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Known Hero
the Black Warlock
posted September 19, 2001 02:10 AM |
Days of Future Past
During the last months, while waiting for HoMM4 I had an idea... shouldn't HoMM5 (it's too late for HoMM4) be in 3D?
every single computer game (not matter the genre) depends on two things: gameplay and eye(& ear)-candy.. HoMM already has the first... there is a great need of the second (some people even laugh at HoMM3's graphics -and i say they are right)
don't start saying "if you want 3D go play WarCraftII or Might and Magic" I DON'T want to play these games... I want to play HoMM, because it's a great game and it can be even greater if it goes 3D!!!
PS: a fair 3D card (ie Radeon, GeForce2) costs about $120 or less... that is NOT that expensive...
"ana:l nathrakh, u:rth va:s bethud, dokhje:l djenve"

Known Hero
Cannon Maker
posted September 19, 2001 04:36 AM |
As a butch-woogie computer owner...
(800 MHz Athalon, 20GB drive, ATI All-In-Wonder video card)
I'm not worried about the specs 3D would need. What does worry me is the setup. I like the current Heroes system as it is already. I can't stand isometric-based games (haven't since Landstalker and SimCity 2000), and I'm not so sure how I would react if I were faced with yet something else unfamiliar to me.
BTW, do you mean 3-D as in Forgotten Realms or as in Doom?
Lyricist's Lounge Champion Wanna test your skills?
Johnny The Ball:... too long to display...

Known Hero
the Black Warlock
posted September 19, 2001 06:04 AM |
Quote: (800 MHz Athalon, 20GB drive, ATI All-In-Wonder video card)
(800mHz PIII, 90GB HD, ATI Radeon 64DDR)
Quote: BTW, do you mean 3-D as in Forgotten Realms or as in Doom?
3D is 3D... Heroes is a 2D turn based strategy it should (imho) be a 3D turn based strategy... it could have features like "real" fog of war, camera rotation (extremely usefull in battles), good looks plus you could enter your own models into the game and many many many more...
PS: I could really use the feedback people...
"ana:l nathrakh, u:rth va:s bethud, dokhje:l djenve"

Tavern Dweller
posted September 19, 2001 06:17 PM |
I don't want heroes to be in 3d until it can be done correctly. The technology to do it right isn't here yet.

Known Hero
the Black Warlock
posted September 19, 2001 08:27 PM |
what excactly are you waiting for? if you check all new 3D games you will be surprised...
"ana:l nathrakh, u:rth va:s bethud, dokhje:l djenve"

Tavern Dweller
posted September 19, 2001 11:09 PM |
I check out all the new 3d games, but until they can incorporate the level of detal thats in heroes 3 and 4 I would rather have 2d.

Legendary Hero
-ing yummy foods
posted September 19, 2001 11:57 PM |
...I believe that they are not prepared to take such measures yet, as they're first converting the series into the new format being used in HoMm IV as it is, so if they are planning to change it to 3d, it is best to have a backbone first and then concentrate on efforts to do so...
This space for rent.

Famous Hero
posted September 20, 2001 10:12 AM |
Heroes of Might and Magic 3D... That will be one of my worst nightmares (as well as Civilization 3D, Disciples 3D and Age of Wonders 3D). Nowadays there are very few games that don't require 3D accelerator. Why is this? 2D games are really good and why making them 3D? Because it is modern? Because someone likes 3D? Because they want people like me who haven't bought 3D accelerator to do that? Well, I can't stop it. But for now it doesn't seem that the 3Dimensionization of good turn-based games will take place...

Legendary Hero
posted September 20, 2001 01:11 PM |
I think 3DO will loose a lot of HOMM players if they turn 3D.
On the other hand they might also get some new ones.
For me personal I'dd hate to see another great game "go down" because of 3D.

Known Hero
the Black Warlock
posted September 20, 2001 06:35 PM |
c'mon guys... 3D is not Evil!!! (has nothing to do with M$ )... HoMM already has a GREAT gameplay -especially HoMM4- all it needs is to take the big step... about the level of detail of HoMM3-4... WHAT LOD? it's 2D!!!! those are SPRITES!!! not models... turning 3D would be the second best thing ever (first being the gameplay change in HoMM4)... and Hexa, that change would propably cost 3DO a few people BUT it will open a whole new market... I for one happen to know MANY people who just don't play HoMM cause it's 2D and wait for the big move...
"ana:l nathrakh, u:rth va:s bethud, dokhje:l djenve"

Tavern Dweller
posted September 20, 2001 07:27 PM |
Look at the 3d RTS games, all the units look the same, its incredibly boring. The units in 3&4 are very detailed, so far no 3d game has that kind of detail.

