Thread: Heroes VII bugs and balancing issues - version 1.5 | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 · NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
posted November 21, 2015 11:15 AM |
Heroes VII bugs and balancing issues - version 1.5
I think we better start writing here.
For now major issue 1 & 2 is that heroes lose abilities and spells when loading a save game.
On a positive note I would like to share this:

We have a button to move armies faster. I think this is the first heroes that has official button for this and not a mod. Developers thank you very much for this but I will ask more.
1) transfer artifacts button
2) a button to split unit to single 1s
I imagine the following functionality and it will not interfere with rest of GUI. You click once on button 2) and it visually remains pressed( ACTIVE) then when you left click on any unit it "creates"from that unit a single 1. Each time you click you get a new single one unit.
e.g you have 20 shades 20 trackers. You press on button 2 then click on the shades 5 times and your army slots become 15 shades 20 trackers 1 shade 1 shade 1 shade 1 shade 1 shade.

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted November 21, 2015 11:48 AM |
That would be nice.. Splitting units in earlygame is a pain.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Supreme Hero
posted November 21, 2015 12:05 PM |
Edited by ChrisD1 at 12:10, 21 Nov 2015.
Ravel said:
1. Life drain doesn't appear to proc at all (neither the healing nor resurrection effect) if the attack kills the stack in question. For the Dark Hydra each stack is considered separately - killing 2 stacks and injuring a third will still give life drain, but only on the damage to the third.
2. The second bug is more complicated.
The resurrection effect is calculated separately from the healing effect. Healing will heal the current unit in the stack up to maximum. The resurrection effect will only happen once you've dealt twice your unit's max hp in damage (or equal to it's max hp in potential healing).
This is very different from previous HoMM games. To illustrate, lemme give some examples (assume all the targets attacked are life-drainable - i.e. not constructs/other undead).
Consider a stack of 16/17 Vampires where the top unit in the stack has 90/110 hp. It attacks and deals 200 damage (100 of which would be potential healing). In HoMM 3, this would result in a stack of 17/17 vampires, with the top vampire at 80/110hp. In HoMM 7, the healing is calculated and brings the top vampire to 110/110 hp. The resurrection effect is then calculated and determines that 100 healing is less than the unit's Max HP and therefore not enough to raise 1 from the dead, so the end result is 16/17 vampires with the top vampire at 110/110hp.
Now, this other method doesn't always reduce healing. For example, consider 14/17 Vampires, where the top unit in the stack has 5/110hp. It attacks and deals 230 damage (115 of which would be potential healing). In HoMM 3, this would result in a stack of 15/17 vampires with the top vampire at 10/110. In HoMM 7, the healing is calculated and brings the top vampire to 110/110 hp. The resurrection effect is then calculated and determines that 115 healing is greater than or equal to the unit's Max HP and enough to raise one from the dead, so the end result is 15/17 vampires with the top vampire at 110/110.
I've done a lot of testing recently, and nothing I've found contradicts these two bugs/behaviors.
The easiest way to see the resurrection effect, is that you'll never see a unit resurrect when you deal LESS than twice your unit's max HP in damage (assuming at least one unit is missing from the stack).
From what I can tell, this healing/resurrection behavior also applies on other resurrection effects like the Heal spell.
FIX ASAP! COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ll continue posting this, till heal and resurrection behave they way the should.
some skills that you have learned just disappear and get greyed out and you need to learn them again! even if you have progressed on a higher rank!!! also you forget your spells!!
necropolis heroes are messed up!
kaspar should be an embalmer, not a death knight
moander should be a death knight not a necromancer
luna should be an archon not an embalmer
zakera should be an embalmer not a death knight
lyla should be a necromancer
also necromancy is OP
and of course 2 academy classes that have paragon as a grand master should definetely change since now metamagic is about higher rank casting and not synergies! waste of a grand master slot!

Supreme Hero
posted November 21, 2015 12:07 PM |
Edited by natalka at 12:15, 21 Nov 2015.
Just realized we will need button 2 also in the GUI of the actual combat tactics phase.

Known Hero
posted November 21, 2015 11:14 PM |
some hero specs dont work properly....
1. orna= starts with light at novice and heal spell at expert, so far so good but if u build the one haven building so u can cast light spell 1 rank higher in the area of the City it doesnt work anymore, the building works but the Combo of both doesnt= bug with her spec, she should be able to cast heal at master rank if u have the building and novive in light Magic because of her spec.
2. new sylvan hero gem= starts with earth Magic and Regeneration, simple and clean, Regeneration is cast on novice not expert= bug

Supreme Hero
posted November 22, 2015 06:22 PM |
Defending with Cavaliers who are protected by legionnaires causes them not to retaliate at all.

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted November 22, 2015 11:07 PM |
natalka said: Defending with Cavaliers who are protected by legionnaires causes them not to retaliate at all.
Isn't that simply a bug with Legionnaires? I don't think any unit defended by them retaliates.

