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Heroes Community > Turban Tribunal > Thread: Online HC Dictionary
Thread: Online HC Dictionary

Supreme Hero
[ Peacekeeper of Equilibris ]
posted April 05, 2004 09:10 AM bonus applied.
Edited By: pandora on 8 Apr 2005

Online HC Dictionary

Well, here’s a little guide of what’s in HC. It’s not the best thread. However, it is a little update to MM thread.

I present you Online HC Dictionary.

Heroes Community: One of the best forums on the net that are mostly dedicated to the never-ending Heroes of Might and Magic series. In addition to these discussions, this forum has very good and interesting off-heroes discussion. Twelve different forums, lots of good threads and plenty of awesome members from worldwide countries bring loads of joy.

HC: It is another way to say Heroes Community in a shortened word. Mostly, veteran members of Heroes Community use HC instead of Heroes Community, because it’s easier to say and shorter to write .

Admin / Mage of the Land: Creator of HC, administrator of this forum, known as Valeriy (full name: Valera Koltsov). He’s a rare visitor of the HC, but he is an admin so his work is to make this forum a greater place. For more info about him, view his profile or contact him. Here’s a pic of him:

Moderators / Heroes of Order: Main helpers to control the peace 'round here. They control the board, makes it a better place and give hell more contribution to this bord. A few months ago there were about 16 of them: Deth8, Vesuvius, Zud, SapphireRavyn, Hexa, Lich_King, Treupp, KittenAngel, RMS, Lith-Maethor, Khaelo, Kuma, dragonsister, ThE_HyDrA, Djive and Wolfman.
However, the out-of-HC life is also a vital thing. The ModSquad was reformed:  Pandora, Asmodean, MM (MightyMage), Ste and Dragon Slayer came to action, in order to take place of the mods who resigned (not in the same forum, but in general): Lich_King, RMS, KittenAngel, Lith-Maethor. Farewell for them!

FAQ: One of the additional pages to the community. All new members (and some of the old ones) have to read this, because it is vital to know. I suggest you reading CoC section before becoming a member, because some of the rules may be impenetrable and bring you little life-long ban.

Ranks: There are various ranks here on HC that are achieved by posting and writing good quality posts. HC has a little difference if comparing with another forum. There are rank for quality posts. That’s one of the things that makes this forum unique and very interesting.

Yellow and Red Stars: These are one of the indicators that shows us that we gained a new rank instead of words. Max. number of stars (one type/color) is six. There are several members who have ten stars in total and that number is the maximum. Yellow stars are achieved through posting while red stars - through quality posts.

N00B: This is another form of newbie used in this forum. Even if you have high ranks, but logged on not long ago (like me), you’re still a n00b. Some of the members (Sir_Stiven) call us n00bs without any particular purpose. That annoys us very much.

Smilies: This board has almost two decades of different smilies. They can be also called emoticons. Here’s a list of them: - happy, - really happy, - unhappy, - tongue, - wink, - angry, - mad, - sad, - idea, :cool - awesome:, - foo etc. (there are more of them)

BB Code: This board has a variety of useful BB Codes like URL, IMG, SWF, Bold, Italics, Underline. It is vital to use them, because they can be used like punctuation. Mostly, we use them to mark some phrases, topics etc.

Custom Status and Signature: Each member including mods can think of their own status and signature. Status is limited to non-BB Code letters and words while signature can be with BB Code. Though, if you use an image in a signature, it cannot exceed 10 kilobytes.

Avatar: Small pic below your name that is often used just to make other members able to remember. You can reserve one avatar when you achieve rank of Adventuring Hero, but it cannot exceed 2 kilobytes. But remember, one reserved avatar in whole life-time.

Clippings: In HC, and other forums, members use clippings to show that it’s funny or just to indicate simple words. For fun, we use ROFL - rolling on floor laughing, LMAO - laugh my ass off, LOL - laugh out loud, etc. Simple words are like IMO - in my opinion, IMHO - in my humble opinion, AFAIK - dunno the meaning, j/k - joking, etc.

