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Heroes Community > Turban Tribunal > Thread: HC, us as a Community
Thread: HC, us as a Community This thread is 4 pages long: 1 2 3 4 · NEXT»

Mage of the Land
Naughty, Naughty Valeriy
posted June 22, 2002 02:54 PM

HC, us as a Community

I have spent over an hour reading the threads about what is happening with HC and what we can do about it. And that means something to me. People are standing up for the Community. Members are not willing to tollerate the degeneration of HC. It is the call for collective action. We either do it together or we see it fall. Community does not exist without it's members. Admin and mods can't make the community by themselves, the person who makes the community is you. Yes, you, the one who is reading this right now As a member, your action in the community will determine the future of the community.

Regardless of what I and the moderators say you have sufficient freedom of action to either strengthen the community by contributing to it, or to bring it down by being irresponsible.

It is a great joy to see the Community act on it's own behalf, grow in it's own direction and no longer be dependant on the one who inspired it to live. Heroes Community has matured enough to now be responsible for it's future. I will not manipulate it to evolve or to continue existing. I will act as a part of the community by letting the community decide it's own future.

The Community is it's members, which include me and the moderators. Members decide the future of the community for themselves and act upon that decision. We can decide as a community and act upon it as a community. First we need to word the future of HC that inspires us together. When we have agreed we can act upon it and create that future, bring it to life.

I've once had an idea, a possible future. A heroes messageboard. I've acted upon it and I've created that future. I've put up the messageboard, which inspired members to post. It didn't work out with the old HC. I've made another idea, another possible future. I've acted, and I've created this HC system. And by doing that I've inspired you to be a part of it. The future that I was creating was a future where you can create the Community. And now I will act to create that future.

I propose a HC where each member does his best to contribute to the Community as a whole. HC where the game is only a tiny spark of our greater similarity of being human.

And my actions will be:
1) Letting you as a Community decide your own future as a Community.
2) Modifying the HC code to give moderators the amount of powers they require, which is:
* reset signature of a member
* reset custom status of a member
* silence the member for a certain period of time (possibly through QP penalties, read num. 3 below)
3) Fulfilling Oldtimer's floodprotect alteration by the negative amount of QPs. A great idea.
0 QP - 90 sec - as it is now
-1 QP - 2 min
-2 QP - 2.5 min
-3 QP - 3 min
-4 QP - 4 min
-5 QP - 5 min
-6 QP - 10 min
-7 QP - 20 min
-8 QP - 40 min
-9 QP - 2 hours
-10 QP - 24 hours
-11 QP - 7 days
-12 QP - forever No posting.
For 4 red stars and over the floodprotect will be lowered to 0 seconds.
Members with 0 or 1 red stars will not be able to update their custom status or signature.

Now my reasoning.

The signature issue. Reseting it to blank by the mod seems like the best solution, being the most neutral one. If the member persists making the signature inapropriate, the moderator can then proceed with negative QPs for such occasions. After the member has lost his second red star he can no longer continue that.

The red stars. The red stars / QPs are given for the top 2% of posts on the community. The red stars / QPs are taken away for the breach of the rules.

The reason why there are no "bad" stars for rule breachers is simple. There will be people who deliberately breach to get those stars. Like Maniac was known to pride his "disgraceful" profile status, such "bad" stars could be sought after by some members. That is why members can only lose stars for breaches.

Now contributing to the quality of the community is the perfect way to make up for any breach, so members can bring their red stars back to two and clear their name and enjoy the priveleges.

Quality posts and contributing to the community are essentially the same thing, so I see no need to have separate kinds of stars for that.

So in my opinion with the modifications outlined above, the red star system will do the required tasks perfectly.

As for the levels of mods, I think that is not required. The difference in powers would be too small. And moderators are the people who can be trusted and depended on, so if we have mods whom we can't trust, then whom can we trust? Either a moderator or not a moderator.

