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Thread: Heroes Chronicles This thread is 6 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
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posted October 03, 2018 09:56 AM

avatar said:
So it's better to play with release date order - you'll be sure that there will be no refenernces to the non-release game yet

That's... actually really smart hah.

I guess that settles it, Master of elements it is.

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Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted October 03, 2018 11:35 AM

do not pay any attention to a fan chronology for they are mere fan fiction, here is a correct chronology of the Chronicles,

Warlords of the Wasteland
Conquest of the Underworld


(Armageddon's Blade)
Clash of the Dragons
The Sword of Frost
(Heroes 4)

the only other fact to remember, is that The World Tree comes before The Fiery Moon, for else all bets are off cheers lol

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Undefeatable Hero
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posted October 03, 2018 11:49 AM

That makes stuff easier indeed So I guess I'll leave out Clash of the Dragons (Episode 4) for later and do World Tree and Fiery Moon after Master of Elements.
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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 04, 2018 10:35 PM

386 days, pretty embarrassing Score 1975, you win this round doom. On to the next one where I'll finally have access to town portal, dimension door and the other goodies!
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Undefeatable Hero
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posted October 05, 2018 09:23 AM

Well, fly has probably saved me 100 days or so

Master of Elements... I plan to start today, but IIRC Tarnum is a Wizard there. Can't wait for those Eagle Eyes, Mysticisms, Scholars, Learnings...
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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 05, 2018 09:35 AM
Edited by Drakon-Deus at 09:39, 05 Oct 2018.

Doomforge said:

Master of Elements... I plan to start today, but IIRC Tarnum is a Wizard there. Can't wait for those Eagle Eyes, Mysticisms, Scholars, Learnings...

Well, Tarnum hates being a Wizard so you as the player should feel it too.

But jokes aside, I hope you'll like the story.
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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 05, 2018 10:12 AM
Edited by Elvin at 21:27, 07 Oct 2018.

I think you cannot escape the clutches of mysticism

I'm on 6th mission and for a change my build feels satisfactory. All magic schools, leadership and intelligence! Didn't manage to dodge mysticism but that's a small price to pay.

Missions are as disgustingly easy as I remembered while text updates as slow as in conquest. Sometimes you won't get an update until 7-10 days pass, easy to miss if you don't save and spam end turn. PS, some elementals may be hiding goodies on them.

Finished the campaign, 257 days, 2115 score. This time you get to keep your secondaries in the final battle so hunting for stats paid off

The world tree was next, 5 missions this time but harder. Very happy I could combine wm with logistics, air and earth, it helped against the pressure of the numerous enemy heroes. Not much on the plot but gameplay was enjoyable. 205 days, 2200 score.
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Undefeatable Hero
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posted October 12, 2018 02:33 PM
Edited by Doomforge at 14:36, 12 Oct 2018.

I finished "Masters of the Elements" today. And looks like I beat Elvin by 1 day

Here are my thoughts:

1. It was ridiculously easy. Even easier than Restoration of Erathia campaigns. Staring with overpowered troops, obtaining overpowered troops (5 weeks worth of a population of fully upgraded Wizard troops in final mission - lol), Tarnum having an overpowered special, uncapped SP/KN growth due to boosters being plentiful on the map, access to powerful spells from the very beginning and a Town Portal spell handed to you at 4th mission... I could go on and on.  
2. I didn't like that the game heavily restricted secondary skills on 1st maps (to 4-5 picks only), leaving me with stuff like Mysticism just because there was nothing else to learn (literally - at 12th level or so I was offered mysticism as my only choice on level up). However, it does fit the theme, I guess? much like in the 1st campaign, where magic skills were banned.
3. All my three heroes had 30 or more on all attributes by final mission. Lol.
4. I liked the visual design of the levels, but I find it questionable that they were filled with tons of dwellings. As if you needed them...
5. In fact, I never even bothered with an army past first two levels. I'd just get meatshields on the way and spam chain lightning, cleaning the map with ridiculous speeds and (often) eliminating all enemies somewhere around early 2nd week. Lol.
6. The story... well, how do I put it. I highly enjoyed the setting. The elemental planes are quite fascinating worlds (much like D&D ones). The plot, however, did become fairly generic and way less "dark" than the previous installments. I honestly miss the atmosphere Warlords of the Wasteland had, with some bleakness and darkness, a sense of desperation. Here you just hop from one objective to another, trampling all, and Tarnum doesn't have many "Tarnum moments". Some of the banters were amusing, though.

I'd rate this below the previous Chronicles chapters. It's pretty, but too easy and too generic.