Bugs: Well, it is unfortunate, but it is here. BUGS! There are some mean errors and bugs in HC, so I have to warn you. Here are some of them:
SynQL Error: appears when you try to open a deleted thread, whose URL was marked in another thread.
MysQL Error: appears when the connection is broken or there are minor misunderstandings with the forum.
No Rank: nobody knows. Hypothesis: once upon a time you achieved a negative post count.

SPAM: Off-topic posts are always considered SPAM. One-liners are too. Many posts with no content - SPAM.

CAPS: Words that are written in CAPS are considered shouting. Do not shout or you may have some problems.

ADS: There (as you see) are a lot of advertisements on the board. This is inevitable so we have to stand it. Val suggested if somebody pays $10 for doing so, ads will disappear for a month (for every member I think)

Google Toolbar: The inevitable toolbar is here! You can browse the community, web or certain stuff quite easily. Mostly it appears above the posts, but it also appears in the upper left corner (sometimes).

MAIN RULE: It is almost golden: do not give anger vs. anger. It will give you penalties. Plus do not flame other members. That may cause a penalty too. If somebody  flames you, do not flame back. Report to MOD or ADMIN. That will be the best.

That’s all. Here are some of the URLs you can use to learn more about HC.

Red and Yellow Star Guide made by regnus_khan

FAQ made by Valeriy

Newcomers Please Read (Turban) made by Djive

All n00bs come here first... made by Mighty Mage

How old are you fellow Members made by Oldtimer (i think)

For more threads that will give you a mind of what’s going on, go to TURBAN TRIBUNAL or visit NEWCOMERS threads in Tribunal or Altar.


For more input to put in, write in this thread please


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Supreme Hero
Zapper of Toads
posted April 05, 2004 05:54 PM
Edited By: Djive on 6 Jul 2004

regnus_khan has been contributing a lot lately with fining bugs searching for information and overall trying to be helpful. Has been working for some time for this QP.


"A brilliant light can either illuminate or blind. How will you know which until you open your eyes?"

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Legendary Hero
Of Ruby
posted April 07, 2004 07:24 AM
Edited By: pandora on 16 Jul 2005

Regnus_Khan, Future Moderator

This fella is well on his way to becoming a great Heroes Community contributor. One day I think he'll earn himself a seat next to the other great moderators. I think he would do good things for this place.

He has good ideas, an open mind, is polite, and constantly looks for ways to better the community. If there ever came an election you'd get my vote for moderator Regnus_Khan.

I'm sure the other moderators would welcome him in with a hardy tutorial for the job. I bet he'd tackle it like he does other things in life, with determination and an open mind.
Roses Are RedAnd So Am I

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Supreme Hero
[ Peacekeeper of Equilibris ]
posted April 07, 2004 08:06 AM

This fella is well on his way to becoming a great Heroes Community contributor. One day I think he'll earn himself a seat next to the other great moderators. I think he would do good things for this place.

He has good ideas, an open mind, is polite, and constantly looks for ways to better the community. If there ever came an election you'd get my vote for moderator Regnus_Khan.

I'm sure the other moderators would welcome him in with a hardy tutorial for the job. I bet he'd tackle it like he does other things in life, with determination and an open mind.

Ah, too nice of you, Consis, as always.

Yep, my plans were to become a MOD, but I gotta way more things to do before it.

Particular purpose before being a respectable, honored member (MODERATOR) was to achieve these prerequisites in the following list:

Honorable/Admirable Hero
Supreme/Legendary Hero (Maybe)
Not to try to become a MOD till June/July

And the last and most important:

Try to make HC a better community and try not to hated by other members.

