Thread: A daily reminder that, in the end, all American Presidents are the same | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · «PREV |

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 14, 2023 12:42 PM |
NimoStar said:
Your vote:
Pretty much, yeah. There are some who still think that if they mobilize they will change the outcome of the elections.
I am not one of them.
Horses don't die on a dog's wish.

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted April 15, 2023 10:53 AM |

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 15, 2023 11:21 AM |

This is my... TRUMP card.
Horses don't die on a dog's wish.

Legendary Hero
From earth
posted April 17, 2023 02:58 PM |
Ive read they almost all have the same blood type.
All things are possible with God.
Nothing is possible without God.

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 23, 2023 05:36 AM |
In his eulogy at the State Funeral Service on April 27, Senator Bob Dole said, "I believe that the second half of the twentieth century will be known as the 'Age of Nixon. Why was he the most durable figure of our time? Not because he gave the most eloquent speeches, but because he always embodied the deepest feelings of the people he led. One of his biographers said that Richard Nixon was ' One of Us! And so he was."
President Nixon was laid to rest next to his First Lady only steps from the home in which he was born, now on the Nixon Library grounds.
Horses don't die on a dog's wish.

Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted April 23, 2023 07:07 AM |
Well, it's a eulogy... He is not remembered well in general. Certainly not as an age definer.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 23, 2023 07:13 AM |
Well, in that case who is "well remembered" Every president has supporters and haters. For example Reagan was the best ever for conservatives but not so for liberals. FDR, too, depends on who you ask.
For me Nixon was one of the best.
Horses don't die on a dog's wish.

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 23, 2023 05:35 PM |
Drakon-Deus said:
For me Nixon was one of the best liars.
Corrected that for you. Got caught, though, in the end.

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 23, 2023 05:43 PM |
Yeah, like the others aren't liars or what? Lol.
He was very intelligent, but maybe too paranoid.
Horses don't die on a dog's wish.

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted April 23, 2023 06:26 PM |
Cuba is more intelligent, thus car engine is washing machine, etc or Africa took much better unskilled reader had been able to repair a car in their "tools", we call a junk, but we can't do the same to get a car works well..
American IQ test is a laughable, when my deaf guy got 150 IQ, his working.. What in there forced test by law, if you want to get a job..
Norway! Psychologist test..
Yesterday I tried mensa, I got 114.. So We're more brainy than Nixon.. How? An example century and age.. I tell you about century, if some born 1960 means 100, and 10 years after 90, but another born 1970 with 100. Why? Different technology, etc when computer or iPhone.. What older age is starting a decrease.. But born 1960 develops extra IQ.. So he's 100 in 1970.. Ok Nixon is dead, thus 0 IQ.. And +14 grew to us..

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 24, 2023 06:00 AM |
No, Nixon is not dead; he just went home.
Horses don't die on a dog's wish.

Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted May 22, 2023 10:26 PM |
For some people hell is home, though

Undefeatable Hero
posted May 23, 2023 11:07 AM |
NimoStar said: For some people hell is home, though 
You mean, like democrats?
Horses don't die on a dog's wish.


Hired Hero
posted May 23, 2023 03:29 PM |
Nixon was a crook but admittedly a very talented public speaker and politician. If Ford didn't pardon him, things likely would have gotten even worse for him.
Then in 1976 there was Jimmy Carter, who was a nice guy and also seemed to have no idea how to be a politician. Like, when the US was getting embargoed by OPEC as a result of its policy on Israel, and when inflation was very high, and when some gas stations literally had to close because they had no fuel, Carter started saying things like, "We should be wearing sweaters inside to reduce fuel usage." He also talked very openly about how people in general should live more modestly and that there wasn't a clear and easy path to fix inflation. So yeah, he didn't last very long lol.
Correct way to be president and get reelected: more more more, always more.

Undefeatable Hero
posted May 23, 2023 04:04 PM |
Some Republicans that I've encountered said Nixon was a RINO (republican in name only) because he was much too liberal.
Then there are some who really liked his foreign policy and say that he almost single-handedly ended the Cold War.
Lastly, one of my online friends said that Nixon was a liberal, but a good liberal, unlike those from today. And that people care about the third-rate burglary at Watergate too much.
Horses don't die on a dog's wish.

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 24, 2023 09:44 AM |
Drakon-Deus said: ...He was very intelligent,...
This is based on what kind of facts?
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 24, 2023 09:48 AM |
Drakon-Deus said: ...
Then there are some who really liked his foreign policy and say that he almost single-handedly ended the Cold War...
This made me laugh a bit ...sorry. You know at what time around the so called "cold war" ended?...He was still alive that time, true...but others were in charge....and I am not sure it was mostly work of the USA which ended this cold war....speaking of Gorbatchov...
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Undefeatable Hero
posted May 24, 2023 09:56 AM |
You need what kind of "facts" to show that a man is smart? Not sure I understand, you want his IQ? 
And you can laugh all you want, it doesn't bother me or change my opinions.
Have some of his actions:
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) - Protecting workers from dangerous working conditions.
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) - Watchdog agency responsible for preventing the destruction of our environment by polluters
Clean Air Act - Law targeting air polluters
CETA - Got lots of poor kids good jobs
Title IX - Major step toward equal rights for women
-- Opened relations with China
--endorsed the Equal Rights Amendment
--Improved relations with the Mideast and began peace talks there
--Ended US involvement in the Vietnam war (though only after greatly escalating it at first)
-- Initiated détente and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with the Soviet Union (tried to end the cold war)
-- Started to give more power to states to make their own laws
--Launched the War on Cancer
--Started school desegregation
--Reduced inflation (until it rose again as a result of the oil cartels)
--Reduced the crime rate
--Created the Supplemental Security Income Program
--Established the Consumer Product Safety Commission
--Signed the National Environmental Policy Act
--Signed the Clean Air Act of 1970
--Signed the Federal Water Pollution Control Act amendments of 1972
--Established the Council on Environmental Quality.
--implemented the Philadelphia Plan, the first significant federal affirmative action program
Horses don't die on a dog's wish.

Legendary Hero
posted May 26, 2023 08:11 PM |
R De Santis is starting. Very good choice. 2 generations younger is first. Second very good decisions in nie state.

Undefeatable Hero
posted January 06, 2025 12:56 PM |
Gandalf196 said:
Drakon-Deus said: May he return and rule with a true healing hand.

I miss Gandalf and Yogi...
Horses don't die on a dog's wish.