Thread: What gives true honor after all the Heroes series? | |
Adventuring Hero
£ï£DmAn Go to Hell
posted June 03, 2001 08:06 AM |
What gives true honor after all the Heroes series?
I have been Heroes for a LONG LONG time. Most people ask me how do you get good in Heroes? How do you become an honored hero? Well, the answer is only one word: "strategy."
I've posted and beta tested Heroes before and I would like to list some strategies to help the "newbies" of Heroes, just like in other games I played for. With the new Heroes 4 coming out in 4 months (see my Suggestions for Heroes 4 post on Heroes 4 Altar of Wishes), I gonna be the first hundred to get the game and try it out (I want to test the game at the 3DO and NWC centers first, but I didn't apply). As soon as I get Heroes 4, I will post strategies on both campaigns and map scenarios. I have beaten all the campaigns in the Heroes series except for Dragon Slayer on Armageddon's Blade (that's hard). I'm still working on that as well as several other games such as Diablo 2 at the same time (if you are interested, see my posts at my friend's website at http://diabloii.calcon.net). Well, back to the point, this website is dedicated for strategies. I will post some strategies over time and guide many in the Heroes series. Others may also post strategies. My first strategy post for Heroes will be completed tomorrow.
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Adventuring Hero
£ï£DmAn Go to Hell
posted June 03, 2001 08:11 AM |
Quote: I have been PLAYING Heroes for a LONG LONG time. Most people ask me how do you get good in Heroes? How do you become an honored hero? Well, the answer is only one word: "strategy."
I've posted and beta tested Heroes before and I would like to list some strategies to help the "newbies" of Heroes, just like in other games I played for. With the new Heroes 4 coming out in 4 months (see my Suggestions for Heroes 4 post on Heroes 4 Altar of Wishes), I AM gonna be the first hundred to get the game and try it out (I want to test the game at the 3DO and NWC centers first, but I didn't apply). As soon as I get Heroes 4, I will post strategies on both campaigns and map scenarios. I have beaten all the campaigns in the Heroes series except for Dragon Slayer on Armageddon's Blade (that's hard). I'm still working on that as well as several other games such as Diablo 2 at the same time (if you are interested, see my posts at my friend's website at http://diabloii.calcon.net). Well, back to the point, this website is dedicated for strategies. I will post some strategies over time and guide many in the Heroes series. Others may also post strategies. My first strategy post for Heroes will be completed tomorrow.
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Adventuring Hero
£ï£DmAn Go to Hell
posted June 03, 2001 08:30 AM |
My friend told me this thread needs "spunk" apparently. So I'm opening this thread to any game notices and strategy for Heroes. You could type whatever you want!
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Adventuring Hero
£ï£DmAn Go to Hell
posted June 08, 2001 04:35 AM |
hehe... funny.
But I need serious replies. Well, not that serious, you get the idea. Oh yeah. Heres the first strategy I'd like to post.
This is for Heroes 2 for those who are still playing and having trouble.
On the Archibald campaign (6th one), the Rebellion is HARD. You start in a secluded area guarded by legions of peasants (peasants are weak? not when you have like 3500 of them). Well, there are two knight castles and one wizard's to the northwest. Timing is important. For the bonus (not much of one), I would choose the necromancers. That way, with expert necromacy, you can have thousands of skeletons, which will help a lot in the later portion of the campaign. Basically what you do is you recruit for the first week and attack both knight's castles by the first month. By then, u'll probably recruited lots of champions. The wizards get titans by the first month, so u'll have to be careful. Basically, what you do is you just explore and conquer every mine possible (guarded by throng of archers. The wizard's will attack from time to time. Elude them (avoid them ) and conquer back your castle when they're gone (cuz you can't fight them, they're too strong). Build up your necromancer's town. If you have time, build up one of your knight's town too. Then, once you are strong enough, start a "frenzy." Kill every hero or town you see. Basically, you're goal is to conquer the wizard's town (will will be heavily defended). But, you will have like 20 bone dragons by then so it doesn't matter. Defeat the castle and you're done.
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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted June 09, 2001 04:55 AM |
Heh, most of us finished all Archibald Campaign in less than 80 days... so there, waiting one month to beat 1 scenario from the 14 or 15, it's exagerated. Certainly you are a good beta tester for Diablo, good luck
Era II mods and utilities
Famous Hero
posted June 09, 2001 06:33 AM |
Well, I don't find that Archibald campaign senario too difficult. As I finished it a looooooong time ago, can't remember it too much.
What I can recall is that I play quite aggressively in that senario. I attack that legion of peasant in week 1 and win marginally (with only several skele left). Then everything is easy. With those horde of skele gained from that battle, I got several joins of rangers and archers and then swept out everything easily from then on.
Adventuring Hero
£ï£DmAn Go to Hell
posted June 19, 2001 07:37 AM |
That's cool. But I just attacked early. It helps. Now for Heroes 3...
There is this secret campaign in SOD (Shadow of Death). Called the Specter of Death, it is at least ten times harder than all other SOD campaigns, but I still beat it. It takes engenuity, LOTS. Well, you enter the first scenario with 3 necro castles, right? (seems easy) Then, after one month, the knights get angels, now what do ya do?
Note: Since you can adjust player difficulty in SOD, I chose hard for the first scenario.
Well, better get bone dragons fast right? Ok. So, I just built up my bone dragons and attacked in hordes. Their army increses fast too, so I'd suggest that you go after one of the castles in the second week. Well, train hard, and build up all three castles to ghost dragons. Then, you win.
