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Heroes Community > Heroes 8+ Altar of Wishes > Thread: Dragon Golems. A good idea or not?
Thread: Dragon Golems. A good idea or not? This thread is 3 pages long: 1 2 3 · NEXT»

Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 04, 2001 02:03 AM

Poll Question:
Dragon Golems. A good idea or not?

I went to www.hmm4.com and found, to my dismay, a robotic Dragon (Called a Dragon Golem). I want to see if the rest of you think this is a good idea. In my personal opinion, they can stay, but must look more like Golems, and less like Robots.
Thank god I'm an atheist.

Yes, keep the Dragon Golem and keep it looking like a robot.
Yes keep them but change the way they look.
No, ditch'em entirely
Don't Care
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Known Hero
posted September 04, 2001 03:17 AM

Well I will grant you it looks very slightly like a robot. But only in the sense that it has multiple moving parts, instead of just being one big statue. I don't have a problem with this though, not every golem has to look like the usual stereotype. Imagine how difficult it must be to get stone to move freely as if it has joints and was flexible. It's probably much easier to enchant the seperate legs and mouth to move naturaly, that way you don't have to somehow take solid metal and get it to bend like limbs would.

That's why I don't have a problem that the dragon golem has a unique look that other golems don't have. To me it makes alot more sense and is more interesting then the traditional golem look.

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Famous Hero
Hit Dice: 76d12+608 HP
posted September 04, 2001 01:02 PM
Edited By: LordTitan on 4 Sep 2001

Hey niteshade!

I think that Dragon Golems look too much like Robots, Because golems are suppost to look like rocks, gold, dimand or evan crystal. That's why I think they can stay as long as they dich the look.
Spaek the Titan

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Known Hero
posted September 04, 2001 06:42 PM

Well there is really no real that says golems have to be solid metal, stone, or crystal. For example look at the flesh golem in D&D, it's stiched up of lots of pieces of flesh in the same way the dragon golem is made up of lots of pieces of metal.

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Famous Hero
posted September 04, 2001 08:38 PM

The thing breaths fire so basically its a flamethrower thats to me is too advanced for heroes. I mean why would they stop there if they can make a walking flamethrower why cant they make guns or lasers? (please dont say dragons already breath fire cos i think its completely different)

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Adventuring Hero
Master Of Swords
posted September 04, 2001 09:28 PM

I seen a screenshot of the Dragon Golem and I dont like the way that they are mechanical. I think all creatures in HOMM should be living! not mechanical! Although it does seem like on hell of a kick arse creature that will do its castle well.

Why not some other type of dragon which is not mechanical. Although with similar stats and things that they are going to have on the Dragon Golem

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Known Hero
posted September 04, 2001 09:28 PM

Sheesh, it's a dragon golem. Of course it breathes fire. Wizards throw fireballs, dragons breath fire, why shouldn't a dragon golem breath fire? Perhaps you think wizards are too high tech because they have flamethrowers too?

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Famous Hero
Crazy Bat Guy.
posted September 04, 2001 09:32 PM

There are enough dragons in the game.  Heroes 3 was flooded with them.  Now there are 3 or 4 unique ones:

Black Dragon
Bone Dragon
Golem Dragon
(Fairy Dragon)

All very unique.  Bone dragons have about half the HP of Black Dragons, but there attacks have no retaliation, so they get hit less.  Thus, making two very differen, but even, creatures.

But if in the next game there are 4 or 5 Golem creatures, I will complain very loudly (y'know, that isn't really much of a threat...)


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Known Hero
posted September 04, 2001 09:49 PM

Well there have always been creatures in heroes who were not flesh and blood. Even if we ignore the undead creatures there are still.....

Stone golems
Iron golems
Steel golems (H2)
Gold golems
Diamond golems

I for one am happy to see a change from the generic golem type to something more interesting.

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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 04, 2001 11:59 PM

Uhhh... What about the Crystal Dragons?

Excuse me Niteshade, but the CRYSTAL Dragon (H3) is a dragon, it is technicly a Dragon Golem, but does not, I repeat DOES NOT breath FIRE! It attacks with its claws! If a dragon made of crystal couldn't breath fire because it lacked internal organs, why should the Dragon Golem breath fire?!? I mean, it has no internal organs, and if it had a mechanicle flamethrower, it would be too high tech (Oh, and by the way, Wizards' flamethrowers are MAGICAL. Not MECHANICAL!)!
Thank god I'm an atheist.

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Famous Hero
Your Ultimate Slayer
posted September 05, 2001 12:10 AM

Why not...

Just replace it with azure dragon! It's way cooler than that freakin dragon golem!
Slayin' all evil for good!

