new heroes, new classes, new specializations, new skills, new artifacts, new adventure spells, new HD textures and a greatly improved RMG with more than 60 'visualized' Templates. The AI is much more intelligent and calculated much faster. Balance is also greatly improved both for small competitive multiplayer maps as well as crazy XXXL maps with countless epic battles vs Neutrals and AI.
- Eternal Essence (Quantomas AI)
Outstanding mod with better and faster AI, as well as new features and gameplay enhancements.
Download link
Has to be installed over unnoficial 3.1 patch for TotE.
- Graphical improvements
- HV Graphics overall
- Xuxo PRT - Download link
- creatures with sharpened textures
Impressive graphical works in order to improve HMMV visual appearance and environment/atmosphere.
Heroes of Might and Magic V : The Role Playing Edition.
Simply amazing, be sure to check it out.
Hope you enjoy,
Have the best at HC,

Legendary Hero
posted December 08, 2014 11:32 PM |
If only something like this existed when I joined. Thank you.
Living time backwards

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted December 09, 2014 12:36 AM |
Thank you for the warm feedback

Known Hero
Smasher of pasties
posted December 09, 2014 10:16 AM |
Nice work Galaad, very informative

Supreme Hero
posted December 09, 2014 10:49 AM |

Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted December 09, 2014 11:03 AM |
I am suggesting a QP for Monsieur Galaad.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

Known Hero
Smasher of pasties
posted December 09, 2014 12:48 PM |
artu said: I am suggesting a QP for Monsieur Galaad.

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted December 09, 2014 02:41 PM |
Hear, hear!

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted December 09, 2014 05:35 PM |
Edited by Galaad at 23:20, 09 Dec 2014.
Thanks guys

Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted December 10, 2014 12:38 AM |

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted December 19, 2014 07:13 PM |
Well deserved +QP applied
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Supreme Hero
posted July 02, 2015 11:37 AM |
Nice work Galaad. Shouldn't there be a link to Equilibris too?

Supreme Hero
posted July 02, 2015 11:52 AM |

Undefeatable Hero
posted November 07, 2015 11:11 PM |
Just noticed this great thread. Thank you for the compilation, Galaad!

Supreme Hero
posted January 10, 2016 02:05 PM |
Very good Is the Wog included there?
Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted January 10, 2016 03:54 PM |
Of course, wog is part of ERA.

Adventuring Hero
posted September 06, 2016 09:18 PM |
Wow this is awesome, You've definitely put alot of work into this thread. I didn't know about some of these mods, I really like the sound of the succession wars mod.