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Heroes Community > Heroes 7 - Falcon's Last Flight > Thread: Hadess MoD (inferno)
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Adventuring Hero
posted January 16, 2021 02:25 PM
Edited by slyen at 14:27, 16 Jan 2021.

Hadess MoD (inferno)

Hello ,

I open this Topic to present you my Mod Hadess, or Inferno for close friends, which is coming very soon.

This MoD will certainly not be of the same quality as this wrin pandragon masterpiece, but I did what I could, being alone.

I give you a youtube link for a first visual:


So this mod brings:

-1 new Faction
Several new hadess units
-1 new hero
-1 new branch (Demonology, summon-based)
-A new exterior castle (the interior townscreen and that of the dungeon, to which I have modified the colors).
-Currently no localization, text in fr, I will work for that, at least an English version.
Hoping that this Mod will appear credible to you and you will like it

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Known Hero
posted January 16, 2021 04:18 PM

i wish u good luck with the mod (:
I will check it out for sure as soon as it is rdy and if u want some feedback, especially what could still be improved/changed, i could offer that if u are interested, else happy to see someone is working on such a mod, i think there are some people who would like an inferno mod, it is not my fav faction by far but still (;

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Adventuring Hero
posted January 16, 2021 06:33 PM

Thank you ! Yes any criticism or request is welcome, I will do what I can if possible . Anyone who has faced the h7 editor knows that nothing has been decided in advance and some little stupidity can take several hours or even a day to be resolved lol.

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Supreme Hero
posted January 16, 2021 10:57 PM

What’s the line up? Just out of curiosity

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Adventuring Hero
posted January 17, 2021 01:32 AM

hello, what do you mean by line up? Want to know a scheduled date? If this is the case, I still have some test to do, and some graphic editing, but very soon, I will complete later with new Hero, I would also like to refine my exterior castle models, create a rental, there will also most certainly be some balancing in relation to the feedback that will be given to me, and something else but it can be done afterwards, for the moment I have tested several parts and everything is functional, so by the end of next week I think.

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Famous Hero
Voice in Gelu's Head
posted January 17, 2021 10:40 AM

He's asking what the creatures are

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Adventuring Hero
posted January 17, 2021 12:11 PM

Ha !! , I will try to find time to make a table to present the units and their competence.

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Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted January 17, 2021 03:14 PM

I'm extremely delighted to see you have found a way to create this mod.

If I can ask, where did you get the creature models and animations?

Currently, I've noticed the following issues:
- the icons of creatures have probably resolution and/or saturation which is not ideal, I would recommend trying adjusting their settings and test the results. Also, they should have no background

- The order of creatures in the town seems to be incorrect, should be from core to champions.

Anyway, I'm truly excited to hear more. If you find time to share some details about the creatures and their (either planned or already implemented) abilities, perhaps I can contribute with some ideas and feedback.

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Adventuring Hero
posted January 17, 2021 03:28 PM

Hello thank you .
For the bottom of the icons I ask myself the same question and am not satisfied, I will try to do better for the models, the horns come. of free pack ureal engine, hell dog, i used the wolf model from h7 which i modified by duplicating the head and using sculpture and edit. the lilme creature, efreet and juggernaute is the one in the game, i just played on the emissive to create bases, the devil and a cyclops H7 creature that i modified on blender, lord of the abyss comes from a free unreal dragon I modified a lot, and finally the magog and a model retrieved from unreal also to which I added sphere and sculpt elements. I also created kyubi invocation from a dragon h7, a wolf h7 and personal additions.

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Adventuring Hero
posted January 17, 2021 03:30 PM
Edited by Slyen at 15:30, 17 Jan 2021.

for the animations I created them on blender

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted January 17, 2021 03:51 PM

This definitely should get a +QP.

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Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted January 17, 2021 04:05 PM

Thanks for the info.

As for the icons, I personally use GIMP, it offers very powerful tools.