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 12, 2018 03:33 PM

Damn you doomforge!

I blame my tendency to visit stat boosters with everyone ^^ Hardly needed of course, all this campaign needs is a minimum of army with spells doing the rest: chain, TP, DD, mass slow and the occasional meteor, arma, inferno or implosion. I enjoyed the wizard banter and Tarnum's gradual wizardification but.. he easily surpassed them all like a very special snowflake. And what on earth were the elemental lords doing in those 30 years? Waiting for Tarnum to come roflstomp them in a matter of weeks? Then there's the phoenix sidequest that must have caused years of destruction in Tarnum's world but hey, we get phoenix joiners! Lots of cheese factor all around.

The plot starts to shrink some more during the Vorr storyline but at least you get some good old barbarian gameplay. I started revolts of the beastmasters and when Gerwulf appeared in the tavern I decided that I'd pick artillery once more. The towns do not produce ballistae but I can always borrow one from my beastmaster pal. It won't be as epic as before but I should get some decent attack from locations.
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Undefeatable Hero
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posted October 12, 2018 05:31 PM
Edited by Doomforge at 17:34, 12 Oct 2018.

I also refuse to finish a map before I collect all the boosters, with the exception of the final mission where instead I go for an armageddon rush. (I believe I finished the final mission within 4 weeks )

The "View Air" spell once again proved how amazing it is - without it I'd be obviously in the dark but with it I just launched three instant rushes towards the enemy castles.

"View Earth" shows you the map without a fog, so it's also very useful. You may see where the passage is.

I did not get DD tho

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Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted October 12, 2018 06:46 PM

the Masters of the Elements is a campaign where I really like the concept of this campaign, it is an interesting approach to have a Wizard who is a Barbarian (albeit like Yog lol) and an elemental campaign but it is certainly the campaign which has the most potential for benefit from a 2018 makeover,
concurred that the elemental planes are nice looking but the gameplay representation is very poor and foot designed in some respects (Dungeon for Earth and Fortress for Water, what are you on smoking mate, they are not elementals), which means there is loads of room for a redo with proper elementals as the villains and even a non overpowered spell system lol

in terms of the plot it is all about the Wizards while the Elemental Lords are mere ciphers, so more of a Voyages Extraordinaires or Discworld type soap opera plot than the more battle royale game of two halves in the other campaigns with a strong adversary, this may be more to your taste or it may be not so much lol

to the flip side the story events were as entertaining as usual, the Plane of Magic was a very thought provoking idea which finally explained the Psychic Elementals and Magic Elementals (which were never explained before that), and it is interesting to have a cameo appearance of Gavin Magnus for more or less the first time, who is a good foil to Tarnum and a big character going into Heroes 4 cheers lol

it must have taken a long time to place all those terrain overlays,

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Undefeatable Hero
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posted October 13, 2018 12:07 PM

Well said Verriker It feels as if those campaigns have been outsourced to different map makers. The guys making Conquest of the Underworld were sadistic at times with the map design; the guys making Masters of the Elements focused more on the "prettiness" of the maps and less on their structure.

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Supreme Hero
Heroes 3 Fan
posted October 13, 2018 12:42 PM

Well, Master of the Elements could use Cove for Water Plane. Also Pathfinding would better choice then navigation. Plane of Earth instead of Underground Terrain could use Rough terrain(Barbarian native terrain), because during Story Tarnum said that this plane slow their movement.

Also Tarnum shouldn't switch Tower to Conflux town after visit Plane of Fire. This make Tarnum Specialty to be useless(Train Mages and Archmages to be Enchanters). I think leadership being offred to Tarnum is to not loose Morale when he mix Tower troops with other factions. This should be Tower vs Conflux camapign like Warlods have Stronghold(+ Fortress after War in Mudlands) vs Castle and Tower.

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 14, 2018 09:12 PM
Edited by Elvin at 21:13, 14 Oct 2018.

Finished revolt of the beastmasters, quite different from the rest. At first I thought that impossible without artillery is going to be a pain, then I realized that not only you got a lot of free joiners but there are also castle towns and warmachine factories and numerous ways to get attack. Then I got Gerwulf in the tavern and hired immediately. The next level up gave artillery which turned out pretty decent after all. You are often separated from Gerwulf at the beginning of a mission but that's hardly a concern.

A good change from other chronicles was that enemy heroes in later missions are high levelled. Unless you levelled your secondaries well or developed enough forces to keep your towns, you'd have to use Tarnum to chase them off. The 7th mission was a pain in the @ss

Ah yes, 228 days.
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Undefeatable Hero
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posted October 17, 2018 03:00 PM
Edited by Doomforge at 17:23, 17 Oct 2018.