To sum it up, I was inspired by what you wrote, and you can see that in my words and the actions I am going to take. You, the people who have spoken, have created this future for Heroes Community.
You can wait for others to do it, but if they don't know how, you'll wait forever.
Be an example of what you want to see on HC and in the world.

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Known Hero
Look ma!..a glowing ball...
posted June 22, 2002 03:59 PM

Hear Hear!

Brace yourselves people...for the new look and feel of HC...

glad that someone spoke my silent thoughts...
Where do u go when you have gone too far?

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Famous Hero
Chief Consul to Queen Mutare
posted June 22, 2002 04:14 PM

This sounds excellent. Excellent. I especially like the sound of the new flood protect system (correct me if I'm wrong, but the time posted there is the amount of time that has to pass between a member's posts?)

Regardless, it sounds great. Have the changes to the flood protect already taken affect?
<Dragons rule, Titans drool!>

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Known Hero
Knight of Justice
posted June 22, 2002 04:25 PM

hmmm i dont know. lets see how it works first.
Choose your friends carefully. Your enemies will choose you.

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Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted June 22, 2002 04:29 PM
Edited By: Cat on 22 Jun 2002


I just thought I'd turn up to do the Eyeore bit and rain on the parade... many members have left HC already because they got fed up with the whole stagnant atmosphere here (such as Milena and myself), and call me a sceptic, but I don't see how the new requirements would stop everything Milena said being slated, or everything I said into a QP discussion...

Anyway, as a parting gesture, I'd say.. Listen this time.  As Val has said, you all belong to a community.  It's yours and you should use it and the power given with it to the greater good, not to make people feel awful and miserable.

As all my closest friends here can tell you, Milena and myself didn't want to leave, but felt pushed out.  Just as you should make sure you don't tolerate bad behaviour, you should spare a thought that behind every poster there is a real, live person.. even the badly behaved ones... and those real live people don't apreciate being made into parriahs or just simply moaned at at every turn.  My last thread is filled up to the first three pages with discussions about what I did or didn't deserve.  I got fed up and left.

So just remember... Wesley, Murphy and Matthy aren't the only ones who perhaps should have reconsidered thier actions and attitudes.

Milena and myself are watching the new board with interest.. I still visit most days, even if I don't post.  Thanks to Val for listening to everybody and I will see if the community becomes the kind of place I feel happy to post in again.

As to all my friends here... I miss you, and most of you know where you can find "Glory"... and her guinea pig chums  Be good and Stiven, I see you aren't tossing as much as usual... get back to work!
Diwethaf Gloau Sylw y Gymreag


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Supreme Hero
Zapper of Toads
posted June 22, 2002 05:50 PM

A few additions...

Mods should also have 0 seconds flood-protect. Perhaps they already have?

A member should get a special flood-protect when receiving a Penalty. Give them one additional hour or perhaps even one day for their next post, regardless of number of QPs they have.

There is at least one thing I'd like to see penalized, which posters seem to get away with for the moment.

I've seen too many posts that seem to exist for the sole purpose of either throwing the original topic off-topic, or to bait the original topic-maker to do something bad, or a combination of these things. In other words the response is what I'd call a Bait or a Threadkiller who serves no useful purpose of its own. It purely exist to destroy the topic or to annoy the people who post in the topic.

If we want the HC to become a more agreeable place to be, then these posts must be dealt with. The posters must be made aware that their actions are not acceptable. Warnings and deletion of the offending post in less severe cases, penalties in more severe cases. It is however important that the offended party sees that something happens.

Do note that these posts often doesn't contain any explicit profanity or anything which is could be penalized on the spot.

"A brilliant light can either illuminate or blind. How will you know which until you open your eyes?"

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Legendary Hero
posted June 22, 2002 06:42 PM
Edited By: Hexa on 2 Jul 2002

Mods should also have 0 seconds flood-protect. Perhaps they already have?

