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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted January 17, 2017 07:01 PM |
Heroes Chronicles
Since the elusive (and not-very-well-acclaimed) Chronicles (ALL of them) has been recently discounted @ GoG... I've decided to give them a try. Since they basically were worth the price of a bag of chips and a cola... hell, why not.
I guess it's also a good time to revisit the old campaign and maps - and finally break them. Hell, I still remember getting brutalized by that damn Back for Revenge XL map from Shadow of Death.
But, in this thread, I sort of plan to give my thoughts and feelings on the Heroes Chronicles series, starting with, of course, the 1st chapter.
You're welcome to give your opinions on H:Chronicles, but remember: no spoilers, I never played the damned thing
We reached to the stars and everything is now ours

Supreme Hero
posted January 17, 2017 07:13 PM |
They're easy to play, but they're heavy of interesting story-arcs.

Known Hero
posted January 17, 2017 07:33 PM |
On Impossible difficulty some of the maps are not easy to play and few are quite hard even. First few maps of Warlords of the Wasteland included.

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted January 17, 2017 11:11 PM |
I liked them story-wise, but the games have a few flaws:
- In one particular map, a story trigger only plays for player 4, while the player is in fact player 1.
- In a few maps, the player is allied with an AI player, while it's quite obvious that player should instead be allied with the other AI players and be hostile towards the player. In one instance, the fact that the AI is allied to the player can actually lead to a situation where the map can't be finished, unless you can acquire a specific Artifact before that allied AI player gets it.
Personal gripe: although the maps are rich in story, many of the maps are (very) small, which is actually detrimental for the late campaign maps, as getting more levels requires a lot more experience and therefore a lot more kills. Furthermore, the small maps can feel very cramped, as if they've tried to squeeze interesting areas in just about every few tiles, rather than having some more space to roam about.

Supreme Hero
Heroes 3 Fan
posted January 17, 2017 11:33 PM |
I like story-wise of Tarnum, but now, I can't play them without HD MOD unless I use them as custom campaigns for H3.
If I remember correctly, we only has AI Allies in Conquest of the Underworld.

Supreme Hero
posted January 18, 2017 12:18 AM |
Truely great stories with every single one the stronghold campaign in h4 is even better after you know Tarnum's tale.

Undefeatable Hero
posted January 18, 2017 07:20 AM |
They were nice to play, especially Conquest of the Underworld and Clash of the Dragons for me.
I remember that on the small maps in all of them I used to end turn repeatedly just to get another timed event with the story before finishing the map.

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted January 18, 2017 09:45 AM |
Edited by Maurice at 09:47, 18 Jan 2017.
Drakon-Deus said: I remember that on the small maps in all of them I used to end turn repeatedly just to get another timed event with the story before finishing the map.
Me too. It's a pity that they didn't simply make a statement after the last one in any given map, like "(Tarnum's story will continue in the next map)" or something.
The last Reasonable Steward of Good Game Design and a Responsible Hero of HC. - Verriker

Legendary Hero
posted January 18, 2017 12:14 PM |
Edited by Baronus at 12:15, 18 Jan 2017.
Great storyline by Terry Ray. Great additional graphic art like menus, loadscrens... But very weak gameplay. Untested maps, mistakes, weak enemies. Modding it will be good solution and building good addon. It was bad 3DO practice plunder money for single campaign by campaign like a new games. Sorrow chapter in MM history... Dont buy it...

Supreme Hero
posted January 18, 2017 12:57 PM |
Keep in mind, that there's 9th Chronicle with Tarnum as Demoniac made by Hero_Of_Light. It's called Glory Of War, and this eight part campaign should by played after Warlords of the Wastelands. Quite easy as standard CHronicles, but with quite enjoyable story plot. (Un)fortunatelly, you must install ERA II and Glory of War mod to play it.
It would be fine to have this Chronicle as standard SoD campaign too to make it more popular.