Finished The World Tree.

Elvin beat me by 6 days. I guess I really shouldn't waste three weeks hunting for the Statue of the Legion in those long tunnels. It was as useful as a screen door on a submarine in the end, since Tarnum was a ~35 ATT Barbarian and I didn't have the cash to recruit all the units anyway

Not too bad of a campaign. First time when I had to apply some basic tactics rather than ROFLstomping enemies. In two first missions, that is. After that, it was back to ROFLstomp again.

Picked Dessa and Gurnisson as my secondaries. In retrospect,I should've taken two Battle Mages. There wasn't any cursed ground around, even though I did expect a lot of it, so artillery wasn't necessary. Another major mistake was in not taking Wisdom fast for Tarnum, so he had been Townportalless in the final maps until Gurnisson developed Scholar to Expert and finally taught him

1. 1st mission was refreshing, the enemy had superior numbers and your heroes were still weak. I quickly conquered the middle one with Rocs and Ballista Gurnisson (caught him next to the portal) and took his helpless town. The red one had too much troops to beat his Town, so I stalled him, collecting stat boosters. The necro town gave me implosion so Dessa finally owned the Red one and Tarnum went for the teal. He had a much superior army and if he simply camped behind the walls, he'd beat Tarnum easily, but the AI can't resist attacking a stack of Wolf Raiders near the gate when its shooters are blocked. Which places a unit right where you want it to be - where its corpse will permanently block the bridge and keep it open. Good job, stupid AI. Once my Behemots got in I won easily.
2. Second mission was the first fairly challenging mission in Chronicles. The enemy numbers were ridiculous, if he rushed me, I'd be dead week 2. Too bad the AI doesn't really act well around gateways, as if it can't judge that there's a weak enemy on the other side waiting to be crushed. I actually had to soften the enemy's main up with hit&run Implosion cheese with Dessa before Tarnum mopped up. I was surprised I even had to consider this.
3. Third mission was brain dead. If I didn't hunt for stat boosters, I'd probably finish it in a week or so.
4. Fourth would be hard if my heroes weren't ridiculous already. But chain lightning spam from Dessa cleared the huge garnissons and the opponent was helpless afterwards.
5. Fifth was disappointing, too easy. I specifically hunted for the Statue of the Legion (messing up my score ) expecting legions of enemies but the opponents had smaller army than me. Meh.

The plot was nearly non-existent and not executed very well, but it was refreshing to see Tarnum as a Barbarian again.

In the end, not a very good campaign when it comes to atmosphere, but a fun one to play - the maps were OK.

5/10 I guess. Better than Masters of Elements, about on par with Conquest, way below Warlords in my book.

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Undefeatable Hero
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posted October 19, 2018 09:57 PM
Edited by Doomforge at 22:03, 19 Oct 2018.

Fiery Moon completed. Not sure if I should brag or weep in shame, Elvin didn't post his time

So, umm...

1. Easier than World Tree, but harder than the rest of the Chronicles.

2. Getting Gurnisson on 1st mission and getting Artillery on lvl 3 Tarnum really sped things up Hiring Gurni saves you the trouble of buying a ballista yard & the ballista itself, 3500 gold is pretty huge deal for 1st mission on Impossible.

3. I didn't take pathfinding, so my guys really got stuck in the snow of Mission 3.

4. Fortunately, the game threw me a Town Portal early, so navigating between maps was pretty easy.

5. I wasn't particularly amused about mission 4. I conquered the map in less than a week and then there's that dude with 50 Efreet Sultans and 12 Arch Devils to beat (along other things). Well, if the game plays dirty, so will I! Nuked him with hit&run Implosion Dessa (yep, she was my secondary hero again ) a couple times and Tarnum cleaned him in 3rd week with whatever he recruited along the way.

6. Picked up Lord Haart as my 3rd! Nothing better than a good ol' Estates specialist. Really hot for Impossible, although it doesn't really matter at that point.

7. I'm not sure if the devs actually forgot to ban Artifact merchants in Conflux towns or something, but with artifacts carrying over in this particular episode of Chronicles, one could really pimp his heroes.

8. Final mission was, again, too easy and disappointing. That Vorr guy was meant to be a hardcore killer and he turned out a hardcore pansy. He had nearly no army against my 45 Thunderbirds / 13 Ancient Behemots and despite carrying Armageddon's Blade he refused to cast Armageddon (was it because I cast Anti-Magic on my birds on 1st turn? TBH I didn't expect him to carry armageddon's blade, but the game kept saying he's a powerful caster, so I kinda took a wild guess). Tarnum mopped the floor with him.

