Thread: Limit to spell casting? | |

Known Hero
Look ma! No hair!
posted June 27, 2001 12:06 AM |
Limit to spell casting?
Maybe in HOMM4 they should put a limit on spell casting?
For example:
5th level spells are to be used 3 times during a battle
4th level spells are to be used 4 times, etc. etc.
That would add a new dimension to the game...

Tavern Dweller
posted June 27, 2001 06:51 AM |
That would be somewhere between H1 and (H2, H3).
In H1, if a hero had spell power of 6, he would be able to cast each spell in his book 6 times.
I believe having spell points is better. I would love to see something new about spells H4, maybe a limitation on the damage a spell can do, that would make the sorcery skill more important and makes might more and more important.
3do also made a change in spells by removing the "mass bless", "mass haste", etc...... and making the spell affected by the skills of the hero.
I do believe 3do already have something about spells and I do hope it will be a nice change. Anything new in Heroes is always interesting.

Known Hero
Look ma! No hair!
posted June 27, 2001 01:44 PM |
Forgot to mention...
Oops! I forgot to mention in the original post, that level 1 spells maybe can be cast until the hero runs out of spellpoints.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 27, 2001 06:37 PM |
(quote) In H1, if a hero had spell power of 6, he would be able to cast each spell in his book 6 times. (quote)
hehe, I meant knowledge not spell power.

Famous Hero
Vice-God for Marketing
posted June 27, 2001 10:09 PM |
This seems like a good idea, but it would have to be balanced very finely. Too weak, and it won't do anything. A player could implode three times, inferno another four, fireball five, et cetera. Too strong, and the magic-free Stronghold will pull way ahead of the other towns. Surely you do not want a HOMM1-type situation where one towns is so much better than the others that they cannot be played?
"All the punks are gonna scream, 'yippee!'/ 'Cuz it's the thing that only eats hippies."
-The Dead Milkmen

Known Hero
Ranger of AvLee
posted June 28, 2001 12:42 AM |
... the balance issue is of utmost importance here - if this is done correctly i believe it´d work - still i wonder what´ll they do with balance - breaking spells (dim door, fly, and of course tp - playing single-player maps usually getting this one and earth magic (not even on expert) meant victory no matter the position you were in) - even 3do map-makers disabled them in some maps, not to mention that a user-made map with these spells enabled today is pretty rare...
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