Known Hero
posted January 18, 2017 01:07 PM |
Edited by Evaline at 13:44, 18 Jan 2017.
Baronus said: It was bad 3DO practice plunder money for single campaign by campaign like a new games. Sorrow chapter in MM history... Dont buy it...
Are You serious? 3DO has not existed for almost 15 years! What 'plunder practice'? These are very well-designed campaigns (8 maps in every Chapter except free downloadable chapters V and VI - 5 maps/each, and 16 maps in Final Chapters, with few bugs, not without it) and a good job is always should be paid, isn't it? Many campaigns in HoMM III only have 3-4 maps... Besides, Heroes Chronicles games were 3-4 times cheaper compared to HoMM III: SoD or Complete Editions. Sadly the 3DO company went bankrupt due to poor management and lack of commercial success of their latest products including HoMM IV and Might and Magic IX...

Legendary Hero
President of MM Wiki
posted January 18, 2017 01:59 PM |
I don't think it isn't worthwhile to buy. I guess you could say it was a foreshadowing to Heroes IV of sorts.

Legendary Hero
posted January 18, 2017 02:34 PM |
It wasnt good job. Recycling old resources. Campaign splashscreens are old graphic from Heroes III campaigns. No new content. Only Tarnum picture is ,,new content", but its only repaleceing old hero face! No new hero. Very small maps, bad planned. 5-6 was free because fans dont buyed it I suppose. Gamespot has revievs only two first! Players lost interested it. Yes, Terry Ray story is interesting, but its to small to buy it. Its not a book! Graphic screens you can see in web. Shadow of Death have new cumuluted artifacts. New grounds, objects. About 35 maps and next about 30 maps in good planned campaigns. One chronicle has 5-8 maps. 7 bad planned versus 70 good planned maps! Its nothing to tell. Of course you can buy it, your right. But... We shouldnt pay for bad product. Planned only for squeeze our money. They wasnt costed 2$ for one. This price was honest. Today its maybe 2c.
We have a lot free very good campaigns in web fan made and I recommend id. Theyre free! And very good. But because we like Terry Ray stories I suggest solid mod with good planned campaigns.

Known Hero
posted January 20, 2017 05:24 PM |
Baronus said: It wasnt good job...
Dear Baronus, please, do not forget that if they were unable to earn at least some cents from Heroes Chronicles there would be no HoMM IV! They would have gone bankrupt long before Heroes of Might and Magic IV release. Not to mention the Gathering Storm and Winds of War expansion packs! Please, stop it!

Legendary Hero
posted January 20, 2017 05:42 PM |
If they want money it doesnt mean that HCh are a good creation. Its another thing. I think they lost more money, losing fans by money drinking than they earn on this ,,product". It was more litter products. CoMM, Warrios. All it was MM brand devastation. 3DO was bankrupt I know. But losing fans by money sucking is road not to succes...

Tavern Dweller
posted March 10, 2017 11:57 AM |
Oh, I walked right past them Chronicles years ago, but since you write these are good stories...
ANd hey- an offtop - but what are THE MOST AWESOME STORIES in world of might aand magic for you guys?
I'm in craving of a good story. The gameplay doesn't keep me up all nite anymore... xD

Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted March 10, 2017 12:56 PM |
Seemingly it was a good story, BUT
All maps are poorly designed, it's just a quest wall, very repetitive, and story is not well integrated into gameplay.
If you want both download top map from here, most popular custom map for game of history.
(Casually made by my brother :v )

Known Hero
posted March 11, 2017 12:02 AM |
I played through chronicles half a year ago. I liked the sotry as well for the most part. Sword of Frost was pretty mediocre, liked Clash of Dragons the best.
But the gameplay wasn't great. Far too easy, far too many small maps ( i think out of the 58 scenarios total nearly 40 were small maps).
Also the campaign order seems weird to me. the 5th and 6th campaign shoudl have been the final ones. Especially the beastmaster campaign after those doesn't fit at all.

Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted March 11, 2017 01:17 AM |
Leave the beastmasters alone, that was the last Fortress (non-dwarf) stuff before the writers anihilated the town forever 
if I could, I would bring Fortress back to H4, but they didn't even include its creatures...

Known Hero
posted March 11, 2017 02:07 PM |
I liked the campaign, I just don't like where it's placed. In my opinion Sword of Frost should be gone. Beastmaster becomes the 5th campaign and then world tree and fiery moon as the end of Tarnums story (basically what happened at the end of the stornghold cmapaign in H4)