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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: ERM help and discussion
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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 09, 2018 01:13 AM
Edited by Salamandre at 01:14, 09 Apr 2018.

Please upload defs creatures ID = 92 + the new shoot def

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 09, 2018 01:47 AM
Edited by fred79 at 03:22, 09 Apr 2018.

creature 84 and its projectile, since i need 84 to work as well. i hope you're not asking me for these defs because you think i didn't include the shooter frames in the defs, man.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 09, 2018 03:06 AM
Edited by fred79 at 04:47, 09 Apr 2018.

could there be a script conflict with this script excerpt(from my non-forge creatures script)?




, or is " !?FU6000; " just a general trigger for shooting defs?

using this script for 4 of the shooting creatures, i don't get a crash, but i have the flawed animation:


!!MA:X84/d4; grunt soldiers can shoot
!!MA:X85/d4; foot soldiers can shoot
!!MA:X86/d1024; mind spell immunity for cyber dead
!!MA:X87/d1024; mind spell immunity for cyber zombies
!!MA:X86/d-1; removes 2-hex from cyber dead
!!MA:X87/d-1; removes 2-hex from cyber zombies
!!MA:X87/d-32768; removes double attack from cyber zombies
!!MA:X88/d-4; removes shoot ability from flamethrower
!!MA:X89/d-4; removes shoot ability from pyromaniac
!!MA:X92/d-1; removes 2-hex from brutes
!!MA:X93/d-1; removes 2-hex from bruisers
!!MA:X92/d4; brutes can shoot
!!MA:X92/d2048; brutes no obstacle penalty
!!MA:X92/d32; brutes can hit castle walls
!!MA:X93/d4; bruisers can shoot
!!MA:X93/d2048; bruisers no obstacle penalty
!!MA:X93/d32; bruisers can hit castle walls
!!MA:X94/d1; naga dozers are 2-hex
!!MA:X94/d-4; naga dozers can't shoot
!!MA:X95/d1; naga tanks are 2-hex
!!MA:X95/d-4; naga tanks can't shoot
!!MA:X96/d1024; mind spell immunity for juggernauts
!!MA:X97/d1024; mind spell immunity for dreadnaughts
!!MA:X156/d-2; removes fly from dreadnaught artillery
!!MA:X156/d4; dreadnaught artillery can shoot
!!MA:X156/d1024; mind spell immunity for dreadnaught artillery

!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P84; removes goblin stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P85; removes hobgoblin stack exp abilites
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P86; removes cyber dead stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P87; removes cyber zombies stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P88; removes flamthrower stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P89; removes pyro stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P90; removes ogre stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P91; removes ogre mage stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/5/13/1:P92; removes roc stack abilities
!!DO3561124/5/13/1:P93; removes thunderbird stack abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P94; removes naga track stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P95; removes naga tank stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P96; removes behemoth stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P97; removes ancient behemoth stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P156; removes ghost behemoth stack exp abilities

!!EA94:B8/0/75/15/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; remove earthquake
!!EA95:B8/0/75/15/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; remove earthquake
!!EA96:B6/1/119/58/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; all spells immune
!!EA97:B6/1/119/58/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; all spells immune
!!EA156:B6/1/119/58/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; all spells immune

!!MR:F?y1 M?y2 S?y3;
!!VRy4&y2=97:Sy1 *2;2x  damage
!!MR&y2=97:Fy4;     set damage

!!MR:F?y1 M?y2 S?y3;
!!MR&y2=97:F0;     set damage
!!MR&y2=97:F100;   immunity

!!FU6000:P84/9/12 P85/9/24 P92/10/12 P93/10/24; forge shot

!!FU6000:P84/9/12 P85/9/24 P92/10/12 P93/10/24; forge shot

;FU6000:P84/9/12 P85/9/24 P92/10/12 P93/10/24; forge shot

here is the flawed brute/bruiser shot animation:

with the grunt/foot soldiers, i get no shot animation at all; just a visual glitch across the top of the battle screen.

i also fixed all the CRANIM.txt files, so i don't know what else it could possibly be.


while i'm still trying to work out the kinks in the forge scripts, is there a script to disable creatures 84-97(all stronghold creatures), and 156(ghost behemoth) from creature weeks? i need this to continue my campaign map testing(and i'll need it for my campaign maps, regardless; since forge/stronghold isn't a part of the campaign).

