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Heroes Community > Other Games Exist Too > Thread: Disciples 3
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Supreme Hero
Fear me..
posted November 09, 2010 08:04 AM

by the way
developers promised a lot for expansion
reviewing of almost everything, changing units stats, changing balance, fixing AI behaviour etc. Honestly don't believe at all, but hope maybe they will make it at least playable.
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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 03, 2011 09:37 AM

After playing the game for a week now, I feel obliged to commend Disciples 3.
All changes made - and there are quite a lot - are for the better; graphics are great. Story is your usual run-of-the-mill nonsense, though.
What the game suffers from, is just the fact that it feels incomplete. 3 factions (and mana) only (although you will fight undead hordes and mountain clan units), and here and there still are balancing problem, albeit in the canpaign that's rather moot points.
You can waste a lot of time on those campaign maps with side quests and useless fights, that will make your hero strong - but you don't have to. Maps feel, therefore, a bit on the easy side.
Stand-alone maps are missing, though.

You CAN see a very good game lurking there, in fact a much better game than Disciples 2 was, put all things together - I'm really curious about the add-on at this point.

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Supreme Hero
Scouting the Multiverse
posted January 14, 2011 08:05 PM

Well, they've got the Russian versions of Resurrection up on youtube, so judging by how long it took Renaissance to come out after that, its still about six months off.

Indeed, I see the amazing improvements, case in point, heroes, but the series has always been known for its awesome Hero system. I especially like the addition of Rogues as viable generals for your armies. Heck, I even prefer the Legion's rogue over all the other heroes.

I for one like the easter eggs of "unknown mana source" and fighting the hints of another race. Altough I think less of them would have been preferable, like maybe just the veteran for the clans, and maybe adding a few more freelance neutrals.

Now, spell diversity. Is it just me, or did Renaissance really butcher the spells by repeating them just to upgrade them? instead of about 20 different diverse spells, we get about 10, spread out across 3 levels of power.

Other than that, the battle system looks more realistic (if not rather copy-cat of HoMM, but that's not really a bad thing; after all, I don't get why people complain that games are God of War under a new name, i mean more bloodshed and fun slaughter, but i digress) and the auto controls and inventory restrictions are much more managable.

All in all, about a 3.5/5 for me.
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Supreme Hero
Fear me..
posted April 09, 2011 11:32 PM

it's actually very sad to see how Akella ruined the Disciples franchise..! one of my favourite games ever! Hope it won't happen to Heroes 6..
i mean if you look at the style and design of Disciples3 it's more tragic and mature comparing to Homm, but the gameplay is just like a cheap clon of Heroes.. while Disciples2 was a strong competitor, with it's own unique style of art and gameplay..

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Legendary Hero
Free Thinker
posted April 24, 2011 07:58 AM

Ah, looks like I should hold off on purchasing this until the gold version comes out.

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Legendary Hero
Free Thinker
posted April 26, 2011 02:32 AM
Edited by Elodin at 02:33, 26 Apr 2011.

I decided to go ahead and get Disciples 3 since HOMM6 was delayed. I've played the tutorial map and the first human campaign map on Hard.

Wow, the elven archers are way overpowered! Or maybe it is just that all enemy parties start off at level 8 while the human player starts at level 1. Lambert is the only heroe I used. He finished Map 1 at level 3. He is one square away from the revive ability on the skill map. After getting that he will try to get another leadership point as soon as he can.

I found my own archer to be useless in facing the higher level elven parties and restarted the map around turn 15. I replaced the archer on turn 1 with a squire. When Lambert gained a leadership skill point he added an acolyte to the party. She died  a lot due to the insanely powerful archers focusing their fire and constantly making critical shots.

I chose for my kingdom to be lead by an Archmage. But I did not learn that many spells. I did find I needed to use the offensive lightning spell a lot to weaken the enemy parties. I also picked up the level 1 healing spell and later the level 2 lightning spell just before the map ended.

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Legendary Hero
Free Thinker
posted April 27, 2011 07:47 PM

I finished map 2 in the human campaign. I'm enjoying the game so far. I hired a secondary heroe, an Archmage who got to level 2. I used him mostly for shuttling a new unit to Lambert when Lambert gained a new leadership point or for transfering artifacts to when Lambert found a nice artifact for mages. The archmage heroe also attacked the respawning sites, which is how he rose to level 2.

My main heroe, Lambert maxed out for the map at level 10. His final army was himself, 2 imperial knights, 3 titans, 1 wizard, and Imoel. That turned out to be a very effective setup. The titans have a nice number of hitpoints, a good earthquake ability for facing multiple enemies and a nice melee attack when they've used up their earthquake "charges" or when facing a lesser number of foes. Since Imoel is a healer including another healer in the party was not necessary.

