Thread: Resistance VS Interference | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · «PREV |

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted March 23, 2025 11:25 AM |
I think you are on to something with this. 
Let's say you combine Resistance and Interference and let it be 20% at Expert, even if you or someone else uses Orb of Vulnerability, only the Resistance part would be removed, allowing you to resurrect dragons, the Interference would still take effekt. 
And yeah I don't think 100% Interference is a good idea. (Giselle)

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted March 23, 2025 03:44 PM |
FfuzzyLogik said:
- You'll have a 30% golem type protection from damaging spells (so no total miss for a "fail chain lightning" for example).
I suggest then for the actual golems it cummulates (you'll have -50% for your golems and -30% on the reduced damage to them, no add [50%+30%] to get the bonus or golems will be soon immune to magic)
This just made realize that spells with very high base damage and no scaling (like Inferno) are less effected by Interference. That could be for or against in its favour. It also makes me see how elegant a solution it was, but something feels wrong about wrecking one primary skill with a secondary one. Like armourer doesn't decrease attack, it decreases damage.
Maybe golem-like resistance is the way to go. And while at it, maybe golems should also decrease the length of spells cast on them. Like you need 40 power to keep slow on diamond golems for more than 1 turn.
What are Homm Songs based on?

Legendary Hero
posted March 25, 2025 09:03 AM |
More skills always ie better. Rest is correctly skill ballance.

Known Hero
posted March 25, 2025 09:44 AM |
I don't agree here Baronus.
Interference and resistance do quite the same thing. Increasing the number of skill are "redundant" does not improve the game quality imo.
Imagine an other skill to improve combat damage with a different effect (like lets say add attack skill to creatures, a bit more to lower level creature let's say) it will do like offense or like primary skills to non ranged attackers...
Would it make the game better ? I don't think so. Even if you make it nor better nor stronger than offense or archery...
Most important is to let "choices" (so a good amount of skills is, and here you're right, necessary)... But to equlibrate better the skills for they have "all" a place to be used (not really "niche" one).
The other point to "not add" too many skills is the "random issue". If you have maaaaany skills, its harder to equilibrate them and you'll have difficulties to get "the needed ones" when you level up.
So a huge random unbalance may be made...
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...

Tavern Dweller
posted March 26, 2025 04:56 PM |
FfuzzyLogik said: I don't agree here Baronus.
Interference and resistance do quite the same thing. Increasing the number of skill are "redundant" does not improve the game quality imo.
Imagine an other skill to improve combat damage with a different effect (like lets say add attack skill to creatures, a bit more to lower level creature let's say) it will do like offense or like primary skills to non ranged attackers...
Would it make the game better ? I don't think so. Even if you make it nor better nor stronger than offense or archery...
Most important is to let "choices" (so a good amount of skills is, and here you're right, necessary)... But to equlibrate better the skills for they have "all" a place to be used (not really "niche" one).
The other point to "not add" too many skills is the "random issue". If you have maaaaany skills, its harder to equilibrate them and you'll have difficulties to get "the needed ones" when you level up.
So a huge random unbalance may be made...
I don't think they do quite the same. Resistance doesn't lower the effect for non-damage spells.

Known Hero
posted March 28, 2025 12:20 AM |
Useless to copypasta the entire post to one answer...
They don't do the exact same thing, but they "just" both decrease the spell efficiency in their own way...
Problem I point is they both are only of use on fight against hero (so veeerrry few time in the game compared to offense or armorer or sorcery or logistics or...) and if you make a game with both those secondary skills they'll be redundant.
Would you ever have a hero with both resistance & interference skills on its 8 skill tree if random gets you these ones ?
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted March 28, 2025 04:11 AM |
FfuzzyLogik said: Useless to copypasta the entire post to one answer...
They don't do the exact same thing, but they "just" both decrease the spell efficiency in their own way...
Problem I point is they both are only of use on fight against hero (so veeerrry few time in the game compared to offense or armorer or sorcery or logistics or...) and if you make a game with both those secondary skills they'll be redundant.
Would you ever have a hero with both resistance & interference skills on its 8 skill tree if random gets you these ones ?
Have a hero with both skills, a stack of familiars, a silver pegasi, three stacks of wraiths and a doomstack of dwarves hugging a stack of unicorns.
What are Homm Songs based on?

Known Hero
posted March 28, 2025 07:45 AM |
You'll have a "good morale" probably no real army power or good skill to get a powerful army.
Just have to get "boosting spells" instead of damaging or cursing ones and you're done.
Instead of getting those, just get a specialist (Thogrim or interference specialist) and a good level, will be more efficient...
Or Power of Dragon Father... Or Orb of Inhibition... Who makes these efforts to convince this not very powerful skill (out of templates to make them strong) to look more of use.
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...