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 09, 2018 11:06 AM
Edited by Salamandre at 11:16, 09 Apr 2018.

ok I tested and script works as expected:

So your problems come from:

a) using obsolete era version, which leads to:

a1) cloned function 6000 from non forge script which should not be activated if mods structure was respected
a2) the cloned function from non forge script (6000) runs twice and has different parameters each time, this is 100% bad. Each function must be UNIQUE.

b) I see in the last script you posted that you ignored my FIXED script where !!FU6000 was taken away from !?MR2 trigger, where it has NOTHING to do, then PI + function 6000 is again missing. You just don't listen.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 09, 2018 12:28 PM

Salamandre said:
I see in the last script you posted that you ignored my FIXED script where !!FU6000 was taken away from !?MR2 trigger, where it has NOTHING to do, then PI + function 6000 is again missing. You just don't listen.

no, the script you posted crashed my game. i copied and pasted exactly what you had posted, and it crashed my game. so it's not that i didn't listen. again, using needless words that piss me off whenever you "help" me. all i DO is listen to you and others when i'm asking for help, sal. if you(or anyone) give me something that doesn't work, i have to do something to MAKE it work(or at least, not crash). hence the script i posted last. i state exactly what i do, and exactly what the issues i have are, and now you're accusing me of not listening, when that is EXACTLY what i did. again, needless, inflammatory words that could have been prevented if you had read my posts as closely as i read yours.

if i'm asking for help, it shouldn't come at the expense of being treated like a dumbass snowup, sal. ALL I CAN DO ON MY END, is work with what I'M GIVEN. if your scripts don't help me, don't take it out on me. it's not my damn fault; I'M not the script guru, here. all I can do, is follow instructions. if those instructions don't solve the issue, then i'm forced to take another route. if that means altering a script so that it doesn't outright crash my game, then so be it. obviously, the fix you posted didn't work for me.

now that that's out of the way, do you think i could just change the function number 6000 to another number that isn't already taken, and the script would work(is 6000 directly tied to projectiles? are others?) do i need a seperate function number for each creature, or just each script?

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 09, 2018 01:33 PM
Edited by fred79 at 13:41, 09 Apr 2018.

nope, i tried changing the function number to 6001 for the shooters script, and it made no difference. no crash, but still no proper shot graphic.

with this script that doesn't crash, i get multiple errors that the defs aren't found(for the shot def, i believe):

i made sure the defs are there, the right size frames(i tried using standard 32x32 frames, too), and i even tried renaming the frames to match the creature. no dice; nothing works.

i just tried using the pirate script in it's place, as well, but apparently that script is for a creature that already shoots.

these are all the scripts i'm using.

my non-forge creature scripts:


!!MA:X136/d-4; removes shoot ability from enchanters
!!MA:X137/d4096; no melee penalty for sharpshooters
!!MA:X139/d33554432; leprechauns wait in battle
!!MA:X151/d-2; removes fly from diamond dragons
!!MA:X151/d-8; removes breath attack from diamond dragons
!!MA:X102/d-1; removes 2-hex from alligator soldiers
!!MA:X103/d-1; removes 2-hex from alligator warriors
!!MA:X172/d-8; removes breath attack from nightmare
!!MA:X173/d1024; mind spell immunity from santa gremlins
!!MA:X195/d-1; removes 2-hex from hell steeds
!!MA:X195/d-8; removes breath attack from hell steeds
!!MA:X168/d-128; removes king 1 from gornyches
!!MA:X168/d-524288; removes attack-all from gornyches
!!MA:X168/d-8; removes breath attack from gornyches
!!MA:X192/d2; sylvan centaurs can fly
!!MA:X192/d-4; removes shoot ability from sylvan centaurs
!!MA:X192/d-32768; removes double attack from sylvan centaurs
!!MA:X193/d-4; removes shoot ability from sorceresses
!!MA:X193/d-2; removes fly from sorceresses
!!MA:X193/d4096; no close-range penalty against sorceresses
!!MA:X141/d1024; mind spell immunity for hunting horrors
!!MA:X141/d2; hunting horrors can fly
!!MA:X141/d-262144; hunting horrors aren't undead
!!MA:X144/d1024; mind spell immunity for deep ones
!!MA:X169/d1; tunnel slugs are 2-hex
!!MA:X169/d1024; mind spell immunity for tunnel slugs
!!MA:X169/d-4; removes shoot ability from tunnel slugs
!!MA:X169/d131072; always neutral morale
!!MA:X171/d-4; removes shoot ability from dryads
!!MA:X171/d2; dryads can fly
!!MA:X170/d-4; removes shoot ability from mermaids
!!MA:X170/d1; mermaids are 2-hex
!!MA:X42/d2; imps can fly
!!MA:X43/d2; familiars can fly

!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P42; removes imp stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P43; removes familiar stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P169; removes tunnel slug stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P170; removes tunnel slug stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P136; removes enchanter stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P137; removes sharpshooter stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P132; removes azure dragon stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P140; removes boar stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P141; removes old mummy stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P144; removes troll stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P171; removes dryad stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P192; removes sylvan centaurs stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P193; removes sorceress stack exp abilities

!!EA171:B5/0/115/29/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; remove fire shield
!!EA171:B6/0/115/29/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; remove fire shield
!!EA171:B7/0/115/29/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; remove fire shield
!!EA171:B8/0/115/29/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; remove fire shield
!!EA171:B9/0/115/29/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; remove fire shield
!!EA171:B10/0/115/29/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; remove fire shield
!!EA171:B11/0/115/29/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; remove fire shield
!!EA171:B12/0/115/29/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; remove fire shield

!!EA137:B6/1/102/115/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; shoot when adjacent

!!EA139:B5/1/102/117/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; aura of resistance
!!EA139:B6/1/87/43/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100; magic resistance
!!EA139:B7/1/103/43/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100; damage resistance

!!EA169:B6/1/119/66/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; blind immunity
!!EA169:B7/1/119/83/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; slow immunity

!!EA132:B6/1/98/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; reduce target defense
!!EA132:B8/1/75/16/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100; ice bolt
!!EA132:B9/1/119/67/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; cold spells immune
!!EA132:B10/1/104/131/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2; frost dragons hate phoenixes
!!EA131:B12/1/104/132/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2; phoenixes hate frost dragons

!!EA193:B6/1/102/102/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; fearless
!!EA193:B9/1/119/67/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; cold spells immune
!!EA141:B6/1/102/102/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; fearless
!!EA141:B7/1/70/43/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; causes fear

!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P168; removes gornych stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P173; removes santa gremlin stack exp abilities

!!EA173:B6/1/102/70/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; fly
!!EA173:B7/1/107/50/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/; casts basic sorrow after attack
!!EA173:B8/1/102/82/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; no retaliation

!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P172; removes nightmare stack exp abilities

!!EA172:B6/1/75/71/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/; casts poison after attack
!!EA172:B7/1/75/74/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/; casts paralyze after attack

!!EA142:B6/1/75/71/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/; casts poison after attack
!!EA142:B7/1/75/74/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/; casts paralyze after attack

!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P195; removes hell steed stack exp abilities

!!EA195:B6/1/115/49/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3; mirth enchanted

!!EA168:B11/1/104/192/30/30/30/30/30/30/30/30/30/30/30; rocs hate ayssids
!!EA192:B11/1/104/168/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10; ayssids hate rocs