Supreme Hero
posted November 23, 2015 08:47 AM |
I don`t think there is a problem with Paragon and Academy. If battles last 2 turns you should better take Paragon instead. I think Academy`s racial is quite bad in a short fight and I don`t see them last any longer

Supreme Hero
posted November 23, 2015 09:08 AM |
natalka said: I don`t think there is a problem with Paragon and Academy. If battles last 2 turns you should better take Paragon instead. I think Academy`s racial is quite bad in a short fight and I don`t see them last any longer 
Academy's racial is really cool in my opinion. It takes two rounds with some perks activated to reach an "expert" potential. Also no need to spend points in novice magic school ranks to work.
The paragon-metamagic combo was designed to work with the old metamagic system(synergies). It's clear as day.
If master of magic wasn't taking up a grand master slot,and was a master perk i would be ok with that.
But since we have only have two grand master slots, it's a shame two of them doing the exact same thing,with extremely minor changes.
The problem is that it takes up one gramdmaster slot,when we alrrqdy have only 3. If we had 10 grand master slots i 'd be cool.
Let those cademy classes have another grand master.

Known Hero
posted November 23, 2015 04:48 PM |
i have a bug in haven mission 3, after defeating mateusz (not sergei) the game doesnt continue, the AI needs forever for his turn so i cant do anything. how to solve this?

Supreme Hero
posted November 23, 2015 07:58 PM |
Playing the new skrimish map as Ivor. He is the master of the ballista now. Only not really cause he can only get expert warfare thus defeating the purpose of his hero spec.
Anyways trogs and their upgrades cannot get the natures mark or whatever it's called. I don't think that's intentional.

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted November 23, 2015 08:15 PM |
The_green_drag said: Anyways trogs and their upgrades cannot get the natures mark or whatever it's called. I don't think that's intentional.
This is because the Mark of Nature is an Earth Magic effect. Troglodytes are immune to Earth.
But there's something odd: Heroes can still apply the Mark of Nature to a creature through their attacks, even if a creature is immune to Earth. In my opinion, the spirit of the racial skill should make it apply to any target, regardless of resistances or immunity.
The last Reasonable Steward of Good Game Design and a Responsible Hero of HC. - Verriker

Supreme Hero
posted November 23, 2015 09:19 PM |
Yeah I agree. taking down trogs is way harder than it needs to be with slyvan. Most of them do earth damage, even green dragons who don't breath acid still do earth damage. So they take half from more than half the slyvan army and I can't use the extra attack stat from the natures fury

Known Hero
posted November 24, 2015 12:03 AM |
The_green_drag said: Playing the new skrimish map as Ivor. He is the master of the ballista now. Only not really cause he can only get expert warfare thus defeating the purpose of his hero spec.
Anyways trogs and their upgrades cannot get the natures mark or whatever it's called. I don't think that's intentional.
actually, u still get bonuses from the spec, and can use the balista at last decent on expert, however i agree such hereos should have acces to gm or at last master in warfare
alesia, the new haven hero is a lot worse tough, she doesnt has ANY warfare skill even her spec. is about healing sister warfare but devs are probably Aware of this Problem, hope it will get a Change at last for alesia,
specs dont have to be super powerful, many in fact arent, like starting Talent + extra Tier 1 spell(which u would get anyway sometimes and castimg it 1 rank higher is only usefull till u have master in the spell School via Talent what u can get pretty fast, it's just a early starter bonus)
but i wish that specs are meaningful, at last a bit, alesia is total garbarge atm
most powerful specs atm are These that give permanent stat boni like murazil +6 on light Magic or others with +4 on def, att, etc.
These could Need a Little nerf by 1 Point maybe but it's not a big Problem i think, i rather would like buffs for the weak specs

Supreme Hero
posted November 24, 2015 07:39 AM |
Ivor is so OP now who cares about the ballista. His whole army can go before any other army.

Supreme Hero
posted November 24, 2015 02:11 PM |
natalka said: Ivor is so OP now who cares about the ballista. His whole army can go before any other army.
It's not all that useful. Slyvan (like many other factions ) has an average speed of 5 movement. Crossing the battlefield on turn one is hopeless with their army. And they're weak so I mostly end up just using the wait command on everyone.
The most you can do is pick the perk that lets mother treants grant +2 movement and 10 initiative. But the deer and pixie, who have 6 movement, go before the mother treant anyway so they're not a good choice. You can do a war cry but it still isn't enough movement. His hero spec is easy to kill the AI with but a human player could easily make it useless.
Now maybe if a unit or two could have enough movement to cross the battlefield without any buffs, it could be interesting. Maybe if more factions then just stronghold had decent movement the whole game would be more interesting

Supreme Hero
posted November 24, 2015 02:56 PM |
Actually Sun Deers and Sprites can reach first turn with tactics and the advance warcry. Shooters go before any other shooters. If Ivor is lucky to find griffin talons or if opponent used tactics too he can launch all units for assault first turn. First initiative is a powerful asset do not underestimate it.

Supreme Hero
posted November 24, 2015 03:43 PM |
True, I forgot about tactics perk. But I use the deer as a support unit more than an offensive one. Blade dancers should get 6 movement too 
But did you notice a bug with the heroes attack bumping the current creature's turn to the end of the line, but still before any enemies could go. Sounds weird I know, but you would know what I mean if you saw it. Minor bug but still a bug.

Supreme Hero
posted November 24, 2015 03:47 PM |
Ye I am playing Ivor on my map yesterday..today. I know it - very stupid bug.


Hired Hero
posted November 24, 2015 11:14 PM |
after reloading a saved game, the game simply resets skills and abilities, and deletes all of the spells from my main hero spellbook
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