Thread: What does your username means to you? | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 · «PREV / NEXT» |
Supreme Hero
posted November 23, 2002 12:47 PM |
When I sterted playing hmm3 (thanks to Medusa, she borrowed that game to me) The first castle I saw was Fortress. Didn't like those stupid lizards so I decided to try every town... And so there was A NECROPOLIS When I first saw a Lich !!! Love from first sight... . I found community in about 4 years later and chosen Power_Lich's username.... "This username allready exist..." Then I remembered another character - Lich King (from M&M7). And later I saw a member with exactly same name... (LichKing)... (And now everyone confuse our usernames...)
Famous Hero
Yeah, right
posted November 23, 2002 03:10 PM |
I'm pleased you've mentioned me, lich In lithuania i also have this nickname, and everyone thinks it means "a jellyfish". That's annoying
Guardians Grove forum
Supreme Hero
Lee's wifey
posted November 23, 2002 09:08 PM |
well i think my name explains itself lol
Never wear anything that panics
the cat.
Hired Hero
Silverborn High Priestess
posted November 24, 2002 07:54 AM |
>what story?
Aaah.. a MM intertwined with Heroes story... you can read it on the 3DO Community... here's a link:
Should work.
Hired Hero
keepin it gangsta
posted November 24, 2002 11:23 PM |
absolutely nothing
Legendary Hero
From earth
posted November 25, 2002 06:57 AM |
Hired Hero
Silverborn High Priestess
posted November 26, 2002 04:14 AM |
No, because I haven't finished writing it yet.
Resurrectra the Divine One
Hired Hero
who comes cheap
posted November 26, 2002 06:27 AM |
My name is verrry simple
all my friends call me Hacky, so i just decided to add the conquerer cause i like to conquer strange and exoctic Lands!
Hired Hero
Silverborn High Priestess
posted November 26, 2002 07:05 AM |
But why the Hydra?
Resurrectra the Divine One
Hired Hero
who comes cheap
posted November 27, 2002 03:30 AM |
i like Hydras
Supreme Hero
posted November 28, 2002 02:19 AM |
Well, my username comes from my favorite Wrestler, and Idol- Jeff Hardy- Its means alot- We both have alot in common- beside sthe fact that he is around 10 years older than me...I share the same motto- Live for the moment, We are both extreme Daredevils...and much more, So i named my Username (2Xtreme) After him..
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.
Adventuring Hero
Returned for a while
posted January 26, 2003 07:20 AM |
The story of my username goes far far back into the past, last century in fact. So heed my words and listen to the
tale I tell of the year 1998...
I used to play Baldur's Gate on Heat.net you see. At first, because I loved vampires and I loved wraiths, I tried to use one of those as my username, but the individual names were taken and so VampireWraith was born.
Noone liked VampireWraith as i'm sure you can imagine, I was a bit of a <censored>hole and so i'd make other accounts, be nice to people and then surprise them when I told them that I was actually VampireWraith.
There was this one guy on heat named TheWhiteWizard. He considered himself Gandalf and was all high and mighty and everything, but people liked him. So I decided to mock him. It was then that TheRedWizard was born. I was really nice to everyone as TheRedWizard and then I shocked them all when I told them I was actually VampireWraith.
I went back to being VampireWraith but realised people liked
me more as TheRedWizard even though they knew we were the same person. After that I started logging in more as TheRedWizard, and I realised that people were starting to call me The Red Wizard of Thay which I thought was a pretty cool name so I decided to banish VampireWraith and the other accounts and stuck with being TheRedWizard.
I took on the persona of TheRedWizard and stopped being a jerk. I made plenty of good friends that way as i'm sure you can imagine. Some of them are still my good friends to this day.
Eventually I stopped playing Baldur's Gate and logged on to
heat just to talk to people and make new friends.
And then the unthinkable happened.....
Heat shut down.
I was devastated.
It was a stroke of luck that my good friends from heat told me about icq or im sure I wouldnt have as many friends as I do today.
And that my friends, is the story of my username.
(Tell me what you think of the story)
Adventuring Hero
Returned for a while
posted January 26, 2003 07:16 PM |
Heh, thanks
Legendary Hero
From earth
posted January 26, 2003 07:37 PM |
Yep, its good. Do you think red is evil?
I cant wait for your awnser but I'll say my reply now anyways.