!!EA144:B6/1/104/140/50/50/50/50/50/50/50/50/50/50/50; deep ones hate sea monsters
!!EA173:B9/1/104/140/40/40/40/40/40/40/40/40/40/40/40; cthulhi hate sea monsters
!!EA140:B7/1/104/144/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2; sea monsters hate deep ones
!!EA140:B8/1/104/173/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2; sea monsters hate cthulhi

!!UN:C7727293/4/9999; removes hell steed fire shield
!!UN:C7735078/4/9999; removes hell steed fire shield
!!UN:C7719484/4/9999; removes hell steed fire wall
!!UN:C7721205/4/222; removes santa gremlin guards
!!UN:C7994557/1/5; removes nightmare death stare
!!UN:C7727580/4/9999; remove mirth from sylvan centaurs
!!UN:C7735444/4/9999; remove mirth from sylvan centaurs
!!UN:C7727293/4/9999; removes hell steed fire shield
!!UN:C7735078/4/9999; removes hell steed fire shield
!!UN:C7719484/4/9999; removes hell steed fire wall
!!UN:C7721205/4/222; removes santa gremlin guards
!!UN:C7994557/1/5; removes nightmare death stare
!!UN:C7727580/4/9999; remove mirth from sylvan centaurs
!!UN:C7735444/4/9999; remove mirth from sylvan centaurs
!!UN:C4608221/2/59792; remove sea dogs casting ability


!!SN&y4=144:X?y1/?y2/1; disable 144 regenerate




!?PI;  !!VRz100:S^PIRT^;  !!FU25003:P137;
!?GM0; !!VRz100:S^PIRT^;  !!FU25003:P137;


!!VRy4:S100 *512 +y93;

!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;

!?PI;  !!VRz100:S^CTHU^;  !!FU25003:P173;
!?GM0; !!VRz100:S^CTHU^;  !!FU25003:P173;


!!VRy4:S100 *512 +y93;

!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;

!?PI;  !!VRz100:S^SLUG^;  !!FU25003:P169;
!?GM0; !!VRz100:S^SLUG^;  !!FU25003:P169;


!!VRy4:S100 *512 +y93;

!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;

!?PI;  !!VRz100:S^DDRA^;  !!FU25003:P151;
!?GM0; !!VRz100:S^DDRA^;  !!FU25003:P151;


!!VRy4:S100 *512 +y93;

!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;

!?PI;  !!VRz100:S^ARAC^;  !!FU25003:P172;
!?GM0; !!VRz100:S^ARAC^;  !!FU25003:P172;


!!VRy4:S100 *512 +y93;

!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;

!?PI;  !!VRz100:S^SPUK^;  !!FU25003:P193;
!?GM0; !!VRz100:S^SPUK^;  !!FU25003:P193;


!!VRy4:S100 *512 +y93;

!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;

!?PI;  !!VRz100:S^ASSI^;  !!FU25003:P192;
!?GM0; !!VRz100:S^ASSI^;  !!FU25003:P192;


!!VRy4:S100 *512 +y93;

!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;

!?PI;  !!VRz100:S^SATY^;  !!FU25003:P195;
!?GM0; !!VRz100:S^SATY^;  !!FU25003:P195;


!!VRy4:S100 *512 +y93;

!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;

!?PI;  !!VRz100:S^ROCC^;  !!FU25003:P168;
!?GM0; !!VRz100:S^ROCC^;  !!FU25003:P168;


!!VRy4:S100 *512 +y93;

!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;

!?PI;  !!VRz100:S^DRYD^;  !!FU25003:P171;
!?GM0; !!VRz100:S^DRYD^;  !!FU25003:P171;


!!VRy4:S100 *512 +y93;

!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;

!?PI;  !!VRz100:S^MERM^;  !!FU25003:P170;
!?GM0; !!VRz100:S^MERM^;  !!FU25003:P170;


!!VRy4:S100 *512 +y93;

