Thread: Faction Recreation Contest #1: Necropolis | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |
Famous Hero
Voice in Gelu's Head
posted July 18, 2020 10:05 PM |
Faction Recreation Contest #1: Necropolis
Hey guys! We've got 4 people who expressed interest in participating, so let's get started! According to the random order I shuffled the different factions into, we're doing Necropolis first. Anyone who wants to can make a submission, even if they didn't already "sign up." You can jump in, bail out, take a break, or re-join any time you want.
As a reminder, the requirements for a submission are:
- At least 2 hero classes and a short description of each. This can include their special skills if they have any, their role in society, and just general lore about them. If you want you can draft up a few individual heroes with their bios and specializations, but this is by no means required
- At least 7 units, but can be more if you want to use a different tier system than the standard one. A description of their role in battle and any notable abilities should be included, but you don't have to be too specific if you don't want.
- A grail structure, its effects, and 1-3 other unique buildings and their effects.
You have 1 week from when the first submission is made, after which there will be a 3 day voting period. As a reminder, anyone can vote, but you have to give ALL the submissions a rating out of 10 (except your own submission if you made one.)
Good luck everyone and have fun!
I'll post my own submission after the first person so I don't double post.
Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted July 24, 2020 10:40 PM |
Edited by Jiriki9 at 09:58, 08 Aug 2020.
Ok, here comes my entry for round 1.
General infos
-the setting is an entirely new one, neither the "old" setting up to H4, nor Ashan
-there are several gameplay aspects that I have decided for myself, but will not detail here, unless someone asks me to. After all, this is about the faction, not a proposal
-both world and gameplay I'll develop during the rounds(Which is the reason why I won't give relations for the yet unknown new factions)
-I follow a classic, choiceless 7-tier lineup
-BUT there is also a "Tech Tree" for every faction (saw the idea here and found it awesome so it's in my proposal)
In a nutshell:
the Necropolis is a faction of corporal Undead, most of them raised by the factions heroes. It gets stronger by killing living enemies.
-nigh endles armies, especially if you keep the necromantic wheel grinding
-Immunity to poison, sickness and most mind control
-Resistance against Dark Damage
-no archers and only one flyer in the base units
-vulnerability to Light and sometimes Fire
Big changes to older Necropolis:
-the Necromancy skill is altered and expanded
-Vampires and Ghosts are out of this faction, to be added to (an)other...
The circle of Life and Death is as old as life itself. But as long as beings are thinking, and feeling, there are those who would disrupt it. It is not known today how long ago the dark art of Necromancy was discovered. But the historical writings in the Wizard libraries, old Dwarf Runes, and the tales told by the elves agree that about 6000 years ago, the first Necromantic civilization emerged. They do not agree on who they were, though, blaming each other, peoples long lost, and even dragons. But since then, the Necromancers, Death Knights and Lich Kings never really vanished. Most were destroyed, some in the frequent purges, some in infighting, some from their more interesting experiments. But their places were immediately filled with those willing to dabble in Necromancy.
In recent history, the Necropolises were relatively peacefully - raiding their neighbours, of course, but with little expansion. But who knows how long that will last? And who knows how long the other factions will stay tolerant? Only time can show.
Faction Relations
-Castle/Haven: This town is both fodder and foe for any Necropolis. Hardly a faction offers more to harvest - but also few other factions are so eager to kill all undeads. An interesting Side-fact is that many Necropolis heroes are humans, often those who found the Castle/Haven society too strict.
-Inferno: Both being hated by many other factions, Inferno and Necropolis make up natural allies. Yet these alliances are usually short-lived, as the ultimate goals as well as the values of the factions are vastly different.
-Dungeon: Sometimes, these factions work together. Sometimes they war. Often they ignore each other. Their relation may best be described as an unstable peace.
-Forge/Factory: The Necromancers express big interest in the Forges technology. The Forge is caucious, but not as neglecting towards necropolis as other factions are.
-Rampart/Sylvan: As the faction of life, they are one of the biggest threats to Necropolis. Especially since they have relatively few numbers and thus are no good harvest, but still hate them strongly. The 2 factions are at constant war.
-Stronghold: These Barbarians make a good harvest - if you can defeat them. The war with them is not as intense as with some others, but still constant, as no side sees any benefit in peace, usually.
-Sanctuary: Necropolis tries to stay away from the Sanctuaries, mostly. These dislike the Undead, and tend to kill them on their land, but do not often launch counter attacks. Thus, they are at a breakable neutrality.
-Cove: The relations are always shifting, but mostly, the Undead are at peace with the pirates, who do not fear to trade with anyone, which is useful for the Necropolis.
-Dwarf Fortress: The Dwarfs despise Necromancy and any undead strongly. The factions are at war whenever they meat, but it is not often that they seek out one another. The dwarves are seclusive and hard to siege, and the Necromancers rather not provoke them.
-Tower/Academy: The Wizards offically shun and forbid necromancy. BUT they do not really act against it, unless forced to. There even are rare trade relations. So all in all, the factions are neutral to one another.
