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Heroes Community > Turban Tribunal > Thread: World wide petition - Save Tigris's quality point!!!
Thread: World wide petition - Save Tigris's quality point!!! This thread is 4 pages long: 1 2 3 4 · «PREV / NEXT»

Supreme Hero
Beautiful Liar
posted March 07, 2006 11:39 PM

Has the world gone mad!?

What is the world comming to...?

What would become of this community without you Angelito?

I known the community for about a couple of months and you are the moderator that stands out the most.

Your wise and gentlemanlike posts feel almost all forums and each and one of them helps out a lot.

You said to FoG not to run away from his problems and now you running away yourself?

Is this matter really that hard to solve peacefully?

Other matter... I'm open and available for the Library mod possion in Angelitos abssence...

Peace out to all, LoL.

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Famous Hero
The Metal Specialist
posted March 08, 2006 02:01 AM
Edited by LegendMaker on 8 Mar 2006

Just A NOTE (and then SOME)

This is all going WAY out of hands, now.
Maybe I shouldn't have delayed my suggestions about the "stars system" tonight...

Yet I delayed them to play a really cool game : Heroes Of Might And Magic 3. Heard of it, folks ?

PLEASE try ALL (I do mean all, as in everyone here, new users, vets, mods... and even admin ) to calm down and refrain the urge to settle it too hastily like that. That kind of matters requires some thinking about, and you can't do that under pressure.

The Forum is changing as we speak. Can't you see it ? New members register every second. We CAN'T keep it up and running without taking that fact into account, in my most humble opinion.

HC must adapt. This forum was created as a friendly and useful place for Heroes fans. A place they could use to meet, talk and exchange ideas about the game, and eventually make some friends. (Correcting me if I'm wrong Val, that's only MY interpretation of your FAQ, and general behaviour - it's obvious to me you are a Peace&LoveMaker just like me in your own way and in your own right).

Current rules worked fine (arguably) during the days Heroes had become somehow obscure and less popular in the recent years and there were fewer members.

Some of them rules simply CAN'T apply to the massive (and mainly new and young) audience we're having now.

Homm5's upcoming release brings new fans to the fold and that's a healthy phenomenon in itself. But it takes some adjustements to turn this rather private circle of initiates into a LARGE open forum !

That seems perfectly obvious to me.

Many new users seem to relate to the high school rules (not surprisingly since most of them are just about that age). Said rules differ a LOT from HC's current rules.

In high school, even if you DO behave badly, your GRADES won't be turned from 20/20 to 0/20 just like that. You'll get punished, but nobody will ever take your good GRADES from you. You will even take them with you if you are actually BANNED from the school, actually !

Me, for instance, I've had personnal problem the year I was preparing my (forgot the english name for it, the exam you must succeed at in order to go to college, anyways). I've missed quite a few classes during the last semester. It actually went to the point that the principal wrote down loud and clear in my file that I would not be allowed to stay in his school if I was to fail at the final exam. Too bad for him, my Legendary IQ is what it is. So I didn't give him that satisfaction.

But the point is :

That guy didn't understand what I was living at the time. He really was ****ed about me and he actually wanted me to fail. If he had had the power to erase all my grades just like that, for ****'s sake, I tell you he WOULD HAVE !

And hence, I would never have had the chance to go to college no more, because I would have ended up with BAD GRADES.

But he couldn't. Because I'm a citizen of a democracy and we have human rights. We also have duties. We also can get punished if we behave badly. We can even go to JAIL for our crimes.

But the wrong you do WON'T ever ERASE the good you did ! That would be a dictature otherwise.

You remember that guy who claimed that the Earth is round back in the days they actually thought it was a giant McDo plate ? They sentenced him to DEATH PENALTY for it. And still, his brilliant works and visions are STILL praised to this day.

In my most humble and, I hope, objective opinion, there should be a THIRD star count. Penalties and Awards shouldn't be in the same account. They have NOTHING to do with each other.

If Spielberg goes to jail for personnal problems, I'm interessed in seeing ANYONE trying to take his OSCARS away from him as double punishment !

When a kid behaves badly, sure the principal has to do his job and punish him. Show some discipline. Keep things in order. But NO WAY those grades will turn from "A++" to "F-" because of his BEHAVIOUR !

You can behave badly and still be brilliant.

You can also behave like a Perfect Gentlemen and have a below-average IQ and no particular talent in you.

Those are two things SO different that blending the two as an average doesn't make ANY KIND OF SENSE.

So, my suggestion is that :

1) Yellow Stars indicate the QUANTITY of what one posted.

