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Heroes Community > Tournament of Honor > Thread: Where has respect for TOH gone?
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Legendary Hero
posted October 20, 2001 04:01 AM

Where has respect for TOH gone?

Where has the respect for TOH gone?

When I first joined TOH, Vesuvius was the KING the PRESIDENT, the Head honcho.  He was the creator and maker of the tournament, what he said went.

Along the line, Ves kinda made it a little bit to much like a democracy and everyone took that inch and ran a mile.  All of a sudden people started whining about the setups of this tournament and the maps that were chosen and the deadlines that were set!  Hey, this is Ves tournament, dont forget.

As for prizes, Ves donates that outta his own pocket as a hobby.  And this is a private tournament, so there is no law that says he has to give out prizes or even finish a tournament to the end.  He is GOD here.  I too liked the idea that TOH started running somewhat like a Democracy but as you can see there are way to many people who abuse it and ruin it for the rest.  They act like little kids.

I agree with ves that if these tournaments arent functioning as they were intended then cancel them.  EVERY subtourny when initiated is given a deadline.  When Toh first started in season 1 those deadlines were STRICT! There was no extenions, no excuses.  Now it seems that every divsion war is 2 weeks past due.  And the clan finals, which started MONTHS ago is still only in round 2. AND half of the teams in round 1 forfieted to even make it to round 2 because they were inactive.  So clan finals should never have even made it to round 2.  Then once in round 2, it sat dormant as the remaining lcans traded e-mails but never did anything.  So my suggestion to some of you people complaining is to try harder to get these games played if you dont want these tournaments disbanded.  IN dealing with the divisions, both being general of 5 of them and being the co-ordinator, I heard every excuse in the book.  The biggest is time zone trouble.  Well I have sat up till 4am playing someone then get up at 7am and work all day, just to accomidate the time zone difference.  I have never forfieted a divsion game and the reason is becasue I do what ever it takes to get them played and played fast.  

In my opinion, I think TOH needs to go back to a dictatorship style.  When a tuornament starts the rules are laid out the maps are posted and assigned.  If you dont like the setup dont join.  Same thing with divisions, I heard so much crap about the artifacts and the advantage it gave.  Well that was known when you started in divisions, and that is ONE of the perks, of what you are fighting for is to win an artifact to aid in your future wars. Yet people still whine and cry.  If they dont like it dont join!

That is the core problem with why this subtournaments are shuting down.  To many people join then decide they dont like the rules and want to change the rules as they go to fit them.  Just play and have fun, if you get a crappy map posted that you dont like or never played then play it do your best and move on.  If your divison sucks and cant win the best artifacts then quit that divsion and join one that can.  If your clan members leave you in middle of finals then request to still play the war on your own take on the opponnet 1 agasint 4.  Better that just sitting there for 2 months then when the thing gets canceled start complaining.

There are tons of great honorable players in TOH that have the respect for TOH and the people who work hard to run the tournament, and there are the many others who take it for granted and complain all the time that is the ones to blame for the recent subtourny closing.

respect TOH, respect Ves, respect everyone!  


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Supreme Hero
posted October 20, 2001 04:10 AM

My personal opinion (not that it matters a lot) is that people take the whole thing too serious. Just chill out, enjoy the game and have fun. Ves is doing his best, with running such a huge ongoing tourney, working full time, his marriage etc, its a hell of a lot of work. You may say "why doesnt he get volunteers?" well he has some, like jinxer etc, and they do a great job, but I think Ves has been burned by volunteers in the past. i dont have a prob with the way he runs it, but its a pity that other people do. And as for the antirussian conspiracy, dont make me laugh. Better sack the whole tourney,coz Flamingo is in front in everything

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Tavern Dweller
posted October 20, 2001 08:11 AM

yea i say this in a mood of standing in front of  all toh players lol

first of all i thanx to vesuvius

i am not a christian ..but if u are christian u will agree why vesuvius is a god

god made this world and gave us chance to believe him and if we do then we go to heaven

very simple! yea i agree a lot to jinxer
he made this for his hobby and he is doing well
(thinking that i am the owner of toh)

but i hope vesuvius will give us more liberty

i am a korean
200years ago in korea there was a king who ruled this land
the people under him were slaves(yea it was)

cuz u created this..yea u have a right to rule  a lot

but if we all shut up our mouths

will vesuvius be happy?

i hope he will not i want him a president of democracy not a king of despotic government

till now he was a nice president in toh (though i am complaining about my 2 cherries!) hehe

have u ever read"animal farm?"
some laws were created without any agreement with anyone
the pigs(in the novel) made it ..and other animals had no chance to agree

2 cherries came to me like that(u all may say those 2 cherries came to me cuz of my dishonor?)

yea but at least to me i felt like that..
i hope i can complain about this
if he would boot me from toh cuz i complained ..then it's not good for all ..

anyway thanx vesuvius thanx jinxer and thanx to all

i still wanna be god myself(it's buddist theory) ))))))
so give me more chance to complain
can u vesuvius?