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Famous Hero
Hit Dice: 76d12+608 HP
posted September 05, 2001 12:22 AM


As you can see I am ANGRY!
Evan thow theres no Dragon golem I think they should DICH THEM!! Because who can make a Dragon out of Hunks of METAL AND STEEL! I mean come on if they do keep'um they should make a neew resource called steel and sell the Dragon Golems For 20 Steel and 15000 gold, because theres almost no kind of person that would make a dragon out of steel! And what controlls it? A remote controll?!?! Everbody should know that whoever make the thing controls it after all golems are suppost to make shure of that you don't get killed, ther're also sopost to be SLOW! And I think if they make Dragon golems they shuld make Shield Gardians! (not to metion that the Shield Gurdian wuold be a good idia any way) And thats all I have to say for Dragon golems. (for now) Anybody wants me all be at the alter of wishes, Dragon Vs Titan I think Not or Why are titans skin grey-silver so good By to you all P.S. Golems Do not look like robots so I hope that you get the Idia! See you later Guys and Girls!!!!! yous I am still angry boy that let the steem out!(that means I feel better now).
Spaek the Titan

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Known Hero
posted September 05, 2001 12:33 AM

"Excuse me Niteshade, but the CRYSTAL Dragon (H3) is a dragon, it is technicly a Dragon Golem, but does not, I repeat DOES NOT breath FIRE! It attacks with its claws!"

So that just means that whoever enchanted the crystal dragon did not give it the ability to breath fire. The people who made the dragon golem were smarter then that.

"If a dragon made of crystal couldn't breath fire because it lacked internal organs, why should the Dragon Golem breath fire?!? "

Because it was magicaly enchanted to breath fire. Duh.

" I mean, it has no internal organs, and if it had a mechanicle flamethrower, it would be too high tech (Oh, and by the way, Wizards' flamethrowers are MAGICAL. Not MECHANICAL!)! "

Ok, so you can deal with wizards conjuring fire out of thin air, but you can't deal with wizards conjuring fire out of the mouth of a dragon? Hello.....it's the same thing.

On a side note, do we even know for sure that dragon golems breath fire?

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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 05, 2001 01:24 AM

To Niteshade

Perhaps I phrased that post wrong. I meant that it would SEEM too mechamical if they breathed fire. If they DID breath fire it would lead to people thinking they were mechanical.

Oh, and Niteshade, YOU said they should breath fire. I know that wasn't an exact determination, but you made it seem that way. Can we please drop the fire breathing thing now? I don't want to have an enemy here like ChaosKid and El_Diablo.
Thank god I'm an atheist.

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Famous Hero
Crazy Bat Guy.
posted September 05, 2001 02:53 AM


I don't think the Golem Dragon will breathe fire.  This is how rumors start people!

Still, why would we replace the Golem Dragon with the Azure Dragon?  Because it is stronger?  Well, if you did replace it, the Azure Dragon would have to be weakened, and then it wouldn't be popular.

Seriously, does anyone like the Azure Dragon for any other reason than it being the strongest?  It may be strong, but it such a generic dragon!


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Known Hero
posted September 05, 2001 03:03 AM


"Perhaps I phrased that post wrong. I meant that it would SEEM too mechamical if they breathed fire. If they DID breath fire it would lead to people thinking they were mechanical. "

You didn't phrase it wrong, your saying exactly the same thing you said last time, without commenting on any of the things I said to prove your wrong. If a wizard made a magic staff that could shoot fire, that would not be mechanical. So why is it mechanical if a wizard makes a magical dragon that can shoot fire? This is the same thing I said last time. Please take some time go back and actually read what I have written before you comment on it.

"Oh, and Niteshade, YOU said they should breath fire. I know that wasn't an exact determination, but you made it seem that way."

No, actualy somebody else said they breahted fire, I just defended how a magical creature breathing fire was perfectly reasonable. One again, I must request that you go back and actually read the posts.

"Can we please drop the fire breathing thing now? I don't want to have an enemy here like ChaosKid and El_Diablo. "

I am more then happy to drop the matter, especialy since I agree with Lord Paul that they probably don't really breathe fire to begin with.


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Known Hero
posted September 05, 2001 03:04 AM
Edited By: titan on 4 Sep 2001

I dont like the dragon golem idea.
And will there really be a dragon golem in HoMM IV ??
And if there is will there be new resources like STEEL and BATTERY'S

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Famous Hero
Chief Consul to Queen Mutare
posted September 05, 2001 03:18 AM

The Golem Dragons have me worried. Does this mean Heroes is becoming sci-fi instead of fantasy? Or is it blending the two? Dang it, I wish I had Jon Van Caneghem's e-mail adress, then I could ask him these questions!

Steel would be pointless, batteries stupid. Batteries would be too techno for Heroes; steel comes from ore, believe it or not!
<Dragons rule, Titans drool!>

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Known Hero
posted September 05, 2001 03:22 AM

maybe 3DO will put UFO's  in HoMM IV
If we ever will time travel in the future . Why haven't people from the future visited us yet

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Known Hero
posted September 05, 2001 04:28 AM

Why would you think it was getting more sci-fi? First off golems are not sci-fi, and even if they were there are less kinds of golems in H4 then in H3. So that would make them less sci-fi.

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