!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;
!!VRy4:+1; !!VRy3:+1;
!!UN:Cy4/1/?y5; !!UN:Cy3/1/y5;

my leprechaun script:


!!BMx16:T?y2 N?y3;
!!VRv15&y2=139/y3>0:S1;    if mon = 139
!!BMx16&y1>0:G213/d3/d;    give good luck +3

my forge script:


!!MA:X84/d4; grunt soldiers can shoot
!!MA:X85/d4; foot soldiers can shoot
!!MA:X86/d1024; mind spell immunity for cyber dead
!!MA:X87/d1024; mind spell immunity for cyber zombies
!!MA:X86/d-1; removes 2-hex from cyber dead
!!MA:X87/d-1; removes 2-hex from cyber zombies
!!MA:X87/d-32768; removes double attack from cyber zombies
!!MA:X88/d-4; removes shoot ability from flamethrower
!!MA:X89/d-4; removes shoot ability from pyromaniac
!!MA:X92/d-1; removes 2-hex from brutes
!!MA:X93/d-1; removes 2-hex from bruisers
!!MA:X92/d4; brutes can shoot
!!MA:X92/d2048; brutes no obstacle penalty
!!MA:X92/d32; brutes can hit castle walls
!!MA:X93/d4; bruisers can shoot
!!MA:X93/d2048; bruisers no obstacle penalty
!!MA:X93/d32; bruisers can hit castle walls
!!MA:X94/d1; naga dozers are 2-hex
!!MA:X94/d-4; naga dozers can't shoot
!!MA:X95/d1; naga tanks are 2-hex
!!MA:X95/d-4; naga tanks can't shoot
!!MA:X96/d1024; mind spell immunity for juggernauts
!!MA:X97/d1024; mind spell immunity for dreadnaughts
!!MA:X156/d-2; removes fly from dreadnaught artillery
!!MA:X156/d4; dreadnaught artillery can shoot
!!MA:X156/d1024; mind spell immunity for dreadnaught artillery

!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P84; removes goblin stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P85; removes hobgoblin stack exp abilites
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P86; removes cyber dead stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P87; removes cyber zombies stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P88; removes flamthrower stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P89; removes pyro stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P90; removes ogre stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P91; removes ogre mage stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/5/13/1:P92; removes roc stack abilities
!!DO3561124/5/13/1:P93; removes thunderbird stack abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P94; removes naga track stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P95; removes naga tank stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P96; removes behemoth stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P97; removes ancient behemoth stack exp abilities
!!DO3561124/6/13/1:P156; removes ghost behemoth stack exp abilities

!!EA94:B8/0/75/15/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; remove earthquake
!!EA95:B8/0/75/15/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; remove earthquake
!!EA96:B6/1/119/58/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; all spells immune
!!EA97:B6/1/119/58/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; all spells immune
!!EA156:B6/1/119/58/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1; all spells immune

!!MR:F?y1 M?y2 S?y3;
!!VRy4&y2=97:Sy1 *2;2x  damage
!!MR&y2=97:Fy4;     set damage

!!MR:F?y1 M?y2 S?y3;
!!MR&y2=97:F0;     set damage
!!MR&y2=97:F100;   immunity

!!FU6001:P84/9/12 P85/9/24 P92/10/12 P93/10/24; forge shot

!!FU6001:P84/9/12 P85/9/24 P92/10/12 P93/10/24; forge shot

;FU6001:P84/9/12 P85/9/24 P92/10/12 P93/10/24; forge shot

and finally, my spell scripts:


!#SS56:P200; set frenzy spell power to 200 at beginning of game
!#SS59:P200; set berserk spell power to 200 at beginning of game
!#SS60:P200; set hypnotize spell power to 200 at beginning of game
!#SS61:P200; set forgetfulness spell power to 200 at beginning of game


are their any other conflicts i'm not seeing, besides the pirate 6000 function conflict(that i think would be fixed by using 6001 for the forge shooters).