Red, used to seem evil to me. It used to make me think of fire, but now I think more of blood. There shouldn't be anything to fear about blood. It's a good thing. I have good blood, my family is good blood. Some other families have bad blood, but I hope to marry good blood, and make good blood.
Nothin' scarry, no fear involved if I'm standing in sunlight
What are you up to
Known Hero
Master Thief
posted January 27, 2003 04:46 AM |
Well..back in them OLD OLD Starcraft days...i called myself PsYkOtIc...for no reason whatsoever...i just thought it looked cool and sounded cool...then for some gay reason i started playing Diablo 1 (i wish i could shoot myself for doing that ) and called myself PsYkOtIcMaGe....the i started playing D2 so it changed to ~PsYkO~ then i lost that account so its now PsYkO_....then one day I found the community and decided to make a variation and put PsYkOtIc-Dragoon...
Why Dragoon??? Because...Dragons are cool...and I find it would be cool to be a Dragoon! (Half-Dragon, Half-Human)
This concludes the story of the PsYkO family...tune in tomorow night for another great tale told by [bold]the most powerful being in the planet....ME![/bold] LOL I just heard that on a GTA Vice City radio channel and though it was funny
Girls=Evil - Here let me show you -> Girl=My Time -> Time=Money -> Money=Root Of All Evil, Therefore -> Girls=Pure Evil
Supreme Hero
posted January 30, 2003 01:18 AM |
Well actually I joined HC as thief,since it was my favorite character in Quest for Glory.Since I forgot my password,I made this new username for meself.
Its simple,silx is my nickname in real life and 87,well that's the year of my birth(1987)so there,that's the story of my simple username.
Famous Hero
Ranger of the good
posted January 30, 2003 04:50 PM |
Echo is a kewl name ive always used on the Internet...
Lord is a nice Medievil tiltle..
thats is
Don`t be simple, be complx-
Tavern Dweller
posted January 30, 2003 05:23 PM |
Oh NO! Its not all good :-(
Hi all,
Its fair to say I have the worst name available at the moment! It was an old Uni username (so I wouldn't forget!). I didn't realise it would be my own ID! (Bum)
I really want to change it. Could anyone help me!
Also, hello to all out there. I wouldn't mind to chat with some one with a little experience with the community so I can quiz for some info. I have read the FAQs (thanks to all contributors). But alas I'm not much the wiser.
If any one lives in Manchester, England I could possibly call....
I will try to post messages occasinally and hope I make some friends and possibly make a few people laugh (or more likely cry,... jus kiddin)
Just though, as for my ACTUAL name choice it would have to reflect your own personality or gaming preferences. Im a great fun of the nature class. And I have a very 'environmental' past (Uni and stuff) so I would have to call myself:
Beast Grand Master
(Is this very arrogant? Hope not)
Oh well.
Fare ye all well
P.S. If I can Im interested in joining a 'clan'? or something and becoming more involved in this community because I think it is outstanding and plan to regularly make inputs (given time?!). Thanks
Known Hero
Dragon God
posted January 30, 2003 06:08 PM |
Well for me and me title as a Dragon god,
it means alot to my undead army, because I am a fair god
and not crule like others expect me to be. I allow them to communicate with there living familes. True, the dead can't feal physical pian but they do have emoations that they cary
to the grave with them. The rules say that I am suposed to
take away all fealings of any kind, but that is only when the boss comes down on his inspection of my castel,that I have named Hyrule Castel, but I give them back when he leaves... I am a mercyful god, and to me my name means Mercy, forgiving, and death...
And let the Dragons of old watch over yoy
Hired Hero
posted January 31, 2003 12:36 PM |
Bring it ON!
Well, thanks for the advice Ghost Dragon, I have registered again under a different name, one more fitting than mfhxjemk ????.
'May your bones never bleach or become brittle, and your fairly treated minions serve you blindly for all eternity'.
My minions serve me a little more grudgingly I admit; because my sprites seem to have a life expectancy of 1, max 2 days. Oh well lifes a snow and then you..... sprites don't even get the chance to 'then you marry one'! My level 2s don't even get a peep, and my level 3s tend to be over run and over used! L4s are always great.
Oh well, the price we all have to pay.
(them more than me ;-))
Back to the subject at hand: I have changed my name and will be hence forth revered as 'the BeastGrandMaster' for reasons I described previously (see my last entry, under mfhxjemk) or just ignored and privately laughed at...
Speak soon.
Take care
I shall END what my summoned minions begin