-Conflux: Necropolis has no interest in Conflux and vice versa. A stable, and strong neutrality is between them.
-Swamp Fortress: While the Swampfolk does not hate Undead as strong as others do, they do not want to fill the undead ranks and do not trust. The Necromancers, especially, find that very sad. There is an unstable truce, overall, that might yet break at slight provocations.
Hero Classes
Necromancers are the best known heroes of the necropolis. They excell in the direct raising of slain foes and thus tend to stay in the field with their army, working on their magic and adventure skills and only rarely returning to their cities.
Starts with 0 Attack, 1 Defense, 2 Spellpower, 3 Knowledge, as well as the Raise Undead Sub-Skill.
Chances for Skill choices at level up (all non-mentioned: about standard chance)
-High Chances for Dark Magic, Earth Magic, Enlightenment
-Low Chances for Light Magic, Fire Magic, Leadership, Archery
-Daara (female Minotaur; Starts with Air Magic; Special: Mistress of Fear (Increases the duration of any fear-based effects on enemy units.)
-Raven (female Human)
-Sandro (male Skeleton)
-Septienna (female Human)
-Vidomina (female Human)
Death Knights:
Death Knights are the military leaders of Necropolis. Unlike the other necropolis heroes, a death knight often shuns magic, relying on their sword, and the endless supply of troops they gain by slaying foes and populace. Death Knights are also formidable fighters by themselves.
Starts with 3 Attack, 2 Defense, 0 Spellpower, 1 Knowledge, as well as the Harvest Sub-Skill.
Chances for Skill choices at level up (all non-mentioned: about standard chance)
-High Chances for Offense, Fortune, Logistics, Siege Warfare
-Low Chances for any Magic Skills
Death Knights:
-Kaspar (male Embalmed)
-Moandor (male Skeleton)
-Nikolai (male Embalmed)
-Straker (male Human)
-Vokial (male Embalmed)
Lich King/Queen:
Lich Kings are potent Spellcasters, but also capable rulers. The most reclusive Necropolis heroes, they favor staying close to their cities, sending others to do the dirty work, until they are completely sure of their victory.
Starts with 1 Attack, 0 Defense, 3 Spellpower, 2 Knowledge, as well as the Reaping Sub-Skill.
Chances for Skill choices at level up (all non-mentioned: about standard chance)
-High Chances for Dark Magic, Sorcery, Nobility, Stewarding
-Low Chances for Leadership, Logistics, Offense, Pathfinding
Lich Kings/Queens
-Moragynne (female Elf)
-Nagash (male Skeleton)
-Norticus (male Skeleton)
-Tharsis (male Human)
-Zoltan (male Human)
Faction Skill: Necromancy
Killing living units in battle gives the Hero 10/20/30/40/50% (for basic/advanced/Expert/Master/Legend Skill Level) of them (counting the HP) as remains, which can be used by the Subskills. The skill recognizes which units have been killed, giving different options for choice sometimes.
-Harvest (Sends all the remains to a nearby town, where they are turned into population. If there is no fitting unit building, they are turned to income instead, with a low conversion rate.)
-Raise Army (Directly raises X% of the remains as a fitting undead unit. X is determined by the hero's Knowledge and Necromancy skill level.)
-Reaping (Converts remains into Mana.)
-Power of Death [Reaping] (When using Reaping, the Hero gets a bonus on all Non-Light Magic-Spells they cast for a number of days. Both the duration and bonus are based on the Hero spellpower and Necromancy skill level.)
-Feast of Death [Harvest] (When using harvest, can choose to convert any sent remains into income directly, at a better rate.)
-Army of Death [Raise Army] (When using Raise Army, the hero can spend Mana to increase X.)
-Eternal Army [Harvest + Raise Army + (Feast of Death OR Army of Death)] (Fallen friendly undead troops create Remains.)
-Eternal Magic [Power of Death + Master Level Necromancy]
-Eternal Rule [(Power of Death OR Feast of Death OR Army of Death) + (Nobility OR Stewarding)] ()
Tier 1: Skeleton
A skeleton can relatively easily be animated by Necromancy to fight for their new master. They can also be used to guard places. Due to their little coordination, complete lack of intelligence and unnerving behavior, there is little other use for them. Still, they make up the greatest part of the Necropolis armies.
Strong Stats: Attack, Growth, Resistance (Dark Damage -50%)
Weak Stats: Initiative, HP (Light Damage +100%)
-Skeletal (When attacked in Range with small projectiles, ignores the damage taken from 10% of the attackers, rounded down.)
-Undead (Immunity to Poison, Sickness and most Mind Control, has no morale)
-Skeleton Archers (Gain ranged attack, but for the cost of their attack stat, making them a rather weak ranged unit.)
-Skeleton Soldier (Putting a skeleton in a better armor at least makes it look like a soldier. They have a better defense, but they get quite slow.)