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Tavern Dweller
posted April 09, 2018 05:28 PM
Edited by Maurice at 13:52, 10 Apr 2018.

Hawaiing said:

1. How do I change "Quick Savings" keys to s and ctrl+s instead of s and F5?
!!FU&y1<>83:E; S-Key
!!SN:L^Era.dll^/?y1 Ay1/^GetGameState^/?y2 Ey2/0/?y10;
!!SN:L^user32.dll^/?y11 Ay11/^GetKeyState^/?y12 Ey12/1/17;
!!VRy13:Sv1&65535; [2-bytes WORD]
!!FU&y13<32768:E; [check the higher bit  - NOT CTRL]

2. Is it possible to change Neutrals split to use ctrl+Rclick?

!!CM?y2/?y3/?y4; get location of click
!!OBy2/y3/y4:T?y5 U?y6;
!!SN:L^user32.dll^/?y11 Ay11/^GetKeyState^/?y12 Ey12/1/17;
!!VRy13:Sv1&65535; [2-bytes WORD]
!!FU&y13<32768:E; [check the higher bit  - NOT CTRL]

Great news! Today I had the time to try this code and I was able to resolve both issues!

Kudos to you, Hawaiing, and many thanks for stepping in when the mods' author couldn't be bothered to help.

Moderator edit: redacted the personal insult against Salamandre and handed out a -QP for it in a copy of this post, [url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=37208&PID=1459914#focus]here[/url]. End edit.

Again, thank you, Hawaiing.

PS. Wog Revised is bugged too. It doesn't make ANY sense for a mod to reset my Wog preferences at every restart. What is the point of having custom prefs if a mod changes them every time I start the game? I solved this by deleting the settings.dat file in the mod folder. Of course the guy will tell me that's a feature not a bug.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 09, 2018 06:26 PM

fred, that script needs a big BIG cleaning, also if you plan to attach such long and diverse scripts to your mods, you definitely need to learn ERM basics. Just what a trigger means and where it ends, what is PI, what are instructions and such. This is like punctuation in a readable phrase.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 09, 2018 07:06 PM

well, most of the simple stuff(that's easy to find/decipher in erm help) i did myself. everything else came from help here. it's not difficult to use this way in the slightest, i just have to add these scripts to any maps i use, seperately. not that intricate, really. and the plus side is, everything works as scripted; except for the forge script i'm trying to fix atm.

question: is there an simple way to block all stronghold creatures and the ghost behemoth from spawning on creature weeks? i can't find that(like all of the questions i ask here) in erm help.

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Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted April 10, 2018 01:38 PM

Salamandre said:
...you definitely need to learn ERM basics.

This actually prompts a question with me: why hasn't anyone ever bothered to create an ERM parser / compiler? I know next to nothing about ERM, but despite programming knowledge, I usually can't make heads or tails of it.

Wouldn't it be easier if a tool existed that could handle it in a more human readable fashion and then compile it into the ERM code?
The last Reasonable Steward of Good Game Design and a Responsible Hero of HC. - Verriker

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted April 10, 2018 02:36 PM

fred I can help you
your shooting creature has "shoots ray" flag.
it means it ignores shooting projectile and shoots ray as magi or evil eyes. the ray is black because the color is not set elsewhere.

just use Salamander's script and be sure your unit doesn't have the flag.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 10, 2018 04:55 PM

I don't understand. It doesn't make any difference what projectile i script for the creatures; it's the same result regardless. By "flag", do you mean it's something i've done that i have to change, or something the creature has hardcoded that has to change? Either way, i've done what i could on my end; Erm help doesn't have what i need specified, so i'm asking for help here. There has to be some reason the help i get here isn't helping for this script, and i'll be damned if i know what it is. I could learn a lot more from erm help, if all the knowledge i require was contained therein. But it's not, that i've found. The search engine/index is next to useless for some scripts, it would seem.

