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Heroes Community > Tavern of the Rising Sun > Thread: Heroes 4 and the Decline? of the HC...
Thread: Heroes 4 and the Decline? of the HC...

Supreme Hero
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posted June 20, 2002 02:57 AM

Heroes 4 and the Decline? of the HC...

I have been reading alot of threads that are nothing but bickering and whining at each other lately.  People seem to be on edge and testy.  Personal attacks seem to be on the rise and a general feeling of unfriendliness may be driving members away.  Why is this happening to this forum? (A forum that I personally like very much)

I think it is the game.

Heroes 4 was released too soon(even though it seemed to take forever to get it out).

In the past people were excited about a sequel to their favorite game.  They couldn't wait to speculate on new towns and improvements in game play.  The ToH was going great and players would talk strategy and then go into the tavern to blow off some steam.  A general air of fun and optimism was in the air.

Then it happened.

Heroes 4 was released, and many people were underwhelmed by the game.  Others were downright hostile. And still others tried to look on the bright side and justify the game. (I personally have been through many stages in my feelings about the game).

So what's so wrong about the game?

I think that two things are missing in the game;
1. Heroes is now and has always been a multiplayer game.  The reason people love to play h2 and h3 is because it is so damn fun to play with others.(On the Net or Hotseat, I prefer Hotseat because of the many heores parties I've had last into the wee hours of the morning)  We will not know if Heroes 4 is a good game until multiplayer is released and by that time it may be too late to get some of our favorite people back.  I have played enough hotseat games to know that there is some good potential in H4, but it might not be enough.

2. But I think that the most important thing that is missing from Heroes 4 is a sense of Joy.  The graphics in h2 is where the Heroes fanchise should go for.  They made the game unique.  The current graphics look like every other game out there.  There is nothing that makes heroes different, aside from some good spell animations.  I think that they should take a good hard look at how fun and joyful the old game looked and try to emulate that while still using improved graphic capabilities.

So what does this have to do with HC?

Well if there is an exodus of interesting posters, and lack of a feeling of exitement about the game and the ToH, and a general lack of Joy in the game, I think that you are going to get a bunch of irritated people whose posts will begin to attack each other for a lack of imagination.  

I like the HC.  I like most of the personalities who post here(even some banned ones).  I miss alot of old friends who have left.  I enjoy goofing on people and topics, trying to get a smile.  I like posting in the role play.  I don't want to see this forum devolve and then disappear.

So for pity's sake cut each other some slack.
(or a least be funny)



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Supreme Hero
Thx :D
posted June 20, 2002 12:14 PM

hmm..is it really H4 that caused all this??

if it is I find it pretty "pathetic"

How can a game on the comp influence your mood in this way?
The darkest skies show the brightest stars

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Adventuring Hero
posted June 20, 2002 12:23 PM

As said once this forum was something else...

The game brought us together to discuss but at the sametime it has the power to divide us like HoMMIV did.

Sorry to say this but...this forum...

It once had meaning.
The meaning was talk about HoMM and everything else.
There were many cool people here and everyone was like waiting for the revelation of God.
We had so much anticipation for HoMMIV...maybe too much.
Now this forum has almost overall feeling of all important purpose lost.

It's like train going to unknown destination.

This forum has gone with the wind.

The only Zen you find on the top of mountains is the Zen you bring up there.

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Known Hero
Look ma! No hair!
posted June 20, 2002 03:17 PM

I agree there...

I know many people waiting at the gaming zone for other players, were in the mean time on HC.
Now that there's not a multiplayer available everyone's either playing it stand alone, or not playing it all...

An other issue, about HoMM4: Because it's now in 3D, the speed of the game is gone. I know I have an older comp, but HoMM3 runs fine on it, while HoMM4 is very slow, even tough I've got every option in Game Settings turned off. But hey, a game file that's nearly 700Mb's? What were they thinking?

<Sighing silently and waiting for better times...>

ps Anyway, while I'm at my work I'm checking HC almost everyday, that won't change!

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Adventuring Hero
Genie taking the Smeg!!!
posted June 20, 2002 05:05 PM

Nice points made.. But really, what is there that can be done?

I guess we could always start speculating on what HOMM 5 will be like (assuming it is made)

or we could always continue on our path of degradation and eventually disintegrate into nothing more than patches of mold and bacteria. Laugh!

