Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted December 16, 2022 02:26 PM |
Edited by Ghost at 14:28, 16 Dec 2022.
!!IF&i=>2:M^You already fought here 2 times^;
!!VRy90:S150 R8;
!!HE-1:Tv998/v999/v1000/y90/500; // setup battle
!!HE-1:O?i; //get current hero owner
!!VRy91:S129 T20; random combo
!!SN&y91=130:G8; redo random if Cloak
!!HE-1:Ay91; //give artifact
You done well!^;
!!IF&i=>2:M^You already fought here 2 times^;
!!VRy90:S150 R8;
!!HE-1:Tv998/v999/v1000/y90/500; // setup battle
!!HE-1:O?i; //get current hero owner
!!VRy91:S129 T20; random combo
!!SN&y91=130:G8; redo random if Cloak
!!HE-1:Ay91; //give artifact
You done well!^;
But random WoG artifacts are useful to me.. First I think your or his idea, or script realized it..
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 16, 2022 02:37 PM |
lol, you added lines to it. My command SN:G is counting lines then goes back to a specified line. You snowed it up.
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted December 16, 2022 02:49 PM |
I'm sorry, I didn't do scripts, Only I added on object name.. Other scripts are untouched.. But Woodmelon's script, when you get everyone Dragon artifacts for you can build yourself COMBO artifact, I've played his map, I remember his script showed also other artifact. No important, when I've tested his script, and I/we also players get a COMBO.. WoG artifacts are only Thus human players vs human players.. I ponder on thing, what I can give to artifact, FF, for example.. or carry to Seer's Hut..
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 16, 2022 02:49 PM |
Do it this way:
!!IF&i=>2:M^You already fought here 2 times^;
!!VRy90:S150 R8;
!!HE-1:Tv998/v999/v1000/y90/500; // setup battle
!!HE-1:O?i; //get current hero owner
!!VRy91:S129 T20; random combo
!!SN&y91=130:G8; redo random if Cloak
!!HE-1:Ay91; //give artifact
You done well!^;
!!IF&i=>2:M^You already fought here 2 times^;
!!VRy90:S150 R8;
!!HE-1:Tv998/v999/v1000/y90/500; // setup battle
!!HE-1:O?i; //get current hero owner
!!VRy91:S129 T20; random combo
!!SN&y91=130:G8; redo random if Cloak
!!HE-1:Ay91; //give artifact
You done well!^;
Now will work
Era II mods and utilities
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted December 16, 2022 02:52 PM |
Edited by Ghost at 14:53, 16 Dec 2022.
Ok I go to mapeditor Then your script seems beauty.. Do you know scripts are beauty..
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Famous Hero
posted December 22, 2022 02:43 PM |
it is possible to link an .ini document via erm?
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted December 24, 2022 07:58 AM |
Edited by Ghost at 08:00, 24 Dec 2022.
I failed in resources.. I tried v-1 (all colour / current player), V12.. Message came error.. This script is second attempt, both failed..
!#VRz960:S^Magical Melodious Cavern (Not Visited)^;
!!IF&11:M^Magical Melodious Cavern^;
!!IF:Q10^This is Magical Melodious Cavern. Do you want to enter?^;
!!IF&11:Q1/3/200/4/200/5/200/7/50/1^You have won the battle with Gorynyches and received:^;
!!VRz960&11:S^Magical Melodious Cavern (Visited)^;
If script is succeeded, I make another Magical Melodious Cavern in 91/45/0.. When who is first to enter a Magical Melodious Cavern, and then another Magical Melodious Cavern is visited.. Race Thus the same script, but different y/x/l and Vr & Hz.. Not allowed to computer players..
This is the last script for map.. Thanks!
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 24, 2022 09:52 AM |
No idea what you want. Looks like you don't know yet syntax basics so you mix anything you get from other maps, other scripts, triggered functions but no link to that function, so is impossible to get what's about.