One of the good sources of icons is H6, I often modify them and build on them
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Adventuring Hero
posted January 17, 2021 04:29 PM

yes, I also use gimp, I must admit that I did not spend too much time on the creation of the icons I will rectify that.
Thanks for the promotion :-)

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Adventuring Hero
posted January 17, 2021 05:12 PM
Edited by slyen at 17:15, 17 Jan 2021.


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Adventuring Hero
posted January 17, 2021 05:27 PM
Edited by slyen at 18:44, 17 Jan 2021.

Here is the biggest, I would make a small text to explain my vision of this army and the demonology branch, my goal being to create a fun system to play. I just noticed when creating a recap, that I have a description problem for awakened magog which will certainly cause the creature to lag in the recruitment window lol

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Supreme Hero
posted January 18, 2021 02:30 AM

I’m curious how demonology works. I tried to make some kind of summon faction skill for my inferno, but couldn’t get it to work how I wanted.

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Adventuring Hero
posted January 18, 2021 09:23 AM
Edited by slyen at 09:27, 18 Jan 2021.

Hello ,

So, for the demonology branch I wanted to recall the phase shift of heroes 5, I also wanted something synergistic, and balanced so that it is not too powerful at the start of the game, but remains interesting at the end of the game, I hope to be able to get there, although following the feedback I will have to do some balancing.

Going up the demology branch will give you a +3 spirit bonus at each level
Useful because summoning is very mana-hungry.

For the first step:

1 skill: Gives a bonus of 1 to the damage of all allied units.

2: Unlocks the summon horned spell, this spell is not available elsewhere in the game.

3: Reduces the cost of the Summon Horned spell by 20%

For the 2nd step:

1: Efreet Summon

2: fire mantle (ultimate skill of the fire branch, but nerf. I wanted them to have this kind of bonus without necessarily putting fire branch in skill first to all heroes, hence my choice.

Third step:
Vitality of the hadess + 10% point of life to the ally cretaur.

Ultimate skill:

Summon Kyubi (creature and spell not found elsewhere in the game)

The whole branch is focused on increasing the power of invocations whether in damage or vitality, their scaler spells out on magical power, the more you increase the more you summon
It should be kept in mind that from the base this is very interesting, even without too much boost, because we can block shooter units or protect their units by taking a riposte, or even blocking access.

In addition I looked for a synergy, imagine, summon horns ready to an enemy unit places the debuff of that if (+ 50% fire damage suffered)
The efreets when to them allow to replace a rune of protection.
(Be careful to summon 3 efreet at the start of the game costs 50 mana)

For the last invocation (Kyubi) It should be seen as a damage spell or healing having an entity, let me explain:

The kyubi creature has a very large scale: around 100 units for 4 to 5 magic power, but it only has 1 hp, deals 1 damage per unit, it is a marksman and champion. when it comes into play, it can launch a powerful attack (depending on level) or a powerful heal (usable only once). But he will be very quickly targeted by the AI ​​and lose power quickly, so to play at the most useful moment.

This Ultimate spell can be used once per fight and costs 60 mana.

Then there is a synergy with other branch: you can choose to mount fire magic if available to further reduce the cost of summoning because it is fire nature. Or even mount defense skills to make your kyubi a little more resistant thanks to the + 3hp, etc.

On the few parts that I have done it seems pretty correct overall, I will wait for your feedback and anything is possible .
However this army has 2 weak point: the light creature (haven) and the magic resistance creature ... yesterday I fought elemental magma (fire spell immunity and halved the fire damage ...) it was very hard


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Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted January 18, 2021 02:23 PM
Edited by Antalyan at 14:26, 18 Jan 2021.

Thanks for sharing the notes,

I would like to provide you with some feedback:


I like the idea of summoning, that should definitely appear in some way.

