Thread: Museum of a cadaver | |

Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted August 17, 2016 09:06 PM |
bonus applied by Maurice on 19 Aug 2016. |
Museum of a cadaver
What happens when you want to add new things, but ubi hangs above you like the sword of Damocles threatening to cut your budget, tightening your deadlines and throwing spiders everywhere? They get scrapped of course! But not before you actually spend time implementing them, then let (un)fortunate archeologists to discover them, even if they can be turned on with a single switch (and some hard-patching ofc). So I invite you to discover the history of a stillborn game and the "miracles" that still haven't left the womb. Behold, the museum of a cadaver!
1.Daily Growth
Remember h4 and how it made you trail creature on the map because new recruits were available each day? Oh, you need this new vampire so bad, but it's gonna take 1 day to reach you, but you still got movement left and this juicy treasure is just ahead of you, damn the separate movement points, now you either leave 1 vampire behind or go on adventuring, raising hordes of skeletons, or maybe you are playing another faction and it's a cyclops, or a monk, or an unicorn, or a 2 ballistae, or 2 minos, or something. Well, now in h7 you can simply make a hero chain like the good 'ol days, if you dare to go down and wrestle with the game files a bit and enable daily growth. That's right, daily growth, now you can recruit spiders everyday, praised be Spider Messiah Erwin.

2.Allied and Enemy Factions
Every faction archetype has a rather curious slot, actually 2 slots that are quite intriguing, if it wasn't the fact that they are empty for all factions. Even though I haven't figured out what it was supposed to do, the idea is certainly interesting, while some factions will have a beef with each other, others will be friends with benefits. Would it affect skills like diplomacy, or maybe damage modifiers, maybe it would bring certain bonuses if you are allied with your friend faction or against your enemy faction. Maybe we can find out what it means by digging deeper, or we may never know, or is it totally useless.

3.Factions that were meant to be
Hey folk, remember the faction votes? The drama, the flame, the vitriol, sweet times when we actually thought that h7 was going to be a good game. I'm so nostalgic of those times, the arguing about why the desired faction rules, while the other one drools, simply a war between the supporters of two faction, and not only once, but twice. It makes sense to find information about the factions that were put to voting, as who may know the outcome before the actual vote (sylvan vs dwarves, oh what a mystery), but why are there information about a faction that wasn't even proposed by the devs? And that faction is sanctuary, in the game files you may find references of fortress(before the expac), inferno and sanctuary, including faction icons for inferno and sanctuary. Who knows, maybe the sanctuary was planned, but scrapped due to budget cuts? Or it was just a test?

4.Platoon Stacks
Remember that every creature on the battlefield represents a whole regiment, not just one single unit, but was it really represented as a bunch of units, rather than just a sole one? Wouldn't that be more expressive? Well, except h5 ghosts, not really, unless h7 would have actually put a button in the options menu, because, hell, it actually exists in the game data and can be activated with some hardpatching. You can now feel like a commander who commands ( ) whole regiments, not just a gang of 7 units. Maybe they had this in mind when they scaled creatures so there's no crazy overlapping, but it was finally scrapped because making an option that switches a boolean value to true is too hard 

Now, if I dig deeper I will find more, but as I don't really play h7, I can't differentiate all things from the game from hidden stuff so I won't post it here. For example, there is a thing called Caravan Master, not sure if it's in game though, so need someone to tell me.

Famous Hero
Nighonese National Front
posted August 17, 2016 09:31 PM |
Edited by AnkVaati at 21:31, 17 Aug 2016.
Another potentially great feature destroyed by Ubi money milking.
If Sanctuary had been influenced by H3 Fortress instead of "Hajimemasnowe WoW nagas who practice karate and kung fu with their long tails lol" it could potentially have been an improvement too.

Ank's Old School (kinda) H8 proposal <- best thing evvah, trust me

Famous Hero
The Whisperer
posted August 17, 2016 10:08 PM |
Edited by lordgraa at 22:10, 17 Aug 2016.
Dig deep... dig even deeper... but be aware that you may find an ancient evil older then the universe itself! 
The Ancient
You can find this under the MODs folder, Marzhins work apparently
World of Heroes (Czech fansite)
The Shadows Over Ashan (H7 community DLC)

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted August 18, 2016 11:48 PM |
Dragons look weird though but that would have been refreshing if fixed.

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted August 19, 2016 08:59 AM |
Pretty sure daily growth and sanctuary were added just in case. Even during H6 development we had the gameplay characteristics for all factions but that didn't mean much.
I still do not see why we do not have the option to set a player/AI slot as allied or enemy, considering aow has had it for ages. It would make all the sense in the world for a game like heroes.
Platoon stacks might have been fun Those look way overcrowded but stacks of 3-5 units would look nice. Ofc that would work better if the maps were smaller and the tiles larger - H7 already has visibility issues without further decreasing the unit scale. If this feature is to come at the cost of even tinier units, I am not interested.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Undefeatable Hero
posted August 19, 2016 01:35 PM |

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted August 19, 2016 01:47 PM |
Interesting info, suggest to mods to assign QP for it.
The 4) point reminds me again my first thoughts when I saw H7 scaling: Anthill.
Unfortunately, Ubi-Moshi or Ubi-Nox have never answered my very important question "why the collector's edition didn't contain magnifying glass".
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted August 19, 2016 02:06 PM |
You know, that would have helped a lot.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted August 19, 2016 03:14 PM |
Antalyan said: Interesting info, suggest to mods to assign QP for it.
Agreed. Was too busy to assign it sooner, but awarded now.
The last Reasonable Steward of Good Game Design and a Responsible Hero of HC. - Verriker

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted August 19, 2016 11:50 PM |
Platoon stacks don't work well with all creatures. It's not a bad idea per se, but I still prefer a clear, good-sized stack scale over this.
Thanks for the effort, lizzy

Famous Hero
posted August 22, 2016 10:16 PM |
acctually this is really interesting if you combine with inferno expansion speculation. maybe they are dedicated to put all those factions in to the game? i mean even if h7 sells bad(and it sells bad).
that camera angle doesnt allow platoon stacks(viusally too crowded to understand whats going on), but i wonder if it can make it to h8 with a different camera? its not a terrible idea.

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted August 22, 2016 10:19 PM |
As much as H6 team was dedicated to add all factions.. Camera can be modded to your heart's content though. Lizzie can already do it in H7.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Famous Hero
posted August 22, 2016 10:27 PM |
yeah i know liz also nailed camera too(another great job ), but i think its not enough for this idea to work. maybe a completely different game engine is needed, i dont know, i just cant see h7 with this idea in any way. it cant handle imho.

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted August 22, 2016 10:30 PM |
Why not? Camera is fully customizable without moving to a different engine. I'd be more concerned about the scale of units.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted August 22, 2016 10:32 PM |
Scale of units is one number to change, what is needed is... the source code.

Adventuring Hero
posted August 28, 2016 11:26 PM |
4.) Platoon Stacks
I like it!
Not for every unit but different numbers, depending on tier and creature and it would be great.
What this game could have been!