Yes we already have that!@

A member should get a special flood-protect when receiving a Penalty. Give them one additional hour or perhaps even one day for their next post, regardless of number of QPs they have.


There is at least one thing I'd like to see penalized, which posters seem to get away with for the moment.

I've seen too many posts that seem to exist for the sole purpose of either throwing the original topic off-topic, or to bait the original topic-maker to do something bad, or a combination of these things. In other words the response is what I'd call a Bait or a Threadkiller who serves no useful purpose of its own. It purely exist to destroy the topic or to annoy the people who post in the topic.

There has always been the option to ask a moderator to keep the thread clean. Like the battle threads of Thunder or the RL Photo thread/Truth thread and some more. Just post in the initial post that off-topic posts will be deleted and inform one of the mods!@

If you want to realize your dreams >>> you have to wake up!@

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Famous Hero
posted June 22, 2002 09:11 PM

First of all I want to say that if the Heroescommunity is dying, it has been dying over a year now. The number of active posters has been approximately the same all this time. The time when there were least members, I think, was last christmas. And the time when there were most was when Heroes 4 was published. When the new incarnation of Heroescommunity came, HoMM3 was already two years old game.

I suggest that maybe we could extend Heroescommunity to other games as well than just Heroes 4. There has been surprisingly little talk of Heroes 4, at least compared to how much there is to talk about. Maybe we could include to our community boards for AoW 2, Disciples 2, Etherlords and to other popular fantasy strategy games as well. Maybe we could extend it for popular roleplaying games as well like for NWN. This community is rather succesful board mechanically so maybe it can tempt more players to join if there are more subjects to talk about.

I also suggest including new star system (and keeping the old one as it is): Popular Stars. We could allow members to rate other members' post and replies. There could be next to post or reply a rating of 0-5 blue stars. If the post or reply has been rated to be 5 stars and there has been enough members rating it, the member (who has made the reply or topic) will gain a popular (blue) star. This could add flavour to this message board.

I also think that polls should be able to be edited by members. Not actual poll answers but the poll text. There is practically no reason why it shouldn't be so.


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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted June 22, 2002 09:36 PM

Finally, Law and Order is being upholded! Excellent!
Thank god I'm an atheist.

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Supreme Hero
Please leave a message after..
posted June 22, 2002 09:40 PM

Heroes may have brought us together, but the people are what keep us here.  

I agree with Thunder that more interest and members may be gained by adding a new forum(s) on other games that the people here are interested in.  Call it the "Wrestling Pits" Discussion on computer gaming.  Then people can talk Age of wonders2, or Dungeon siege, or any other game that they like and want strategy discussion on.  Then people who are dissillusioned with H4 can still have good topics to discuss.  But I would still keep the focus on Heroes.

I also think that the Library and The lands of Axeoth should be combined into one forum.  They seem redundant since very few future posts will be about H3 strategy.  And the library get few posts in it currently.  The Discovery portion of H4 is over and now people are talking about game strategies and maps so it should be in one place.



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Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted June 22, 2002 10:18 PM

I just thought I'd turn up to do the Eyeore bit and rain on the parade... many members have left HC already because they got fed up with the whole stagnant atmosphere here (such as Milena and myself), and call me a sceptic, but I don't see how the new requirements would stop everything Milena said being slated, or everything I said into a QP discussion...

Anyway, as a parting gesture, I'd say.. Listen this time.  As Val has said, you all belong to a community.  It's yours and you should use it and the power given with it to the greater good, not to make people feel awful and miserable.

As all my closest friends here can tell you, Milena and myself didn't want to leave, but felt pushed out.  Just as you should make sure you don't tolerate bad behaviour, you should spare a thought that behind every poster there is a real, live person.. even the badly behaved ones... and those real live people don't apreciate being made into parriahs or just simply moaned at at every turn.  My last thread is filled up to the first three pages with discussions about what I did or didn't deserve.  I got fed up and left.