Tier 2: Zombie
Zombies are reanimated corpses. They are not as numerous as skeletons, but still available in great numbers in any necropolis territory. Zombies continue rotting during reanimation, though, so they will turn to skeletons eventually.
Strong Stats: Defense, Growth, Cheap Price, Resistance (Dark -50%)
Weak Stats: Initiative, Speed, Weakness (Fire +50%, Light +50%)
-Decay (Zombie Stacks have a "rotting" value, that determines how many zombies reach the point where there are more skeleton then zombie. Depending on the stack size and how "fresh" the stack is, it can take days till one of them turns a skeleton, or it can be a great number of them each day.)
-Rotting Flesh (Any enemy getting into melee with a stack of zombies, has a chance of getting a weak disease.)
-Undead (Immunity to Poison, Sickness and most Mind Control, has no morale)
-Primed Zombie (With special preparation, you can highly reduce the problem of Decay. Yet, it has no other benefits.)
-Flyblown (When a Zombie is infested with maggots, they rot away even father. However, they also get highly infectous, being capable to spread medium, in rare cases even strong diseases.)
Tier 3: Ghoul
Corpse Eaters, like ghouls, are a nuisance in small, and a horror in greater numbers. They are drawn to any necropolis like mice to cheese. At first, the Lich Kings, especially, tried to draw them away as pests. But finally, they gave up and instead sort of tamed them.
Strong Stats: Initiative, Attack, Resistance (Dark -25%, Earth -50%)
Weak Stats: Defense, Weakness (Fire +50%, Light +100%)
-Corpse-Eater (Recovers HP after killing enemy units in melee.)
-Death-Dweller (Immune to Poison and Sickness, Gets +1 morale when undead units are in the same army)
-Rot-Bite (Strikes by Ghouls have a chance to pass a weak or medium disease to their target.)
-Brain-Eater (These aggressive ghouls focus on eating the brains of the dead, and have the strange ability to recount some of the eaten memories later. They give a hero an experience bonus for living units they killed. They also get more initiative and damage.)
-Skinbearer (Some ghouls sort of wear the skin of the dead, like primitive clothing. They have more defense than their kin, and also reduce the moral of enemies they meet in melee.)
Tier 4: Bone Golem
At some Point, a crafty necromancer of today unknown name must have thought: "It's too bad that I cannot raise all these skeletons because most are incomplete. I should still be able to reuse their parts...". THus, the Bone golems were created. Ugly, formless masses of bones, created for efficiency, not for aesthetics, they are not easy to take down, and their sheer presence on the battlefield lets most living beings shiver.
Strong Stats: Defense, HP, need little remnants in comparison to their strength
Weak Stats: Initiative, Weak Growth
-Abomination (-1/-2 morale for all friendly/enemy living beings on the battlefield.
-Protruding Bones (Enemy units striking in melee afterwards get 5% of the Bone Golem Stack's HP before the strike as damage.)
-Skeletal (When attacked in Range with small projectiles, ignores the damage taken from 10% of the attackers, rounded down.)
-Undead (Immunity to Poison, Sickness and most Mind Control, has no morale)
-Bone Wagon (Creating bone wheels instead of legs for movement makes these special Bone Golems really fast. Additional spikes increase their attack and damage. They are less durable, though, getting a malus on hp.)
-Bonefort (Bones knit tightly, these are like a walking fortress. Heavy bonus on Defense and HP. They also have the active ability to shield adjacent allies.)
Tier 5: Lich
Mages who try to master the dark arts, but do not (yet) have the power to become a Necromancer, are called Liches. Although some living Liches exist, for example as librarians, scholars or quartermasters, the Necropolis army consist solely of Undead ones. From the ranks of the Liches, some aspire to become a Lich King or Queen.
Strong Stats: Mana, Spellpower, Resistance (Dark -50%, Earth -50%)
Weak Stats: Speed, Attack, Defense, expensive costs, Weakness (Light +100%)
-Knowledge Seekers (A hero gets +1 Knowledge for each 10 Liches in their army.)
-Spellcaster (Curse, Dark Blessing, Death Cloud, Raise Skeletons, Sickness)
-Undead (Immunity to Poison, Sickness and most Mind Control, has no morale)
-Lich Lord (Those aspiring to be a Lich King one day usually become a Lord first. They can bolster the initiative of close undead allies. They also have better HP, defense and initiative. Their damage output is low, though.)
-Deathmage (The Deathmages focus on learning spells for the battle. They usually do not exist long enough to become Lich King or Queen. They get better Mana and Spellpower, Immunity to Dark Damage and new spells (Death Ripple, Fear, Misfortune, Ward of Darkness).)
Tier 6: Dark Rider
Armed with a scythe, riding specially bred horses, their own features hidden behind cloaks, only red eyes gleaming from the shadows of their hoods - these are the dark riders. They are dreaded all over the world as bringers of dead and corpse harvesters.
