Thread: A new quiz: how much do you know about boards? | |

Supreme Hero
in supreme disgrace
posted June 27, 2002 11:53 AM |
A new quiz: how much do you know about boards?
I saw in that Characters thread that several terms were mentioned... and I wonder how are you going to answer the following 5 questions.
After that, I'm going to post all my works on boards with the terms and definitions.
Now, the 5 questions
1. What is 'spam'?
2. What's the difference between an admin and a moderator?
3. WHat's the difference between a troll and a spammer?
4. What is considered "bannable offense?"
5. WHat types of ban are there?
Good luck. :-)

Adventuring Hero
posted June 27, 2002 11:56 AM |
1 When some1 repeats one word many times
2 Administrator the one who Ehm makes the forum or what to say ehm eeeeee a moderator ehhhm is a person i think moderates posts?
Call Me TMK

Known Hero
Look ma! No hair!
posted June 27, 2002 12:17 PM |
Quote: 1. What is 'spam'?
2. What's the difference between an admin and a moderator?
3. WHat's the difference between a troll and a spammer?
4. What is considered "bannable offense?"
5. WHat types of ban are there?
1. Most of my posts
2. Admin=Creator/Owner of the website/server it's on, mod=someone to help the admin to keep the board a nice and decent place
3. trolls are spammers, but a spammer isn't necessarily a troll
4. Changing your username to Matthy/posting 18+ pics (and I don't mean 'more than 18 pictures' 
5. Types of ban... hmm... banana, banshee, Taliban...

Supreme Hero
in supreme disgrace
posted June 27, 2002 12:23 PM |
Do you ever read IM, buddy?
I hope that when I post my explaination, you'd read a point or two. Please, try to make your posts meaningful and interesting. Otherwise they are the answer of question #1.

Adventuring Hero
posted June 27, 2002 01:53 PM |
Call Me TMK

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted June 27, 2002 06:35 PM |
1.) Spam is a post that makes no sense or one that is trying to kill threads by making posts that are unrelated to the topic.
2.) Admin is Val. Val runs and owns the site. Mods clean-up everything. They delete spam, flaming, etc. They also tell the admin that "Murphy" or "Matthy" should be banned.
3.) You already explained this in your *grooooaaaaan* thread.
4.) An offense that is so bad that banning is necessary. Technically, any offense that breaks the rules in FAQ/RULES can cause anyone to be banned. Although the mods and Admin are reasonable people. Incessant spamming and flaming will lead to a warning and then finally a ban. In this place it has become nearly impossible to do this, because of the custom post timers.
5.) There are bans on the User name. And then there are IP bans.
If I'm right tell me, because I pulled most of this out of my ass.
Go Red Sox!

Known Hero
of Hell
posted June 27, 2002 06:43 PM |
1. Spam is writting nonsense, ****, off-topic posts (usually to increase your post count or annoy others).
2.Admin has total control over the board, moderators have partly control and are assigned by the admin.
3. A troll spams to annoy others. A spammer spams to increases his/her postcount or they just don't realise they spam.
4. Like: **** you *****! Insults using profanity etc.
5. Name ban, IP ban...any others?
A villain's gotta do what a villain's gotta do.

Supreme Hero
in supreme disgrace
posted June 27, 2002 07:01 PM |
Closer and closer to the truth...
Still not close enough. :-P
Doesn't anyone know what spam is?! :-O

Supreme Hero
Discarded foreskin of morality
posted June 27, 2002 07:08 PM |
Quote: Still not close enough. :-P
Doesn't anyone know what spam is?! :-O
Spam officially stands for "spiced ham." It is essentially the beginning and end of a pig's gastrointestinal tract (ie - lips and ass-holes) ground up with gelatin and forced into a rather distorted sardine can. Authorities are still debating whether a can of spam or a twinkie will be the last surviving remnant of human civilization

Famous Hero
Chief Consul to Queen Mutare
posted June 27, 2002 07:11 PM |
bonus applied. |
My answers...
1. "Spam" is usually one user posting many consecutive replies. However, some define it as two or more users continually posting consecutively, e.g. if I post, then Lupin posts, I post again, Lupin posts, me, him, me, him, etc...
It should be noted, however, that in both cases, spam is usually nonsense, pertaining little or not at all to the thread topic.
A last definition for spam is nasty little hot dog things that people eat when camping, and the majority of people have aversion to.
2. The Administrator is, in most cases, the owner of the forum. They have power to ban, edit, and do whatever they feel is necessary on their forum. Moderators, on the other hand, are the "eyes and ears" of the Administrator. They notify the Admin. of troublesome members or bugs in the web site. Though it may differ from site to site, the Mods on HC have the power to erase signatures, move or lock threads, and award QPs.
3. There is none. Oh, fine, I'll give an intelligent answer. A troll is a mythological creature, often described as a greenish color and being warty; is associated with bridges. A spammer is one who spams, see answer 1.
4. Bannable offense differs from forum to forum. On HC, it would comprise excessive rudeness or spamming, also posting innappropriate material, e.g. pornographic signatures.
5. There is a username ban and an IP ban.
<Dragons rule, Titans drool!>

Known Hero
of Hell
posted June 27, 2002 07:12 PM |
Bort: Hey I knew THAT! I thought she was refering to the board meaning.
A villain's gotta do what a villain's gotta do.

Adventuring Hero
posted June 27, 2002 07:32 PM |
A troll is a character created by and for a message board user to use as an alter personality and post as that character. A troll can be used for any purpose. A spammer is just repetitive and annoying with little to no creativity compare to a troll. And above all,
"In God we trust, all others bring data"

Supreme Hero
in supreme disgrace
posted June 27, 2002 07:32 PM |
Yes, I was referring to the board sense
And Xenophanes, thank you for giving these excellent answers. :-)
Your definition of spam is a very good one. And you don't lack sense of humor at all. :-)
I guess you're the most term-literate person on the board. ;-)
BTW, I'll post my own answers tomorrow. :-)

Famous Hero
Chief Consul to Queen Mutare
posted August 06, 2002 01:17 AM |
YAY! I'm the most term-literate person on HC! Maybe that'll be my new custom status....
However, it's been a rather long wait for tomorrow...
<Dragons rule, Titans drool!>