For spells, map 2 limits you to a maximum of level 2 spells. I learned the level 1 & level 2 lightning spells +level 1 healing spell + the level 2 spell that gives +5 movement per cast (Pegasus Flight or something like that.)

The maps look nice so far and even though thre is a lot of animation I have not noticed any slowdown on the maps so far.

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Hero of Order
Fox or Chicken?
posted August 01, 2011 09:53 PM

Anybody have the expansion, Resurrection of Mortis?  If so, how does it play?  Are you stuck with another boring protagonist or do you get to pick which hero you want?  Additionally, are there more scenarios?  The 2 that shipped with Disciples 3 was a major let down.
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Legendary Hero
posted August 03, 2011 10:35 AM

I think the English version isn't released yet, only the Russian. I remember something about September release for the English one but I could be mistaken. From what I read though it should be considerably better than the original gameplay-wise. I don't consider the first Disciples III an utter failure unlike most of the hardcore fans but a grossly underdeveloped game with good potential - not unlike Heroes IV by the way.

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Hero of Order
Fox or Chicken?
posted August 03, 2011 02:55 PM

As I understand it, the UK will receive Resurrection in October and North America will receive it in January.

I also understand it won't be as linear, which is a huge plus.  One downside is that .Sol has been shut down and this may very well be the last game in the Disciples series.

As to the vanilla campaign, I like enough about it to keep playing.  The art style remains excellent as always.  While not as colorful as the Heroes series, it really recreates the dark fantasy look at lot of games claim to be these days.  And frankly, Disciples has always handled kingdoms better than Heroes.  The Empire, Undead Hordes, Legions, Mountain Clans, and Elven Alliance put to shame their Heroes 5/6 counterparts.    
The giant has awakened
You drink my blood and drown
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Tavern Dweller
posted September 20, 2011 09:54 PM

I think the expansion is not out yet ( at least in english ), however I do not see myself playing it.
I bought the game on ebay, quite cheap for a new game. All went well until I started to play it...
I have played the older Disciples 2 which was interesting but not addictive. My feedback on the game:
- Very good graphics
- High variation in monster size, battling a Black dragon for example is quite cool as all your infernal knights look like ants around it
- Interesting RPG elements added
- Tactical spots on the map
- A very very buggy game. I have never played anything with some many millions of bugs ( Patch 1.6 ) Act VI Legions campaign was the end for me - game stopped responding when I moved a zombie on the map. Tried a few times, stands still but not frozen - you can move the cursor and around the map, however it won`t allow you to do anything so I just deleted it from my hard drive ( my configuration is updated and way over the requirements )...
- Very unbalanced
- Spellcasting is rudiculous
- Same issue as with the Heroes engine - chance to miss an attack/do critical strike is absolutely unmathematical. I noticed that in the game a chance to miss of around 15% equals one hit one miss, or 50% as it should be. Analogy with Heroes engine comes when luck/morale and so on bonuses might be given - Ai always gets far more.
- Absolutely insane AI - attacks anything on the map and keeps attacking even when most of its parties are killed ( attacked me a few times with accolytes and dead squires...)
- Neutral towns have no names at all so you have to be a fortune teller to find out which one you need
- A bit darker than Heroes ( I prefer the brighter look of Heroes )
- Missions take forever because of attacks of far weaker parties
- Slow and buggy combat
- No difference between mage class and warrior class heroes

In general, I curse myself for buying this piece of unfinished crap. If there is a next one, I would wait until they release at least 2-3 patches and I will download and play a cracked one as a return for my money for this one.

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Supreme Hero
posted September 21, 2011 10:56 AM

This game could be great, instead it turned out to be horrible as the devs have f*cked up every nice thing they have in their hands. I need to repeat my review from another site, as I talked about the problems of the game nicely there.

"It seems like someone has made this game alone in his house and never checked it after that.

There are endless bugs. The amount of the bugs in this game can be a world record. Its unbeliavable. Heroes going THROUGH each other on the adventure map, places you are supposed to go but has no entrance, creatures reappear instantly and again and again after you kill them, special abilities all broken in some way, sometimes their buttons disappear, they reappear when they want, you suddenly find your self being your computer opponent and so you cannot play, in your castle it shows another faction's castle... I can really go on!

Addition to that you also have one of the poorest AI you can ever meet. The melee fighters WILL attack the nearest target and creatures have no sense of strategy. They even attack the summoned creatures till their death altough they know they will win if only they kill the summoners.
All the three protector god-like creatures in the towns are basicly the same and they are upmost boring.

And there is only three factions. Three."

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Supreme Hero
posted September 30, 2011 10:48 AM
Edited by Nocturnal at 10:49, 30 Sep 2011.

