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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Let's have War
Thread: Let's have War This thread is 54 pages long: 1 10 20 ... 28 29 30 31 32 ... 40 50 54 · «PREV / NEXT»

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted April 20, 2004 05:24 AM

Shadowcaster felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to find RSF staring at him.

Shadow: "When did you become so illusive?"

RSF: "Let's just say that it's between now and when Order had attacked the Chaos Fort. Anyway... Be friendly to the citizens. Even if you hate them. Pleasing the citizens is easy and you'll be surprised how much they help. They built our fort and saved my life once already."
Go Red Sox!

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted April 20, 2004 02:22 PM

Vadskye was wandering away from the inn they had all stayed the night.  Granted, he doubted that many of them had gotten much sleep.  They were all worried about plots and murders.  Vadskye, however, went right to sleep and so was far better rested than the others.  He went out for a morning walk to get ready for the traveling to the mausoleum.  He spotted Gorman laying on the ground.
Vadskye: "Oh, hi."

Gorman: "...
Knowledge is power...

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted April 20, 2004 05:25 PM

Shadow: "So you do have a base."

RSF: "Of course, we have a base. That was the first thing we had intended on doing here. Now. If you are going to be allied with Dingo and I, there is one thing we have to make clear. No matter what your intentions, always appear friendly to the citizens and to your enemies appear passive. This will put strangers at ease and will take the guard of your enemies down as well."

Shadow gives a glaring eye at RSF and almost wishes he did not join Dingo. He is not going to be bossed around by anyone, but he decided that he would give a silent nod just to please him rather than getting into a scuffle.

Shadow: "Good point. I understand.”

Suddenly Shadow realizes that by doing this to RSF, he had avoided any confrontations and had all the advantages that RSF spoke of. It eased RSF and kept his guard down. Had Shadow exploded at RSF, he would not be at ease and would always pay extra attention to Shadow. Shadow raised an eyebrow at RSF, then dropped his head and shook it with a slight laugh under his breath. RSF cracked a smile almost reading Shadowcaster’s mind. Shadowcaster refrained his laugh again, gave an awkward look at RSF and then took off.

Although RSF was not realizing the connection that the two were making, Shadowcaster certainly did and was very much afraid of it. He still had the mixed feelings for his childhood friend and was afraid of making another friend. He knew that any friendship between the two would turn up sour just as it had the first time and he wasn’t about to let that happen again.

Taking little consideration for Shadow's abrupt departing, RSF decides to take a visit to the town library. He has never gone there before, but he has heard of it being one of the finest hidden treasures in all the land. Since it is the last monarchy in the land, the library was nearly a thousand years old. He's heard of there being a royal key that will lead down to a massive cellar of ancient texts and scrolls. Scrolls of history, mathematics, literature, science, and more importantly to RSF, magic. The library has long been forgotten just as the town was long forgotten, especially since its illustriousness had been kept hidden for the last ten generations of kings. He arrived at the library and looked upon it. It seemed normal enough to him. What could be so great about this library?
Go Red Sox!

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Supreme Hero
posted April 20, 2004 08:28 PM

The unholy one stands up for the first time in about a week

Unholy one: GOod. It appears they have forgotten about me.

He leaves his masoleum, and sees the forest around it already trying to grow back. Sickened, he walks past it, having no means to poison it again. His only objective: Find Vadskye, retrieve the crystal and restore his energy.

Unholy One: Now where on earth can my little friends be...hmm..maybe i should attract them to me. They seem drawn by chaos.

The unholy one hunts for either a town or a cemetary. Luckily, he finds both...

Unholy one: Time to have some fun....
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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Supreme Hero
posted May 08, 2004 04:28 AM

Alright lets see if i cant recall everything that happened since then

I woke up, i went directly to the town where Vadskye, Gorman, Deimos and Mightymage and all them were looking up information on me. They discovered that i am not the only unholy one, and i plan on ressurecting my family. I soon arrived at the town, killed the guard and went to the graveyard. I summoned a legion of undead. In one brilliant battle, i retrieved the Ruby and swallowed it, regaining my full power. However, when i fleed the library the time mage RSF trapped me in time. When i re-appeared, i was bruttaly attacked, beaten and flayed by the gang, I lost some of my powers to the Land Opal. Before they were able to retrieve the Ruby from isnside me, gorman swooped down to my rescue. Acting on instinct, i slashed his wrists and lost him in the forest. He found me and proposed an alliance. I was wary to accept due to past circumstance. I told him to retrieve the Land Opal to prove his worthiness.