So just remember... Wesley, Murphy and Matthy aren't the only ones who perhaps should have reconsidered thier actions and attitudes.

Milena and myself are watching the new board with interest.. I still visit most days, even if I don't post.  Thanks to Val for listening to everybody and I will see if the community becomes the kind of place I feel happy to post in again.

As to all my friends here... I miss you, and most of you know where you can find "Glory"... and her guinea pig chums  Be good and Stiven, I see you aren't tossing as much as usual... get back to work!

For one I respect what Valiery is doing & I think it is great.

Cat I think that is thy biggest bull I heard here since a few months when thy other left.
You left on your own & as I can see you were treated quite well.
So dont try ta make you & Milena sound inocent
If you dont want ta post I am sure I can give a rats Crack as probally some.
Just because you send a pic people have ta jump & you thread a goddess.
Sure I made alot of enemies after my disputes with Milena but at least I been honest & dont run from a little issue that comes up.
So if you want to leave, well bye, just dont be coming here like ya own thy place & start posting were all pigs.

Dreaming of a Better World

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Legendary Hero
posted June 22, 2002 10:53 PM

Aculias, remember our talk that involved think alittle extra before you post/say something? You cant slam everyone and then take things back when you want too, some people around this place might get offended.

I for one can say that i miss some of the people that has left this place. Am i the only one that has reckoned that the quality of the threads nowadays has been sinking worse than Titanic? Some people around this place must learn to accept that people are different, just because you have one view doesnt mean rest of HC has.

@Catherine: To be able to toss i need some decent tossing material. As things are now i have almost no oppurtunitys to do so since i spend most of my HC time trying to explain to n00bs that they dunno what they are talking about.

"Youre zeroes and ones, youre wrong where im right"

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Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted June 22, 2002 11:25 PM

That is so unfair though I mean am I thy only one who dont judge by a pic & beauty.
Calling most people Pig Chums here is kind of mean too dont ya think.
I mean I think it's kind of rude a cheap shot.
No one made them or told them to leave.
They left because they cant handle what happens here as they said.
If they want ta come back that is fine I am up for anyone to come back, but if I have somethang to say I will say it.
DOnt you think thats fair Stiven?

Dreaming of a Better World

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Legendary Hero
posted June 22, 2002 11:53 PM

I also think that the Library and The lands of Axeoth should be combined into one forum.  They seem redundant since very few future posts will be about H3 strategy.  And the library get few posts in it currently.  The Discovery portion of H4 is over and now people are talking about game strategies and maps so it should be in one place.

Agreed ... will ask this of Val in the mod forum as well!@
If you want to realize your dreams >>> you have to wake up!@

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Known Hero
Have fantasies, will travel...
posted June 23, 2002 12:18 AM

That is so unfair though I mean am I thy only one who dont judge by a pic & beauty.
Calling most people Pig Chums here is kind of mean too dont ya think.
I mean I think it's kind of rude a cheap shot.
No one made them or told them to leave.
They left because they cant handle what happens here as they said.
If they want ta come back that is fine I am up for anyone to come back, but if I have somethang to say I will say it.
DOnt you think thats fair Stiven?

Aculias, my friend.

Cat didnt refer to anyone here as "Pig chums". You mis-read her post.

As for her reasons for leaving, they are whatever they are, and you shouldnt assume that you are being singled out as the only reason. The main reason is that the HC community has evolved into something that many people are not happy with.

Sir_Stiven is right...
Read a post several times before you answer. Make sure you know whats being said before you hit the reply button.
A few more minutes.... what could it hurt?

The Gods have brought us together... I can't imagine why.

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Mage of the Land
Naughty, Naughty Valeriy
posted June 23, 2002 06:21 AM

All the negative comments I've heard so far contain only one thing. Lack of responsibility.

