I noticed a small thing which should be fixed: If you place a witch hut with the map editor and you want one specific secondary skill to be offered you have to choose every skill which you don't want to be offered. It is a little bit annoying.
Neutral Creature Resistance: Creep clearance is a bit dull and not risky at the moment.And almost always you have better outcomes than auto combat.With increasing difficulty level neutral creatures should have neutral resistance added to their stats.
at Hard Difficulty [+%5 resistance]
at Expert Difficulty [+%10 resistance]
at Impossible Difficulty [+%15 resistance]
This would cut down mass spell usage and reliance of some overpowered tactics. Imagine 1 of 6 blind spells you cast is misfire. Or one stack does not get mass slowed down of 6 stacks.You would have to adapt to changing situations which should be what a strategy game all about. There would be more risks involved in fighting or not fighting.
It could be toggle on/off at the start of the game which wouldn't bother other players if they don't want this extra thing like tournament rules.