Thread: Dragosta Din Tei | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 · NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted December 26, 2004 11:42 PM |


Hired Hero
Request timed out
posted December 26, 2004 11:46 PM |
I would be very grateful to anyone who told me what's that song and what language it is written in.
Rise... And feel the deadly breeze... The scent of burning flesh... For my blade thirsts for another war!

Legendary Hero
Of Ruby
posted December 26, 2004 11:46 PM |
I think I saw Aculias in there.
Roses Are Red And So Am I

Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted December 26, 2004 11:48 PM |
Quote: I think I saw Aculias in there.
Aah, now I know why this guy looked so familiar 
@vas: I think its hungraian, correct me if false^^

Known Hero
posted December 27, 2004 01:06 AM |
It's very false.. it's romanian.. and I HATE THAT SONG!!!

Supreme Hero
posted December 27, 2004 01:22 AM |
Wow. Not much to say, really...
I can't stop watching this for some reason. Must be train wreck phonomenon, don't want to stare, but can't look away...
EDIT: What is that song called anyway?

Famous Hero
posted December 27, 2004 01:31 AM |
Kind of reminds me of...well...can't say what, but I'm sure
Britney Spears lip synchs better than that.

Supreme Hero
posted December 27, 2004 01:33 AM |
Now it's stuck in my head. Why did you do it, Daddy? I think I may cry...it's still there. Maybe if I listen to the eBay song it will go away.

Supreme Hero
statue-loving necrophiliac
posted December 27, 2004 01:43 AM |
Shai, i cant stand it either. We are under siege from the radios and in discos from those horrible tunes. Really, you Romanains, even Mutu's newest fashion collection is a better exporting article than that sound. 
btw, the sissies from that band have another disco-jolly song, a worthy copy of this mega-hit.
The meek shall inherit the earth, but NOT its mineral rights.

Legendary Hero
posted December 27, 2004 01:49 AM |
i like this song, it makes the girls go nuts on the dance floor. And any song that makes that is off course a good song. simple as that.
simple really, thats why svarog dislikes it as he is more into statuetic songs

Supreme Hero
statue-loving necrophiliac
posted December 27, 2004 01:54 AM |
Yeah, I kind of like hymns. They make people mesmerize. 
You on the other hand, should consider writing "Aesthetics of the practical mind". Thats fresh and unheard of.
The meek shall inherit the earth, but NOT its mineral rights.

Famous Hero
lost in a mourning hall!
posted December 27, 2004 10:33 AM |
indeed thats romanian.... and indeed that guy is drunk 
also i dont like it either and im from Romania.........
Heavy metaller here 

Supreme Hero
Supreme Noobolator
posted December 27, 2004 11:19 AM |
Quote: Shai, i cant stand it either.... Really, you Romanains, even Mutu's newest fashion collection is a better exporting article than that sound. 
Shay, i feel depressed too .....
I didn't used to think of you as the type of guy that would judge a whole country by some junkie footballer and a band(that's not even romanian, it's from Moldavia), Ahhh and not to forget the ever invading romanian gipsies..You know, this country is more than that, much more..If you really want to discover the real Romania come here someday...
@daddy: Care-i faza?
Sa nu-ti fie rusine de tara ta niciodata...
BTW: In Romania those guys don't have even half the succes they have in Western Europe..So you guys made them famous...If you want some real romanian music try listen to Gheorghe Zamfir(the panpipes master)..

Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted December 27, 2004 03:29 PM |
Well, that is imo why so many non-german music is succsessfull in Germany (and I guess in other countrys, too): Because you cant understand what they sing (and sometimes it really is rubbish^^ - I read, what some parts of this song here mean and, yeah it is dumb - but I like the melody and how the words sound - I sont listen to it for the text/message, but for the sound)

Supreme Hero
posted December 27, 2004 06:25 PM |
What is the message?

Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted December 27, 2004 06:30 PM |
Idon't know - I cant understand romanian 

Supreme Hero
posted December 27, 2004 06:37 PM |
I know someone around here does though.

Adventuring Hero
posted December 27, 2004 07:00 PM |
Gee guys, you found that song just now ??? And Consis.. I remember you made a thread about songs stuck in your head in GG, where almost all topic later discussed how we hate dragonstea din tei... Since I can't stand it... Noone can... it was replayed so many times everywhere here, that everyone hates it...

Adventuring Hero
posted December 27, 2004 07:03 PM |
Quote from GG
Quote: Hello, hi, it's me, a knight
and please, my love, receave the happiness
Hello, hello, it's me, Picasso
I made you a ring and I'm pretty
But you must know I'm asking you nothing
You want to go but you don't, you don't take me with you
You don't, you don't take me with you, you don't, you don't, you don't take me with you
You're face and the love under the lime-tree
remember me your eyes (x 2)
I call, to tell you, to tell you what I feel, now
Hello, my love, it's me, the happiness
Hello, hello, it's me again, Picasso,
I made you a ring and I'm pretty
But you must know I'm asking you nothing
You want to go but you don't, you don't take me with you
You don't, you don't take me with you, you don't, you don't, you don't take me with you
You're face and the love under the lime-tree
remember me your eyes (x 2) yea remember me
WOW What a text what words ! What an intellectual deepness...

Supreme Hero
statue-loving necrophiliac
posted December 28, 2004 01:20 AM |
Oh most definitely. I particularly like how the artists manifests his love through intuitive comparissons with Picasso, which clearly shows his self-identificational bond with the post-modernist artistic avntgarde. Also, the ring, the materialization of the poet’s unending love, sybolizes the cyclical connection he feels with his loved one, an emptiness waiting to be materialized in order to fulfil the sense of his very being, i.e. the purpose of the ring to be worn on the hand of the woman he loves. Not to mention, the position of the 9th chakra located exactly on that hand is just another confirmation of the artists proven poetic talent.
Imo the most striking moment are the verses: ”Hello, it’s me, hello, it’s me again”. In these seemingly simple in composition, but very complex in meaning words, is hidden the entire essence of this song, and yes, it wouldn’t be exageration to say, perhaps even a significant part of the very essence of the world, which thinkers have long sought to reach. Interpreted on a metaphysical layer, it speaks of begginings and the absolute identities of existance, uncovering the real nature of the Absolute captured in the eternal process of self-discovering, said in Hegelian terms. The emotions which spring from the realms within my soul when I read this line cant be described with words, and they accumulate in a bolt of matter and energy waiting to be gloriously propelled through my beloved sphincter.
The meek shall inherit the earth, but NOT its mineral rights.