Strong Stats: Speed, Initiative, Attack, Damage
Weak Stats: Defense, VERY expensive, reduced growth
-Dreaded (Units attacked by a Dark Rider have a chance (based on their morale and the size of both stacks) to loose their retaliation and instead run away as far as they can from the Dark Rider.)
-Harvester (Units killed by a harvester give a bonus on the remains gained by a leading Necromancer, Death Knight or Lich King.)
-Undead (Immunity to Poison, Sickness and most Mind Control, has no morale)
-Headless Rider (Everybode fears these headless terrors, who have a strange liking to haunting small villages. They inspire fear in enemy units like a bone dragon. They also are even faster.)
-Dreadknight (What is more dangerous than a Dark Rider? A Dark Rider in Bone Armor. These "knights" get a bonus on damage and attack, and even more on Defense. Their "dreaded" ability gets a better chance to trigger.)
Tier 7: Bone Dragon
It was not a huge step of thinking to go from "raise that feeble humans as undeads" to "raise that mighty dragon as undead". Bone Dragons are yet much stronger than any other Necropolis unit, still retaining some of their living features and abilities.
Strong Stats: HP, Defense, Resistance (Spells 15%, Arcane -20%, Fire -20%, Air -20%, Earth -20%, Dark -60%, )
Weak Stats: Attack, Damage, Weakness (Light +75%)
-Easy Target (When ranged unit target adjacent units allied with the Bone dragon Stack, X% of the attackers will instead attack the Bone dragons. X depends on the stack size of the target and the bone dragons.)
-Frightening (-1 morale for all enemy units.)
-Skeletal (When attacked in Range with projectiles, ignores the damage taken from 10% of the attackers, rounded down.)
-Undead (Immunity to Poison, Sickness and most Mind Control, has no morale)
-Embalmed Dragon (These monstrosities still retain a part of their bodies. Thus, they are capable of a perverted form of the dragon breath, dealing Dark Damage to an enemy unit and those behind. They also have better Hitpoints and Speed.)
-Dragolich (These Dragons keep their intelligence, cunning and will through the Necromantic raising. And their greed as well. They have a better initiative, attack and defense. They also weave dark, ancient spells, protecting adjacent allies from enemy Magic.)
Special War Machine: Corpsethrower
A special catapult that can throws bodies instead of Stones.
If you have already slain living enemies in a battle, you can choose to throw their bodies over the wall. This does not damage the walls, but SEVERELY hurts the enemy morale (-4 for any stack getting a direct hit, -2 for all other stacks.). There also is the change to spread weak or even medium sicknesses on hit enemy stacks.
Associated Units:
-Dreadbeast (Can be raised from slain beast enemies.)
-Bonebird (Can be raised from slain bird enemies.)
-Monster Cadaver (Can be raised from slain monstrous enemies.)
Building Chart
Building A [Requirements] (Effect)
>Upgraded Building A
-> twice upgraded Building A
-Other Base Building needing Building A
General buildings are black
Magic buildings are blue
Dwelling are red
Special buildings are green
Buildings unique for Necropolis (except dwelllings) are bold
Village Hall (500 gold income)
>Town Hall (1000 gold income)
->City Hall (2000 gold income)
-->Capitol (5000 gold income; unique per faction)
-->Province Hall (3000 gold income)
Fort (Adds weak Walls; allows Building dwellings)
>Citadel (makes the walls stronger, adds central Tower and weak moat; +25% Creature Growth)
->Castle (Makes the Walls and moat stronger, adds Towers on the Walls; +50% Creature Growth)
Tavern (Can recruit heroes of level 1)
>Inn (Can recruit heroes of level 5)
Mage Guild Level 1
>Mage Guild Level 2
->Mage Guild Level 3
-->Mage Guild Level 4
--->Mage Guild Level 5
Gravedigger [Town Hall, Graveyard] (The town gains a daily supply of remains, depending on the Hall Level, that visiting heroes can use as their skills allow.)
Blacksmith (Can build the Healing Tent)
>Bonesmith [Lab of the Dead] (Can build the Corpse Thrower)
Altar of Sacrifice [Crypt] (Can sacrifice living units to gain remains.)
>Altar of Transformation [Inn + Mausoleum] (Can change the species of a hero from aliving species to an undead one: Skeleton, Zombie or Embalmed. Skeletons get +3 Attack, but -2 Spellpower. Zombies get +2 on Attack and Defense, but -3 Knowledge. Embalmed get -1 Attack and -2 Defense, but +2 on both Spellpower and Knowledge.
Crypt (Allows recruiting Skeletons)
Graveyard (Allows recruiting Zombies)
Bloody Burrows [Town Hall, Graveyard] (Allows recruiting Ghouls)
-Feast of Corpses (Whenever remains are created in this town or its reach, the Ghoul Population increases.)