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Famous Hero
God slayer
posted June 20, 2002 05:20 PM

OR, we could try to calm down, and still enjoy this forum. The tavern has always been an off-topic forum, and it still is. Even before HMMIV came out, more than 80% of the threads here had no conection to the game. I really don't see why we should turn this forum in a place where to let out all the frustrations the game or anything else caused us...
Whatever does not kill us, only makes us stronger

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Known Hero
posted June 20, 2002 10:47 PM

The problem with H4 is that is has been too long delayed. People just expected much more from it. This is one of the frustration starters. The second one is about the game itself. When I was playing H3, it looked different than any other game. I knew I was playing something special. But H4 has crappy graphics. To me it seems like some second-hand game developed by some crappy studio no one has ever heard about. And releasing the game with no mplayer option was very stupid. As for playing the game, the gold formula has completely changed. I mean, with only one town and no mines, you need 8 days just to buy one dragon... come on... it's too much. This digs deep into your unconscience and it all comes out in other bad forms...
Hope you get what I mean
Things go wrong because people build walls instead of bridges

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Hired Hero
posted June 21, 2002 06:19 PM

hmm..is it really H4 that caused all this??

if it is I find it pretty "pathetic"

How can a game on the comp influence your mood in this way?

mmmmm maybe so but the quesstion is not How but why and the answer is relatively simple, not all ppl are the same age groups vary considerably and the life experience of a 13 yr old has generally less depth than when you are older an have family and life responsibilities and can weight your emotional responses accordingly..

The How is not in question as it is alrady in plain evidence and i agree entirely with Oldtimer in saying that it is largley borne out by frustration with a sub-standard product release ppl invest a lot of time and committment to games some of my users would have spent 100 of hours searching binary code to develop or discover a new skill or attribute that will provide a significant advantage that is a large investment in time and committment and ppl get emotional and defensive if they are committed regardless of its overall significance in world affairs

People are currently paying up to $600 US on ebay for a Windforce bow or $50 Us for an SOJ legally generated in closed Bnet They are committed screw that up on them and they will get awful ugly so ppl can be committed and the latest release of this game is by all account disapointing the previous version is i understand tired and in need of a revamp so users who have committed alot of time and developed friendships see that threatened by instability and bickering and lack of innovation from the game developers

regards as always Nightshiver

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Supreme Hero
Thx :D
posted June 21, 2002 06:24 PM

yes nightshiver that's a good point you made..about the why thingie..gives me a whole new perspective..

In this case I agree
The darkest skies show the brightest stars

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Adventuring Hero
posted June 21, 2002 06:49 PM


Well question is...

Why to visit this forum when there are many others that are much more active and possible have members that influence new discussion.
And one of the things that give new energy is talk about the game.

Those of who are here part of TOH (as long as it's standing ) have more energy than many others that just waited the game.

I personally visit internet for information purposes and at the same time I check this forum out because there are still some good discussions. But because most of the old folk are gone and new discussions want spark...
it's goodbye time then.

I think it's not even "mood" thing but just rational check whether to visit the graveyard or not when there are just old corpses of some who you didn't ever really know.
The only Zen you find on the top of mountains is the Zen you bring up there.

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Hired Hero
posted June 22, 2002 05:41 AM

nah  subzero you make it sound like its all over for HC and that just isnt true it needs some innovation in the short term and a massive response to the game manufacturer to patch it

Diablo 2 is now approaching 2.5 years old LOD expansion is 12 months old...they said Diablo was dead 8 months ago...lol so we are stronger than ever in D2 now because we innovated we began the open duelling system for Diablo and it has reinvigorated the game for many users

Blizzard are following suit and are soon to release a patch which creates on closed what we constructed on Open bnet Ladder Duellers  
so it is not over but just beginning if you love the game whatever it is then you need to be creative sites like this can make innovations which are taken up by game manufacturers and life goes on...............

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Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted June 22, 2002 11:31 AM

Ok, we know what is the problem, we know what is the cause of the problem, now let's think how to solve it! Will you let our home in the internet die? I know you wouldn't! So let's start looking for a solution! You won't get anywhere just by saying why it's like this all the time.