And the English version of Resurrection is being released: Link

I hope to know if they fixed the bugs. But again I think it is impossible as it would take 10 years to fix them all

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Supreme Hero
posted September 30, 2011 11:23 AM

Had it installed on my PC. Thought haven't even tried it yet as there is nothing special about this game while so many more attractive games are waiting to be played.

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Hero of Order
Fox or Chicken?
posted September 30, 2011 03:08 PM
Edited by OmegaDestroyer at 16:31, 03 Oct 2011.

I don't know how I feel about Resurrection at this point.  I didn't bother finishing Disciples III: Escort Ionel.  After the Legions campaign, I just stopped caring about the incredibly bland heroes and stale narrative.  It wouldn't have been so bad if we weren't stuck with 3 melee heroes the entire campaign but it had to be so.

I really fear if I purchase the expansion pack, I'll be stuck with another generic campaign hero.  I still don't know why they abandoned the previous 2 games choice of warrior/mage/archer heroes in the campaign.  

I do wonder if they increased the amount of scenario maps up from 3.  That might convince me to give it a go.  Frankly, after the mess of Renaissance, I believe this will be the last game in the Disciples series.

EDIT:  Resurrection is currently on sale on Steam for 15%-30% off.  I've seen it listed both throughout the weekend.  Until I know more about the campaign hero and the changes made to the game, I won't bother with it.  $20-$30 for an expansion to a bad game isn't worth it in my book.
The giant has awakened
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Legendary Hero
posted October 13, 2011 09:20 PM
Edited by Zenofex at 21:28, 13 Oct 2011.

OK, I had the chance to try Resurrection and here are my initial impressions:

1. The game is almost completely re-balanced which... well, it doesn't look very well at the moment. Actually the mess is complete or at least so it seems. All the below things were mentioned when the expansion was still in development and this is how they look in practice (of course this is not a final opinion, I have less than 2 hours with the game so far):

- The creature which require 2 leadership points are back. Every race now has at least one of them, which in the cases of the Legions, the Empire and the Alliance are re-balanced versions of the old bestiary. The increased space they take in the squad in compensated with 50% increase of their Health and Damage, creating freakin' monsters. The Support line of the Legions in particular is composed of real tanks - the Tiamath now has nearly 4000 Health, the Overlord has 3350 and still can regenerate itself, etc. As for the Damage - the said Overlord now deals 390 points of punishment per strike and does it often (more about this below). Same story with the Empire's Knight-line - 50% more durable and "healthy" but taking twice as many Leadership points. The Griffin is the Alliance "big boy" and the Hordes have their undead dragons back (the ultimate versions of which look just grossly imbalanced).

- The Mage-lines of all factions are nerfed. This is not unexpected because in Renaissance you could safely play only with spell-casters (with maybe 1 fighter for meat shield) against 90% of the neutral parties and win easily. They were just overpowered, especially in comparison with the Archer-lines which didn't do much. The Health of the Mages remains pretty much the same but their damage is decreased by 20-25%. What's worse, they now act too rarely (see the part with the Initiative). As a result, they are now a problematic investment at best. With the heavy monsters with many Health points back, you can't just can't inflict enough damage with them. Each race still has its support casters - the Elementalist, the Witch-line, the Ghost-line, etc. and they still seem to remain useful but it doesn't seem to be worth developing damage-dealing Mages any more, especially in the late game.

- The Empire's Archer-line seems to be nerfed in the damage department but now the Imperial Assassin has stronger poison attack.

- The Legions' Fighter-line is nerfed, particularly the damage that its members deal. This was again expected (and mentioned) because this was maybe the best Fighter-line in Renaissance even without a level 5 creature from it. .dat seems to have overdone it though because now everything from the Possessed to the Infernal Knight deals about 35% less damage but their survivability remains quite low.

- The XP requirement for level-up for creatures has been greatly increased. MORONICALLY increased. A total pain in the ass in short. Now you need about 800-1000 XP to get a stupid, nearly useless level 1 Mage to level 2. Then it gets worse. The highest levels require about 10 000 (and more) XP to level up. And the best part is that the defeated neutrals still give you roughly the same XP as before when defeated. Kill 4-5 Wolves to get 20-25 XP for each of the 4 members of a regular starting party. Fantastic, ain't it? Now the wolves are harder to kill by the way, especially the bigger ones.