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted April 10, 2018 05:37 PM
Edited by majaczek at 17:46, 10 Apr 2018.

fred79 said:
I don't understand. It doesn't make any difference what projectile i script for the creatures; it's the same result regardless. By "flag", do you mean it's something i've done that i have to change, or something the creature has hardcoded that has to change? Either way, i've done what i could on my end; Erm help doesn't have what i need specified, so i'm asking for help here. There has to be some reason the help i get here isn't helping for this script, and i'll be damned if i know what it is. I could learn a lot more from erm help, if all the knowledge i require was contained therein. But it's not, that i've found. The search engine/index is next to useless for some scripts, it would seem.

sets all flags for monster type ## to #1

mostly you wish disable some flags or enable some flags not set all of them
monster flags are just bunch of numbers which say if monster is living or undead or atttack twice etc. there are many flags but there is one not described in erm help which - when enabled - makes creature shoot beams like magi or evil eye. when it's disabled (and shooting flag enabled) monster shoots a projectile :) ...

you already use it:

!!MA:X92/d-1; removes 2-hex from brutes
!!MA:X93/d-1; removes 2-hex from bruisers

you disable flag of value 1 from creatures 92 and 93

ask salamandre about which flag you missed :P
PS: d-1 means decrase by 1 so your lines disable flag of value 1 only if it is already set. if it is not set you may get complex glitch with flags (like disabling flag 4 and enabling flag 2) because flags in this commands are just a number which meaning is availible to game as binary number (bunch of 1 or 0 values - digit1 is flag set and digit0 is flag non set), so as 4-1=3 makes from 100 a 011 as the sample glitch I described

I have recently no time or will to help precisely I just pointed the problem

Thanks for reading

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 10, 2018 06:40 PM

In erm help, d4 enables a creature to shoot, which i added. It's the rest of the script i need, that i'm not finding in erm help(or at least, it isn't as obvious as the ma:x scripts are).

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 10, 2018 07:24 PM
Edited by Salamandre at 19:25, 10 Apr 2018.

The problem is not in the script, everyone seems to skip that I posted a screen on previous page, showing script 100% working.

The problem is that fred constantly moves scripts from here to there, then when doing that he skips core parts (PI for example), and over the top, he didn't update his era version for the last 3 years. Imagine someone yelling at support team that he can't run X recent game then after everyone is clueless, we find that the guy runs Windows 3.0. Who's to blame?

Case closed (for me anyway)

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 11, 2018 06:52 AM
Edited by fred79 at 08:16, 11 Apr 2018.

Salamandre said:
The problem is not in the script, everyone seems to skip that I posted a screen on previous page, showing script 100% working.

you say that the script works because of the screen you posted, but that isn't even the shot def i uploaded, sal. and it was on this page, btw.

The problem is that fred constantly moves scripts from here to there, then when doing that he skips core parts (PI for example),

no, that's NOT the problem. i already explained TWICE that the script you posted, CRASHED my game. why you keep ignoring this fact, and posting provoking snow like that, that has no POINT in this thread... it's obvious that you're intentionally trying to enrage me.

as for the era version, i CAN'T update it. because i can't get it to WORK, which is something ELSE i pointed out repeatedly; that you SO CONVENIENTLY IGNORE because you apparently get an inexplicable kick out of provoking me, under the guise of "help". "look at how stupid fred is, he doesn't know erm, even though he has followed my instructions to a T and it doesn't work for him"! REAL nice, sal. you are surely a stand-up citizen, and one we should all attempt to emulate. that's sarcasm, btw.

"case is closed for me"... it certainly is, dude. don't respond to my requests for erm help anymore, please. because:

1. your help has almost NEVER worked in this thread. 99% of everything erm-related that you've ever tried to help me with DIDN'T WORK, and i ALWAYS ended up getting help from someone who knew erm BETTER THAN YOU. and you HATE this fact, because your lack of effectiveness in "helping" me reflects badly on YOU as someone who supposedly knows erm(especially being, that there is supposedly MORE THAN ONE way to script something, by your owns words). that ISN'T my fault that you feel slighted about that, sal. why do you feel the need to take this out on me, when YOU KNOW that i only run era 1.8 because era 2 won't work for me? you HAVE to know this by now. it's come up EVERY SINGLE TIME YOUR HELP HAS FAILED.

