Adventuring Hero
posted September 08, 2010 11:22 PM |
bonus applied by angelito on 12 Nov 2011. |
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted September 08, 2010 11:25 PM |
Famous Hero
ooo da :)
posted September 09, 2010 12:11 AM |
Edited by Alustor at 00:14, 09 Sep 2010.
may i ask for a changelog of this mod and what do u want to achieve,i mean the final version of this mod?.u started from 0.x version and it s 2.24 allready.does is brings anything else than new resolutions?it is a great patch for h3 anyway.goodluck
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted September 09, 2010 12:50 AM |
He mostly corrected the bugs reported by people. Report a bug and you will be the trigger for next version
Btw, if battle could be in full screen, it would be much better. Not sure if can be done. Also install instructions (unpack in...)
Era II mods and utilities
Adventuring Hero
posted September 09, 2010 02:10 AM |
Quote: may i ask for a changelog of this mod
I added a list of HD 2.24f features in main post
Changelog will starts from 2.24f
Quote: and what do u want to achieve,i mean the final version of this mod?
I make HoMM3 better. It's endless work.
Quote: if battle could be in full screen, it would be much better. Not sure if can be done.
I guess i can make battle and town windows resizable, but not soon
Tavern Dweller
posted September 09, 2010 03:33 AM |
Awesome work, definitely an essential mod for me.
And the extra buttons on the Trade screen are a nice touch.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted September 09, 2010 10:27 AM |
It changes a lot of icons, thus making it incompatible with mods doing the same. First version was better (for me), being neutral. More you add, less modders can use it. But other features are nice.
Era II mods and utilities
Hired Hero
posted September 09, 2010 10:57 AM |
It is very nice tool but I need to agree with Salamandre.
IMO, it shouldn't go to far with moding the game. It shouldn't be another mod it should be only HD tool with few new solutions (i.e. splitting/trading army) and compatible with other mods.
New solutions shouldn't replace old one, i.e. SHIFT is not working anymore in the hero trade screen, you need to push split creatures button. Not good.
But ofc thanks anyway. If it is stable in MP and GameRanger, I will use it for sure.
Adventuring Hero
posted September 09, 2010 11:42 AM |
How many icons 2.24f changes compared with the first version? I think it's quite not a lot.
All of the PCXes, that HD mod changes, are need to be changed for High Rez. This can not be otherwise. You can easily edit these PCXes (BMPs) in \HiRezData\BMP
And You can turn off most of the HD mod features (including features, that require new PCXes & DEFs) using Options file \HiRezData\HiRez2.ini
Here is HiRez2.ini description on russian:
I'll make description in english later
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted September 09, 2010 11:57 AM |
Thanks. What we must change in .ini to enable original icons and enable also custom portraits? I noticed that the HD last version force the original portraits while ignoring the ERM scripts.
I also installed it in a folder where GF 32 bit patch was enabled and it does not work. I get black screen. I guess I have to remove the GrayFace patch but not sure what files.
Era II mods and utilities
Adventuring Hero
posted September 09, 2010 12:20 PM |
Quote: New solutions shouldn't replace old one, i.e. SHIFT is not working anymore in the hero trade screen, you need to push split creatures button. Not good.
SHIFT is still working by this way: First click on army (without pressing SHIFT), then press SHIFT and click empty slot.
You can change Extended army managemen = 1 to Extended army managemen = 0 in HiRez2.ini and use original hero trade screen.
If you don't like a feature in HD mod, offer an alternative.
Quote: I noticed that the HD last version force the original portraits while ignoring the ERM scripts.
It's very strange. I have not done anything specifically for this. I'll try to fix it.
Quote: I also installed it in a folder where GF 32 bit patch was enabled and it does not work. I get black screen. I guess I have to remove the GrayFace patch but not sure what files.
If you are completely satisfied with the work of GF 32 bit patch, change Color mode = 1 to Color mode = 0 in HiRez2.ini
Hired Hero
posted September 09, 2010 02:50 PM |
SHIFT is still working by this way: First click on army (without pressing SHIFT), then press SHIFT and click empty slot.
You can change Extended army managemen = 1 to Extended army managemen = 0 in HiRez2.ini and use original hero trade screen.
I've installed it on H3 Complete and SHIFT is not working the way you described. And I like new interface in Hero trade screen.
But I want both
Adventuring Hero
posted September 09, 2010 05:27 PM |
SHIFT really is not working by the old way in swap manager.
It will be fixed in the next version of HD mod.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted September 09, 2010 06:36 PM |
Maybe offer two versions, one which does not change anything but High resolution, and one which the new icons, usable for those who play original versions of the game?
And of course the last could be improved even more, while the first is used as a base. It makes me sad that now Atlantis-mod for example, needs a lot of further modifications to be played on HD, while on previous version I only had to modify res bar (HD patch is included with the mod).
Era II mods and utilities
Known Hero
HC Adventurer From China
posted September 10, 2010 04:11 AM |
Good news for us 32-bit users and mini/huge map players. Great job Baratoch, keep on your nice work!
A jewel is just a pebble that found a way to shine.
Tavern Dweller
posted September 10, 2010 11:52 AM |
Great work.
I like the fact hat most changes are optional, please keep it that way. Many people liked this mod because it changed resolution and nothing more, keeping gameplay intact.
I would suggest addition of installer (at some point of development) that would ask you about version of your game, and installed additional files if necessary.
Also I have noticed a bug, "credits" button in main menu does not work. I know it is minor thing but still a space for improvement in this great mod.
Tavern Dweller
posted September 11, 2010 10:08 AM |
Again great patch, and cool to see the kingdom overview bug has been fixed!
I want to report another thing though:
the team alignments box appears later only, in the scenario information window entered while playing. When starting a map from the main menu, the box doesn't work and clicking on the flags shows "this is your color" - "this color is your enemy".
Tavern Dweller
posted September 11, 2010 10:56 AM |
Also, I notice the mouse cursor is less fluid than it used to be with the 2.20 patch.
Known Hero
LT League
posted September 11, 2010 12:19 PM |
Very nice project, congrats man. But one thing i missing here - Exchange of artefacts between Heroes. Its important thing to save time. We can use ofc H3Lite with F11, but would be nice to have all in one way
Hired Hero
posted September 11, 2010 04:03 PM |
Unfortunately H3_lighter is not working with H3_HD. (probably not recognize as H3).
So it is important to implement one more button for switching the artifacts.
BTW> Would be nice if these buttons could have assigned shortcuts with possibility to be modified in .ini file, so that everyone could have his own configuration.