2) RED Stars indicate the QUALITY of what one posted.

3) BLACK STARS indicate the PENALTIES given for bad behaviour.

Then, convert every "-QP" into BLACK STARS, and leave the Yellows and Reds as is.

If you adopt this slight adjustement to your rule system, Val, by all means your rules will remain the same, I'm NOT complaining about them in themselves.

Any and all policy and rule that currently depends on negative QP would simply continue to apply, but as BLACK STARS. You'll still get a Black Star when you break the CoC. You'll still get silenced after that many Black Stars, and banned if way too many and so on and on.

But with this more COMPLETE and FAIR system, one will be able to actually get a REPRESENTATIVE IDEA of who a member is by looking at their rankings.

Like for instance :

Don't you think that would be the best of both worlds ? And more importantly, don't you think THIS profile tells much more about the user it depicts thant the current version ?

People who care first and foremost about the overall behaviour will see it and go "ouch bad manners, here, so I'll pass" and hence won't have any further flamewar with him, since the two would simply coexist peacefully.

People who care first and foremost about quality tactics posts will see it and go "wow great material, here, so I'll check it out".

With the current system (merging the behaviour-o-meter and the talent-o-meter in the SAME count), we have profiles that LOOK exactly similar even though they are NOTHING similar.

For instance, a BRILLIANT tactician that was awarded several times for his efforts and happened to have also received penalties for his being human and hence imperfect and flawed... Has exactly the same "2 Starting Red Stars" as someone who never had any reward, but no penalties either.

That just don't reflect the facts.

Musical metaphor now :

2 albums are both rated "5 stars out of 10" = "average" if you don't get any more precise information.

Yet one could actually BE average all the way (let's say ALL songs on that album are neither good nor bad) and hence a complete waste of time, efforts and money for an expert music fan such as myself).

The second album, on the other hand, ISN'T anywhere near "average", contrary to what its ranking suggest (let's say half of the songs are average, one fourth is horrible and the remaining fourth is GREAT). THAT album, for its valuable fourth only, is a great deal more valuable than the other for an expert music fan such as myself.

Hence, reviewers that won't bother to give me more details than just the average of their impressions aren't ANY helpfull for me (or anyone seriously into music, or into anything at all for that matter).

Val, with all due respect, it seems to me that you look at things from Perfection downwards.

I for one am looking from Chaos upwards.

See the difference ?

I hope you do.

As a side note, back to the High School metaphor :

The Principal shouldn't be the one who has the final say about a student's GRADES. Sure, he should have the final say about wether or not this student deserves to be punished and/or banned.

But it's the TEACHER's job to give GRADES. And the Principal should trust the Teacher's judgment in that matter, because HE hires (or fires for that matter) the Teachers, and THAT is his rightful job, at least in my most humble and sincere point of view (along with running the School, of course, but that goes without even saying).

And the Principal DOES a great job, now, doesn't he ?

If Angelito was to leave this place, even worse than if Tig was to be banned, it would lose a HUGHE part of its appeal in my eyes. That's by far the BEST Teacher I ever had in here.

Thanks for your time.

I'm HIGHLY looking forward to your decision.

Untill Xarfax the All-Mighty actually gives a BAD advice... Make mine HC !

Greetings. Legendarily hoping for a better world.

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Supreme Hero
posted March 08, 2006 02:06 AM

I can understand what Angelito's saying about using the word "noob" or "newbie", but I think the negativity lies in statements like "lil noob". The addition of the word "little" can be seen as desparaging. The poster might not realise it at first, but it can be interpreted as derogatory if you read between the lines.


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Famous Hero
The Metal Specialist
posted March 08, 2006 04:18 AM
Edited by LegendMaker on 8 Mar 2006


I also have the HIGHEST POSSIBLE EXPECTATIONS for your  explanation of just HOW THE **** did MightyMage get AWARDED A RED STAR for a thread in which he not only called all present and future new users "NOOBS" in the text (and even in the very TITLE of the thread), but also gave a QUITE opposite definition of the very term "NOOB" than the one you seem to insist we buy now.
Thread: All Noobs come here first. Vital info for you to know.

Noob: Common short term for newbie or someone who is new at something or new to a location or place such as HC (Heroes Community).

I also think it COULD be quite healthy and have positive effects on this forum if you, Valeriy, who has the highest authority in this forum called "Heroes Community" created an account at GameSpy and spent even ONE hour there to see how the ACTUAL Heroes Community actually talks when it's not moderated.

Believe me, the gap between these two places in that respect is so HUGHE I'm pretty sure you would be in for QUITE a surprise.