(Note: There is certain difficulty in building dragon vault in all three castles. You need LOTS of resources that you can't find. So, Conquer and capture as much resources as possible. Town portal and Chain Lightning are crucial in this scenario. Plan your spells well. Stick with necros. The knights will produce mostly knights [might]. With a strong necro [magic], you can take all the knights out, even with angels).
P.S. Any of you think the player difficulty selection in SOD is cheap or what?
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Adventuring Hero
£ï£DmAn Go to Hell
posted June 19, 2001 07:40 AM |
80 normal days, or 80 game days?
I beat the Archibald campaign in 81 GAME DAYS. It took me two days (considering I didn't play all day long).
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Known Hero
The Untouchable
posted June 19, 2001 09:44 AM |
Campaign games
Talking about campaigns isn´t lame. I have finished the spectre of death myself as well and i must say at the time it was really difficult for me. Then i joined toh and you learn more.... more.... and even more new stuff. But anyways i must agree with you that the difficulty setting of SOD is really stupid, they should edit the maps so they will be preset in difficulty and not let us decide. How should i know what is the right difficulty for the next map?
You don´t know untill you´ve played the map.
It might be a nice idea to have a difficulty setting of comp intelligence and a setting of the amount of recourses you get (more/less then the comp)when you start a game. That way single player games would be more fun, because even at impossible level the comp is easy to beat on most maps.
Win or lose, it doesn't matter. The way it happens is what is important
Famous Hero
box worshipper
posted June 19, 2001 04:15 PM |
"secret campaigns"
you get to most "secret" campaigns by playin the others (save after you finish each, and relosd the save to play the next) and then the "secret" ones are shown/available after you complete all the other scenarios.
Winner or Whiner?
Known Hero
posted June 19, 2001 09:53 PM |
hmm i really liked the ability to chenge diff setting. This way if you know what your doing you can have as much challenge playing that scenario on impossible as a rookie playing it on easy.
"What is life? Work followed by television."
"1985" Anthony Burgess
Famous Hero
posted June 20, 2001 06:08 AM |
Difficulty Setting in Campaign
I think having difficulty adjustment in SOD campaigns is an improvement. But it is far from enough. Even set at impossible level, most (all if played for 2nd time) senarioes are beatable.
Apart from what we have now, I suggest NWC to adopt something used in homm1:
- you can set the AI level of computer
- King of the Hill: if chosen, all computer opponents will team up against you !!
That will make the game "a little bit" more interesting.
But nevermind, you can find challenges in player-made maps and vs human players.
Adventuring Hero
£ï£DmAn Go to Hell
posted June 20, 2001 08:53 AM |
I set my difficulty up in SOD according to what it's supposed to be. Sure, I can make the campaigns SUPER hard or SUPER easy, but I like going the natural course. You know one thing that sux in SOD? I dunno whether you guys have this too but when I get to the last campaign (Unholy Alliance), my heroes' skills, spells, and stats do not carry on, which is totally a bummer because in the second to the last scenario, Sandro is a super strong hero, and because my heroes lost all their stats and skills, I have to beat it the hard way (thank GOD Gelu had dimension door!!!). This was a huge problem on the 3DO board and I wonder if you guys also have the same glitch.
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Famous Hero
posted June 21, 2001 06:46 AM |
Suck SoD campaign
Yes, I have that too. It is due to a design fault or bug. I think most of us encounter with that.
Besides, the ending of Unholy Alliance is quite anti-climax. Sandro just sucks in that senario. I can use my scout hero to defeat him. What a shame. I groom my 4 mains up and expect an epic war. That would be stupid for NWC to put it that way.
Adventuring Hero
£ï£DmAn Go to Hell
posted July 03, 2001 07:00 AM |
This is unrelated to the posts I made before, but it'll staryt a discussion. Besides, I haven't posted anything for a LONG LONG TIME. Valeriy told me repetitively to post something, but I always forget, and...
Back to the point. Why do you guys think 3DO made line after line of Heroes 3 series before Heroes 4 comes out (i.e. SoD, AB doesn't count cuz it's the xpack, Quest for Bone Staff, and I think another one...). Well, I asked 3Do that question and they replied "... to keep us on our toes."
I mean "yeah right." Don't you think all these stupid repetitive games for Heroes 3 get boring? I mean, yeah, they did add some new things, but they don't really "keep us on our toes." Well, I'm just happy that HOMM 4 will be coming out, AND I'M NOT GOING TO BUY IT RIGHT AWAY LIKE I USED TO WITH THE OTHER HEROES SERIES. Truth is, I'm getting bored cuz 3DO kept stalling the release date of Heroes with these endless mini-series and it's really boring me, and all my other friends. We all decided to play Diablo II: LoD for the rest of the time before HOMM 4 comes out. Well, what do you guys think about this?
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Famous Hero
posted July 04, 2001 09:02 AM |
Other games...
Well, I don't hold it against 3DO to postpone release date, I think a better game comes if they spend more time usually. Also, their initial estimates were for Winter 2001 so when they changed it to Summer 2001 I didn't really expect it to be out by then. I would be happy if it comes out by Feburay 2002. Meanwhile I have other games to entertain me, Tribes2, Age of Emperors 2 Conquest, Rune, Tachyon Space, Alice, Sacrifice, Homeworld Cataclysm, Half-Life WWII, my old DOS games which I still play occasionally, and of course H3 which will be here the whole time.
Famous Hero
posted July 05, 2001 07:52 AM |
What gives true softness after all the White Cloud series?
Adventuring Hero
£ï£DmAn Go to Hell
posted July 06, 2001 06:17 AM |
Yeah, Ichon, u have a good point but I'm still pissed (well, not pissed, just bored). Don't you get bored?
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