Thread: Mystical Conquests (Retro 4X MoM, HoMM, AoW, Civ like game) | |
Known Hero
posted December 10, 2023 07:29 AM |
Mystical Conquests (Retro 4X MoM, HoMM, AoW, Civ like game)
Found a up & coming 2024 retro fantasy turn-based 4X strategy indie game called Mystical Conquests that has a very classic Master of Magic like feel plus a bit of Heroes of Might & Magic thrown in too, however the author actually lists Civilization, Age of Wonders and Final Fantasy Tactics as it's main inspirations. Naturally the game contains all the usual 4X fantasy strategy genre hallmarks of exploring a world map filled with lairs & treasures, building & developing cities, researching new technologies, fighting battles with heroes & armies of creatures, item crafting and spell casting too. The 8bit style graphics and sound give a very nice retro feeling, and the system requirements are accordingly low. If you feel curious about testing & giving the developer some feedback, there is a playable demo available on Steam.
Blake's Sanctum - Heroes of Might & Magic: fan page containing pictures, vids, info, similar games & fan projects!
Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted December 10, 2023 05:44 PM |
Shame about the asset pack. Not because I'm inherently against asset packs but 1. Hero's Hour already uses this one and 2. It's really hard to read. One of the main reasons I don't play Hero's Hour is because everything smushes together into an unreadable mess on the map and battlefield.
But Age of Wonders is my favourite series and Homm is also up there, so I'm definitely checking this out.
Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted December 10, 2023 11:26 PM |
Edited by NimoStar at 23:38, 10 Dec 2023.
Personally I find the mix of 8 bit graphs and music, with 3D and modern interface, infuriating.
8 bit music also shouldn't be for something relaxing such as 4x TBS
But to each their own
(Previous guy is right that UI doesn't look all that well either IMO)
Known Hero
posted December 11, 2023 08:29 AM |
Edited by Blake00 at 08:32, 11 Dec 2023.
Hah the trailer kept reminding me of Heros Hour but I couldn't put my finger on what exactly as I'm yet to seriously play that one. That explains it..
I love 8bit tunes.. but if you're hearing them for hours in a 4x TBS.. then yeah.. they need to be super good and super chilled. Eg I quite like the crazy tunes in the Nintendo Gameboy versions of HoMM 1 & 2.. but after an hour so.. omg.. mute lol.
Blake's Sanctum - Heroes of Might & Magic: fan page containing pictures, vids, info, similar games & fan projects!
Legendary Hero
posted December 11, 2023 09:50 AM |
All depends on gameplay. As you know in strategy graphic tell us nothing. We have some similiar Heroes 3 mobiles with nice new graphic but gameplay is very poor. We dont need poor clones if original is fully complete and playable...
Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted December 13, 2023 04:10 AM |
I've just been playing the demo for a bit and this game is actually amazing. Really solid, really fun so far. Feels like a blend of Age of Wonders and Dominions/Conquest of Elysium almost.
Or maybe Fire Emblem and Civilization.