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Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted August 31, 2020 12:02 PM |
Well péople thought there would always be a market for RTS and look where that got. There has not been a single big RTS since Starcraft II and Dawn of War 3 flopped due to MOBA mechanics.

Undefeatable Hero
posted August 31, 2020 01:50 PM |
Even if true, that doesn't say much about the TBS side of things. Remember, I didn't say that "I think there would be" a market for TBS, I said there is a market for TBS. It's not up for debate or anything, you look at the trends, games in the making, successful TBS games right now, the evolution of the AI which promises a resurgence of interest in strategy games, etc.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted September 10, 2020 07:06 AM |
Thre may be a market for TBS at the moment but its still not the most mainstream type of games, and we don't know if Ubisoft will make a new Heroes of Might and Magic at all (which is not microtransaction always online crap)

Tavern Dweller
posted January 04, 2021 08:40 PM |
link provided doesnt work anymore

Known Hero
posted January 04, 2021 10:09 PM |
because it was april fool lol