Maybe someone else understands the gostich and can provide a solution.
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted December 24, 2022 10:56 AM |
Edited by Ghost at 10:57, 24 Dec 2022.
It worked battle against monsters, but no 200 sulfurs, 200 crystals, 200 gems and 50 mithrils.. Only artifacts I get it.. I changed resources, but no happening..
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 24, 2022 11:14 AM |
Well, you should have written "script doesn't give resources" instead of "I failed in resources" which could mean several things. I supposed FU14 gave those resources.
!#VRz960:S^Magical Melodious Cavern (Not Visited)^;
!?OB96/135/1&11/1000; added AI block
!!IF&11:M^Magical Melodious Cavern^;
!?OB96/135/0&-11/1000; added AI block
!!IF:Q10^This is Magical Melodious Cavern. Do you want to enter?^;
!!IF&11:Q1/3/200/4/200/5/200/7/50/1^You have won the battle with Gorynyches and received:^;
!!UN&11:R2;redraw resource status
!!VRz960&11:S^Magical Melodious Cavern (Visited)^;
Hired Hero
posted December 24, 2022 01:07 PM |
pdesbois said: ... Zealots to do 50% more damage to all 7 infernal *upgrades* only. I got a list of crits from the ERM site, is this code good?
Now, is it possible to add to description that Zealots "hate / do +50% damage x Infernals" ?
thx - p
Hi there i want to start doing some edits of the abilities for creatures.
Following the example above: if i want to give the Crusaders Dmg vs undead i should do the same? changing the number of creature that have the skill from 09 (zealot) to 07 (crusader)
Could i give them dmg vs all undead creatures including upgrades and non upgrade?
I should type more all the units or there is a limit for script?
Also i want to give them X1,2 or 120% bonus instead of 150%
So i should do this??
If i am not wrong with this code i give them bonus damage 150% to the undead in necropolis for base units.
i should then give them bonus vs upgraded creatures and also vs neutral undead like mommies
Or there is a limit up to only to hate 8 creatures??
-cant i add more than one ceauture in one line of code? Or set a flag for more damage vs creautures flagged as undead??
Also why there is 11 number 5? i mean that would not make a bonus damage of 155%?? (Never mind i already read about 11 lvls in creautures (
-to reduce the bonus from 150? i should add a 2??
Like for example
Thanks for all the help
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted December 24, 2022 04:35 PM |
Edited by Ghost at 16:37, 24 Dec 2022.
Your script doesn't work.. I tried artifact, it doesn't work too.. Only ERA II, because I played and tested from ERM help guide.. and I tried the same script, but no artifact.. Ok no worries, when I replaced Danger to Magican Melodious Cavern.. I was surprised that no 20 ghosts but random (IDK about smallest ghosts to maximum 20, of course..) and game demanded exit to Windows, if you want to play again by restore in testing mind, for example, so script can't be realized.. Message says Magican Melodious Cavern, no else.. A map changed tournament class, when he made script, and map has two Magican Melodious Cavern, who will be the first, message reads visited in another Magican Melodious Cavern, because of OB, Vr hasn't been used.. Ok sorry my English, but thank you..
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 24, 2022 05:19 PM |
Because you are pasting parts of scripts from other maps and you want them to magically work in your.
Better you ask for a new script by specifying the exact things you want to occur. Without the usual blah blah. Precise.
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted December 24, 2022 06:22 PM |
Edited by Ghost at 18:24, 24 Dec 2022.
I can't idea something.. First I need to see script lists and deeper script I don't know yet.. I know how to edit script, because ERM help heips me.. No everyone.. Only my idea was the Grail replaces other artifact.. But Russian gangs gave only number without full script.. Another my idea was legion after thousands +4k.. RerryR doesn't know how.. If list so choose stories with script variation.. Idea can't be realized if script doesn't find from list.. I want be Bersy.. Steal his script skills.. Ok joking..