I am quite worried how the demonology will work in praxis: we shouldn't forget any faction skill should be useful for both might and magic heroes. In the current design, it seems that magic heroes will be disadvantaged as they will either use these special spells granted by demonology too often, so it will not make sense to them to learn "ordinary" spells, or they will not use it (if ordinary spells are more powerful), so it will become useful for them.

Also, I believe each perk in the skill wheel should be somehow unique, especially the factions. Therefore I'm not a fan of duplicates like fire mantle and vitality of the hadess.

Another issue applies to Spirit bonus: magic heroes will hugely benefit from that even if they decide not to use these summoning spells. On the other hand, might heroes will be able to deal a huge amount of damage even with a very weak army due to these summoning spells, which should not happen, at least according to the way I look at the game rules.

In a nutshell, I am convinced that it is almost impossible to balance this system with the rest of the game.

Finally, please forgive me if I sound too critical. My notes may turn out to be justified as well as completely wrong, but I wanted to offer you my point of view

What I could personally imagine as a - at least partial - solution is some kind of hell energy, a separate attribute which would not create such a huge disbalance. This energy could be gained in any way you imagine: for example, you could gain or even lose energy even during the combat.

This doesn't solve all the issues, though. Instead of summoning creatures with fixed power, I could imagine spawning some copies of the existing ones (like in H5 you mention as inspiration, H7 editor can do that as can be seen in the Shadow image spell). This idea would have to be expanded, how, where, and when the creatures spawned but it would be an interesting way to consider, at least in my opinion.

Creature abilites

I see some nice abilities here

I would be very careful with Efreet's shield; this could easily create a huge imbalance. The amount of damage should be definitely dependent on the number of efreeti and exclude other efreeti.

I would like to diversify the units a little bit more with some additional abilities, for example lilims or ravagers do not offer many reasons for an upgrade, but that's another thing (btw. those two issues are planned to be fixed anyway in the next release of my mod UCP).

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Adventuring Hero
posted January 18, 2021 02:58 PM

hello, first of all thank you for your return

I did some party with my partner who is in the necropolis, and I do not surpass her ....

more seriously, I don't think too much of an imbalance because a hero strength will have difficulty in increasing his magic power, therefore will benefit less from the amount to invoke, but the creatures will be folded strong by the stats and also serve thanks to their buff and debuff. But all this can be adjusted following the return of the players. If that really didn't work out I will work on a system as you hear it (using the dark spell might also be a good idea) but it was very tedious and does not seem so unbalanced to me. To have . For the shield efreet it should be seen as a total protection spell on 1 immobile creature, and the targeting has a movement constraint, for the moment it is set at 8000 no matter the number of freet, to also see if there is abuses of this system, I will call it on the number of creatures.
For duplicates it bores me a bit but I want whatever talent wheel the player can boost the summons a bit, so once again it doesn't get stuck in stone. In the meantime, I'll think about something else just in case.
for the ilime and juggernaute, I must admit that I did not lean too much on it as this creature already existed, I am an idea taker. Even if you change the data during an update of your mod, it will not affect the unit of the mod because they are ultimately not the same.

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Known Hero
posted January 18, 2021 07:32 PM

just a quick comment here, i didnt take such a close look on the whole project as ant yet but it really depends on how much u want to polish it, put effort in it, work on it, that being said u can always improve a lot of things and i think the design and the tuning on the graphics/animations and textures can take quite long and as u alrdy said ure not aiming for such a quality level like the umbramancer mod, im not sure what feedback would be helpful for you yet

what i can say, i agree on avoiding duplicats as much as possible, faction skills should be indeed unique or at last different to their original counterparts, it it not always easy but it is duoable to create similiar but different abilities, u need to be quite creative and aware of the possibilities tough...

talking of duplicates, using lilim and ravager in the line up would make them obsolote as neutral units, so they should be removed in the coinfig.upk as neutral units as part of the mod, i dont see a big issue here i think but they def should not appear as neutral + faction version with no obvious difference beside stats as this is very dimmension breaking and for me it is one of the more important aspects in this game to date

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