Anyway, I think my place wouldn't be respected, if I was a MOD now, because I didn't have much time to make friends with other members, here on HC. When I will be more familiar with the situation of HC, I'll try to "borrow a seat next to other MODS" (ONLY IF THEY WILL LIKE TO HAVE SUCH MEMBER AS I AM)


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Famous Hero
Yeah, right
posted April 07, 2004 09:31 AM

I think this info will be useful to newbies who will come here Nice work.
Guardians Grove forum

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Legendary Hero
posted April 09, 2004 12:07 PM
Edited By: pandora on 24 Jan 2005

I disagree

This fella is well on his way to becoming a great Heroes Community contributor. One day I think he'll earn himself a seat next to the other great moderators. I think he would do good things for this place.

He has good ideas, an open mind, is polite, and constantly looks for ways to better the community. If there ever came an election you'd get my vote for moderator Regnus_Khan.

I'm sure the other moderators would welcome him in with a hardy tutorial for the job. I bet he'd tackle it like he does other things in life, with determination and an open mind.

The qualities you just mentioned are good to have as a moderator, but not the most important consis.

Lets put it like this, say you are a shepard (spelling?). It doesnt matter how much knowledge you have about where the best grass is for your sheep if you never can get em there. Sure you can always improve the quality for the sheeps living by implementing certain things but if they wont follow you you cant do a great job. Do to a great job you need to know how to get the sheep to the places you want.

Point is..if i were to list 4 things for a moderator to have here it would be: leadership, being objective and focus on the bigger part you after all take here by accepting to be a moderator and not let your emotions control you. And lastly, speak your mind (being honest).

If you have these qualities i dont really care if you have good ideas or being polite. Good ideas you dont have to be a moderator to put forward, and some members would problably make the best out of themselves by staying as..members. And being polite... well as long as your fair and speak your mind you will atleast always have my respect for doing so, then if i think your beliefs are the same as a jack ass doesnt matter as much.

Ive been in teams/groups where leader roles get elected on the wrong basics before and it has in my experience a tendency of never turning out right.

EDIT: oh and btw, good informative post even if I miss the word "toss/tosser" in it

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Supreme Hero
[ Peacekeeper of Equilibris ]
posted April 21, 2004 08:47 PM

shepard (spelling?).

EDIT: oh and btw, good informative post even if i miss the word "toss/tosser"


EDIT: I'd like to know the true definition of a tosser, since you're one of the most common, Stefan.

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Famous Hero
posted April 21, 2004 09:51 PM

Thank You, Regnus_Khan!

This fella is well on his way to becoming a great Heroes Community contributor. One day I think he'll earn himself a seat next to the other great moderators. I think he would do good things for this place.

He has good ideas, an open mind, is polite, and constantly looks for ways to better the community. If there ever came an election you'd get my vote for moderator Regnus_Khan.

I'm sure the other moderators would welcome him in with a hardy tutorial for the job. I bet he'd tackle it like he does other things in life, with determination and an open mind.

The qualities you just mentioned are good to have as a moderator, but not the most important consis.
Consis, I applaud your kind words about Regnus_Khan.  It is a shame that a nice post with good intentions was unfortunately turned into an off-topic debate.  As a long-time HC member, I must say that Regnus_Khan's posts are usually very insightful and often helpful for new members and old ones alike.  Congrats on the QP and keep up the good work, Regnus_Khan, your contributions are greatly appreciated!
"You must gather your party before venturing forth."

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Tavern Dweller
posted January 31, 2006 11:18 PM

AFAIK = As Far As I Know, yes?

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Supreme Hero
UHU!! supreme!
posted February 01, 2006 03:39 AM

LOL I have the same doubt!! what is AFAIK???
Dig Out Your Soul

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Famous Hero
Groin-Grabingly Clever
posted February 01, 2006 09:30 AM

as far as i know

Two goldfish were in their tank. One turns to the other and says, 'You man the guns, I'll drive.'

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Legendary Hero
From earth
posted February 19, 2008 09:23 PM

This would be pretty good in the newcomers in too, or instead... or.. both? xD
All things are possible with God.
Nothing is possible without God.

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Supreme Hero
The weak suffer. I endure.
posted February 19, 2008 09:50 PM

I updated this info in the newcomers lounge in the welcome to hc, newcomers guide... pity i can no longer update it though

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