"many members have left HC already because they got fed up with the whole stagnant atmosphere"
"I will see if the community becomes the kind of place I feel happy to post in again"
"the quality of the threads nowadays has been sinking worse than Titanic"
"Too many threadkillers around"

I read your complaints as this: The reason that I do not do my best to contribute to this community is that other people should do it first. Your complaints distilled.

Guess what? Every other member thinks the same. Each one of us is waiting until somebody else makes an effort, before making our own effort.

Who posts good threads? Members.
Who are the members? You are.
You, the one who is reading this right now is a member.
Why are you only willing to contribute after others have contributed? Because others may laugh at your contribution, ignore it, or ruin it? Aren't you simply afraid that your contribution will fail even if you do your best?

So what do you do? Mostly stick with the crowd and do what they do. Everyone contributes, you contribute. Everyone leaves, you leave. Everyone complains, you complain. Nobody contributes, you keep quiet. So who is going to start then? Who is going to lead and be an example for others to follow? You can't make anyone do it. Only you can do it. Heroes Community depends on you.

To put it simple, choose. You can keep blaming others and doing nothing, just like the people you blame, OR you can lead the way and show us the example of what you would like to see here. And others may follow you as an example, or they may not, they will choose too, like you have.

You can inspire others too. And you can inspire people to do all sorts of things. From contributing to threadkilling and leaving the board. You are an example to others. And what you do is what you inspire others to do. Be responsible for it. Do what you want people to do. I say this to every member of HC. Do what you want others to do and show them the way.
You can wait for others to do it, but if they don't know how, you'll wait forever.
Be an example of what you want to see on HC and in the world.

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Known Hero
Supreme Flirt & Cyber Gypsy
posted June 23, 2002 06:32 AM

Very well said Here Here...You almost had me wanting to post thread after thread if it wasnt for that damn flood protection lol.
I agree dont complain just get out there and lead..I make ridiculous threads all the time in the place I moderate and I'm sure they all  think I'm this dumbass female but hey who cares its called cyber space "CLICK" you are gone lol

If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

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Known Hero
posted June 23, 2002 06:56 AM
Edited By: HappyPike on 23 Jun 2002

Glad you are still around, RainBow!  

Cat, come back! We need the ultimate blonde perspective on this forum.

[Seriously, give this forum a second chance. All forums have up and downs. ]
Also a Civilization fanatic:
http://www.civfanatics.com || forums

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Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted June 23, 2002 07:25 AM

Ya your right Craig my friend I do "mother superior Jump thy Guuun" loool & will try ta work on it better.
You remember for like half a yr I was nice ta everyone & treated everyone respectfully & I still do but I state my opinions & if I am  wrong I will admit it.
I learned so much here.
I really do learn & if someone thinks I am wrong & with a reasonable reason then I will remember & I changed I used ta be thy nicest person here but some people here pushed me so far where in Mocaras advice basically it's not that easy being nice & everyone treating you respectfully.
Believe me I want ta go back to how i was.
I grew with you guys for a yr now or so & I love everyone here really.
Like rl friends is how much & really mean it.
I love playing heroes with all here & talking to you all.
I really want ta be like I was.
Dreaming of a Better World

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Hired Hero
posted June 23, 2002 07:29 AM

Valeriy has given the community the lead and the ability to make change and develop the future picture for the community

As i read thru the posts here i see a forum the tavern i think trying to cater for to much it carries the posts of deep thinkers and people who like to intelligently discuss issues ... It also tries to cater for the person who wants to just throw in the distractive one liner or sarcastic comment no analysis just off the head stuff..mmmmmmm an interesting combination as  Rainbow said that this forum could do with a real off topic area full of one liners and Guinea Pigs (in joke)

Somewhere where Heroes is not mentioned maybe even banned.
anyway just a thought

thinking some more i would be interested in forming a team from my site to challenge a team from the Heroes forum to a competition it maybe in a neutral game genre or a series in both games Heroes and Diablo Duelling or another competition if there is interest in this let me know .........lol Rainbows Tavern vs the Tavern of the Rising Sun


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