9. The plot.. well. How do I put it.. "kidnapping the gods"... seriously Also, if Tarnum can beat the crap out of a God, why does he bother being the Immortal hero in the first place...

On the positive side, the Barbarian Familiar riding on a Pony was absolutely hilarious.

I'd say this part is a bit better than World Tree (a bit more consistent) and roughly on par with Conquest, but again miles below Warlords of Wasteland.


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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 19, 2018 10:05 PM
Edited by Elvin at 22:08, 19 Oct 2018.

Nah, you destroyed me. I went for a more traditional barbarian and didn't get wisdom which I ofc regretted. Had both earth and air by the end though.

Starting with Gurnisson and getting town portal explains a few things.. I also didn't particularly level my secondaries so no hit&running Xeron No way I could have matched your time.

Now Vorr.. I actually realized it was him after I defeated him and won the game. Pretty lame. And yes, I liked the crazy imp
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Undefeatable Hero
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posted October 19, 2018 10:15 PM
Edited by Doomforge at 22:50, 19 Oct 2018.

Well to be honest I did have to buy 1 Arch Devil on Dessa because Xeron would cast haste and mop up my trash stacks otherwise.

The arch devil would allow me however to cast my spell first, and I'd surrender immediately afterwards for mere 899 gold (Expert Diplomacy Dessa lol). Since Dessa is a logistics specialist with a movement artifact picked up along the way, she'd get back to Xeron in "1,5 days".

So he ate implosion around 6 times and Tarnum sweeped the rest of the trash afterwards.

I'd say it was a clever way to speed things up

After Revolt I'm taking a break from Chronicles to beat Shadow of Death and Armageddon's Blade on Impossible. Most likely HotA as well. I'll be returning to Chronicles afterwards.

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Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted October 20, 2018 02:47 AM

I pretty well enjoyed the episodic story of Vorr the Mad Ancestor even if it was slightly disjointed and inconclusive,
it certainly leaves you wondering what happened to Nilidon the Druid and Skizzik the Familiar, but then again it's the same with most of the random sidekicks of Tarnum, they're a bit like the Bond girls who Bond unceremoniously ditches forever after each adventure, ooh la la ladies (and men) lol

I will not really bother to comment on the map design or any of that, it's really the typical fare, another few of the other sixty Chronicles maps rushed out to have some maps lol

an amusing twist regarding the environment and the World Tree halfway through, even if I am still not sure WTF the World Tree itself really was lol,
also nice to have an update on the cultures of Antagarich after many hundreds of years, we find out that the barbarians are regressing a bit back into stinky savages who want to be bootleg versions of Dark Tarnum and give blood for the blood god and all that toss, which is a bit of a Dark note for the future of the plot, however on the lighter side the shaman characters were quite endearing and the Bra-Barian Queen was a good laugh lol
also it is the earliest moment with elves and the necromancers, who will become AvLee and Deyja if they have not already passed go and collected 200 pounds, that's nice to meet them lol

it is certainly the Heroes Chronicle which comes closest to embracing and snogging the sci-fi of Might and Magic, throwing in a Gate to Another World, another planet like Charn of Narnia, and the first cameo of the Kreegans, although Tarnum takes all of that in his stride so it's a bit whatever lol
I had always wondered if Vorr's shenanigans provoked the Kreegans to go to Enroth for a bit of revenge, thus causing later plots, even if that is a bit overly convenient and tidy like Peter Perfect's Hobbit Prequels cheers lol

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 22, 2018 04:02 PM

verriker said:
bootleg versions of Dark Tarnum and give blood for the blood god

Lol. I find your thoughts interesting though, I had not considered chronicles on a timeline and how each could have influenced certain factions and events.

And finally I finished the sword of frost. I had a rocky start where I was collecting my skills basic by basic(didn't get any on expert for a while) but in the end it was worth it: A Tarnum with artillery, air/earth, wisdom and logistics. Highlight of the playthrough was when Gelu appeared behind a teleporter at the end of turn 1 and I took him down his crystal dragon and sharpshooters with a well placed chain lightning So here I was day 2 with an azure dragon, Gelu's boots of speed and armageddon's blade. Greatness!

Clash of dragons and the sword of frost remain my favourites in the series. I loved reading the text boxes and some of the missions had challenging moments. Tarnum's overlord antics were fun ^^
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