You would witness me and my online gaming pals such as Tig, Angel, Acu, Russ, Maretti, LKru and many, MANY more actually call each other quite some names that I wouldn't even dare to reproduce by " **** " here. AND any new user that SEEMS to have some sense of humor as well.

Yet, contrary to what one would think, we ALL get along pretty smoothly there, nowadays. Even after the socalled "Zone Invasion" that I once got a QP from YOU for trying very hard to prevent from being a disaster for us all. All ex-Zoners have integrated Spy quite well. I've made quite a few new online gaming buddies to boot.

Trust me, if you cross the thin red line between online gaming REALITY and an Internet Realm where the very term "NOOB" or "NEWBIE" is actually considered an insult...

The next thing you know, you will give -QPs for misspelling !

Or, more likely, BLACK STARS, if you DO appreciate my efforts for this forum, and DO take my helping hand. Which I sincerely HOPE, again NOT for my personnal Legend (not that I could be any more Legendary anyway roflmmfao) but really, for the GOOD OF THIS FORUM's WHOLE COMMUNITY.

Thank you.


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Supreme Hero
posted March 08, 2006 05:15 AM

I also think it COULD be quite healthy and have positive effects on this forum if you, Valeriy, who has the highest authority in this forum called "Heroes Community" created an account at GameSpy and spent even ONE hour there to see how the ACTUAL Heroes Community actually talks when it's not moderated.

Believe me, the gap between these two places in that respect is so HUGHE I'm pretty sure you would be in for QUITE a surprise.

You would witness me and my online gaming pals such as Tig, Angel, Acu, Russ, Maretti, LKru and many, MANY more actually call each other quite some names that I wouldn't even dare to reproduce by " **** " here. AND any new user that SEEMS to have some sense of humor as well.

Why should Valeriy care about how HC'ers talk on the Zone or on GameSpy? The way I see it, you can talk any way you want out there but it wouldn't matter. Val's concern embraces what goes on here, his forum. Because this is his community, he looks out for possible detriments and makes it his responsibility to deal with them. People can do what they want outside of HC, but while they're here, they have to tone it down accordingly.


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Supreme Hero
posted March 08, 2006 09:49 AM
Edited by Lich_King on 8 Mar 2006

You are a lucky one Tigris. I where innocently punished by Lich_king for "wrong opinions" about the Dannish drawings on Mohammed (I think the free spech alows them) and the Israel-Paleztine conflict (I support Israel) He caled it "Racist provocations" and gived me -2 QP. You have at least 1 Qp left, but I have -1 QP!

Ok, first of, I would like to know why are you lying ?

I didn't give you any penalties, only warnings, which means I warned you that penalties may come. Also you were provocing racist comments and thirdly free speech rule does not apply here, since it's a place owned by Valeriy, that means the speech rule applies only as long Valeriy allows it... It's a forum where so called "free speech" is already more or less active, if you don't believe it post something on Ubisoft boards like this and you'll see. And if you noticed free speech in real world also applies to some extent.

@ Niddy: Anytime sweety...

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posted March 08, 2006 03:34 PM
Edited by fortress_fan on 8 Mar 2006

You are a lucky one Tigris. I where innocently punished by Lich_king for "wrong opinions" about the Dannish drawings on Mohammed (I think the free spech alows them) and the Israel-Paleztine conflict (I support Israel) He caled it "Racist provocations" and gived me -2 QP. You have at least 1 Qp left, but I have -1 QP!

Ok, first of, I would like to know why are you lying ?

I didn't give you any penalties, only warnings, which means I warned you that penalties may come. Also you were provocing racist comments and thirdly free speech rule does not apply here, since it's a place owned by Valeriy, that means the speech rule applies only as long Valeriy allows it... It's a forum where so called "free speech" is already more or less active, if you don't believe it post something on Ubisoft boards like this and you'll see. And if you noticed free speech in real world also applies to some extent.

@ Niddy: Anytime sweety...

I didn't know that you didn't give me any pentalies, and you didn't threat to give me a -QP. You acually said that you where going to silence me.
Is normal to have -1 red stars? Someone MUSt have gived me -QP.
Last, I haven't said that Valera dont rule here! He is our admin, and that was what I where saying earlier in this thread! All members should respect and obey Valera!

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Supreme Hero
Supreme Noobolator
posted March 08, 2006 04:25 PM

Well, i think they will need a forceps to get it out of there

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Famous Hero
baking cookies from stardust
posted March 08, 2006 06:41 PM
Edited by Nidhgrin on 8 Mar 2006

@ Niddy: Anytime sweety...