2. nearly every time you ATTEMPTED to help me in this thread, nearly EVERY SINGLE TIME, you have been nothing but RUDE and INFLAMMATORY about it, after you found that your erm knowledge is LACKING(or just that you were using scripts that ONLY apply to era 2) and COULDN'T help me.

i was never asking for YOUR help specifically anyway, sal. if you're just going to be horrible to me nearly every single time i ask for help, then i MORE THAN INVITE you to NOT respond to my requests for help. seriously. the NERVE you have of talking snow about ME, when it's YOUR help that didn't work. unbelievable.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 11, 2018 10:04 AM
Edited by Salamandre at 10:09, 11 Apr 2018.

fred79 said:
you say that the script works because of the screen you posted, but that isn't even the shot def i uploaded, sal. and it was on this page, btw.

Trying in bold because you have sight problems. It does not matter the def, the script processes ALL defs, it takes an ID of the creature then parses it in a function, stop writing enormities.

And btw, I asked you the exact def,you needed to work and then it was you who didn't listen and posted another one, and now blaming me??

fred79 said:
no, that's NOT the problem. i already explained TWICE that the script you posted, CRASHED my game.

No, after testing you admitted you had another 150 lines script in the background which you didn't show previously. THAT was crashing your game

fred79 said:
why you keep ignoring this fact, and posting provoking snow like that, that has no POINT in this thread... it's obvious that you're intentionally trying to enrage me.

I don't care about your feelings, you ask for help while admitting you know nothing about erm, so logically you should shut up all the way and do what it told to you to do. Otherwise you waste everyone's time.

fred79 said:
as for the era version, i CAN'T update it. because i can't get it to WORK, which is something ELSE i pointed out repeatedly

Exactly, THIS is your problem, you keep using a deprecated version while adding stuff to it to the point there is no comeback because the whole thing became a mess.

fred79 said:
"case is closed for me"... it certainly is, dude. don't respond to my requests for erm help anymore, please.

You can be sure of that, there is no way I or anyone else can help you. Also this thread is what, 350 pages long and you're the ONLY one heavily derailing it, how come that doesn't ring a bell to you? Give me a break please.
Era II mods and utilities

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 11, 2018 10:08 AM

Don't go speaking for other people, sal. They have better luck helping me than you do. And telling me to "shut up and listen"... who the hell do you think YOU are, guy?

If i were to "shut up and listen", i'd still have my game crashing; and with nothing fixed.

Don't make your problem become MY problem, sal. I have enough issues as it is trying to get things to work on MY end, without you adding TO that. For instance, i just wiped and did a clean install of era 2, and it STILL won't run. So the problem isn't with something I'M doing wrong.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 11, 2018 10:14 AM

fred79 said:
And telling me to "shut up and listen"... who the hell do you think YOU are, guy?

Is not a matter of hierarchy, but the minimum discipline required to have a work done. We can't solve a problem if the guy asking for help keeps derailing things and multiplicate off topics, this consumes the energy and the will of everyone else around. If your Era updating doesn't work, show all the steps and errors with enough screens so everyone can get what's about. This should be your priority, otherwise you will never be able to release your mods.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 11, 2018 10:30 AM

I wasn't derailing the thread, sal. I was last talking to majazeck(sp) on the issue i'm having. Then you needlessly made a completely inflammatory post, where you made the attempt to prevent others from helping me; which you're continuing now. I understand you're frustrated, but so am i. You're not helping by provoking me, and you're being outright detrimental to help, by suggesting others shouldn't try.

This is obvious, and didn't even need to be explained. But because you're getting personal, it needs to be stated clearly.

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