Lab of the Dead [Town Hall, Blacksmith, Crypt] (Allows recruiting Bone Golems)
Mausoleum [Mage Guild Level 3, City Hall, Lab of the Dead] (Allows recruiting Liches)
Haunted Hollow [Citadel, Bloody Burrows, Inn] ((Allows recruiting Dark Riders)
Bone Hoard [Mausoleum, Haunted Hollows] (Allows recruiting Bone Dragons)
-Dragon Graveyard (increases Bone Dragon Growth)
-Necropolis has old, but tough brick walls in dark colours.
-The basic 'moat' of Necropolis is the bone barricade. Stepping onto it decreases living units' morale and slows them a little. It upgrades to corpse barricade on Castle level, which additionally has a chance to spread medium disease on enemy stacks.
-The Necropolis Towers are manned with Skeleton Archers.
Tech Tree
Every faction has their own Tech Tree, offering benefits for all your heroes, armies, towns and AM-Structures.
The tech tree can be accessed on the Adventure map. Most Techs have requirements you must meet. If it is buildings, 1 town with them is enough.
Techs take time to research. The more towns you have, and the better built these towns are, the less time Techs take.
Tech Tree for Necropolis!
Famous Hero
Voice in Gelu's Head
posted August 01, 2020 03:22 AM |
Seeing as everyone else appears to have forgotten about this, I'll extend the deadline 1 week. I was going to do my proposal last but in the interest of reviving the thread, I'll do it tomorrow regardless of if anyone else submits or not lol.
Alright, so basically what I decided to do here is make Necropolis less of a power-hungry lich faction and more of a faction of outcast priests and healers that act as guardians of the spirit realm. My factions are going to be loosely taking place in a universe that I'll make up as I go, with the lore being told through creature and hero descriptions. I'm going to do the traditional 7 tier lineup with alternate upgrades, and each faction will have at least 1 might and 1 magic hero, plus an additional class that is either might or magic oriented depending on which way the faction itself swings.
Hero Classes
See Hall of Heroes for the individual heroes themselves.
Might Hero: Reaper
While the name might conjure up images of terrifying cloaked figures coming in the night to rip away the souls of the dying, the Reapers of Necropolis are generally benevolent guides of the spirit world, whose goal is to peacefully guide lost souls to the afterlife. They have been hand-picked by the Barrons, the keepers of the various planes of the underworld, for this task. The Reaper's role is not to judge the damned but instead to comfort them in their last moments before escorting them to the afterlife the Barrons have intended for them.
Likely skills: Diplomacy, Enlightenment, Logistics
Unlikely skills: Destruction Magic, Sorcery, Leadership
Magic Hero: Heretic
Heretics are typically priests who have been banished from their respective religions due to perceived blasphemy. While most organized religions would have you believe Heretics are demon-worshipping hellspawn, in actuality, they simply reject the notion that one's actions in this life determine the fate of the immortal soul. They have been given the honor of directly communicating with the Barrons, and it is their role to provide safe passage for the soul once an the Barrons have deemed that it is time for them to leave the afterlife and be reborn into the mortal world.
Likely skills: Enlightenment, Occultism, Prime Magic
Unlikely skills: Offense, Leadership, Combat
3rd Hero: Excorsist(Magic)
As expected when dealing with spirits, heroes of the Necropolis are often faced with possession from demons and hostile souls and need to be prepared to protect the mortal realm from these monsters. Excorsists specialize in destroying demons, undead abominations(traditional undead), and mind-influencing magic. They are the least misunderstood of the Necropolis heroes, and will often collaborate with more traditional holy men to protect the populace.
Likely skills: Destruction Magic, Sorcery, Occultism
Unlikely skills: Combat, Leadership, Luck
Faction Skill: Channeling
Unlike previous incarnations of Necropolis that raise skeletons after battle, this more spiritual Necropolis raises Ghosts from dead enemy stack temporarily while in combat, like Naadir's specialization in H5.
T1 - Wisp → Noxious Wisp/Erratic Wisp
Wisps are sentient orbs of mana created by the Necropolis to serve as fast scouts and saboteurs for their armies. They are fragile, but their high speed makes them useful for harassing shooters. Upgrading them into Noxious Wisps gives them an Aura of Nausea, which lowers the attack and defense of adjacent living units. Upgrading them into Erratic Wisps destabilizes the mana of adjacent enemy casters, preventing them from using their spells.
T2 - Ghost → Spectre/Poltergeist
Ghosts make up the backbone of Necropolis’s armies. They are recruited mostly from souls the Barons have deemed unready to enter the afterlife, and serving as soldiers acts as a sort of “purgatory” which they are released from upon their defeat. Due to the incorporeal nature of their bodies they take 15% less damage from physical sources, and they can pass through obstacles and over moats easily. Upgrading them into Spectres gives them increased durability and attack, while upgrading them into Poltergeists gives them a 10% chance to avoid physical attacks altogether.