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Famous Hero
I am a mean person shame on me
posted October 21, 2001 12:20 AM


whats that?

off topic a bit... for matches not being done on time is a simple reason really. This game got old not as many people are excited to play a game anymore. There are those that do and i envy em i think. Game bores you ? why play? thats what happened in season 2-3 and will untill heroes 4 comes out as the next NEW thing

Sad but true heroes just got dull no matter how much u spice it up I myself am waiting for heroes 4 (maybe that will get my interest back where it was in season 1

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Tavern Dweller
posted October 21, 2001 02:40 AM

jinxer, plz tell me about forfieted the GM in the very end of the tournamen when I stayed only with one opponent, Avrora...? it was only one forfiet during this huge tournament in the very begining... all other games were honorable & honest ...

After final pare was set, i mailed of days about map & host in couple, & this tournament was forfieted as a result on the next day after my letter...?

It bored ? Whom & why ???

       sry 4 my bad english,              A_I_R1.

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Tavern Dweller
posted October 21, 2001 03:25 PM

I played in TOH from his opening , I saw in TOH everytime politic "double stardarts".
As for me now...I just know now that can be tommorow and for me news not surprise.

p.s. Jinxer you are right , of course. If i was creator of such tourney , I was  dictator ). Anyway, Ves thanks for your job.

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Famous Hero
posted October 21, 2001 06:03 PM
Edited By: AndiAngelslayer on 21 Oct 2001

jinxer: When I first joined TOH, Vesuvius was the KING the PRESIDENT, the Head honcho.

well i wouldnt take that so serious...ves satisfaction should be to see his tourney and web page being one of the biggest that there is, and seeing what great things he has done for all heroes players and for the game.

but also dont forget heroes can be played without TOH too, so he needs to show respect as well as all others need to show to him, which is done most of the times of course, but if people dont like something than they must be able to say it, that doesnt mean the respect is gone.


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Tavern Dweller
posted October 21, 2001 07:26 PM

Jinxer, you are a major asskisser

Now, go and set up a clan of Vesuvius worshippers. Anyone that doesn't join is be beaten to death by a whip.

On a more serious note...

There ain't no such thing as "too much democracy". Screwing the rules is not democracy, it's anarchy. Democracy is precisely that: "There are some rules, we all have to play by those rules, not by whatever a ruler might have in mind every now and then".

ToH has outgrown it's founder and has become a great entity - ves has to really be proud of his creation. But he knows that something that big needs other than strict monarch-like ruling.  It needs rules everyone respects and obeys - not because some powerful superbeing is going to spank one if he doesn't obey, but because they are the rules.

So, you better find a way to enforce the existing rules and stop posting that kind of monarch loving crap...

No offense, just some remarks.

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Legendary Hero
posted October 21, 2001 11:57 PM

Ubik, you misunderstood my angle of my post.

I do not wish for it to become a dictatorship, infact I like the aspect of TOH that many peoples input is welcomed.  However, you say to enforce the rules?  how?  Soon as we try to enforce rules, people cry and whine and start trashing on Ves and TOH claiming no honor and double standard.  Soon as TOH enforces its disband if deadlines are not met rule people like air1 start calling Ves racist.  So you cannot please everyone.  Only way everyone will be happy is if thye all get there way?  Hmm Ubik, can you answer how we do that?  If you can then, I would like to have you on board to help TOH.

All I asked in my post was for Respect for TOH.  I am not sure how that makes me an ASSKISSER!  I respect and understand TOH.  I have been a volunteer since the beginnning.  And I know Ves personally.  So I understand alot more about what goes on in and around TOH much more than you do.  I am just tired of seeing the disrespect being spouted openly in zone chat room. If all these people really think they can make TOH better in some way then by all means mail Ves with there suggestions.  But going into Zone and openly complaining and trashing TOH cause things dont run the way they think that is total disrespect and silly.

And to Andi, if Heroes can do with out TOH, then why do so many people join and stay in TOH?  And if you have such a low respect for TOH why do you stay.  Why not go and play heroes on your own, in Myths or HK.

Anyways, if anyone has any suggestions on how to make the TOH community more cohesive, with less fighting and complaining then by all means post your suggestions here.

I think H4 will solve alot of these issues, hoepfully it doesnt get postponed.



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Famous Hero
posted October 22, 2001 12:10 AM

And to Andi, if Heroes can do with out TOH, then why do so many people join and stay in TOH? And if you have such a low respect for TOH why do you stay. Why not go and play heroes on your own, in Myths or HK.

what do you mean jinxer?

why do i have low respect? read what i wrote before you say such a thing. i said what ves did and does was great all should respect him, but he needs to respect the other players too.

i gotta ask seriously, who you think you are telling me such a crap?

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Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted October 22, 2001 01:33 AM


ok people, just calm down.  ToH continues, ToH continues.  We all can look forward to homm4 (except for those who may not end up liking it)  and from there things only get better.  Its just that ive been too much of a yes-man accepting every comment and modification, but it lead to a few chaotic situations I do not have the energy to support.  
We have some good tourneys, and of course the main tourney itself in the rankings.
I look forward to all the good things I have prepared that are still dormant, waiting for homm4, like Clans and Land Based Divisions.
I can smell it... the TOH homm4 Clans will be come the most popular and active subtournament TOH has ever had....

