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Heroes Community > Other Side of the Monitor > Thread: A Good Discussion?
Thread: A Good Discussion?

Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted December 25, 2016 09:25 PM

A Good Discussion?

For a several years now Tariq Ali & John Pilger are two journalists that I think best represent today, what used to be more the "standards of reporting" on news and events.

I am not in complete agreement of course at all points, however, I would suspect something quite wrong otherwise.  

Global Empire - Fighting Back: Pilger Unleashed Part 1

Global Empire - Fighting Back: Pilger Unleashed Part 2
Published on Dec 22, 2016

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Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted December 26, 2016 03:06 AM

It was very informative. For me, especially the second part since I know almost nothing about history of Australian politics (except they fought us in Galipoli in WW 1), I had no idea that they were so tied up with the U.S. these days.
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Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted December 26, 2016 11:15 PM

artu said:
...I had no idea that they were so tied up with the U.S. these days.

I was the same as you.

Here is something I just heard from Ali. What he says here best represents my current thoughts.

Mr. Ali describes the "Center" in U.S. politics as being both parties and he is spot on.  You asked me a while back why I jumped the Bernie bandwagon? He bailed out of his "apparent rhetoric". How could it have been a serious Conviction? When he cast all of what he advocated aside in favor of the status quo? To then hold hands with that which he spent considerable time viscously derailing? Instead he opted to not run as an independent and cowed down to the Clinton machine. Sanders proved real non-leadership to me and that changed everything.

Global Empire: The Trump Effect

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Supreme Hero
posted December 26, 2016 11:23 PM

artu said:
I had no idea that they were so tied up with the U.S. these days.

Australia is called the "deputy sheriff" of USA.
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Supreme Hero
Master to the Speed of Light
posted December 27, 2016 12:54 AM

Such an informative discussion. Too bad that it is on a site littered with Russian propaganda.

markkur said:
Instead he opted to not run as an independent and cowed down to the Clinton machine. Sanders proved real non-leadership to me and that changed everything.

The US is far too divided along partisan lines for him to siphon away votes from Trump/The GOP so he never stood a chance as an independent as he would only have weakened Clintons position further.
"Now I am become Chris, the destroyer of worlds." - Robert Oppenheimer.

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Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted December 27, 2016 05:21 PM

fuChris said:
Such an informative discussion. Too bad that it is on a site littered with Russian propaganda.

How terrible is it that no matter where we try to get true information we stand a strong chance of getting someone's bias? Telling nothing but known verifiable facts is nearly a lost art.

fuChris said:
The US is far too divided along partisan lines for him to siphon away votes from Trump/The GOP so he never stood a chance as an independent as he would only have weakened Clintons position further.

You may have been proved correct. Of course we'll never know how the Election "should have gone" but speaking only for myself, I would have very likely stayed with Sanders IF he had stayed on his broken road course. He didn't...so that was that.

Ali's "Extreme-Center" <imvho> works quite well to describe the shadow-party of CIA & Multinational Corporations and the ultra-Elite that have captured and polluted the previously terrible two-party system that now advertises its virtue in representing the "best FOR us" <puke> only to do "the worst TO us".

Veering off topic a little.

If I were elected Prez, the first thing I would do is eliminate the 16? supposed Intelligence organizations down to only two. NSA would have all Domestic (no Patriot Act) and reporting to the State-Dept. would be a single new Foreign-affairs entity that would work in unison under a single-controlled Diplomatic branch. The NSA would report directly to Congress and the latter would report to the State-Dept. Then together, the State-Dept and the Senate would meet with and explain all issues to the Prez and the rest of his/her Cabinet. Once all were on the same page, Congress would decide the action. However, in the event that the Senate went one way and the House the other, then and only then, would the Prez cast a vote and decide the action.

Further, The State-Department could have folks that had been associated with the Military or Weapons-Companies in the past but no person of that background could hold any post in either chamber of Congress and in the end of all matters the Senate would be the deciding Body in all acts at home or abroad. And not "the hijack" we have now of the Constitution - it IS supposed to be Congress and not any one man or woman that can take this nation to war in any way shape or form.

Just my cent-anda-half about what needs to happen versus what never should have happened.

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