Did i do good?
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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Legendary Hero
posted May 08, 2004 05:29 AM

I know this is ooc but I figure I may as well post this here until we decide what we are gonna do.  Wait to see if Val can fix the boo boo or just start over?
Either way that's pretty much it 2X.  I just liked the posts better because of the IMMENCE ammount of detail included between me, Dean, and RSF...yes you too 2X.  Hopfully it can all be fixed but if not then let the post fest begin.
Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage.  For he is all I could ever
want to be!
- OhforfSake

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted May 09, 2004 01:51 AM

OOC: o_O Wow, a lot happened while I was gone.
Knowledge is power...

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Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted May 09, 2004 02:04 AM
Edited By: Asmodean on 8 May 2004

OOC: (All in one breath) It was a busy week. We nearly had the Unholy One, you mysteriously disappeared and we think Angelboy might be under the Unholy One's spell again. And if he's not I vowed to kill him. I'm also starting to suspect that you're the mastermind behind the thieves that nearly stole mine and MM's gems before we all met up. Shadowcaster became Lith's travelling partner/prisoner as Lith is looking to ressurect the vamp queen of the Forsaken Ones. (breathes out!)


To err is human, to arr is pirate.

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Supreme Hero
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posted May 09, 2004 09:14 PM
Edited By: Vadskye91 on 10 May 2004

OOC: So where where the heck am I?
Knowledge is power...

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted May 09, 2004 09:45 PM

OOC:  Use the OOC.
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted May 10, 2004 07:29 PM

OOC: Bit of a repost, but time to get the story moving again.

RSF, holding Land's Opal aloft was draining the essence from the Unholy One. I, using the power of the Ice Mace was doing the same. The creature itself seemed paralyzed, and unable to attack us, but we needed to get back the Flaming Ruby. Fortunately Deimos was there with his wicked claws, and he rent the flesh of the Unholy One, recovering the gem.
'You're not a mage!' shouted MM. 'Quickly! Throw it to me!'
Deimos pitched the Flaming Ruby, clean and untainted towards MM. The sun glinted off it, causing red flashes to fill the street, it seemed to hang in the air....

Suddenly from out of nowhere, Gorman swooped down, batting the Ruby out of his way and scooping up the Unholy One. As MM scrambled to recover the Ruby, RSF and I felt the shock of having our spells severed. Staggering I stared up as Gorman and the Unholy One made their escape....

Of the four of us only I knew that Gorman had once been under the influence of the Unholy One, mesmerised by an evil spell..... RSF ranted and raged, but in the end MM and I convinced him that if we could free Gorman from the spell he would be a powerful ally in fighting it.

But I also remembered how Gorman had seemed unhappy and disturbed when last I saw him. I owed him the benefit of the doubt for curing me. But if he had willingly joined with the Unholy One........then I'd make a feather mattress out of him.


To err is human, to arr is pirate.

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted May 11, 2004 01:09 AM

Shadowcaster stared into the deep green eyes of the elven assassin, quickly turning away, partly out of fear, partly out of respect. This man had experienced the beginnings and the ends of ages, the rise and falls of empires; he was surely not one to be trifled with or betrayed. The shadow mage agreed to the terms of the elf's proposal, seeing as how showing him around town could do no harm. Perhaps he may even introduce this newcomer to his allies, but he would have to make sure that was a wise decision before choosing to make it.

He looked back up at the pale elven face, and even though the face was half-covered, Shadowcaster could tell that the man was smiling, if not outside, then inside. The man extended his thin hand toward the shadow mage and introduced himself as Lith-Maethor, the Ash Warrior. This was no ordinary elf, that was for sure, but the shadow mage kept all presumptions to himself for the moment.

An awkward silence fell upon the two, at least it was awkward for the shadow mage. Shadowcaster was unsure of what to do next, and he could not read the face of his newfound companion. Lith only stood there and waited, staring off the the direction of the main plaza. Shadowcaster took the hint and began to wander in the direction of the town square.

As the shadow mage and the elf, an unlikely alliance to begin with, walked down the road through the square, people stopped and stared, no doubt recognizing the shadow mage as the source of the previous day's stampede. But they would not do anything, for their loyalties to their king, and therefore to Dingo, disallowed them to harm the shadow mage without a probable cause. Besides, many were intimidated by the man that was following him.

Shadowcaster led slowly, hoping to gain enough confidence by the end of the plaza to turn and at least confront the man. Or perhaps he was waiting for night to fall, as it would soon, so that his confrontation would get him somewhere that his assailant could not follow. The shadow mage did not know why, but his gut was screaming for him to escape this man. Perhaps they were connected somehow, perhaps this man was a threat to him. Only time would tell.

They finally reached the end of the plaza, and Shadowcaster glimpsed a struggle between the Unholy One and Dean, Mighty Mage, Deimos, and, most surprisingly to him, RSF. That struggle had once been directed at him, but the Unholy One had no shadow to protect him from the mages' onslaught. It appeared that he would be defeated as Deimos tore a red gem from the apparition's back, but a lone figure swooped down out of nowhere and grabbed the weakened beast, escaping the town with the Unholy One in tow. Shadowcaster immediately recognized Gorm, and wondered why he was helping the one his allies had been fighting. Perhaps the archangel had an agenda of his own.