This somehow sounds very wrong
But thanks!

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Supreme Hero
posted March 08, 2006 08:08 PM

@ Niddy: Anytime sweety...

This somehow sounds very wrong
But thanks!

Hey, I have insights you know

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Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted March 08, 2006 09:51 PM

At the risk of spamming, do you you two boys need a new thread where you can have a lil more privacy?
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

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Famous Hero
posted March 08, 2006 09:54 PM

You mean where they can jangle each others
loose screws?

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Famous Hero
The Metal Specialist
posted March 08, 2006 10:50 PM
Edited by LegendMaker on 8 Mar 2006

Please Help not ONLY for the Humorous parts, Folks !

Hi, Pan (is it okay if I call you (Pando) ? if not sorry, I'll edit EDIT : done !), pleased to meet you. I've read quite some intelligent and usefull posts of yours (most notably the brilliant Members Spotlights initiative, though that thread lacks a Legendary feel imho ).

Hey, Lich_King. How have you been doing since your brilliant efforts in the successful Save Homm5 campaign (to which I humbly contributed the best I could) ?

I humbly ask for you both (and other wise mods) to actually give your opinion about my BLACK STARS system proposal. You could be extremely helpfull.

Tia. Legend.

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Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted March 08, 2006 11:47 PM

Hello Legend, nice to meet you as well. I suppose if you wish to call me that, you can. After all there are worse things I could be called... but I really don't understand why you would call me Pando.

For the most part people who wish to shorten my name just go with Pan - its what I am familiar with and it saves you the bother of typing the "D" and the "O".

As far as this whole issue goes, as always there are many sides to the story. Its always unfortunate when things degrade to the unhappy feelings point, but here we are.

I like everybody involved, so I'm just hoping that we can all just get along. I really hope that Angelito will benefit from a little break, and then come back to work as always - spreading cheer and eating all the donuts.

I think one thing that some of you are missing is that while terms like "lil n00b" or whatever can be seen as hurtful - when they are spoken by some of these vets its not meant to be so. They are not rubbing their hands together grinning wickedly at their monitor saying "ooohhh, now how can I crush this one's spirit?? muahahahahaha" It bothers me to see members who have been around for a while so eager to jump on someone and attack their character when they're clearly not trying to look at it from their point of view.

Its things like this that create the tensions and the ugliness that are often pretty quick to make a mess of the HC. People just jump to this side or that and start swinging without thinking first.

That said - I do think that we have to be careful about how we treat new members. Someone coming here for the first time is not going to know the ins and outs of HC - so they will feel victimized, and they will feel unwanted, so we do have to look out for that and see that people are treated fairly.

As moderators we need to be warning members who tend to cross the line, and try to remind them that they were n00bs too once As members, you should be letting us mods or Admin know when someone is being treated innapropriately so we can deal with it right away. You can even send a HCM to the new member letting them know that the vets sometimes get a little tired of hearing that Soly is da Bomb!!!! and they really don't want to be asked which is their favorite castle again - and then direct them to threads that may be of use to them..

These types of actions can be of use, and will help to make HC a better forum to visit. Dropping the gloves and starting fights with people any time they don't see things exactly as you do accomplishes nothing but encourage more fighting.
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

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Famous Hero
baking cookies from stardust
posted March 08, 2006 11:48 PM

Hey, I have insights you know

You do?
Oh, yeah, you do

At the risk of spamming, do you you two boys need a new thread where you can have a lil more privacy?
*eeeek* I thought every one else had already left!

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Supreme Hero
posted March 08, 2006 11:53 PM

I don't need to cover my feelings for niddy, he is and was a very special... uhmm...


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Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted March 08, 2006 11:55 PM

Awww, you two are sooo sweeet

After all the fighting in here this kind of Brokeback Mountain moment is just what we needed to restore the warm and fuzzy feeling HC is supposed to give
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

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Supreme Hero
posted March 08, 2006 11:57 PM

Awwwww group huuuugg..... For all that is fuzzy, pink and nice....

*...is taken to Asylum soon...*

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Famous Hero
baking cookies from stardust
posted March 09, 2006 12:15 AM

I don't need to cover my feelings for niddy, he is and was a very special... uhmm...


You're a true poet!
that's such a colourful thing to say to someone with a black and white avatar

Awww, you two are sooo sweeet

After all the fighting in here this kind of Brokeback Mountain moment is just what we needed to restore the warm and fuzzy feeling HC is supposed to give

I almost feel like singing
(good thing computers don't have ears )

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Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted March 09, 2006 03:27 AM

I didnt realise you were modding again Lich King ^L^

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