- And the most important thing - the new Initiative system. Now the things plays not unlike its cousin in Heroes V. The more Initiative some creature has, the more often it acts. And here's where the ugly part begins. The regular fighters have around 40-50 while the regular Mages/Healers have around 20. So the regular fighter acts twice before the regular Mage can even begin to breathe (if he/she's still alive). And this repeates itself every round. The Archers of course have high Initiative so they too get to shoot about twice before the slow creatures can act. It gets really nice when you take the new heavy creatures into the equation. The Knight-line of the Empire is, as mentioned, now much more durable and deals considerably more damage. So if some Knight-thing gets to some Mage-thing, the latter usually has 1 to 2 actions at most before it's cut down - and the Knight-thing gets to the Mage-thing usually before the Mage-thing even acts. The ugliest representatives of the cutthroats' group are the Holy Avenger - now with about 2000 Health and some 420 Damage, and the Overlord - now with 3350 Health and 390 Damage. Both have twice more Initiative than most Mages. End of story.

2. The Undead Hordes. Well, they look quite well. The creatures have the "servants of Mortisss" feeling about them and are either very close to their Disciples II concepts art-wise or are very good replacements. The line-up is almost entirely the same with some name changes, most of which are idiotic (the new Wight is called WARNING, GROSS RIDICULOUSNESS AHEAD... Nothingness, yeah, that's right - Nothingness... No-thing-ness). There's one new undead dragon-like thingy where the Dreadwyrm was before (level 4) as an alternative of the Dracolich and after seeing its stats, I don't know what exactly the Dracolich has to compete with it. The thing, called Devourer by the way, just looks much superior to its level-mate.
Anyway, the undeads' music theme is quite nice and so is their town (all towns in the game are excellent anyway). The English sound-screening however is a disaster as expected. Better turn off the sound and leave the music only. It helps, trust me! Some creatures make adequate sounds but the rest deal too much damage to the ears.

3. The campaign. Just started it, played 10-11 turns, got beaten a few times by the neutrals due to the unfamiliarity of the new battle system and when the enemy party got to me, it completely ripped my miserable squad apart, just like the elven party did with my forces in the first mission with Lambert in Renaissance during my first 9-10 attempts to figure out how am I supposed to beat several times stronger force with miserable army and no spells. Well, in Lambert's mission I used Border Guards to weaken the bloody elves but now there's nowhere to "plant" such a thing. Oh whatever, we'll see.
The story holds some promise but I don't expect much.

4. The technical part of the game... I still can't say much about it. It doesn't seem to crash or freeze or mess up the animations too much so the game is "playable" in this regard. I noticed some minor bugs but nothing really disruptive of obstructive. The animations are actually running more smoothly than before.

That's all for the time being.

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Hero of Order
Fox or Chicken?
posted January 04, 2012 05:55 PM

I bought the expansion on sale on Steam this Christmas.

So far, I enjoy it more than Renaissance because I get to play as the Undead Hordes.  Why they ever omitted the Hordes as a faction in the vanilla game is beyond me, seeing as how they were one of (if not the most) popular factions in the game.

As Zeno mentioned, the XP required to level-up has spiked.  It's jarring at first and the campaign can start roughly for it.  Thankfully the hero has lower experience requirements (plus you get a mage for a change).  After a few maps you get used to it.  

The narrator is back and somehow even worse.  I just don't understand it.  It's not hard to read and orate but the guy absolutely struggles with pace and punctuation.  It's a small complaint but it drives me nuts.  
The giant has awakened
You drink my blood and drown
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Supreme Hero
posted January 04, 2012 06:32 PM


The technical part of the game... I still can't say much about it. It doesn't seem to crash or freeze or mess up the animations too much so the game is "playable" in this regard. I noticed some minor bugs but nothing really disruptive of obstructive. The animations are actually running more smoothly than before.

So all those bugs are fixed with the expansion? Heroes going past each other like ghosts, a hero you killed stands on the map living after the combat, ability buttons disappearing, etc.? Cause I can buy it then.

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Hero of Order
Fox or Chicken?
posted January 08, 2012 05:17 PM

Not all of the bugs are fixed.  The worst were sound dying off and the animations become corrupt.  Nothing a restart couldn't fix.

I just finished the campaign.  Compared to the massive escort mission that was the Renaissance, the story is a LOT more entertaining.  If you can find it for cheap, I recommend it.  The only thing I do not like is with how high the experience requirements are now, I was never able to fully upgrade my warriors or mages.
The giant has awakened
You drink my blood and drown
Wrath and raving I will not stop
You'll never take me down

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Legendary Hero
posted January 08, 2012 06:19 PM

I think there is a way to change the XP requirements before the beginning of the game. I didn't notice it at first but I remember that I checked one of the custom maps after that and there was an option to modify the said requirement, probably to a level similar to that of the first game. Not sure if it's present when you start the campaign though.
On a side not - and ironically - Disciples III is a prime example of how a 3D town screen should look like... in Heroes.

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