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted December 25, 2022 04:22 AM |
Edited by Ghost at 04:24, 25 Dec 2022.
!!IF:M^The Cottage stands empty.^;
Ok IDK about M1/$; and where is script can add on AI block.. When I start write messages, but now not yet before I know.. Thanks
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 25, 2022 11:30 AM |
AI block is flag 1000.
!!IF:M^The Cottage stands empty.^;
Flag 1000 has two meanings, depending on whether its used in a battle trigger or not. For a non-battle trigger, this flag will be set to true when a hero owned by a human player visits a map object or is the subject of a trigger such as a timer or level gain check. If a computer (AI) hero visits an object, flag 1000 will be set to false. Again, you can set this flag yourself but it's probably safest not to, since you may wish to check its value in a script to determine if the subject is a human or AI player.
Therefore, if checking the flag's condition, -1000 means AI and 1000 means Human.
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted December 26, 2022 08:11 AM |
Edited by Ghost at 08:15, 26 Dec 2022.
Salamandre said:
Ghost said:
!!LE8/172/0:G3/159/800; local event, guarded 800 ghosts
!!HE144:070/2; sir mullich vs neutral clavius hero
!?BA0:144/70; sir mullich vs neutral clavius hero
I tried neutral clavius hero with his 800 ghosts in the local event, sir mullich steps on a local trap event..
!?LE8/172/0&1000; event
!!FU&y1<>144:E; exit if not Mulich
!!IF:V90/1; set flag 90
!!HE-1:T8/172/0/159/800; create battle
!!HE-1:O?y1; after battle reset flag if Mulich alive
!?BA0&v998=8/v999=172/v1000=0/90; Battle
!!BA:H1/70; set Clavius defender
!!HE70:F100/100/100/100; set Clavius stats, modify them as you wish
!!HE70:C0/0/159/100 C0/1/159/100 C0/2/159/100 C0/3/159/100 C0/4/159/100 C0/5/159/100 C0/6/159/100; set Clavius army
HAH I found bug 93/94/1.. It should be 94/93/1.. Ok now we hope our legendary script will working.. If yes, no message, if no, I write here.. If you want to read..
Problem! If Tan AI stepped on event.. and our script doesn't work.. Check on script, if wrong.. Even if first hero steps on event, and it appears over 130PS Mot with 4095 ghosts.. If first computer stepped on event, and second hero steps on event, but no happening..
etc they're a great heroes..
Hmm &1000 means AI block, but.. Another what? Without blue event on the map, our script doesn't work too.. If true! I save script for another walkthrough map..
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted December 26, 2022 09:35 AM |
Edited by Ghost at 09:36, 26 Dec 2022.
Script doesn't work now.. Before script had worked.. Now only ghosts.. and without hero Clavius..
1.) I tried also your script back..
2.) I tried first hero go to the event also first AI..
3.) Disabled and enabled Clavius..
I doubt that I disabled many heroes, but AI or Human player can buy disabled heroes.. It same time I tested Clavius.. It after I enabled many heroes, then Human player and AI can't buy disabled heroes..
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 26, 2022 10:06 AM |
When you asked me for Clavius battle, you said:
Ghost said:
!!LE8/172/0:G3/159/800; local event, guarded 800 ghosts
!!HE144:070/2; sir mullich vs neutral clavius hero
!?BA0:144/70; sir mullich vs neutral clavius hero
So I gave you script for event at 8/172/0 coordinates.
Now you complain the following event will not trigger same battle:
Which is normal, my script was for coordinates 8/172/0, you can't just change values in a script then want it to magically work. You don't see that event x/y/z doesn't match BA0 x/y/z?
Erm is not voodoo
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted December 26, 2022 10:37 AM |
Edited by Ghost at 10:38, 26 Dec 2022.
I see..
A old LE was a test, when I know script works.. I choose/chose a new place.. Thanks genius!
Fight MWMs - stand teach