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Tavern Dweller
posted October 22, 2001 02:07 AM


We have some good tourneys, and of course the main tourney itself in the rankings.
I look forward to all the good things I have prepared that are still dormant, waiting for homm4, like Clans and Land Based Divisions.

     Ves, you said that the main tournament was GM before ... so why do you forfieted it ?????  when Air  vs Avrora was in a final.
     And Jinxer, you do not answer this question too... The Ves's site is great, but explain this plz...

     It is no reason for anybody to blame anyone if he has no proves...., so try to blame me or GM tournament..., anyway, Ves, i mailed you about my host & map in GM, and you forfieted it in next letter... WHY ???

     sry 4 my bed english,          A_I_R1.


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Legendary Hero
posted October 22, 2001 05:05 AM
Edited By: Jinxer on 21 Oct 2001

I apologize Andi if I misunderstood you.  I got mixed signals from you.  You appeared to be attacking Ves in the zone other day when talking to Air1, is where I based my post earlier.  But if I misunderstood you then I apologize.

Btw:  what does this mean?
Andi: "i gotta ask seriously, who you think you are telling me such a crap? "



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Famous Hero
posted October 22, 2001 06:16 AM

I play in ToH because I can get a game much easier with more knowing and honorable players.
One of the first things someone asks u when u wanna play with them is , "u in toh?"  and after that "handle please?".
Well, I think u get my point.

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Famous Hero
posted October 22, 2001 09:21 AM

Who gives a sh*t if people respect it or not.

It's gonna go on and kick as* regardless of how people feel.

It's like if 100 million people from the middle east don't like the U.S..

Well whoopty sh*t. Whatchu gonna do?

Something as strong as this doesn't need to care about how people feel.

It just marches on.


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Legendary Hero
posted October 22, 2001 02:02 PM

Mocara oh wise one, you are very correct.  And I already know this.

My request for respect was not because I feared TOH getting weak. lol.  I know better.  But rather to try and improve the community and fun and enjoyment of the player base.

Nothing will ever bring TOH down, until Ves shuts it down.  Would just be nice if all the players played with honor respect and had fun while in TOH was my point.

I guess peace on earth would prolly happen faster ehh??  


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Famous Hero
posted October 22, 2001 03:31 PM

Hehee, I remember the first time I started in TOH, There was a huge amount of respect for Ves and TOH. If somebody started badmouthing it in zone, u could be sure that at least 5 ppl came down on u. Now its more like okay, I understand ur grievance, and okay then its ok to badmouth it.
Well in my humble opinion it aint, and will never be. Its completely free to join TOH. The only thing Im responsible for is to get my games played if I opt to join a tournament, but as that is completely voluntarely, I really dont have any responsibilities except not to cheat.
Its Ves and the volunteers that do all the work concerning TOH, and they do it in their sparetime and for free.
So if people got something to complain about, write a mail in a sober voice, try seeing it from Ves side, and reread ur mail before u send it.
That is common respect.
If ya dont like TOH, dont join it, but please dont badmouth it in the zone, or on this forum.
Why? u might ask.
Well common courtesy.
And if u do it anyways, dont be surprised if I call u a stupid ars, coz thats what u are, again in my humble opinion.


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Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted October 23, 2001 01:11 AM

a common thing nowadays

When a player has a grievance with TOH, they will usually display it on the zone; the best is when the Honor Council boots a player I didnt even know who, and they come in the zone sending hate messages about Vesuvius.   But its all ok.  Long ago... Mocara do you remember?  Before homm3 came out, I told Mocara, I dont really want to run a tournament for homm3, but if I dont see anything reliable or good on the horizon, I would attempt one, and when started, wont quit or make it disappear.
So I kept to that promise.  Never in that time did I expect it to become so big.... the homm2 days tourneys were based on a set of 15-80 active players, so one expected it to be the same for homm3.  

When I spent this last $5000 for the new server/automation on season IV, it essentially sealed my commitment to TOH.  At least, you would have to call me an Idiot for putting such money then shutting it down a few months later... especially with such history.

But for all reading this post, this is my most important statement; whether you play for rank, prizes or not, TOH most importantly stands for permanence and history; that is no matter when you play in TOH, you can expect to see your record in some form with all its history whenever you decide to come back.  You can trust it to be reliable and not disappear, and keep all your history as long as heroes exists.

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Legendary Hero
posted October 23, 2001 01:54 AM


Woops I almost forgot I was gonna send in my donation to TOH.

I send it in this week Ves  =)

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Famous Hero
posted October 23, 2001 10:35 AM

I think people should be allowed to insult whatever they want.

I think people should be allowed to burn the flag or put down toh.

In my opinion it makes people looke stupid but it shows the security of the organization when it can let insults roll off them without getting defensive.



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