I say we must forget H4. Let's go back to The Real Games (Heroes 1, 2 and 3). If we'll want to forget about the so_called_sequel, we need to get rid of the forums about it. And IMHO deleting Lands Of Axeoth wouldn't be a large loss. Last time I visited it there were mostly complaints about stupid bugs in H4. And according to your posts, this is the cause of our problem.

My proposition may sound ridiculous to some, but as I already said - Complaining just isn't enough. We must try to SOLVE our problems!
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

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Famous Hero
posted August 06, 2002 11:11 PM

Well... what can I say now? Am I not the perfect example for what Oldtimer meant???
Today it's exactly 3 months since I posted my last reply in the Heroes Community...
It's also my birthday and that's not so important but maybe it was what made me write this...
Exactly one year ago we were waiting for Heroes 4. That was also the time when I was translating the text in the "Heroes 4 Beta!!!!!!" thread. And then everything gave me the ENERGY... Then we waited and waited and waited... and the game finally came out! And I was so happy! I played it... and decided to write something like a review - "Heroes IV: Basic Ornithology (first and not-so-first IMPRESSIONS)". In it I came to the conclusion that this is the best game from the Heroes series, that I like it so much... and immediately after posting this I stopped playing the game at all!
And up to now I just can't find a reason for this. Of course, the problem is in me and has nothing to do with the game, I suppose, and not to mention the Heroes Community - the place which I loved and still love, although I haven't seen it for 3 months...
What next? I haven't played the game anymore, I didn't even WANT to do that... and the most interesting thing is that I still think it's the best from the Heroes series... that's why it seems so strange to me that I played, played and just STOPPED. I don't think I can ever start again...
And I have always posted in the Heroes Community mostly to comment on Heroes! Whether it was about Heroes 3 or wishes about Heroes 4 - it was a great pleasure... but what can I comment now? I remember only the basics of the game and people have already become masters and grandmasters of it, I suppose...
Of course, I can post in the Tavern. But I can't agree with talking about everything else other than Heroes in the HEROES Community...
Alas, I don't see a solution for my problem... and Oldtimer and SubZero (who happened to be Sha_Men, by the way) said that something similar has happened to other people as well... Of course, everyone's story will be different, but they have all found an "exodus"...
Now, after writing this, I don't know what will happen... Only time will tell...

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Supreme Hero
Thx :D
posted August 06, 2002 11:58 PM

Happy birthday Wyvern  

The darkest skies show the brightest stars

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Legendary Hero
The Ultimate Badass
posted August 07, 2002 12:47 AM

well perhaps someone should stick up for heroes 4 then!

Although I only came recently to the forum I have played 2-4 in the past extensively and enjoy them all. As for multiplayer, yes that is a shame, but at the end of the day hot-seat is available for that purpose. Yes they did rush the game, but personally I quite like it.

To object to the forum and the game purely on the grounds of no multiplayer option is just simply not giving the game a chance. Some of the members on other parts of the forum have not even played the game, but are prepared to attack it from the reports they have heard about it. I can understand someone disliking a game they have played, but to not even give it a chance.

Perhaps some of those members that left did so because having suggested something to add to heroes 3 and it not being put in they therefore decided the game must be pointless because their suggestion was not taken up. Anyone though who leaves a forum because the new game isn't up to their standards is simply not realising that there are others in the same boat as them and there are parts of the forum, which are at present dedicated to H3. To leave is in my mind just pointless.

The graphics of H1-3 were orignal because when they came out other games had gone past that level, and far from being advanced they were indeed quite backward. To delete H4 forums would loose you some members as well as some people who liked the game may only come largely for that part of the forum.

The main objection that it is just too diferent from H3-4 is an interesting one. Did you just want new towns, maps and campaigns? Isn't that just an add-on? H4 needed to change from the other 3 because otherwise what would be it's justification?

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Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted August 07, 2002 01:13 AM

Privatehudson wrote:

Some of the members on other parts of the forum have not even played the game, but are prepared to attack it from the reports they have heard about it. I can understand someone disliking a game they have played, but to not even give it a chance.

About what parts of forum and what members are you talking? I haven't seen any bashing from people who haven't yet played it...

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Legendary Hero
The Ultimate Badass
posted August 07, 2002 01:25 AM

I can't find the thread at present but it was called something like why heroes 3 is the best game

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