Known Hero
the Black Warlock
posted September 20, 2001 07:46 PM |
all they need is a good 3D engine (ie: doom3, quake4) ofcourse then the requirements would go sky high!!!
"ana:l nathrakh, u:rth va:s bethud, dokhje:l djenve"

Famous Hero
Elemental Druid
posted September 20, 2001 08:10 PM |
The 3D thing is not a bad idea at all , but I would personally prefer HoMM in 2D...

Famous Hero
Archmage of Thunder
posted September 20, 2001 10:28 PM |
I like it as-is, and I think a 3D change would probably result in worse graphics at least in the beginning because it would take so much more skill. If they go 3D I might skip the first one just so they can get the graphics worked out (although I don't care much about the graphics, so I might not).
The calm before the storm is about to end.

Supreme Hero
Zapper of Toads
posted September 20, 2001 10:53 PM |
In most cases I don't see the point in using a 3D engine. The game should be about strategy, no real time events or 3D perspective.
One thing I'd like is for the adventure map to be rotatable, meaning that I could rotate it and make visible things that might be hidden behind structures. In HoMM III things can be hidden behind the castles and you can't see the item because it's obscured.
3D when moving in the adventure map? You'd probably have a much harder time to orientate yourself. I like the 2D perspective on the map. No reason to have 3D here, you'd change the game-play radically. You'd hardly be able to call the game a sequel any more.
In combat I don't see the point at all. It would likely make the game slower, and overall ruin the overview you have of the battlefield. It would simply put: be another game.
"A brilliant light can either illuminate or blind. How will you know which until you open your eyes?"

Known Hero
Shadow Ruler
posted September 22, 2001 12:24 AM |
3D isn't evil? Probably it isn't but I haven't seen a 3d game that I can play more then 1 week. 3d games only really on eyecandyes, after playing a bit you can't even look to the game, most 3d games are really empty games, it seems that there isn't time to do 3d graphics and a good playing system in the same game. And you already have a heroes game in 3d for playststion 2 if you like 3d.

Known Hero
the Black Warlock
posted September 22, 2001 12:50 AM |
you want to see a 3D game that is not hollow or shallow? try Vampire: the Masquerade - Redemption... i'm not talking about mindless 3D first person shooters like Q3A... if HoMM turns 3D I assure you it's true value won't be skin deep.. I don't want HoMM turn 3D just because it's "kewl" or beacause it's the future (even if both are true..) I want HoMM to turn 3D because I can see the possibilities of that...
BTW: I don't own a PSX and have no intention to get one.. I'm a LiNUX user fer crying out loud!!! if I want to play games I don't have for liNUX, I boot CrashNow98
"ana:l nathrakh, u:rth va:s bethud, dokhje:l djenve"

Famous Hero
posted September 22, 2001 02:58 PM |
Im in total agreement 3D would add to the game play. I have no idea how anyone could be against this move at all. For one you can forget about rts not having detailed units its quite obvious why this is. I mean just think about it all these units have to be able to move at the same time thats why the details not so high. Just look at games like sacrifice that has achieved both great game play and 3d combat (which is still rts!!!!!!) Heroes would be much easier to do than even that since the whole games turned based. Id love to know what you think you would lose by making the game look better? Since all i see are improvements.
One thing i dont want to here is replies like "would slow down the release date" (like its not slow enough already!) Obviously im not talking about adding this in to the fourth game but i see no reason not to add this in to game in the future.

Known Hero
the Black Warlock
posted September 22, 2001 03:05 PM |
woa there arachnid... slow down the release date? I'm not talking about HoMM4, I'm talking about HoMM5+... for hoMM4 it's already too late..
BTW: I'm glad someone actually agrees with me
"ana:l nathrakh, u:rth va:s bethud, dokhje:l djenve"

Famous Hero
posted September 22, 2001 03:38 PM |
hmm thanks ,
my post is slightly muddled "the slow the release date " part was aimed at heroes 5 , hope that clears it up (if it dont just ignore this odd post and pretend i said something really witty/sarcastic instead)