Suddenly, as the last rays of the sun disappeared over the bleak horizon, the elf's features grew to a more pallid shade, as if he was undead, and his green eyes faded to an almost invisible shade. Lith looked up into the air, his eyes following Gorm until the figure dove, or more correctly fell, into the dense wood below. He grabbed the shadow mage's arm and ran into a nearby alley, opening up a portal that's gleam was heightened by its contrast to the night. Before Shadowcaster knew what was happening, Lith entered the portal with his unwilling companion in tow.

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Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted May 11, 2004 02:35 PM

Deimos: What does Gorman think he's doing?! I'll make a feather matress out of him.
Dean: That's just what I was thinking.
Night fell.
Deimos: I see something.
MM: What? How? It's dark.
Deimos: Magog eyes are better than human's. I see some tall figure alongside-
Dean: Alongside who?
Deimos: The tall figure in black and its companion ducked into an alley. We should follow it.
So they did. The sight that greeted them was strange. There was what looked like a tall, undead, elf, and beside him was-
Deimos: Shadowcaster!
Shadow: What?! Deimos? GO AWAY.
Deimos: Who is that?
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.

By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.

Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted May 11, 2004 04:30 PM

OOC: And then Diemos realized that Shadowcaster was through the portal and the portal was gone and wondered who he was talking to.
Knowledge is power...

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted May 11, 2004 11:39 PM

Gorman: Do you know who holds this Land Opal Unholy one? I shall do as you ask, just no tricks from you. No trying to dominate me as you tried to do previously. And when I get it for you, you must show me where the others of your kind lie. I shall...revive your evil cousins...you may need the help afterall. They know you have a weakness and seek to use that to their advantage, and as far as they know, there's only ONE of you at the moment. Think of the surprise on those miserable wretches when more of your kind step out of the shadows to end their miserable existence! Now my friend, tell me who has this Land Opal...
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Supreme Hero
posted May 12, 2004 01:06 PM

One of your former friends holds it. I dont know.
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted May 12, 2004 02:19 PM

Deimos: Shadow!
Shadow couldn't hear him. He stepped into the portal, along with the tall, undead figure. The portal disappeared in a crackle of light.
Deimos: What will we do now? In the library, I read of more Unholy Ones. What if the person who was with Shadow one of them? We have to go after him. On the other hand, Gorman took the Ruby and flew away with it. If he's helping the Unholy One, we need to act quickly.
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.

By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.

Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted May 12, 2004 10:42 PM

*sighing in bitterness at the Unholy one's unknowing of who holds this Land Opal that he wants to badly, I set off back towards the village. Keeping in the shadows and remaining well hidden from view. As I near the town, I can easily hear voices that sound familiar. I could tell one of the voices was that of the magog. Like a typical magog, they do things almost twice as much as a human. See better, talk LOUDER, and they even have slightly better muscle tone than a human. I stayed hidden behind the large, gnarly oak tree and listened to their conversation. Perhaps I will find out who, exactly, has this Land Opal so I may steal it from them while they sleep*
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted May 12, 2004 10:59 PM

OOC: Gorman didn't take the ruby, he just batted it out of the way so MM couldn't catch it. MM got it back.

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

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Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted May 13, 2004 12:16 AM

MM takes out the Ruby and shows it to Deimos.
'Gorman didn't get it Gods have mercy. However we gonna have to figure out what to do about him...'.
He glances meaningfully at RSF who is standing a little apart from the three of us and adds, '...and others'.

Deimos mutters 'And I still think Shadowcaster is in trouble....maybe he needs help too'.

'If he wanted help he surely didn't look like it when he was trying to cut my head off', I say harshly, 'he's no concern of ours. The angel is'.

'But what about Vadskye?' continues Deimos, concern touching his scaly features. 'Where is he, what if he's in trouble too?'

'The thief deserted us', I said. He left when the going got too tough. Maybe he's in league with the Angel too. We can't waste time on him either. The Unholy One's too important to be left free for much longer'.

RSF stalks up to us, still arrogant to the bone.
'If we're done gossiping', he says in a cutting tone, 'then perhaps we should plan what to do about the angel. I propose that you, Summoner, send up a griffin or two to scout for us. We shall travel in the direction the angel went and track him until he leads us to the Unholy One'.

It was a sensible plan, but I just couldn't bring myself to like this man. Nodding curtly I shoulder past him and stalk off towards the edge of the town and start of the forest.
Summoning two griffins I send them high in the air with orders to watch for an angel.
As I walk, I hear RSF chuckle behind my back. MM strides beside me, leaving Deimos with the time-mage.
'A bit touchy aren't they?'
I ground my teeth, this was not going to be an easy journey....

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

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