T3 - Cherub → Pan/Cupid
While not truly undead, Cherubs are spirits that serve the Barons alongside the Necropolis. Their wings are mostly vestigial, only giving them the ability to float slightly, meaning that they cannot truly fly and aren’t very fast, but their archery skills are a valuable asset nonetheless. Cherubs negate the morale penalty suffered by living creatures for serving in the same army as the undead. Upgrading them into Pans, spirits of Youth, increases the speed of allies that start their turn next to them. Upgrading them into Cupids, spirits of Love and Fertility, causes their ranged attacks to temporarily lower the damage dealt by their targets.
T4 - Wraith → Banshee/Revenant
Wraiths are ferocious creatures created by binding the soul of a violent criminal to their corpse. Becoming a Wraith is considered to be one of the harshest punishments in the world, as it deprives the victim of the afterlife indefinitely. The pure rage that consumes these undead allows them to retaliate an unlimited amount of times. Upgrading them into a Banshee gives them the ability to scream once per combat, killing 1 creature from every living stack present and lowering their luck and morale. Upgrading them into a Revenant causes their might to grow with each attack they suffer.
T5 - Djinn → Ifrit/Ghul
Djinns are the spirits of powerful mages who have chosen to return to the realm of the living to serve the Necropolis in its mission. Their presence on the battlefield lowers the cost of mana for their hero, and their attacks deal damage of the type that the target is most vulnerable to. They are fast fliers with a very high damage output. When upgraded into Ifrits, they receive a Fire Shield effect permanently, and when upgraded into Ghuls, they can siphon mana to their hero from the corpses of fallen enemies.
T6 - Draugr → Hulking Draugr/Arcane Draugr
Of all the creatures that serve the Necropolis, Draugr are perhaps the most frightening. In concept, they are similar to Wraiths. However, rather than the souls of mortals, Draugr are the souls of powerful Demons imprisoned in a human corpse. This process mutates and enlarges the body significantly, leading to the creation of these hulking undead monstrosities, but allows them to be under the complete control of the Reapers, Heretics, and Exorcists to be used in their armies. They are large creatures built like tanks, whose attacks are so strong that targets cannot retaliate and may even be stunned, lowering their initiative. Upgrading them into Hulking Draugr greatly enhances their physical capabilities, and gives them the ability to heal themselves by devouring the bodies of the dead. Upgrading them into Arcane Draugr causes them to become faster, and allows them to reflect 50% of the damage from a hostile spell back at the enemy’s army.
T7 - Seraph → Deva/Valkyrie
Seraphim are the truly valiant souls who have, through multiple reincarnations and tenures in many different afterlives, transcended the cycle of life and death to become powerful immortal beings eternally at peace. Because of this, unlike most spirits, they can benefit from positive morale, but do not suffer from negative morale. Their swords are imbued with the blessings of the Gods and the judgments of the Barons, and their battlefield prowess knows no equal. Upgrading them into Devas gives them the ability to resurrect fallen allies, and upgrading them into Valkyrie’s guarantees they will always kill at least 1 creature per attack.
Supreme Hero
Always loyal to HC
posted August 01, 2020 03:41 PM |
Edited by Dj at 11:59, 08 Aug 2020.
im am working on it. I returned home a few days ago and got back to work and have a lot of things to do besides work (yoga, jogging, friends, family, study etc.)
I will edit this post. Probably tomorrow.
Necropolis / Kingdom of Deyja
Titles that work as abilities:
The practitioners of Necromancy:
- all heroes have proficiency in Necromancy
- can recruit Skeleton and can bolster their numbers by animating more Skeletons from low level creatures
- can recruit Geist -> Poltergeist and bolster their numbers by animating more of them from some low and some medium level creatures
- can recruit Abominations and can bolster their numbers by animating more Abominations from medium level creatures
- can recruit Nightmares -> Thestrals and can bolster their numbers by animating other types of creatures with hooves and creatures who look like them (Unicorns, Pegasus, Gorgons, Manticores, Hyppogryphs etc.)
- Can recruit Shadow Dragons and upgrade them to Skeledon Dragons/Spectral Dragons and bolster their numbers by animating other types of dragons only (other level 7 creatures simply cannot be turned to undead, even Hydras)
The Outcast:
- Any non-good aligned hero can be recruited from Necropolis and become a Necromancer
Example: a Witch can join the faction; she keeps her class title and all abilities associated with Witch class, but gets Necromancy and all abilities associated with Necromancy
Acolytes of Malassa, the practitioners of Dark Arts and Magics:
- Heroes start out with Dark Magic as their primary spell school
- Dark Magic resistance, Dark Magic amplification, creatures associated with Dark Magic are more likely to join the heroes
Former Wizards of Bracada:
- Elemental Magic resistance, Elemental Magic amplification, creatures associates with Elemental Magic are more likely to join the heroes (depending on the type of Elemental Magic they choose)
The faction started out as a small guild of Necromancers in Bracada, but their Wizard fellows started to doubt their intentions and fear them. Ultimately, all other Wizard guilds united against them and outcast them.
The Necromancers managed to find their home in the now called Deyja and established a kingdom throughout the ages.
Hero Classes:
- The Necromancers are divided into two major types of undeads: Liches and Vampires. Both of them stay with the living by two different means.
Magic class: The Liches
Abilities which will be upgraded at each level of the hero:
Siphon soul: they siphon souls in order to regenerate Hit Points
Elemental Arrow: depending on the type of elemental magic they choose, each arrow will have a different effect:
Air Arrow: damage + debuff: chance to miss attack
Earth Arrow: damage + debuff: slow
Fire Arrow: damage + debuff: burn (damage over time)
Water Arrow: damage + w
Shadow Arrow: damage + debuff: H3 curse
Light Arrow: damage + healing the caster
Psy Arrow: damage + debuff: confuse
Nature Arrow: damage + debuff: Entangling roots for 1 round
Stone Arrow: damage + debuff: stun
Frozen Arrow: damage + debuff: freeze target
Metal Arrow: damage + debuff: deep cuts/bleed: physical debuff - unable to Dispel, removable with Cure
[Yes, that's how many elemental types of magic school i want + more, but will reveal later]
Animate Dead: they reestablish hit points of undead creatures
Death Ripple: global AOE damage to all living creatures
Vidomina, the Moth Queen, the Moon Priestess
As we all know, beautiful Vidomina was a powerful Alchemist of Bracada until she was banished. Lost and hurt because of the betrayal of her kind and family, she retreated into the woods where she lived for a few years. In order to stay alive, she used elemental magic and dark magic alike as she was proficient in both of them. Rangers and woodsmen considered her a witch, the hag of the forest and smeared her down. Found herself in this situation, she started spending time during the nights and fell in love with the light of Moon. She started performing rituals and received the blessing of the Moon and soon enough the Moon Moths started to aid her. She is now considered a Moon Priestess.
Strategy and Abilities:
Hag of the Forest: places Spirit Owls throughout the map. Spirit Owls work as Observatory towers
Moon Priestess: Moon Magic resistance, Moon Magic amplification, creatures associated with Moon Magic are more likely to join the heroes (Moon Does, Unicorns, Grove creatures) and have buffed stats under her command
Spell: Moonfire: casts a beam of moonlight to the target for X damage and deal X/2 damage to surrounding enemies and burn (damage over time) them for 2 rounds
Moth Queen: can recruit Giant Caterpillars, Moths and Moon Moths as level 2 creatures
Spell: Moth Swarm: summon a colony of Moon Moths and command them to linger and an area and attack all enemies that enter the area, dealing damage and distracting them.
CORE: 1 from Guild, 1 from Class, 1 from Hero
1) Skeleton -> Night Assassin -> Moonshde
Undead – reduced physical damage, Light magic susceptibility
Backstab – increased damage when attacking from behind
2) Giant Caterpillar -> Moth -> Lunar Moth
3) Air/Earth/Fire/Water Elemental – depending on the school magic that she chooses
4) Liches: Nature/Frost/Metal/Psychic Elemental – depending on the school magic that she chooses
5) Abomination -> Soul Amalgam
6) Moon deer -> Nightmare -> Thestral
7) Shadow Dragon -> Bone Dragon -> Spectral Dragon
8) Darkness Elemental
Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted August 04, 2020 12:17 PM |
to me, pics are not necessary for a proposal to be good, but yours are not too big or bothersome, imo.
Interesting starts, btw, I hope to see more of your necropolis visions.
Famous Hero
Life and Freedom
posted August 05, 2020 10:37 PM |
Edited by phe at 09:34, 06 Aug 2020.
alternative necrotowns:
lvl1 Bats
lvl2 Ash-Elemental
lvl3 Flying Brains
lvl4 Flying Coffins
lvl5 Blood Spawn
lvl6 Black Wagon
lvl7 Death Black Bird
heroes: Bone Collector/Occultist
grail: Ethercloud - mana vortex for every visiting hero in each visit
lvl1 Bone Rats
lvl2 Bone Snakes
lvl3 Bone Raptors
lvl4 Undead Witches/Phantom Witches
lvl5 Large Burning Skeletons/Revenants
lvl6 Ghost Rays
lvl7 Large Mummies
heroes: Bonepicker/Bonediviner
grail: Ultimate Bone - every visiting Necromacy user can set this skill to animate any 1-3lvl undead creature
lvl1 War Scytches Skeletons
lvl2 Hanged Ones(flying)
lvl3 Mouners
lvl4 Cursed Ones
lvl5 Cementary Trees/Dead Vegetation Ents
lvl6 Bone Wagon/Skull Wagon
lvl7 Large Spiders (human Skull as head)
heroes: Caretaker/Gravemind
grail: Ultimate Grave - 100% necromancy efficiency in castle defence and on starting zone
lvl1 Death Sprites(bat wings)
lvl2 Stakers/Burning Zombies
lvl3 Cementary Gargoyles/Death Gargoyles
lvl4 Death Warriors
lvl5 Bone Cubes(flying, shooter, no distance penalty, 100% obstacle penalty, caster)
lvl6 Deathsteeds/Nightmares
lvl7 Death (with scythe)
heroes: Deathlord/Deathmage
grail: Ultimate Throne of Bones - Necromacy skill of every its user will bring after battle all levels counterparts in undead creatures
lvl1 Cementary Hyenes
lvl2 Drown Ones
lvl3 Scafordesses
lvl4 Decay Elemental
lvl5 Death Beast(Lightning and Fire Beast undead counterpart)
lvl6 Animated Grave
lvl7 Giant Jaw or Giant Skull(hoovering)
heroes: Deathbringer/Soultaker
grail: Death Monument - death spells cost half for every hero wherever
Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted August 06, 2020 10:20 AM |
I think to participate, you will have to decide for one of these, and then flesh it out a bit more.
Famous Hero
Voice in Gelu's Head
posted August 08, 2020 07:11 AM |
If anyone wants to make any last-minute edits, now is the time. Voting has now started! In 3 days scores will be counted.
Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted August 08, 2020 09:59 AM |
It does not feel "complete" but I have no time to do more things I wanted to do...well it must be it then.
Where do we post our vote?
Supreme Hero
Always loyal to HC
posted August 08, 2020 11:58 AM |
Edited by Dj at 11:59, 08 Aug 2020.
Like i said before, why not remove the deadlines? we had issues with time from the beginning. We have deadlines in real life, work, school etc., let's not have a deadline here too, let's not make this a chore and make it be more like a recreational thing.
Like one of you said before, this is not a real contest, especially with 3-4 people.
It is more like a showdown, a flex of ideas. Let's put ourselves to work towards a new universe of HC or something like that. I saw very good ideas in this forum that are worth implementing in a game.
Let's not work separate, but together, unified. Because we did that for decades and it did not get us anywhere. We let companies like ubisoft ruin our game.
Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted August 08, 2020 01:18 PM |
Quote: Let's not work separate, but together, unified. Because we did that for decades and it did not get us anywhere. We let companies like ubisoft ruin our game.
The "contest" idea is not to work seperate, but to be incentive and to make both idea and feedback more focused. It is a different think to 'just' share ideas (which is waht we can do in the altar) or to enter a game in which we compete with our ideas - which is still a friendly game!
but deadline could be removed or changed, I guess. It's up to Rimgrabber. It's just hard to mark when a "round" is ended. And I think without the rounds and the structure it gives, it will lead to nothing, either.
BTW, there were efforts of collaborative concept creating here on HC and iirc, they did not last longer than contests did, they rather ended even more quickly.
I fear, though, that the great age of competitions on HC might be long over.
Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted August 08, 2020 01:42 PM |
Well, I myself would have participated in this round as well, but I really didn't have much to change in Necropolis, unless I would have went the regional route like Ubisoft did, and I'm not necessarily a big fan of that. It's pretty much complete as it is, I think.
Enshackling time itself, heralds of the Ancients among their heat-depleted land.... Who could they be, who could rally the beings of the East and the North and control the mortals' fate?
Famous Hero
Voice in Gelu's Head
posted August 08, 2020 08:04 PM |
I'm happy to do a collaborative worldbuilding project if anyone wants to, but I think it would have to be separate from this. I think the issue is just that there's not enough people here to keep the energy flowing. Do you guys think it would be a good idea to do the next round in the altar where more people will see it?
Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted August 08, 2020 08:18 PM |
Yep, on the altar.
Enshackling time itself, heralds of the Ancients among their heat-depleted land.... Who could they be, who could rally the beings of the East and the North and control the mortals' fate?
Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted August 11, 2020 09:21 AM |
Can do it on the altar, though I do not know wether it will get up the number of participants.
Famous Hero
Voice in Gelu's Head
posted August 11, 2020 08:40 PM |
Since there's only a few of us I think we can skip voting this round if that's alright with everyone? I really liked everyone's proposals, but idk this thread feels pretty dead. I'm gonna create the Haven/Castle thread in the altar if there are no objections? And if anyone would rather skip that faction, let me know, it has the same kind of problem as Necropolis where there's really not a ton of room for innovation.
Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted August 11, 2020 08:43 PM |
I'm ok with that, I might have some ideas for it.
Enshackling time itself, heralds of the Ancients among their heat-depleted land.... Who could they be, who could rally the beings of the East and the North and control the mortals' fate?
Legendary Hero
Celestial Heavens Mascot
posted August 11, 2020 11:15 PM |
Hmmm, if I had seen this some days before, might have given a try. But away from HC for a while and just popped up to see how people were fairing at these troubled times.
"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."
GlaDOS – Portal 2
Famous Hero
Voice in Gelu's Head
posted August 12, 2020 06:14 AM |
Feel free to participate in the next round. I remember you had some really cool ideas in LizardWarrior's thread
Legendary Hero
Celestial Heavens Mascot
posted August 12, 2020 04:05 PM |
Thank you. I will try to keep it in mind. Castle/Haven next?
"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."
GlaDOS – Portal 2